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The most intriguing conspiracy theory

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Topic: The most intriguing conspiracy theory
Posted By: AtomicCrimsonRush
Subject: The most intriguing conspiracy theory
Date Posted: November 14 2011 at 05:15
So many conspiracies going around but which one interests you the most? and do you think any of these theories are really true?

I have done quite a bit of research into these - if you want to know more google each one and you will be surprised.


Posted By: JJLehto
Date Posted: November 14 2011 at 05:49
The Gemstone File

Look it up

Pretty much the grand daddy of all conspiracy theories. I can't even begin to explain it...

Also, another one once that always tickled my fancy:
The Illuminati planned what we would now call WW3 (a global war with massive theaters) back in the late 1800s to eliminate the world's 3 major religions.
All the worlds leaders have thus taken planned steps, manipulating us all, to  bring us to that point.

Ah internet, where you can easily find all this good stuff :D

Posted By: irrelevant
Date Posted: November 14 2011 at 05:52
Being interested in subliminal advertising I had to vote for that. Though these are some great, interesting conspiracies.  

-------------" rel="nofollow - New album!" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: progkidjoel
Date Posted: November 14 2011 at 06:10
Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

The Gemstone File

Look it up

Oh, gosh... 

That's, um...

Yeah. Wow.


Posted By: AtomicCrimsonRush
Date Posted: November 14 2011 at 06:18
Gemstone File?

Have to check that.... never heard of


Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: November 14 2011 at 07:04
Probably a five way tie between Big pharma, UFOs, JFK, 9/11, and subliminal.  The rest are just dumb.

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: November 14 2011 at 07:31
From the list; 9/11.

Although I'm not convinced by all the CT's relating to it, you have to go on an extraordinary journey and departure from reality and reason, to accept the offial account as it was presented to us, imo.

Also, the Georgia Guidestones anyone? I find them quite intriguing. I'd love to meet the man who decreed that humanity needs to be maintained at less than 500,000,000 "in balance with nature" I'm curious as to how he thinks this can be achieved.

Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: Vompatti
Date Posted: November 14 2011 at 07:34
The alien/UFO thing, assuming it also includes the theories of Erich von Däniken.

Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: November 14 2011 at 07:38
It is all crap.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: November 14 2011 at 07:38
For me I can entertain the notion that 9/11 was a conspiracy based on how the Bush administration was floundering and then brazenly used it for political gain.  But I think it more likely just an act of incompetence by an administration hell bent on undoing everything from the Clinton administration that there wasn't any continuity of  the anti-terrorist pursuits of that administration.

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: November 14 2011 at 07:47
I think all conspiracy theories adequately demonstrate that you can make this stuff up.


Posted By: Finnforest
Date Posted: November 14 2011 at 07:51
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

I think all conspiracy theories adequately demonstrate that you can make this stuff up.

...that moment you realize you like "Mob Rules" better than "Heaven and Hell"

Posted By: zappaholic
Date Posted: November 14 2011 at 18:54
Oh come on, every rational person knows the Illuminati is real and is run by George Soros.

*calmly waits for the ensuing flamewar*

"Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard." -- H.L. Mencken

Posted By: The Doctor
Date Posted: November 14 2011 at 18:59
Originally posted by zappaholic zappaholic wrote:

Oh come on, every rational person knows the Illuminati is real and is run by George Soros.

*calmly waits for the ensuing flamewar*

Then here's to the Illuminati.  Beer

I can understand your anger at me, but what did the horse I rode in on ever do to you?

Posted By: manofmystery
Date Posted: November 14 2011 at 20:18
Originally posted by Slartibartfast Slartibartfast wrote:

For me I can entertain the notion that 9/11 was a conspiracy based on how the Bush administration was floundering and then brazenly used it for political gain.  But I think it more likely just an act of incompetence by an administration hell bent on undoing everything from the Clinton administration that there wasn't any continuity of  the anti-terrorist pursuits of that administration.
So, you're saying it's possible that the 93 Trade Center bombing was the result of an imcompetent administration hell bent on undoing everything from the first Bush administration?  Of course, Clinton would never have gone to war for political reasons *cough* Kosovo *cough cough*.  Being fractionally less sh*tty than the guy who follows you doesn't mean you were good at your job.  
I am sick of 9/11 conspiracists.  The attacks were not perpetrated by our goverrnment directly but indirectly, through decades of atrocious foreign policy, by administrations from both parties.
The option of "aliens and UFOs" does that mean that they don't exist and that they have been made up?  Because that would be a much better conspiracy than anything else here.
I did vote for "Marilyn Monroe was deliberately killed" for fun and because I think maybe, just maybe, the Kennedy's were involved. Big smile


Time always wins.

Posted By: Triceratopsoil
Date Posted: November 14 2011 at 20:29
The Earth is flat, people

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: November 14 2011 at 20:39
Well subliminal ads is no theory but rather an unethical practice that has taken many forms from the blatant to the concealed, but hardly what I'd call a 'conspiracy'.   The only thing on this list that has any evidential credibility - that is, evidence the initial claims of conspiracy in the event are real, not that there is a conspiracy to cover it up - is the Kennedy killing.   In fact the case and its players are so bizarre, complex and obscured, that Oswald could have shot at the President alone and you still could have had a conspiracy.   It remains the biggest mystery of the 20th century, IMO.

