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Arena Appreciation Thread

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
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Topic: Arena Appreciation Thread
Posted By: rod65
Subject: Arena Appreciation Thread
Date Posted: November 18 2010 at 22:56
I am a little surprised to find that so far, no one has started an Arena appreciation thread. With the band having re-formed after a fairly long hiatus for both a tour and a new album (The Tinder Box), now seems like a good time. To get things started, I'll pose a simple question. An obvious one, given the recent announcement of Paul Manzi as the new lead vocalist, is this:

Who is your favourite Arena vocalist so far?

1. John Carson
2. Paul Wrightson
3. Rob Sowden

Personally, while all of the band's vocalists so far have been excellent, I have to go with Rob Sowden, but it is very close between him and Paul Wrightson.

Anyway, and thoughts you might have on this great Neo-Prog band will be most welcome here.

Posted By: lazland
Date Posted: November 19 2010 at 08:51
Paul Wrightson for me. I'm looking forward to the new oneBig smile

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Posted By: rod65
Date Posted: September 28 2011 at 22:45
Well, this thread did not take off the way I had hoped, and considering the respect that Arena tends to get from many people on this site, I admit to being a little surprised. That said, the new album Seventh Degree of Separation, is now less than two months away, and I am quite happy to see that John Jowitt is once again playing bass for the band. As Jowitt invariably ups the game of any band he plays with (an dI think her has played with enough of them to be labeled 'The Official Bassist of the Neo-Prog Sub-Genre Smile), his presence is one more cause for excitement where the new disc is concerned.

Posted By: Roj
Date Posted: September 29 2011 at 03:07
Agreed.  I'm really looking forward to the new one.

Posted By: Roland113
Date Posted: September 29 2011 at 08:53
Originally posted by rod65 rod65 wrote:

Well, this thread did not take off the way I had hoped, and considering the respect that Arena tends to get from many people on this site, I admit to being a little surprised. That said, the new album Seventh Degree of Separation, is now less than two months away, and I am quite happy to see that John Jowitt is once again playing bass for the band. As Jowitt invariably ups the game of any band he plays with (an dI think her has played with enough of them to be labeled 'The Official Bassist of the Neo-Prog Sub-Genre Smile), his presence is one more cause for excitement where the new disc is concerned.

Amusingly enough, I give the same title to John Mitchell, the officially sponsored guitarist of Neo Prog!

-------someone please tell him to delete this line, he looks like a noob-------

I don't have an unnatural obsession with Disney Princesses, I have a fourteen year old daughter and coping mechanisms.

Posted By: colorofmoney91
Date Posted: September 30 2011 at 12:30
Arena are one of the very few neo-prog bands that I actually enjoy and I'm mildly excited for their new album. I've enjoyed Pepper's Ghost quite a bit.

-------------" rel="nofollow - Hanashukketsu

Posted By: Karolina
Date Posted: December 11 2011 at 16:23

I am the biggest Arena fun ever. The new album The seventh degree of separation is brilliant, Paul Manzi has a wide vocal range, suits the band perfectly. They have just finished their tour, hard working and talented guys!Clap

Posted By: stonebeard
Date Posted: December 15 2011 at 23:08
So, the I was looking for a reaction image online to properly portray how incredibly disappointed I am with the new album, but nothing really gets there. I'm just going to listen the "The Shattered Room" and feel bad for a few minutes.

-------------" rel="nofollow - My soundcloud. Please give feedback if you want!

Posted By: AlexDOM
Date Posted: December 16 2011 at 17:13
Their guitarist is insane!!!

Posted By: Karolina
Date Posted: December 17 2011 at 06:29
Could explain this further, pls?

John Mitchell is a brilliant artists!!!!!
Originally posted by AlexDOM AlexDOM wrote:

Their guitarist is insane!!!

Posted By: Mutez
Date Posted: April 13 2012 at 12:20
I really like Arena, and ironicly it was the magazine Metal Hammer that introduced me to them in 2000, with the song Chosen (tho it was edited).   Reminded me of the Lost Boys song Cry Little Sister lol.    I did check out other Arena songs and in 2004 i did buy the album Immortal? (after hearing the song Butterfly Man aswell, i just had to buy it).
I only liked the dark sounding songs tho from that album for a fair while, didnt care about the more happier sounding songs for a fair while, but in time grew to like them aswell.   Wasent until 2007 onwards i bought other Arena albums.   But to date i have The Visitor (best album) , Immortal?, Contagion, The Cry, Contagium and Peppers Ghost (that ones a fair bit of a let down im affraid to say).   Top three albums from best to least best would have to be.
The Visitor
I dont have their early albums and am only vaugley familiar with them, so cant comment there.  As for favourite frontmen?.....dont have a list there, all of them are good in their own way.

