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Topic: star trek
Posted By: kingcrimsonfan
Subject: star trek
Date Posted: July 07 2011 at 13:37
we got any proggie trekkies if so what is your favorite star trek series?


Posted By: rushfan4
Date Posted: July 07 2011 at 13:39
It is now closed but you might find this poll of interest." rel="nofollow -


Posted By: clarkpegasus4001
Date Posted: July 07 2011 at 13:42
Originally posted by kingcrimsonfan kingcrimsonfan wrote:

we got any proggie trekkies if so what is your favorite star trek series?

Yep love it. Well, the original series anyway. Cool Fave episodes was the pilot episode with the different captain (which was in two parts) and the time machine episode.

Tony C.

Posted By: Man With Hat
Date Posted: July 07 2011 at 14:20
Yes sir.
I'm a fan of The Next Generation and TOS mostly. Voyager had it's moments, but plenty of terrible episodes as well. DS9 never did it for me, though I haven't seen alot of the episodes. Enterprise was fairly terrible all around.

Dig me...But don't...Bury me
I'm running still, I shall until, one day, I hope that I'll arrive
Warning: Listening to jazz excessively can cause a laxative effect.

Posted By: lazland
Date Posted: July 07 2011 at 14:25
I grew up with the original series, so that will always have a special place. Next generation had a terrible first season, and then improved to become an utter classic. DS9 was very dark, but contained some very intelligent sci-fi. Voyager was mostly awful, even allowing for Jeri Ryan's knockers, and Enterprise was just shockingly awful.

I liked the latest film a great deal BTW. 

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Posted By: rushfan4
Date Posted: July 07 2011 at 14:29
I watched Star Trek: The Original Movie on Wednesday night, and I am pretty certain that it was the first time that I have seen it.  I don't know how I had never seen it before.  It wasn't very good.  I actually really liked Enterprise, but it was the first Star Trek series where I watched every episode from the first to last in order while it was being shown.
I have seen many episodes of The Original Series and The Next Generation and prefer The Next Generation.  I bought the entire TNG series on DVD and I am currently working my way through the episodes in order.  Currently I am in the beginning of the 4th season.  So far I have seen most of these episodes in rerun form over time, but there have been a couple that I don't remember at all.


Posted By: Finnforest
Date Posted: July 07 2011 at 14:44
I enjoy the original series, and really look forward to checking out DS9 on DVD. 

...that moment you realize you like "Mob Rules" better than "Heaven and Hell"

Posted By: thellama73
Date Posted: July 07 2011 at 14:45
I'm an original series man, myself.


Posted By: Mr. Maestro
Date Posted: July 07 2011 at 15:19
TNG was the first Trek series I ever watched, and it remains my favorite for a number of reasons: wonderful acting, wonderful characters, intelligent and interesting plots, good visual effects, complex themes and ideas, generally consistent writing (Seasons 1 was rather awful, and Seasons 2 and 7 had some lousy episodes, but the rest of the show was phenomenal).  Then I moved on to the original series and loved it (even if it does get cheesy from time to time, it's still wonderful television).  I never really got into DS9 or Enterprise, although I saw a few episodes of the latter and was mildly impressed.  Still far from the quality of TNG or TOS, though.
On the subject of Voyager: the series may have had inconsistent writing and many unbelievably bad episodes (I'm looking at you, "Threshold" Head on wall), but it had its moments ("Year of Hell," "Scorpion," and "Someone to Watch Over Me" are some of my favorite episodes of ANY Trek series). 

"I am the one who crossed through space...or stayed where I was...or didn't exist in the first place...."

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: July 07 2011 at 15:20
Originally posted by rushfan4 rushfan4 wrote:

I watched Star Trek: The Original Movie on Wednesday night, and I am pretty certain that it was the first time that I have seen it.  I don't know how I had never seen it before.  It wasn't very good.  I actually really liked Enterprise, but it was the first Star Trek series where I watched every episode from the first to last in order while it was being shown.
I have seen many episodes of The Original Series and The Next Generation and prefer The Next Generation.  I bought the entire TNG series on DVD and I am currently working my way through the episodes in order.  Currently I am in the beginning of the 4th season.  So far I have seen most of these episodes in rerun form over time, but there have been a couple that I don't remember at all.

Not surprised to see that we differ so much as we also have dissimilar tastes in music.  I much prefer the orignal series -- I prefer the stories (fave episodes are the pilot and Assignment Earth with Gary 7).  That movie is my favourite Star Trek film, and I believe it's very good (at least it's very good for me).  I saw it in the movie theatre as a kid and liked it then, and I still like it.  I used to belong to SF forums and argue with people about the merits of the film while recognising that if one likes is really a  matter of taste.  Some find it too slow, but I love films such as Stalker, Solaris and 2001 that some call too slow.  I find it evoked a sense of wonder in me.  I prefer it to the generally better regarded Wrath of Khan, but then that's more of an action movie, whereas I see Star Trek: The Motion Picture as more of a romantic film, and I don't just mean the Ilai/ Decker story arc which I did like, but meaning, to paraphrase a bit the OED, "imaginative, visionary, suggestive of an idealised, sentimental, or fantastic view of reality; preferring picturesqueness to finish; concerned more with feeling than form".  Movies such as Star Wars have not stood the test of time for me well, and I seem to remember you liking those.

Anyway shows such as the orignal Star trek, The Twilight Zone, The Prisoner (personal fave), Doctor Who, Land of the Lost, Outer Limits, and the Tomorrow People were very important to me as a young child and will always have nostalgia value.  I like TNG when it came out, but now it bores me.