Posted By: manofmystery
Date Posted: November 14 2011 at 20:42
Oswald, and only Oswald, shot Kennedy.  His motives are a mystery, yes.


Time always wins.

Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: November 14 2011 at 22:30
Originally posted by manofmystery manofmystery wrote:

So, you're saying it's possible that the 93 Trade Center bombing was the result of an imcompetent administration hell bent on undoing everything from the first Bush administration?  Of course, Clinton would never have gone to war for political reasons *cough* Kosovo *cough cough*.  Being fractionally less sh*tty than the guy who follows you doesn't mean you were good at your job.  
I am sick of 9/11 conspiracists.  The attacks were not perpetrated by our goverrnment directly but indirectly, through decades of atrocious foreign policy, by administrations from both parties.
The option of "aliens and UFOs" does that mean that they don't exist and that they have been made up?  Because that would be a much better conspiracy than anything else here.
I did vote for "Marilyn Monroe was deliberately killed" for fun and because I think maybe, just maybe, the Kennedy's were involved. Big smile

We're in conspiracy land here.  Anything is possible.  Being fractionally less sh*tty means you were less sh*tty.  Hey, let's weave all these things into one massive uber conspiracy. Big smile

I'm thinking we'll need some chronological organization to it though to really fit the pieces together.

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: November 14 2011 at 22:39
Originally posted by manofmystery manofmystery wrote:

Oswald, and only Oswald, shot Kennedy.  His motives are a mystery, yes.
This may be true, but the empirical evidence suggests other possibilities--  if you go by the state evidence, that deemed as correct by officials involved in the investigation, than yes it was clearly Oswald alone.

Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: November 14 2011 at 22:40
Roswell was a Cover Up? 1947
Marilyn Monroe was deliberately killed 1962
The JFK Assassination had more than one shooter 1963
Paul McCartney is really Dead? 1968
Apollo Moon Landing, a hoax? 1969
Elvis is not dead? 1977
Lady Diana was assassinated? 1997
9/11, a set up for political means? 2001
Michael Jackson's death was deliberate? 2009
The Illuminati world domination
Aliens and UFOs exist?
Subliminal Advertising theory
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
Big Pharma Drug conspiracy
Satanic Murder cults hoax

Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: November 14 2011 at 22:43
17793 so far.

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

Posted By: Anthony H.
Date Posted: November 14 2011 at 22:44


Posted By: Henry Plainview
Date Posted: November 14 2011 at 22:49
Originally posted by Blacksword Blacksword wrote:

Although I'm not convinced by all the CT's relating to it, you have to go on an extraordinary journey and departure from reality and reason, to accept the offial account as it was presented to us, imo.


I don't find any of these very interesting to read about. They're all crazy and stupid, but not in a bizarrely entertaining way like Reptilians.

if you own a sodastream i hate you

Posted By: The Truth
Date Posted: November 14 2011 at 22:52
I've never come across any evidence about the 9/11 thing online, just uninspired searching?

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Padraic
Date Posted: November 14 2011 at 22:53
A nearby telephone pole tells me 9/11 was an inside job.

Posted By: colorofmoney91
Date Posted: November 14 2011 at 22:57
Aliens built everything ever.

-------------" rel="nofollow - Hanashukketsu

Posted By: Henry Plainview
Date Posted: November 14 2011 at 23:04
Originally posted by Padraic Padraic wrote:

A nearby telephone pole tells me 9/11 was an inside job.


if you own a sodastream i hate you

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: November 14 2011 at 23:21
it shows why evidence is so important, e.g. McCartney, Diana, Moon Landing, Jacko, Illuminati, Subliminal Ads, Zion, Drugs, Elvis, Satanic cults, and Roswell all have little to no evidence backing up their empty paranoia

Posted By: KoS
Date Posted: November 14 2011 at 23:21

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: November 14 2011 at 23:23
 ^ that guy is a friggin nut case.. but I like the hair transition graph

Posted By: colorofmoney91
Date Posted: November 14 2011 at 23:25
There's no way that guy is actually serious though. I mean, if you were going to try to convince people that aliens really did sh*t, would you seriously consider wearing that hair?

-------------" rel="nofollow - Hanashukketsu

Posted By: The Truth
Date Posted: November 14 2011 at 23:27

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: colorofmoney91
Date Posted: November 14 2011 at 23:34
Bush wasn't the alien?

-------------" rel="nofollow - Hanashukketsu

Posted By: The Truth
Date Posted: November 14 2011 at 23:37

This guy = Shocked

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: JJLehto
Date Posted: November 14 2011 at 23:56
Originally posted by AtomicCrimsonRush AtomicCrimsonRush wrote:

Gemstone File?

Have to check that.... never heard of

Joel's reaction was about mine

Originally posted by progkidjoel progkidjoel wrote:

Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

The Gemstone File

Look it up

Oh, gosh... 

That's, um...

Yeah. Wow.

If you havn't looked it up yet ACR it's truly one of the most grandiose and wild things I've heard.
Involved Aristotle Onasis and the mafia largely, covers everything from JFK and RFK shootings, and really just about everything from the mid 50's to mid 70s!

You will feel dirty reading this thing. I will provide a link to the best version I've seen.

Posted By: JJLehto
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 00:00
Originally posted by Anthony H. Anthony H. wrote:


That is just the absolute universal truth man.

Here, since I recall finding lots of sh*tty versions: The Gemstone File in its dense glory" rel="nofollow -
Read this and let it all sink inLOL

Supposedly the actual paper is like 1000 pages, so someone in the 70's condensed it into this skeleton key.

