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Secret chiefs 3 progressive?

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Suggest New Bands and Artists
Forum Description: Suggest, create polls, and classify new bands you would like included on Prog Archives
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Topic: Secret chiefs 3 progressive?
Posted By: mattuati
Subject: Secret chiefs 3 progressive?
Date Posted: June 23 2005 at 11:12
Would you guys consider Secret Chiefs 3 a progressive band?   It has a lot of Middle Eastern influences but has significant time changes, awesome transitions, etc.  No vocals though, except for the first album. Maybe the quesion is can you be progressive without vocals?  I think so because there are so many progressive instrumentals out there.  What are your thoughts?

The enemy of my enemy is my friend

Posted By: Man Overboard
Date Posted: June 23 2005 at 11:29
There are tons and tons of non-vocal prog bands.

I hope Maani doesn't move this to non-prog music since they aren't in the archive, because they're definitely a progressive band... 

-------------" rel="nofollow - Bedroom guitarist". Composer, Arranger, Producer. Perfection may not exist, but I may still choose to serve Perfection.

Commissions considered.

Posted By: vogre
Date Posted: June 23 2005 at 11:33

Stop questioning te 'proginess' of bands. If you like 'em - listen - your taste should be even wider than just prog-rock.

They sound like nobody else, even in the avant-prog area and that's excellent.

Prog of course can be instrumental.

Posted By: The Hemulen
Date Posted: June 23 2005 at 11:33
Never heard of them, but they sound rather good. As for no vocals = no prog - have no fear, there are countless progressive bands who play nothing but instrumentals.

Oh, and you know it'll get moved, MO.

Posted By: Man Overboard
Date Posted: June 23 2005 at 11:48
vogre:  It's quite clear why proginess needs to be questioned on this forum.  Until changes are made, we're not allowed to discuss bands that don't appear in these archives on this particular forum.  I'm not sure how long the process takes; I've been waiting on Wastefall for months, despite having submitted volumes of required info.  But I'd love to be able to discuss them without them being moved to non-prog music.  

-------------" rel="nofollow - Bedroom guitarist". Composer, Arranger, Producer. Perfection may not exist, but I may still choose to serve Perfection.

Commissions considered.

Posted By: vogre
Date Posted: June 23 2005 at 12:14

Oh, I didn't think about it in this way.

Posted By: Garion81
Date Posted: June 23 2005 at 12:52

Originally posted by Man Overboard Man Overboard wrote:

vogre:  It's quite clear why proginess needs to be questioned on this forum.  Until changes are made, we're not allowed to discuss bands that don't appear in these archives on this particular forum.  I'm not sure how long the process takes; I've been waiting on Wastefall for months, despite having submitted volumes of required info.  But I'd love to be able to discuss them without them being moved to non-prog music.  


Nima and Merge and Sprialing for me MO.  Same thing.



"What are you going to do when that damn thing rusts?"

Posted By: Man Overboard
Date Posted: June 23 2005 at 13:03
It seriously IS a problem...  how are we to discuss new prog bands that pop up before they are included?  Wouldn't this forum be the IDEAL place to discuss a prog group that released its debut recently?  So we can discover and discuss new groups we didn't know about before?  Isn't that the POINT of ProgArchives, to learn and discuss?  This shouldn't be limited to acts that are only in the Archives, that takes time to add...  I can understand taking to add groups to the archive, but there is NO reason to take actions to DISCOURAGE discussion of new bands/albums.  

-------------" rel="nofollow - Bedroom guitarist". Composer, Arranger, Producer. Perfection may not exist, but I may still choose to serve Perfection.

Commissions considered.

Posted By: Retrovertigo
Date Posted: June 24 2005 at 20:32

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