Incidentally, I do think it a shame that the Asignment Earth series never happened.  Gary 7 rocks.

Posted By: rushfan4
Date Posted: July 07 2011 at 15:45
Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

Originally posted by rushfan4 rushfan4 wrote:

I watched Star Trek: The Original Movie on Wednesday night, and I am pretty certain that it was the first time that I have seen it.  I don't know how I had never seen it before.  It wasn't very good.  I actually really liked Enterprise, but it was the first Star Trek series where I watched every episode from the first to last in order while it was being shown.
I have seen many episodes of The Original Series and The Next Generation and prefer The Next Generation.  I bought the entire TNG series on DVD and I am currently working my way through the episodes in order.  Currently I am in the beginning of the 4th season.  So far I have seen most of these episodes in rerun form over time, but there have been a couple that I don't remember at all.

Not surprised to see that we differ so much as we also have dissimilar tastes in music.  I much prefer the orignal series -- I prefer the stories (fave episodes are the pilot and Assignment Earth with Gary 7).  That movie is my favourite Star Trek film, and I believe it's very good (at least it's very good for me).  I saw it in the movie theatre as a kid and liked it then, and I still like it.  I used to belong to SF forums and argue with people about the merits of the film while recognising that if one likes is really a  matter of taste.  Some find it too slow, but I love films such as Stalker, Solaris and 2001 that some call too slow.  I find it evoked a sense of wonder in me.  I prefer it to the generally better regarded Wrath of Khan, but then that's more of an action movie, wehereas I see Star Trek: The Motion Picture as more of a romantic film, and I don't just mean the Ilai/ Decker story arc which I did like, but meaning, to paraphrase a bit the OED, "imaginative, visionary, suggestive of an idealised, sentimental, or fantastic view of reality; preferring picturesqueness to finish; concerned more with feeling than form".  Movies such as Star Wars have not stood the test of time for me well, and I seem to remember you liking those.

Anyway shows such as the orignal Star trek, Doctor Who, Land of the Lost, and the Tomorrow People were very important to me as a young child and will always have nostalgia value.  I like TNG when it came out, but now it bores me.

Incidentally, I do think it a shame that the Asignment Earth series never happened.  Gary 7 rocks.

Ah, what could have been:

I am not surprised our tastes differ here either.  Probably the lack of action was what cost it for me.  I fell asleep during it twice, and had to rewind back to watch what I missed. LOL  I probably lost something there.  I've not watched The Original Series in many, many years, but I just remember not really liking it very much.  I don't know if it was the characters that I didn't like, or the dated feel of it all.  Not a fault of the show as much as a fault of when I watched it I guess, but the whole set in the future but with a 60's psychedelic feel thing never really worked for me.
I'm not familiar with Gary 7, of The Tomorrow People, and have never watched Doctor Who or Land of the Lost.  I think that I would have really liked Doctor Who, but it wasn't a US show and I had never even heard of it until I got BBC America on my cable network.


Posted By: presdoug
Date Posted: July 07 2011 at 16:10
 I am a big fan of the original series, and grew up with it-it made an incredible impression upon me initially as a young child, and for that matter, still makes an incredible impression
       I consider the original Star Trek to be the greatest tv series ever.
        The only other tv series that approach it's quality are The High Chaparral, the original Hawaii 5-0, and One Step Beyond (all very different from Star Trek, but that's besides the point)
        My fave episodes are Patterns Of Force, Bread and Circuses, City On The Edge Of Forever, Space Seed, The Way To Eden, and All Our Yesterdays

Posted By: Stooge
Date Posted: July 07 2011 at 16:16
Love the Trek!! I started on TNG when I was little and they were still making episodes.  I can remember the hype surrounding the series finale.  They had an event at the Skydome for it.  I think I've got that on tape somewhere.  

I'd also watch the original series, but it wasn't as interesting as TNG when I was younger.  Now I have a hard time choosing a favorite.  I also watched DS9, but never have seen much Voyager or Enterprise.

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Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: July 07 2011 at 16:29
Originally posted by rushfan4 rushfan4 wrote:

Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

Originally posted by rushfan4 rushfan4 wrote:

I watched Star Trek: The Original Movie on Wednesday night, and I am pretty certain that it was the first time that I have seen it.  I don't know how I had never seen it before.  It wasn't very good.  I actually really liked Enterprise, but it was the first Star Trek series where I watched every episode from the first to last in order while it was being shown.
I have seen many episodes of The Original Series and The Next Generation and prefer The Next Generation.  I bought the entire TNG series on DVD and I am currently working my way through the episodes in order.  Currently I am in the beginning of the 4th season.  So far I have seen most of these episodes in rerun form over time, but there have been a couple that I don't remember at all.

Not surprised to see that we differ so much as we also have dissimilar tastes in music.  I much prefer the orignal series -- I prefer the stories (fave episodes are the pilot and Assignment Earth with Gary 7).  That movie is my favourite Star Trek film, and I believe it's very good (at least it's very good for me).  I saw it in the movie theatre as a kid and liked it then, and I still like it.  I used to belong to SF forums and argue with people about the merits of the film while recognising that if one likes is really a  matter of taste.  Some find it too slow, but I love films such as Stalker, Solaris and 2001 that some call too slow.  I find it evoked a sense of wonder in me.  I prefer it to the generally better regarded Wrath of Khan, but then that's more of an action movie, wehereas I see Star Trek: The Motion Picture as more of a romantic film, and I don't just mean the Ilai/ Decker story arc which I did like, but meaning, to paraphrase a bit the OED, "imaginative, visionary, suggestive of an idealised, sentimental, or fantastic view of reality; preferring picturesqueness to finish; concerned more with feeling than form".  Movies such as Star Wars have not stood the test of time for me well, and I seem to remember you liking those.