If you're into conspiracy theories ACR check out the rest of the site. It's full of em. A lot are run of the mill and involved economic/political domination and Illuminati but some are way whacked.

I don't believe in most of these things but I just like conspiracy theories, make great stories.

Posted By: Triceratopsoil
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 00:05
Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

Originally posted by Anthony H. Anthony H. wrote:


That is just the absolute universal truth man.

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 00:29
  just read the skeleton key synopsis-- wow, what a mess; I was interested until the part where Roberts starts selling his secret Ruby technology to spies around the world in exchange for information only to accidentally uncover the most elusive plot the world has ever ...  yeah wow

Posted By: JJLehto
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 00:33
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

  just read the skeleton key synopsis-- wow, what a mess; I was interested until the part where Roberts starts selling his secret Ruby technology to spies around the world in exchange for information only to accidentally uncover the most elusive plot the world has ever ...  yeah wow

So glad I could expose this to PA CoolApprove

Gotta admit the story itself is wild, and he does find a way to piece together like 100 hundred different events. Looked into some of them and the connections are all there. Surely if we want to really research in depth and think about holes will appear but that's not the fun of a conspiracy theory!

It is a mess though, and not just the glad I gave you guys this one. I found a more direct version of the original and holy hell, it's an English teacher's worst nightmare.

Posted By: colorofmoney91
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 00:41
Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:" rel="nofollow -
Read this and let it all sink inLOL

I really like the huge amounts of crazy.

-------------" rel="nofollow - Hanashukketsu

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 00:59
Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

  just read the skeleton key synopsis-- wow, what a mess; I was interested until the part where Roberts starts selling his secret Ruby technology to spies around the world in exchange for information only to accidentally uncover the most elusive plot the world has ever ...  yeah wow
So glad I could expose this to PA CoolApprove

Gotta admit the story itself is wild, and he does find a way to piece together like 100 hundred different events. Looked into some of them and the connections are all there. Surely if we want to really research in depth and think about holes will appear but that's not the fun of a conspiracy theory!

It is a mess though, and not just the glad I gave you guys this one. I found a more direct version of the original and holy hell, it's an English teacher's worst nightmare.
the connections may be there but the allegations are fantastic--  Onassis kidnapping Hughes;  Estes Kefauver dying of poisoned apple pie on the Senate floor ( LOL , he drank and smoked heavily).   But it is very well-researched and convincing.

Posted By: Catcher10
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 01:18
Gemstone Files......the writings of a raving lunatic, simply looking for a movie deal. I always found the Howard Hughes portion very comical.....JFK was a decent movie and gave conspiracy theorists fuel for their fire. There are a couple of these that are interesting reads but the recent events are nothing more than someone looking for attention and a movie deal.


Posted By: stonebeard
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 01:22
Subliminal advertising seems likely, if a bit overblown. Anything involving governments (especially the US) covering up something massive, seems unlikely, given the hilarious incompetence in government. 

-------------" rel="nofollow - My soundcloud. Please give feedback if you want!

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 02:01
Originally posted by stonebeard stonebeard wrote:

Anything involving governments (especially the US) covering up something massive, seems unlikely, given the hilarious incompetence in government. 


Posted By: VanderGraafKommandöh
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 02:19
All Moon Landings
9/11 and 7/7
Princess Diana


Posted By: DavetheSlave
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 02:46
Most interesting? Probably the moon landing - I just can't figure how that was accomplished given the technology then. We must understand that what we regard as a pc today would take up just about an entire building then LOL.
The wierdest?  - Must be David Icke and his reptillian theory - the Queen is actually a big alien lizard ? Huh? LOL

I'm a normal psychopath

Posted By: JJLehto
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 04:30
Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

Gemstone Files......the writings of a raving lunatic, simply looking for a movie deal. I always found the Howard Hughes portion very comical.....JFK was a decent movie and gave conspiracy theorists fuel for their fire. There are a couple of these that are interesting reads but the recent events are nothing more than someone looking for attention and a movie deal.

Funny, I always thought it would make a pretty sweet movie.

Of course it's utter madness, and either (most likely) a fanciful story conjured up by someone or the actual beliefs of a nut.... BUT either way this thread is for the most intriguing conspiracy theory, and for me tough to beat the Gemstone Files.

All the other ones are lame and overdone, no one has seemed to have known about this one! I recall finding it on Wiki years ago Confused

Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 04:34
Originally posted by DavetheSlave DavetheSlave wrote:

Most interesting? Probably the moon landing - I just can't figure how that was accomplished given the technology then. We must understand that what we regard as a pc today would take up just about an entire building then LOL.

The wierdest?  - Must be David Icke and his reptillian theory - the Queen is actually a big alien lizard ? Huh? LOL


Icke has since claimed that his reptilian theory was a metaphor...yeah right. He once claimed he was the son of God too, but has since distanced himself from that too.

However, the man is not mad, he is a calculating dangerous sociopath in my opinion. He talks about the kind of perfectly plausible govermnent cover ups that mainstream commentators like John Pilger talk about, but juxtaposes what he says with nonesense about freemasons running the planet, and hypnotising the populace into complacency through TV, thus detracting any credibility from his more rational claims.

