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PC Or Mac? If PC; Windows or Linux?

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Topic: PC Or Mac? If PC; Windows or Linux?
Posted By: pammiwhammi
Subject: PC Or Mac? If PC; Windows or Linux?
Date Posted: July 04 2005 at 12:31
All of the above ecxcept Windows. I have an iMac g-3 that I use for chat, email, etc, I have a PC with Fedora Core Linux in my studio, our server runs Fedora Core, and I have it on my laptop. I might quit using PCs though, cause there are just too many out-of-box failures. Plus, what could be cooler than a Mac Mini?

"I repeat myself when under stress, I repeat myself when under stress, I repeat myself when under stress..."

Posted By: Certif1ed
Date Posted: July 04 2005 at 16:35

When Macs go wrong, they REALLY go wrong.

I always "roll-my-own" PCs, and rarely have a problem, although I have to admit that I've been doing this for over 15 years, have a degree in computing and work in software engineering...

What could be cooler than a Mac Mini?

These? - /p/2000000003844/3000000149681/8836053051.htm

These? -  

These? -


These are simply more reasons why PCs can be pretty cool - I'm not saying PCs are better than Macs, it's just easier to make them go slightly wrong because they are more customisable.

Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: July 04 2005 at 16:39

I also build my own PCs ... currently I'm using an Athlon 64 3000+ (939) with 1GB ram and 160GB disk drive (raid 0), and a neat GF 6800 (passive cooling) and a Soub Blaster Audigy 2.

Oh, and Windows XP Media Center Edition.

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Posted By: goose
Date Posted: July 04 2005 at 18:11
Problem with Macs is... the OS is Apple, the hardware is Apple, the peripherals are Apple, half the software is Apple...

Posted By: pammiwhammi
Date Posted: July 05 2005 at 07:48
Actually if you install X-11 you can run most open source linux software on a Mac as long as its running OS 10.3 or later....

"I repeat myself when under stress, I repeat myself when under stress, I repeat myself when under stress..."

Posted By: goose
Date Posted: July 05 2005 at 08:19
But then, you may as well be using a PC really.

Posted By: JrKASperov
Date Posted: July 05 2005 at 09:08
windows XP

it's stable enough for what I do.


Posted By: Certif1ed
Date Posted: July 06 2005 at 02:52
Less of your horse-play, if you please...

Posted By: the dragon
Date Posted: July 06 2005 at 09:35

Still alive...

Posted By: Logos
Date Posted: July 06 2005 at 14:04
Microsoft sucks ass!!!!!!!!!!

Need I say more?

Posted By: Cygnus X-2
Date Posted: July 06 2005 at 14:21

I dislike Apple, always have. It's all style and no substance. Guess what I use.

P.S. Let's not let Steve Jobs rule the world now.


Posted By: pammiwhammi
Date Posted: July 06 2005 at 20:37
From a strictly tongue-in-cheek point of view...I'd never marry Bill Gates. Steve Jobs? No. Linus Torvalds? Hmm. He IS kinda cute, in a geeky-stuffed-shirt sort of way...Mrs Torvalds...has a nice ring to it....

"I repeat myself when under stress, I repeat myself when under stress, I repeat myself when under stress..."

Posted By: Don_Frog
Date Posted: July 09 2005 at 12:43
A pc with windoze me, but I use mozilla firefox for a browser and mozilla thunderbird for email.

Posted By: LDGuy
Date Posted: July 09 2005 at 15:10

Posted By: BillBoh1971
Date Posted: July 11 2005 at 19:04
Still using Windows 98 and sooner or later i'll have to decide to buy XP or to switch to Linux. My browser is Mozilla Firefox of course (IE is very dangerous to use nowadays, and is so outdated!) and soon i'm gonna switch from Outlook Express to Thunderbird.

Posted By: The Doctor
Date Posted: July 11 2005 at 19:08
I'm using a hammer, chisel and clay tablets.  Oh, and an abacus.

I can understand your anger at me, but what did the horse I rode in on ever do to you?

Posted By: TheProgtologist
Date Posted: July 11 2005 at 19:52
PC,Windows XP and Mozilla Firefox


Posted By: Certif1ed
Date Posted: July 12 2005 at 02:53

Originally posted by The Doctor The Doctor wrote:

I'm using a hammer, chisel and clay tablets.  Oh, and an abacus.

So how do you connect to the internet then; A tin can and a piece of string?

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: July 12 2005 at 03:50
Originally posted by BillBoh1971 BillBoh1971 wrote:

Still using Windows 98 and sooner or later i'll have to decide to buy
XP or to switch to Linux. My browser is Mozilla Firefox of course (IE
is very dangerous to use nowadays, and is so outdated!) and soon i'm
gonna switch from Outlook Express to Thunderbird.

I agree, Mozilla and Thunderbird are better.
About switching to Linux, I thought about it many times, but It's needed a better knowledge about computers.
Lately when I have a serious problem with Windows XP(too often), I use a program called "Norton Ghost", previously you have to make a copy of an optimum computer properties (your wallpaper, icons you want, programs, etc), and working good; in case you get a virus or spyware that you can't delete or any other problem, and need to recover system, it would take a long time, but using that Ghost, I install that copy in 5 minutes.

Posted By: Empathy
Date Posted: July 13 2005 at 16:52
I'm a happy Mac user. I use a PC at work, because they make me. I've always wanted to give Linux a whirl, but never got around to it.

Pure Brilliance:

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