Anyway shows such as the orignal Star trek, Doctor Who, Land of the Lost, and the Tomorrow People were very important to me as a young child and will always have nostalgia value.  I like TNG when it came out, but now it bores me.

Incidentally, I do think it a shame that the Asignment Earth series never happened.  Gary 7 rocks.

Ah, what could have been:

I am not surprised our tastes differ here either.  Probably the lack of action was what cost it for me.  I fell asleep during it twice, and had to rewind back to watch what I missed. LOL  I probably lost something there.  I've not watched The Original Series in many, many years, but I just remember not really liking it very much.  I don't know if it was the characters that I didn't like, or the dated feel of it all.  Not a fault of the show as much as a fault of when I watched it I guess, but the whole set in the future but with a 60's psychedelic feel thing never really worked for me.
I'm not familiar with Gary 7, of The Tomorrow People, and have never watched Doctor Who or Land of the Lost.  I think that I would have really liked Doctor Who, but it wasn't a US show and I had never even heard of it until I got BBC America on my cable network.

Assignment: Earth was an episode of Star Trek (TOS) with the main character being Gary 7.  It's an oddity.  It was a  way of introducing a new show/ characters through Star trek (a sort of spin off), but the series never happened.  That vid is fanmade featuring scenes from the Star Trek episode. Doctor Who is great fun.  I do like the -- early 70's -- Pertwee era best (nostalgia since I started with those, albeit in re-runs when i was a kid), followed by Tom Baker, but I enjoy the new Doctors too. 

Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: July 07 2011 at 18:07
Originally posted by lazland lazland wrote:

I grew up with the original series, so that will always have a special place. Next generation had a terrible first season, and then improved to become an utter classic. DS9 was very dark, but contained some very intelligent sci-fi. Voyager was mostly awful, even allowing for Jeri Ryan's knockers, and Enterprise was just shockingly awful.

I liked the latest film a great deal BTW. 

I wouldn't say the first season of TNG was terrible though it most certainly had a lot of cheesy episodes like the planet of the blonde white people and the planet where men's and women's traditional gender roles were reversed.  The first episode was particularly annoying, I pretty much never liked the Q character.  The best thing he ever did was bring on the Borg.  I did finally quit making it a point to catch the new episodes when they came out towards the end.  DS9, Voyager, and Enterprise lost my attention after a while, too.

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

Posted By: Horizons
Date Posted: July 07 2011 at 18:25
Next Generation is my favorite.
Though the crew of the original is timeless. 

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: July 07 2011 at 20:00
original series of course, though I must say it was fairly awful at least a quarter of the time and was not as consistent as Twilight Zone or even the first season of Lost in Space, but the good ones were great television and sci-fi has never been quite as intelligent on TV since.  I do think Roddenberry was his own worst enemy and tended to push for content that was so cerebral it lost the action and fun - like 'The Omega Glory' and his other yawn-inducing scripts - which is very important in something like Trek (this is probably why he was cut out of Wrath of Khan).

Posted By: dwill123
Date Posted: July 07 2011 at 20:11
The original series followed closely by TNG and I like all the movies.

Posted By: presdoug
Date Posted: July 07 2011 at 20:13
"Steppin into Eden, yeah, brother!"LOL

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: July 07 2011 at 20:29
I am not Herbert.

Posted By: Slaughternalia
Date Posted: July 07 2011 at 23:42
Originally posted by dwill123 dwill123 wrote:

I like all the movies.
Even The Final Frontier? UGHHhh

I'm so mad that you enjoy a certain combination of noises that I don't

Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: July 08 2011 at 03:08
Originally posted by rushfan4 rushfan4 wrote:

It is now closed but you might find this poll of interest." rel="nofollow -    
I've re-opened the pollBig smile

Posted By: Mr ProgFreak
Date Posted: July 08 2011 at 10:47
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

I am not Herbert.

Love the original series ... but I actually love all the series, including Enterprise. They all have their unique charme ... the important thing is to not watch one series and wish it was like another one.

-------------" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: yanch
Date Posted: July 08 2011 at 16:17
Big fan. Grew up with the original, really enjoyed Next Gen and most of DS9. Voyager and Enterprise had some good moments, but overall I always felt they were inconsistent and not as good. Also like the movies except for Final Frontier and Nemesis. Looking forward to the next of the "new" movies.

Posted By: dwill123
Date Posted: July 08 2011 at 18:43
Originally posted by Slaughternalia Slaughternalia wrote:

Originally posted by dwill123 dwill123 wrote:

I like all the movies.
Even The Final Frontier? UGHHhh
It used to be my least favorite (until Nemesis) but over time I've mellowed and will watch it if it's on TV. 

