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David's Lyre

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Category: Other music related lounges
Forum Name: General Music Discussions
Forum Description: Discuss and create polls about all types of music
Printed Date: March 12 2025 at 16:52
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 11.01 -

Topic: David's Lyre
Posted By: daslaf
Subject: David's Lyre
Date Posted: December 12 2011 at 22:36
So, doing some random browsing on youtube the other day I found this band/solo artist called David's Lyre... It may not be the most original thing on earth, but I really like how the music sounds... It reminds me a little of Everything Everything, anyway check it out...

Any recommendation of something in the vein of this kind of music? I would call it some kind of electronic indie-rock, but I really don't know if the tag would make it justice, since I don't know almost anything about the "indie" scene...

But now my branches suffer
And my leaves don't bear the glow
They did so long ago

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