Dave Van Wormer & Bill De Hann welcome you to:
Rock On Songs!
The "hot" two piece (yeah just 2) Rock band that sounds like 4 or 5 players.
Let's face it; at some point - there's just no more glory doing other players songs; so 2 years ago we went original. All original Rock On Songs(tm) are played "Live" with no editing (other than fades, we so love fades) - so, they're all real. Check this out - we even leave in the mistakes, like real music.
Since 2003, Bill De Haan (Guitars & insightful rifts) & Dave Van Wormer (everything else - except silence/understated ego ), have thrilled audiances (oooooohhhhh) from "Center Stage" Summer Festivals (mostly at night, mostly) to State Fairgrounds Shows (Funnel Cake, ummmm). Whether hard driving at 35,000 watts (love that bass), or calm acoustic sets - you'll be amazed at their diversity. Our Drummer (Sticks Mandelay - Dr. Rythm 880, not sequenced) & Bass Player (Richard "Rich" Butters - Roland EXR-3 Bass Keyboard, played in real time) give our rock duo the true full band sound, all live - same take recordings.
Throw in harmonic chord changes; hauntingly rich themes, catchy hooks and subtlely nuanced lyrics; once you listen, you'll be back! Why aren"t these guys on TV? We don't know.
With 46 musical genre charted so far (so many genre, so, so much time!) - we're truly worth checking out again, and again. Download as many as you can. Someday "they'll cost ya."
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