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: July 08 2011 at 19:06
I actually liked TFF when I first saw it in a theater but don't as much now, though that last scene with 'God' is pretty cool..  Undiscovered Country not bad either on further viewings

Posted By: Mr. Maestro
Date Posted: July 09 2011 at 03:11
Originally posted by loveforall loveforall wrote:

Hello, I am looking to introduce a friend/potential girlfriend to the world of Star Trek. She already knows quite a bit, but claims to have never seen any of the episodes or movies. I have therefore decided to come to you guys to ask, which five original series episodes are the most quintessential? Preferably this list would NOT include "Space Seed", as I will show her this one anyway, since it would be cool to use as a precursor to TWOK when we get to the classic movies stage. My initial thoughts are that the list would include:

"Where No Man Has Gone Before"
"The City on the Edge of Forever"
"The Trouble with Tribbles" 
"The Doomsday Machine"
"Journey to Babel"

This list is just an idea. What do you guys think?
Good list, though I'd suggest replacing "Journey to Babel" with "The Galileo Seven" or "Amok Time."  Both of those showcase Spock's character and dynamic with the rest of the crew, which I always felt was an essential aspect of the original series and something that your list is currently lacking.
That said, definitely keep "City On the Edge," "Tribbles," and "Doomsday Machine."

"I am the one who crossed through space...or stayed where I was...or didn't exist in the first place...."

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: July 09 2011 at 03:12
uhh.. no--  except for City, change your list;  WNMHGB is a garbled intro to a show that was unrecognizable from the real Trek; Tribbles is more farce than quality ST;  Doomsday Machine is great but too much of a 'guy episode'; and Babel is fun but come on, seriously?  Do we reach, bra?

here would be my alternate suggestions -

'Mirror, Mirror'
'City on the Edge of Forever'
'Shore Leave'
'Amok Time'
'The Ultimate Computer'

good luck !

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: July 09 2011 at 03:16
oh BTW, the new re-treated episodes are very well done with careful, tasteful enhancements--  I'd highly recommend all fans see them when possible, many have been released already  Thumbs Up

Posted By: Mr. Maestro
Date Posted: July 09 2011 at 13:36
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

uhh.. no--  except for City, change your list;  WNMHGB is a garbled intro to a show that was unrecognizable from the real Trek; Tribbles is more farce than quality ST;  Doomsday Machine is great but too much of a 'guy episode'; and Babel is fun but come on, seriously?  Do we reach, bra?

here would be my alternate suggestions -

'Mirror, Mirror'
'City on the Edge of Forever'
'Shore Leave'
'Amok Time'
'The Ultimate Computer'

good luck !

You call "Tribbles" a farce, yet your list includes "Shore Leave?"  Why not throw in "Spock's Brain" while you're at it?
Sorry, that was a little harsh.  I see your point about "The Doomsday Machine" and "WNMHGB," but I wouldn't exclude "Tribbles" for the world.

"I am the one who crossed through space...or stayed where I was...or didn't exist in the first place...."

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: July 09 2011 at 18:09
 LOL  Stern Smile    

okay toss out Shore Leave for Tribs Thumbs Up

Posted By: Stooge
Date Posted: July 09 2011 at 19:51
I just watched Star Trek V: The Final Frontier for just the second time.  I can see why it gets criticism, but I'll still take it over the first movie.

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Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: July 10 2011 at 11:07
Was "City..." the one with a young Joan Collins?

Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: July 10 2011 at 11:21
Speaking of The Doomsday Machine: Smoke

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

Posted By: dwill123
Date Posted: July 10 2011 at 13:04
Originally posted by Stooge Stooge wrote:

I just watched Star Trek V: The Final Frontier for just the second time.  I can see why it gets criticism, but I'll still take it over the first movie.
I like the "ST The Motion Picture" very much.  I think it suffers a bit from the way it was "rushed" into the theaters.  You have to remember that at the time of its release Star Trek had been off the air for ten years.  SciFi was enjoying a resurgence and Warner Bros had just scored a big hit with "Superman".  Also the Star Trek TV show was enjoying success in syndication and the Star Trek conventions were selling out all over the place.  Paramount not wanting to miss a pay day decided to get a Star Trek movie out a little to hastily in my opinion.  In the movie they (Paramount) tried to do too much and appeal to too many of its fans.  From the laborious re-introduction to the starship Enterprise to trying to figure out how to bring the crew back together again after so much time.  The base story was sound and I liked it.  But the producers just tried to do too much in one movie.

Posted By: presdoug
Date Posted: July 10 2011 at 14:47
My top five
City On The Edge Of Forever
The Way To Eden
Patterns Of Force
Bread and Circuses
All Our Yesterdays

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: July 10 2011 at 18:02
 ^ Patterns awesome, B&C too, and a shout-out to 'Specter of the Gun'

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: July 10 2011 at 18:03
Originally posted by Easy Livin Easy Livin wrote:

Was "City..." the one with a young Joan Collins?

yes Bob, as a social caregiver in NYC

Posted By: Formentera Lady
Date Posted: July 10 2011 at 18:31
TOS and I voted! Approve

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Posted By: presdoug
Date Posted: July 10 2011 at 18:45
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

 ^ Patterns awesome, B&C too, and a shout-out to 'Specter of the Gun'

Specter Of The Gun -great one

Posted By: Formentera Lady
Date Posted: July 10 2011 at 19:17
My favourites so far (in no order)

The Corbomite Maneuver
The Menagerie (part 1+2)
Balance of Terror
Errand of Mercy
Mirror, Mirror
Patterns of Force

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Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: July 10 2011 at 19:23
I also dig 'A Taste of Armageddon' and 'All Our Yesterdays'

Posted By: Formentera Lady
Date Posted: July 10 2011 at 19:52
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

I also dig 'A Taste of Armageddon' and 'All Our Yesterdays'

I see your point now LOL

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Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: July 10 2011 at 20:01
yeah I got 2 fer 1,  ST and Holdsworth (a big Trek fan himself)

Posted By: AtomicCrimsonRush
Date Posted: July 10 2011 at 20:45
Best Episodes are:
Mirror Mirror
The City on the Edge of Forever
Trouble With Tribbles
Amok Time
Day of the Dove
Balance of Terror
Journey to Babel
er..... Spocks Brain (only kidding here)
actually worst is The Altternative Factor :0 - that stinks!