I'd like to know more about Ickes 'connections'

Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: CPicard
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 04:53
I never believed in any conspiracy theory. I'm a bit intrigued by some theories about JFK's death, but it doesn't make me believe that Kennedy had been killed by a CIA/KGB/Mafia/Reptilian/Disney/Nixon conspiracy.

I tend to think that there must be some life on other planets, but I don't believe Earth had already been visited - except by Jimi Hendrix.

One thing that still puzzles me is why are there so many American who swear that the Moon landing is a hoax. If the Russians managed to send a dog, then a man in space, why are there American people who denied this glory to their own country???

Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 04:57
Originally posted by CPicard CPicard wrote:

I tend to think that there must be some life on other planets, but I don't believe Earth had already been visited - except by Jimi Hendrix.

Life on other planets is undeniable.

Posted By: CPicard
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 05:00
Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

Originally posted by CPicard CPicard wrote:

I tend to think that there must be some life on other planets, but I don't believe Earth had already been visited - except by Jimi Hendrix.

Life on other planets is undeniable.

Mmmmm... Yeah, well, I'm still waiting their phone calling.

Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 05:02
Originally posted by CPicard CPicard wrote:

Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

Originally posted by CPicard CPicard wrote:

I tend to think that there must be some life on other planets, but I don't believe Earth had already been visited - except by Jimi Hendrix.

Life on other planets is undeniable.

Mmmmm... Yeah, well, I'm still waiting their phone calling.

Bacteria don't use phones yet.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: JJLehto
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 05:16
Yeah IMHO to be a good (fun) conspiracy theory it needs to be somewhat based in reality LOL
The lizard people/reptilian/shape shifting ones are just pure lunacy.

At least the Gemstone File DOES use real life events and people and finds a link for them all, even if it is just an awesome story.

                                                            AND REMEMBER
                                                            ITS ONLY A GOOD CONSPIRACY                     THEORY WHEN YOU
                                                                         GO BIG
                                                            FONT DOWN THE MIDDLE

Posted By: AtomicCrimsonRush
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 06:45
Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

Yeah IMHO to be a good (fun) conspiracy theory it needs to be somewhat based in reality LOL
The lizard people/reptilian/shape shifting ones are just pure lunacy.

At least the Gemstone File DOES use real life events and people and finds a link for them all, even if it is just an awesome story.

                                                            AND REMEMBER
                                                            ITS ONLY A GOOD CONSPIRACY                     THEORY WHEN YOU
                                                                         GO BIG
                                                            FONT DOWN THE MIDDLE

Welll The Gemstone File is a real doozy


September 8, 1974:

Ford pardons Nixon for "all crimes committed" from January 20 through August. 

Gemstone papers still floating around the world. Indira Gandhi talks about the "U.S.’s bloody deeds." 

October, 1974:

Ford drops "extradition" of Hughes form the Bahamas. Explanation: "We dropped it because we know he wouldn’t come." That’s for sure! 

October 3, 1974:

The Watergate trial - the cover-up of the cover-up - got under way, starring Montini’s Ben Veniste, Onassis’s Neal, Graham’s Jill Volner. In the White House, Mafia Mayors Alioto, Daley, and Beame met with the "truth squad" - Ford, Scott, and Griffin - and Mike Mansfield, in secret. 

October 10, 1974:

Tina Livanos Onassis Blandford Niarchos, sodium morphate-poisoned by hubby Stavros; puked, slept, and died of "heart attack." 

Losing his son, Alexander, took all the fun out of killing for Onassis. Who was there to inherit the world empire he had dreamed of handing over to his son? 

Now, people tell me what is wrong with this picture?


Posted By: AtomicCrimsonRush
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 06:51
You have to see this!" rel="nofollow -

Reptilian Illuminati coverup


Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 06:57
Originally posted by The Truth The Truth wrote:

I've never come across any evidence about the 9/11 thing online, just uninspired searching?
No, it was just covered up really well.

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

Posted By: AtomicCrimsonRush
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 07:08
Great video on various logos that are conspiring to brainwash us.... Creepy" rel="nofollow -


Posted By: someone_else
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 08:09
Voted for the Illuminati, though I believe that the role of this subset of freemasonry may be somewhat exaggerated by a few paranoid people or some pathological liars.
Other interesting conspiracy theories: the Protocols (an evil hoax, but apparently still a hit among Middle-East muslims) and Paul McCartney's death (fascinating and slightly sinister).
Not interesting: The assassination of Lady Di (I finally did not believe my own theory in which the UK's royal house, the tabloids, Selfridges and her own relatives were the chief suspects) and the 9/11 setup (of course it is!)." rel="nofollow - Here is an interesting site on the JFK assassination.


Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 08:31
I'm surprised no one has mentioned the" rel="nofollow - Bilderberg Group yet Wink


Posted By: someone_else
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 08:37
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

I'm surprised no one has mentioned the" rel="nofollow - Bilderberg Group yet Wink
That's because I forgot to mention them Embarrassed. But all those clubs (Freemasons, llluminati, Bilderbergers, Bohemian Grove, Skull & Bones, Order of Malta, Council on Foreign Relations, Rosicrucians, Trilateral Commision, Club of Rome etc. etc.) seem to tie together at the top. It is not easy to tell one from another.


Posted By: Padraic
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 08:46
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

I'm surprised no one has mentioned the" rel="nofollow - Bilderberg Group yet Wink

But do you know how to bill the Bilderberg Group?  Tongue

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 10:39
Originally posted by Padraic Padraic wrote:

Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

I'm surprised no one has mentioned the" rel="nofollow - Bilderberg Group yet Wink

But do you know how to bill the Bilderberg Group?  Tongue
D'yer think any of them carry cash?