Posted By: Stooge
Date Posted: July 10 2011 at 20:48
Originally posted by presdoug presdoug wrote:

The Way To Eden

I think I enjoy the hated Spock's Brain episode more than that one.  I think every Star Trek fan has a guilty pleasure for a few of the "sillier" episodes.  I guess "silly" could easily describe 1/2 the episodes, so who am I to talk? LOL

I'll try my hand at a top 5 (in no order):" rel="nofollow - The Galileo Seven" rel="nofollow - A Taste of Armageddon" rel="nofollow - Amok Time,_Mirror_%28Star_Trek:_The_Original_Series%29" rel="nofollow - Mirror, Mirror" rel="nofollow - The Ultimate Computer

A fun place to review and discuss metal:" rel="nofollow - MetalMusicArchives

Posted By: AtomicCrimsonRush
Date Posted: July 10 2011 at 20:54
While we are at it how about a top 5 for all the other series of Trek
Next Generation:
I, Borg
Best of Both Worlds 1
and 2
All Good Things
special shout out to Relics and Parallells too
Now Voyager:
cant remember off hand names but
forgotten name - but the one where 7 of 9 goes back to past and meets a younger Janeway
also one where Janeway is really old - finale?
Comedy one in black and white....
dang! cant remember any titles now.... but one where Barkley and Troi guest star 
now DS9:
Trials and Tribbleations
the 3 parter where DS9 is taken over by Cardassians.
er... the one where Garak is hunting Quark in the shadows...
cant remember any Enterprise eps.....


Posted By: AtomicCrimsonRush
Date Posted: July 10 2011 at 20:55
Originally posted by Stooge Stooge wrote:

Originally posted by presdoug presdoug wrote:

The Way To Eden

I think I enjoy the hated Spock's Brain episode more than that one.  I think every Star Trek fan has a guilty pleasure for a few of the "sillier" episodes.  I guess "silly" could easily describe 1/2 the episodes, so who am I to talk? LOL

I'll try my hand at a top 5 (in no order):" rel="nofollow - The Galileo Seven" rel="nofollow - A Taste of Armageddon" rel="nofollow - Amok Time,_Mirror_%28Star_Trek:_The_Original_Series%29" rel="nofollow - Mirror, Mirror" rel="nofollow - The Ultimate Computer
Actually I liked Galileo 7 too - forgot that one!


Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: July 10 2011 at 20:56
Originally posted by AtomicCrimsonRush AtomicCrimsonRush wrote:

Altternative Factor :0 - that stinks!

yeah that one bites, though I must say the actor playing Lazarus does a great job

how about 'Wolf in the Fold', I like the mystery and darkness, also 'Court Martial' is underrated: "Books, gentleman, books!"

Posted By: presdoug
Date Posted: July 11 2011 at 09:44
though some did not know what to make of it, i quite like Turnabout Intruder, where Shatner does a really great acting job

Posted By: Stooge
Date Posted: July 11 2011 at 10:55
Originally posted by presdoug presdoug wrote:

though some did not know what to make of it, i quite like Turnabout Intruder, where Shatner does a really great acting job

I think it worked out as an entertaining way to end Star Trek with the mutiny situation, though it wasn't intended to be the end.

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Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: July 11 2011 at 17:53
never much dug Intruder, but I thought she was better than Shatty

Posted By: dwill123
Date Posted: July 12 2011 at 08:35
Originally posted by AtomicCrimsonRush AtomicCrimsonRush wrote:

Best Episodes are:
Mirror Mirror
The City on the Edge of Forever
Trouble With Tribbles
Amok Time
Day of the Dove
Balance of Terror
Journey to Babel
er..... Spocks Brain (only kidding here)
actually worst is The Altternative Factor :0 - that stinks!
You must include "The Squire of Gothos" which feature William Campbell (who just recently passed away) in an amazing acting performance. 

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: July 12 2011 at 18:38
 ^ funny thing; I think that Bridge photo of the crew is from the end of Gothos, just a guess though

Posted By: Stooge
Date Posted: July 18 2011 at 17:27
I'm starting to dig into some of the TNG episodes I'm not as familiar with.  I also remembered that one day last year, I picked up on sale a Scene It: Star Trek DVD board game.  I've never played it, but I'm gonna go head to head with my brother sometime in the next few weeks. Geek

A fun place to review and discuss metal:" rel="nofollow - MetalMusicArchives

Posted By: presdoug
Date Posted: July 21 2011 at 19:46
He's dead, Jim

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: July 21 2011 at 19:52
I'm a surgeon, not a hairdresser.  

Posted By: Stooge
Date Posted: August 07 2011 at 11:06
I've been watching tons of convention panel interviews lately, mainly with the TNG cast.  That and I took one of those silly online quizzes "Which TNG character are you?":" rel="nofollow -

You Scored as Geordi LaForge

You are good-natured and quick thinking. You are good at figuring out puzzels and building things.

Geordi LaForge
Jean Luc Picard
Deanna Troi
Beverly Crusher
William T. Riker

Also stumbled across this interesting video involving the original series:

A fun place to review and discuss metal:" rel="nofollow - MetalMusicArchives

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: August 07 2011 at 11:33
^  Puzzels ... they're pretzels that defy logic.


Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: August 07 2011 at 13:42
ou Scored as Geordi LaForge

You are good-natured and quick thinking. You are good at figuring out puzzels and building things.

Geordi LaForge

William T. Riker


Beverly Crusher

Jean Luc Picard


Deanna Troi


Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: August 07 2011 at 19:21
Apparently most people here are blind black engineers  

Posted By: presdoug
Date Posted: August 10 2011 at 19:51
i've learned from the original series what to say when you want to get out of a problematic situation quickly-

               "Condition Green-all's well, Kirk out!"Thumbs Up

Posted By: presdoug
Date Posted: September 04 2011 at 20:26
Harcourt Fenton Mudd! What have you been doing?!
       Sniffffffffffff!! Have you been drinking again, you miserable thing-------thing--------------thing------------

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: September 04 2011 at 20:42
Queen to queen's level 3 ; 

Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: September 06 2011 at 11:25
Originally posted by presdoug presdoug wrote:

Harcourt Fenton Mudd! What have you been doing?!
       Sniffffffffffff!! Have you been drinking again, you miserable thing-------thing--------------thing------------
What was that great line from Spock?  I like you but I don't like her because she is exactly like you.

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

Posted By: presdoug
Date Posted: September 06 2011 at 11:42
Originally posted by Slartibartfast Slartibartfast wrote:

Originally posted by presdoug presdoug wrote:

Harcourt Fenton Mudd! What have you been doing?!
       Sniffffffffffff!! Have you been drinking again, you miserable thing-------thing--------------thing------------
What was that great line from Spock?  I like you but I don't like her because she is exactly like you.
the line is from the replica of Harry Mudd's deceased wife that he can turn on (and then she goes into the diatribe i have quoted), and then with a few words he can "shut her off", and she slowly shuts down
          i think then Mudd says something to Kirk-"Well, i have finally had the last word with her, and with you"

Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: September 06 2011 at 18:31
Originally posted by presdoug presdoug wrote:

Originally posted by Slartibartfast Slartibartfast wrote:

Originally posted by presdoug presdoug wrote:

Harcourt Fenton Mudd! What have you been doing?!
       Sniffffffffffff!! Have you been drinking again, you miserable thing-------thing--------------thing------------
What was that great line from Spock?  I like you but I don't like her because she is exactly like you.
the line is from the replica of Harry Mudd's deceased wife that he can turn on (and then she goes into the diatribe i have quoted), and then with a few words he can "shut her off", and she slowly shuts down
          i think then Mudd says something to Kirk-"Well, i have finally had the last word with her, and with you"
I knew that, I was talking about the thing Spock said in the same episode.

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

Posted By: presdoug
Date Posted: September 06 2011 at 21:16
Originally posted by Slartibartfast Slartibartfast wrote:

Originally posted by presdoug presdoug wrote:

Originally posted by Slartibartfast Slartibartfast wrote:

Originally posted by presdoug presdoug wrote:

Harcourt Fenton Mudd! What have you been doing?!
       Sniffffffffffff!! Have you been drinking again, you miserable thing-------thing--------------thing------------
What was that great line from Spock?  I like you but I don't like her because she is exactly like you.
the line is from the replica of Harry Mudd's deceased wife that he can turn on (and then she goes into the diatribe i have quoted), and then with a few words he can "shut her off", and she slowly shuts down
          i think then Mudd says something to Kirk-"Well, i have finally had the last word with her, and with you"
I knew that, I was talking about the thing Spock said in the same episode.
sorry, i see what you were saying-how does that line from Spock go-I like you, but i don't like you. But we are completely identical in every detail-yes, and that is precisely why i like you but i don't like you, precisely because you are identical
           not sure if i have it exact, but something like that, i thinkSmile

Posted By: akamaisondufromage
Date Posted: September 07 2012 at 11:34
If you like ST then you might want to check out Google search : Of course you will have already done this and I am late as usuals. 

Help me I'm falling!

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: September 07 2012 at 11:38
46th anniversary Confused 45th is sapphire, 50th is gold - as far as I know there is no significance in a 46th anniversary, but congrats to Mr Roddenberry never-the-less.


Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: September 08 2012 at 18:37
^ he's dead, Jim

Posted By: presdoug
Date Posted: September 08 2012 at 21:04
Steppin' into Eden, yeah, Brother!

Posted By: stonebeard
Date Posted: September 08 2012 at 21:14
Next Generation all the way. I do think TOS is fun and very watchable (except the pilot oh god), but was very often...hokey. The Next Generation elevated it, plus Picard-Riker-Data > Kirk-Spock-Scotty any day of the ever.

-------------" rel="nofollow - My soundcloud. Please give feedback if you want!

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: September 08 2012 at 21:19
of course Next Gen elevated it, they got over one mill an episode, the little b*stards.  TOS limped along on rubberbands and airplane glue, though the retreated episodes largely make up for that thank goodness.

Posted By: stonebeard
Date Posted: September 08 2012 at 21:36
Hey airplane glue can take you to some amazing places. Stern Smile

-------------" rel="nofollow - My soundcloud. Please give feedback if you want!

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: September 08 2012 at 21:39
hmm maybe that explains 'Catspaw' 

Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: September 08 2012 at 22:14
In first place, I don't consider myself a trekkie or trekker or whatever term is used.

I used to hate the original series even when i grew with them, but after watching some episodes on SyFy, found them less annoying, still I believe that TNG is superior in every possible way.

Picard is by far the best captain of the Enterprise.

DS9 was pretty good.



Posted By: zachfive
Date Posted: September 09 2012 at 02:09
My sister in law was at the convention in Vegas recently and for my birthday she got me a signed photo of the Doctor by Robert Picardo. I've enjoyed all Star Trek series with TNG and Voyager being my favorites.

Posted By: octopus-4
Date Posted: September 09 2012 at 03:14
The Doctor is one of the best characters of all the series, but my fav non-human is T'Pol

I stand with Roger Waters, I stand with Joan Baez, I stand with Victor Jara, I stand with Woody Guthrie. Music is revolution

Posted By: The Doctor
Date Posted: September 09 2012 at 17:54
My favorite non-human is Data and Next Gen is by far the best of all of them, but still like TOS, Voyager, Enterprise and DS9.

My favorite eps of TOS are:

The Cage
The Corbomite Maneuver
Bread and Circuses (even though Uhura's final comments were very hokey)
The Squire of Gothos
A Taste of Armageddon
Return of the Archons
I, Mudd
By Any Other Name

By the way, Octopus, thank you, but I was never in a series of Star Trek.  Tongue

I can understand your anger at me, but what did the horse I rode in on ever do to you?

Posted By: kenethlevine
Date Posted: September 09 2012 at 18:16
I only ever watched TOS regularly.  Is started with TNG when it came out and was very disappointed.  After a half dozen episodes I gave up never to return.  I have been told many times that it got better, but have just never got around to it.
An episode that is one of my perennial favourites from TOS is "The Conscience of the King".  High drama within high drama.

Also love Corbomite Maneuver, Doomsday Machine, Operation Annihilate, Return of the Archons, Arena, and many others

Posted By: The Doctor
Date Posted: September 09 2012 at 18:22
Originally posted by kenethlevine kenethlevine wrote:

I only ever watched TOS regularly.  Is started with TNG when it came out and was very disappointed.  After a half dozen episodes I gave up never to return.  I have been told many times that it got better, but have just never got around to it.
An episode that is one of my perennial favourites from TOS is "The Conscience of the King".  High drama within high drama.

Also love Corbomite Maneuver, Doomsday Machine, Operation Annihilate, Return of the Archons, Arena, and many others

Starting with Season 3, the show really picked up steam and seasons 3-7 are really the finest episodes of any Star Trek.  Season 2 was by far the worst and I'd put it on a par with season 3 of the originals.  I couldn't stand Dr. Pulaski, who was a rip-off of and a much less likeable McCoy.  Glad she went away and they brought Crusher back on board.  The first season I liked, but will admit it was kind of hit or miss.  Some good episodes and some not so good. 

I can understand your anger at me, but what did the horse I rode in on ever do to you?

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: September 09 2012 at 18:49
Next Gen did improve, especially from the dismal pilot with Q and the episodes shamelessly based on TOS, but it may have suffered from its own success.   With only three seasons and the constant threat of cancellation, the original never had a chance to go stale.

Posted By: thellama73
Date Posted: September 09 2012 at 19:06
Originally posted by The Doctor The Doctor wrote:

The Cage
The Corbomite Maneuver
Bread and Circuses (even though Uhura's final comments were very hokey)
The Squire of Gothos
A Taste of Armageddon

Return of the Archons
I, Mudd
By Any Other Name

A Taste of Armageddon is my favorite episode of TOS.

Am I the only one bothered by the anachronisms in the Squire of Gothos? TOS is set in the 23rd century, the planet is 800 light years away from Earth, so he is familiar with nothing later than the 15th century, but he has a harpsichord which wasn't invented yet.


Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: September 09 2012 at 19:13
^ that whole episode bothered me, mainly cause it stinks

and 'Armageddon' is excellent

Posted By: kenethlevine
Date Posted: September 09 2012 at 19:17
according to wikipedia the harpsichord was probably invented in late middle ages" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: The Doctor
Date Posted: September 09 2012 at 19:21
Originally posted by thellama73 thellama73 wrote:

Originally posted by The Doctor The Doctor wrote:

The Cage
The Corbomite Maneuver
Bread and Circuses (even though Uhura's final comments were very hokey)
The Squire of Gothos
A Taste of Armageddon

Return of the Archons
I, Mudd
By Any Other Name

A Taste of Armageddon is my favorite episode of TOS.

Am I the only one bothered by the anachronisms in the Squire of Gothos? TOS is set in the 23rd century, the planet is 800 light years away from Earth, so he is familiar with nothing later than the 15th century, but he has a harpsichord which wasn't invented yet.

At that point in the series, it was not yet decided exactly when Star Trek took place.  The century wasn't even established and the time seemed to shift from the late 22nd century all the way up to around the 26th century, based on various comments as to how long ago things occurred (e.g. the Eugenics War took place around 200 years prior to the episode, which would put the episode in the late 2100's.  Of course, the timeframe was later officially established as the episode taking place in 2266).

I can understand your anger at me, but what did the horse I rode in on ever do to you?

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: September 09 2012 at 19:27
establishing Stardate canon must've been a pain--  as I recall it was standardized in the late 70s but I don't see how the dates mentioned in TOS could have synced-up with that system

Posted By: thellama73
Date Posted: September 09 2012 at 19:37
Originally posted by kenethlevine kenethlevine wrote:

according to wikipedia the harpsichord was probably invented in late middle ages" rel="nofollow -

Maybe, but the kind he uses is clearly an advanced model, and there are other examples as well that I can't remember off the top of my head. The whole scene reeks of the early 18th century.


Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: September 09 2012 at 19:42
Anyone seen the" rel="nofollow - Star Trek: New Voyages fan-flicks series? (aka Star Trek: Phase II)" rel="nofollow -  - the concept is based upon Roddenberry's aborted attempt to produce a 2nd 5-year mission for Kirk and crew back in 1978 so it's ST:TOS part 2 with an all new cast (obviously) playing familiar TOS characters but with guest appearances of some of the original TOS actors.
The first episode was "In Harms Way" - a continuation of the Doomsday Machine story line and features the late William Windom reprising his role as Matt Decker. The second features Walter Koenig in an original story by D C Fontana


Posted By: kenethlevine
Date Posted: September 09 2012 at 19:57
Originally posted by thellama73 thellama73 wrote:

Originally posted by kenethlevine kenethlevine wrote:

according to wikipedia the harpsichord was probably invented in late middle ages" rel="nofollow -

Maybe, but the kind he uses is clearly an advanced model, and there are other examples as well that I can't remember off the top of my head. The whole scene reeks of the early 18th century.

true enough, the episode was not among my favorites, but at least the idea that this Trolaine was basically a kid whose parents had given him a planet to play with was fun.  As with most start trek episodes that were subpar, it was partly redeemed by an entertaining, if not always fascinating, premise

Posted By: The Doctor
Date Posted: September 09 2012 at 20:27
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Anyone seen the" rel="nofollow - Star Trek: New Voyages fan-flicks series? (aka Star Trek: Phase II)" rel="nofollow -  - the concept is based upon Roddenberry's aborted attempt to produce a 2nd 5-year mission for Kirk and crew back in 1978 so it's ST:TOS part 2 with an all new cast (obviously) playing familiar TOS characters but with guest appearances of some of the original TOS actors.
The first episode was "In Harms Way" - a continuation of the Doomsday Machine story line and features the late William Windom reprising his role as Matt Decker. The second features Walter Koenig in an original story by D C Fontana

I've seen all of them.  Not too shabby of a production, but the wait between episodes is excruciating.  Their last one was The Child, which I never thought too much of, as a script for Phase II or as a Next Gen episode.  But the next one, Kitumba should be great.

I can understand your anger at me, but what did the horse I rode in on ever do to you?

Posted By: infocat
Date Posted: September 09 2012 at 22:14
Originally posted by The Doctor The Doctor wrote:

Originally posted by kenethlevine kenethlevine wrote:

I only ever watched TOS regularly.  Is started with TNG when it came out and was very disappointed.  After a half dozen episodes I gave up never to return.  I have been told many times that it got better, but have just never got around to it.
An episode that is one of my perennial favourites from TOS is "The Conscience of the King".  High drama within high drama.

Also love Corbomite Maneuver, Doomsday Machine, Operation Annihilate, Return of the Archons, Arena, and many others

Starting with Season 3, the show really picked up steam and seasons 3-7 are really the finest episodes of any Star Trek.  Season 2 was by far the worst and I'd put it on a par with season 3 of the originals.  I couldn't stand Dr. Pulaski, who was a rip-off of and a much less likeable McCoy.  Glad she went away and they brought Crusher back on board.  The first season I liked, but will admit it was kind of hit or miss.  Some good episodes and some not so good. 
3-7 excellent?  Umm, no.  3&4 excellent (mostly).  5 fairly good.  6&7 only occasionally good.

Frank Swarbrick
Belief is not Truth.

Posted By: The Doctor
Date Posted: September 09 2012 at 22:34
4 and 6 were my favorite seasons, but I thought 3, 5 and 7 were all very strong.  the 3rd season was probably the weakest of those 5 seasons IMO.

I can understand your anger at me, but what did the horse I rode in on ever do to you?

Posted By: AEProgman
Date Posted: September 09 2012 at 22:53
I am an Original series first type but did like TNG and Voyager series.  I am currently watching the Enterprise series (just into series 2) and I have been pleasently surprised by it. They do take their shots at the Vulcans.  TPol is there for eye candy but she does play the part well.  I did not like Deep Space 9 however.
PS-My favorite episode of the Original is "Balance of Power".


Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: September 10 2012 at 01:33
Balance of Terror   ..yes that's a great early one

Posted By: octopus-4
Date Posted: September 10 2012 at 01:52
I don't know the titles of the original episodes s I have watched all the series in my home language, but my favorite TOS episode is that written by James Blish with Zephran Cochrane on a lonely planet with a symbiont alien . After the first inter-racial kiss of the US Television (Kirk and Uhura) that's the first kind of love story between a human and a non-humanoid alien. 

I stand with Roger Waters, I stand with Joan Baez, I stand with Victor Jara, I stand with Woody Guthrie. Music is revolution

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: September 10 2012 at 02:06
 ^ that is a moving one, a bit slow but overall very good

Posted By: octopus-4
Date Posted: September 10 2012 at 04:53
And which is the funniest episode? I think it's between the second with Mudd and the Tribbles one.
A nice thing is that on the 4th year of Enterprise, in order to justify the fact that a Klingon can be exchanged for a human on that funny episode, they have created the darkest episodes of the Serial (with Data in the "bad" role, also).

I stand with Roger Waters, I stand with Joan Baez, I stand with Victor Jara, I stand with Woody Guthrie. Music is revolution

Posted By: thellama73
Date Posted: September 10 2012 at 07:49
The Trouble With Tribbles is definitely the funniest episode.


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