Posted By: refugee
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 11:20
I kind of like the Roswell story. "American Computer Corporation" fooled a lot of people with this story:" rel="nofollow -

He say nothing is quite what it seems;
I say nothing is nothing
(Peter Hammill)

Posted By: Anthony H.
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 11:29
Originally posted by Triceratopsoil Triceratopsoil wrote:

Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

Originally posted by Anthony H. Anthony H. wrote:


That is just the absolute universal truth man.


Posted By: JJLehto
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 13:08
Hope you liked it ACR!
A real doozy is an understatement.

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 15:12
Space travel is a shockingly simple thing using basic physics; you shoot something past the Earth's atmosphere, get it going in the direction you want, and let inertia take it from there.  Landing is tricky but, even with big 1960s computers, is quite doable.  But that doesn't mean it wasn't a true giant step forward.

As for the ineptitude of government and its ability to cover things up, I agree it is a near impossibility.  But therein may lie an interesting truth in regards to JFK :  The nature of the crime and its players did, in fact, eventually come out (in fact suspicions began to be raised about the Warren Commission's findings as early as 1964).  However in 1963, it was assumed by almost everyone in the US and elsewhere - even Beatniks and social activists (yes there were a few in '63) - that the the American feds would conduct nothing but an unhindered, honest investigation.   Sadly, because of numerous issues and conditions surroundings the Cold War, Cuba, Southeast Asia, the Space Race, and a host of strange machinations involving CIA behavior modification/drug research and other things, the inquiry was met with a fairly big stone wall to the detriment of history and the American people.   This caused huge, sometimes accurate suspicions about government that still linger, and John Kennedy's death has never been fully understood by anyone, even those in government.

Posted By: JJLehto
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 15:15
Along the JFK lines...I only heard this conspiracy once, but it's intriguing for sure.

Supposedly he signed a bill to end the fed, (or was viewed as the beginning to ending it) and that he was murdered by those with vested interest to keeping it in place.

Just a unique one I've not usually heard outside the usual suspects of: Mafia, LBJ, commies, cubans, etc

Posted By: Catcher10
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 15:29
^ The part in the Bill that stated........."and the Kennedy mafia, I mean family, will handle all US govenrment affairs..." probably got him the bulls-eye on his back.


Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 15:31
yeah, Theory #47  LOL

We don't know if Kennedy wanted to abolish the Federal Reserve--  he did order that a certain number of Silver Certificates rather than Fed notes be issued, but that what a President is supposed to do.   If the big bankers are killing presidents, then I guess the Secret Service has their work cut out for them.   Assuming they're not in on it too.

Posted By: VanderGraafKommandöh
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 15:51
Originally posted by CPicard CPicard wrote:

I never believed in any conspiracy theory. I'm a bit intrigued by some theories about JFK's death, but it doesn't make me believe that Kennedy had been killed by a CIA/KGB/Mafia/Reptilian/Disney/Nixon conspiracy.

I tend to think that there must be some life on other planets, but I don't believe Earth had already been visited - except by Jimi Hendrix.

One thing that still puzzles me is why are there so many American who swear that the Moon landing is a hoax. If the Russians managed to send a dog, then a man in space, why are there American people who denied this glory to their own country???

Mayhap because the Russian claims were fake as well?

Or perhaps it's because they didn't go through the Van Allen Belt (I've not read whether they did or not).


Posted By: VanderGraafKommandöh
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 15:53
Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

Originally posted by CPicard CPicard wrote:

Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

Originally posted by CPicard CPicard wrote:

I tend to think that there must be some life on other planets, but I don't believe Earth had already been visited - except by Jimi Hendrix.

Life on other planets is undeniable.

Mmmmm... Yeah, well, I'm still waiting their phone calling.

Bacteria don't use phones yet.


I don't believe there's intelligent life forms on other planets but there is quite conceivably life of a lesser form.  Such as bacteria.


Posted By: VanderGraafKommandöh
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 16:01
I also forgot to mention all the links with the Bush and Harriman families and thus Skull & Bones and links to MK-Ultra and other lovely things.

Oh and I keep meaning to read about the Rosicrucians.  I haven't had a chance yet to do so.  I know Edgar Bulwer-Lytton wrote a novel based on them though.


Posted By: JJLehto
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 16:59
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

yeah, Theory #47  LOL

We don't know if Kennedy wanted to abolish the Federal Reserve--  he did order that a certain number of Silver Certificates rather than Fed notes be issued, but that what a President is supposed to do.   If the big bankers are killing presidents, then I guess the Secret Service has their work cut out for them.   Assuming they're not in on it too.

Yeah, when I read the bill it didn't seem at all like he was trying to end the fed. They claim he wanted to though and that was step one, never once heard such a thing so unless there is some personal convo they got that from....sounds like a conspiracy theory to me Tongue

Posted By: Catcher10
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 17:02
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

yeah, Theory #47  LOL

We don't know if Kennedy wanted to abolish the Federal Reserve--  he did order that a certain number of Silver Certificates rather than Fed notes be issued, but that what a President is supposed to do.   If the big bankers are killing presidents, then I guess the Secret Service has their work cut out for them.   Assuming they're not in on it too.

.....Theory #47, subsection A, Part II


Posted By: AtomicCrimsonRush
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 17:04
Just watched this and its astonishing concerning the meaning of the twin towers in Freemasonry.

Fascinating but is it true?" rel="nofollow -


Posted By: JJLehto
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 17:07
That's just it, JFK alone has spawned like 100 theories.

We even forget about his brother, who also has his own conspiracy: That he was really shot in the back of the head from point black and Sirhan Sirhan was a decoy (and supposedly hypnotized or some sh*t  from the CIA)

I personally never liked a lot of the Freemason ones because  I simply think it's not true. Funny I know given the topic at hand, but I do think a fun/good conspiracy needs some grounding.
At least, I don't like a lot of the Freemason ones about Satanism and religion and all these sinister things.
The ones about them trying to control the world well.....maybe that one LOL

Posted By: JJLehto
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 17:12
The global elites have been manipulating us all since the 1800's to set up the stage for a world war to wipe out the major religions of the world.
It says so right here!" rel="nofollow -

Again, I like this one since it is grandiose, insane, and does use real events and has some connections to pull it together.
Of course using mild thoughy I'm noticing holes already but again, what's the fun of that?

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 17:22
Originally posted by James James wrote:

Originally posted by CPicard CPicard wrote:

...One thing that still puzzles me is why are there so many American who swear that the Moon landing is a hoax. If the Russians managed to send a dog, then a man in space, why are there American people who denied this glory to their own country???

Mayhap because the Russian claims were fake as well?

Or perhaps it's because they didn't go through the Van Allen Belt (I've not read whether they did or not).

Quote wikipedia: "The Apollo astronauts traveled through the Van Allen radiation belts on the way to the moon; however, exposure was minimized by following a trajectory along the edge of the belts that avoided the strongest areas of radiation. The total radiation exposure to astronauts was estimated to be much less than the five (5) rem set by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission for people who work with radioactivity."

"The problem of protecting astronauts against the radiation found within the Van Allen belts was recognized before the advent of manned space flight... The simple solution to protection is to remain under the belts [below an altitude of approximately 556 km (? 300 nautical miles)] when in Earth orbit, and to traverse the belts rapidly on the way to outer space..." Quoth NASA
... of course for a tru-CT that is all part of the cover-upWink


Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 17:30
Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

yeah, Theory #47  LOL

We don't know if Kennedy wanted to abolish the Federal Reserve--  he did order that a certain number of Silver Certificates rather than Fed notes be issued, but that what a President is supposed to do.   If the big bankers are killing presidents, then I guess the Secret Service has their work cut out for them.   Assuming they're not in on it too.
Yeah, when I read the bill it didn't seem at all like he was trying to end the fed. They claim he wanted to though and that was step one, never once heard such a thing so unless there is some personal convo they got that from....sounds like a conspiracy theory to me Tongue
actually that's an interesting, rarely discussed and quite legitimate matter: Kennedy issued several Executive Orders that were never implemented, and ignored by later presidents.   The Silver Certificates was one, but the famous one was the Presidential Order pulling all troops out of Vietnam by 1964.   Johnson reversed most of those Orders, something legal but not often done by incoming presidents, and raising further suspicions.   We were lucky to have had Kennedy as long as we did, he put us on a path of negotiations and nuclear disarmament that, though it took decades, helped steer us away from disaster.  Khrushchev evidently also wanted peace and it looks as if both leaders were being pushed by their Generals into some sort of war or preemptive attack.   I'm amazed it didn't happen.  Of course it nearly did over Cuba.

This matter is covered brilliantly in James Doglass' JFK and the Unspeakable, a hugely important book all should read.

Posted By: JJLehto
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 17:41
Good point, while the Fed one is shaky, there was the one about ending Vietnam and he ended up dead not much later.
The vested interest in Vietnam is well known.
Makes for another good story.

Posted By: Catcher10
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 17:53
^ Yea it seems the one that has potential deep roots is JFK......Vietnam, Cuba, New Orleans, Dallas, Russia....even pole dancers...LOL
But that one of all probably has the most interest to me......Like I said I thought the movie JFK was pretty good. First time I saw the Zapruder film I think.....


Posted By: Catcher10
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 17:57

Even Zapruder film is a conspiracy theory/hoax......." rel="nofollow -


Posted By: JJLehto
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 18:12
Yeah, I've heard before Zapruder was either altered or outright a fraud.
I can't understand altered because if so they did an amazingly lousy job LOL and that's the one thing many point to as visible proof he could not have been killed as we're if it was made up completely, again they really suck!

Ugh, that repeating frame of JFK is tough to watch. When you really consider what it is that is happening...

Posted By: AtomicCrimsonRush
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 18:57
Have been watching fascinating series on symbolism in buildings and corporate logos

such as" rel="nofollow -

It is quite fascinating but the symbolism implies here that massive advanced technology such as actual time travel is being hidden from us and will be revealed in future. Stargate is not interesting to me but apparently the wheel and blue light as well as pyramids with obelisk in centre and blue column of light above is a secret 'reveal' - a Freemasons symbol

so we have symbols such as

seen on" rel="nofollow -

Intriguing take on Oscars symbolism here" rel="nofollow -

This can really mess with your head so take as a grain of salt

pretty bizarre synchronicity though.


Posted By: zappaholic
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 19:03
Stuart Mackenzie:  Well, it's a well known fact, Sonny Jim, that there's a secret society of the five wealthiest people in the world, known as The Pentavirate, who run everything in the world, including the newspapers, and meet tri-annually at a secret country mansion in Colorado, known as The Meadows.

Tony Giardino:  So who's in this Pentavirate?

Stuart Mackenzie: 
The Queen, The Vatican, The Gettys, The Rothschilds, *and* Colonel Sanders before he went tits up. Oh, I hated the Colonel with 'is wee *beady* eyes, and that smug look on his face. "Oh, you're gonna buy my chicken! Ohhhhh!"

Charlie Mackenzie: 
Dad, how can you hate "The Colonel"?

Stuart Mackenzie: 
Because he puts an addictive chemical in his chicken that makes ya crave it fortnightly, smartass!" rel="nofollow -

"Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard." -- H.L. Mencken

Posted By: JJLehto
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 19:15
Note they are always reporters, or Wubya. Never a regular person but always someone on film...surely cant be a weird glitch or anything

It cant be look at his crazy eyes!

Gettin a bit serious, it was needed to post some hilarious BSLOL
These reptilians have some serious balls, I mean why is it always news reporters they become? They are taunting us. Also they need medical help, since so often they can't seem to control their shape shifting!

Posted By: The Doctor
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 19:20
My favorite conspiracy theory is that there is a website which on the surface seems to be dedicated to a somewhat obscure music form, but in reality is a base of operations for a small group of "special collaborators" who are plotting to take over the world.   Wacko

I can understand your anger at me, but what did the horse I rode in on ever do to you?

Posted By: AtomicCrimsonRush
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 19:46
Originally posted by The Doctor The Doctor wrote:

My favorite conspiracy theory is that there is a website which on the surface seems to be dedicated to a somewhat obscure music form, but in reality is a base of operations for a small group of "special collaborators" who are plotting to take over the world.   Wacko

Sssssssssshhhhhhhhhh! They must not find this out

Emblematic Structure of Freemasonry


Posted By: AtomicCrimsonRush
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 19:54
^^^ Is that Freemasons G the same as the Google G?

Why is is that every so called conspiracy is right before our eyes - we see these symbols daily but pay no attention to any dark meaning behind them?

Anyway it gets bad when the entertainment industry is being targetted such as here" rel="nofollow -

apparently all musicians are bound to a code to carry out the 'cause'

I quote (but don't necessarily believe) the following:

  • Many artists are themselves involved in the Occult and members of secret societies like the ones mentioned above, and the Church of Satan[" rel="nofollow - 1 ]. They are practicing Occultism and Black Magic (like Marilyn Manson, Ozzy Osbourne, Led Zeppelin to name a few), and this web site has the ambition to reveal what is behind the "glamour". Their task is to demoralize our youth, to create a society where no one is able to think for themselves (contrary to what the pop culture is trying to teach us about the "rebellious" rock music). The Art Industry creates "Icons" with degrading and Satanic messages, whom are supposed to be a replacement for the 'invisible' God. The musicians are also often acting degraded and high or low on drugs, so their fans start acting the same. The purpose is to create apathy and decay. Quite a few recordings have subliminal backward messages in their music, like Led Zeppelin, Michael Jackson, The Eagles, and more ... Here is a website that tells you more about Backmasking:" rel="nofollow - . There is no doubt these backward messages exist, but the question is, who put them there? The record companies? The musicians? Demons? In the long run, it doesn't matter that much. It's there, and it DOES affect our subconscious minds, and it's not positive...

Does this all sound crazy? Unbelievable? Yes, it does. However, hopefully you will change your mind after have read the articles on this web page, and the" rel="nofollow -  from people who themselves are/were working in the Music Industry. My true ambition is to help putting a stop to what is happening in the Industry, to stop the vicious mind control, which creates rich but powerless puppets, whose purpose are to mislead, degrade and kill. Hopefully, the reader will see the truth and spread the word of mouth to reveal and possibly save those who "Sold their Souls to Rock And Roll (And Mind Control)".

And who am I? I am Wes Penre, a former rock musician and composer. I am one of those who did not fit into the Agenda of the Elite. I am one of those who at that time didn't understand why my revealing lyrics and melodic songs were not appreciated at the Record Companies. Now I know better. And no matter what some people might think, I am NOT a bitter, failed musician, who wants to "get even" with the Industry. I live a life I am very happy with, and even if I had the chance again, I would not sign up to be a professional musician.


Posted By: Henry Plainview
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 20:00
Dear God that was depressing, JJ. For 3 minutes I was inside that guy's mind, and it is not a happy place...

The top comment: "I found this difficult to masturbate to, but not impossible."

if you own a sodastream i hate you

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 20:04
Originally posted by AtomicCrimsonRush AtomicCrimsonRush wrote:

Have been watching fascinating series on symbolism in buildings and corporate logos

pretty bizarre synchronicity though.
The pyramid and the all seeing eye of providence on the dollar bill predates its use in Fremasonary by about 20 years - not an impressive fact I admit, but one that puts the cart before the horse so to speak. Other masonic symbology is likewise purloined from other sources, and since much of it relates to stone masons (who were responsible for "architecure" in the days before preformed concrete and steel structures) it is hardly a mystery that much of this symbology appears in the architechture of the past 200 years, copiests that we are.
The ingenuity of man never fails to amaze me, that when faced with one possible and highly likely explanation and one fanciful and highly improbable that invariably it is the latter that intrigues and beguiles us the most, as if life isn't complicated enough that we need to make it even more complex and unbelievable. When there is a wealth of evidence that pyramid were constructed by man for no purpose other than to impress (a trait shared with lower creature such as the Bowerbird), so even when faced with the "wonder" of Giza and be suitibably impressed, we can chose to ignore the other 132 pyramids in Egypt and the several hundred others around the world that are on a equal or lesser scale and speculate some extra-terrestrial, supernatural or "science fiction" origin instead of accepting the obvious based upon the actual archaeological evidence; and the realisation that the "brain" that can invent a Pentium quad-core processor and the iPod is the same "brain" that built the pyramids and Stonehenge is the same "brain" that daubed mud on the wall of a cave in France is the same "brain" that migrated out of Africa to populate the entire planet and is the same "brain" that fell out of a tree and learnt to walk on two legs over 200,000 years ago.


Posted By: Luna
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 20:06
I didn't know British people could be crazy. Especially this crazy.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 20:12
Originally posted by SolarLuna96 SolarLuna96 wrote:

I didn't know British people could be crazy. Especially this crazy.
I knew Americans were unlucking in posting unquoted smart-arsed oneliners out of sequence, but not this unlucky Tongue


Posted By: stonebeard
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 20:13
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Originally posted by SolarLuna96 SolarLuna96 wrote:

I didn't know British people could be crazy. Especially this crazy.
I knew Americans were unlucking in posting unquoted smart-arsed oneliners out of sequence, but not this unlucky Tongue
Luckily, I can always reluck after unlucking.

-------------" rel="nofollow - My soundcloud. Please give feedback if you want!

Posted By: Luna
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 20:18
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Originally posted by SolarLuna96 SolarLuna96 wrote:

I didn't know British people could be crazy. Especially this crazy.
I knew Americans were unlucking in posting unquoted smart-arsed oneliners out of sequence, but not this unlucky Tongue

I meant Henry's post before you ninja'd me Censored

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: AtomicCrimsonRush
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 21:43
Originally posted by Henry Plainview Henry Plainview wrote:

Dear God that was depressing, JJ. For 3 minutes I was inside that guy's mind, and it is not a happy place...

The top comment: "I found this difficult to masturbate to, but not impossible."



Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: November 15 2011 at 22:05
It turns out stories, even pure fiction, are very important to us (even in our time)--  short ones, long ones, fake ones, real ones, it doesn't seem to matter, we loves us some stories.

As for the Zapruder Film... oy, it's a Pandora's box.   The film, much like Kennedy's body, was so badly handled in the panic and rush of those first few days after the assassination that some damage may have occurred by the time it was seen by the public.   As far as we know, as documented by the Assassination Records Review Board (the last Federal body to investigate the case, more specifically to gather all extant documentation of the event), the original film was sold to Time-Life by Zapruder the day of (or after) the crime.

But here's the kicker: evidently Time-Life "loaned" the original to the Secret Service the weekend of Nov 23rd to study and make copies which was done over that weekend at the CIA's photography lab in Maryland.   It was then returned to Time-Life on Monday, Nov 25.   No one really knows what if anything was done to the film by authorities during that weekend, or whether the version returned to Time-Life, which famously published a series of low-quality stills from the film in an article on the assassination, was the true original.

As for hard, visual evidence the film was altered, the jury is still out, but there are tons of distortions and artifacts in the currently available version of the film (even the good, remastered one), and it takes years to fully comprehend.   I'm still noticing things I hadn't before.

Posted By: Catcher10
Date Posted: November 16 2011 at 00:01
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

It turns out stories, even pure fiction, are very important to us (even in our time)--  short ones, long ones, fake ones, real ones, it doesn't seem to matter, we loves us some stories.

As for the Zapruder Film... oy, it's a Pandora's box.   The film, much like Kennedy's body, was so badly handled in the panic and rush of those first few days after the assassination that some damage may have occurred by the time it was seen by the public.   As far as we know, as documented by the Assassination Records Review Board (the last Federal body to investigate the case, more specifically to gather all extant documentation of the event), the original film was sold to Time-Life by Zapruder the day of (or after) the crime.

But here's the kicker: evidently Time-Life "loaned" the original to the Secret Service the weekend of Nov 23rd to study and make copies which was done over that weekend at the CIA's photography lab in Maryland.   It was then returned to Time-Life on Monday, Nov 25.   No one really knows what if anything was done to the film by authorities during that weekend, or whether the version returned to Time-Life, which famously published a series of low-quality stills from the film in an article on the assassination, was the true original.

As for hard, visual evidence the film was altered, the jury is still out, but there are tons of distortions and artifacts in the currently available version of the film (even the good, remastered one), and it takes years to fully comprehend.   I'm still noticing things I hadn't before.

I did not know this about the Time-Life loan out.....How/why did Zapruder sell the film the day after or even 2-3 days after the incident? I wonder what he was thinking since I am sure he had to contact them first........


Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: November 16 2011 at 00:09
Everyone knew he'd taken a film of the assassination because he was interviewed on nationwide TV several hours after it happened where it was revealed he'd captured it.   Time-Life immediately offered him, I think it was $50,000 (a huge amount then) and Zapruder being a small businessman, knew a good deal when he saw it.   The big mistake was not making or securing a copy for himself that day before Time-Life gave it to the Feds.  

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