Posted By: Roj
Date Posted: May 15 2012 at 08:05
This thread really has sunk hasn't it, which is a shame.
I have to say I was pretty disappointed with the latest album.  Don't get me wrong there's some great tracks on there, The Ghost Walks and Trebuchet for starters.  However they really miss Rob Sowden.  Manzi is technically great but it just doesn't seem right to me without Sowden.  I see he chose to leave as he didn't like the move into commercial territory and that was understandable.
TSDOS is not a patch on the previous four albums, all of which were tremendous.

Posted By: progbethyname
Date Posted: July 04 2015 at 05:28
I am actually sad to see this thread not taking off either!!

I can listen to ARENA all day. I am a huge fan and this is a band that deeply one if my musical heroes. Not much better in the Neo prog world, especially for metallic edge combined with melody.

Gimmie my headphones now!!! 🎧🤣

Posted By: Aussie-Byrd-Brother
Date Posted: July 04 2015 at 05:41
Nice save with this post, Nick!

Dang, three years ago?! What the actual F?!

Let's make it a personal mission to keep this popping up now and then, a form of Prog Viagra if you will!   

Posted By: Meltdowner
Date Posted: July 04 2015 at 09:35
I listened to the new album again last week and it always gets better. One of my favourite albums of 2015 so far Thumbs Up

Posted By: AEProgman
Date Posted: July 06 2015 at 13:43
Been exploring the Neo world of late to see what it is about and have been struggling with some of it (lose interest in them), but got my first Arena album about a week or so ago,  "The Visitor" and have been enjoying that quite a bit.

Also really like The Mystery's, The World is a Game album.  Anubis, Comedy of Errors, and Psychedelic Ensemble are others in the genre that I have taken a shine to.


Posted By: lazland
Date Posted: August 26 2015 at 14:59
It would be nice for this thread to have some regular posts, although, having tried to keep the Marillion one going after Eric took a hiatus, and giving up, I don't hold out much hope.

Anyhow, I have The Unquiet Sky on now. Only the first listen, and that is always dangerous to post comments, but this is a huge return to form for these ears. Manzi, especially, has really come into his own on vocals, and Nolan is right back where he belongs - at the heart of all that is good about Arena.

Really enjoyable.

Enhance your life. Get down to

Now also broadcasting on Every Saturday, 4.00 p.m. UK time!

Posted By: progbethyname
Date Posted: August 26 2015 at 20:00
Oh yeah!!! Feel the Viagra!!! This thread is growing!! Don't keep your comments and opinions to yourself about this great band!!

Yes. Last night I again cracked the Unquiet Sky. did it come to this? No seriously how did it come to this? The album is absolutely beautiful. Not to mention the album artwork requires a very serious look. Really goes with the music. And oh my goodness do you girls and guys see all those very f**ked up and crazy demon faces throughout the album booklet??? I sure do. It's really dark....or as you Michael (Aussie-Byrd) would say..."it's deadly serious!" :)

I am very pro Arena right now. I have so much to say. I pretty much have their complete catalog and all hard copies of course! I recently grabbed a hold of 'the cry' EP, contagion Max and their first official live album 'welcome to the stage.' All of these albums are beautiful. Arena, I can officially say, do not have a weak spot in their entire discography!! How many bands can you say that about? Even IQ has a couple of clunkers...'are you sitting comfortably? (No I am not!) and 'nomzamo (what the hell?) lol.
Anyway, I am making an official announcement. Arena are the kings of the Neo cage!
In other words, I feel Arena are the best Neo Prog band of all time.
Bold statement? I don't feel it is now given their track record. There is no crack in the ice with this band, so let's give this band the damn respect it deserves!

Prog on. :)

Gimmie my headphones now!!! 🎧🤣

Posted By: Aussie-Byrd-Brother
Date Posted: August 26 2015 at 20:18
Well, I'll be honest, Nick, just last night I noticed that there are a few kinds of `Alchemy' t-shirts available from Clive Nolan's site, and I just about blew my load, err, wadd just looking at them! They're my next purchase!

You know, I'm determined to not let `The Unquiet Sky' be ruined for me! I had it playing in the car when I first met that recent `She Who Shall Not Be Named', and until her little scary mental episode, I was sure that album had been a good luck charm that I'd forever associate with meeting someone I thought might have gone on to be the love of my life!

So I need to give `The Unquiet Sky' a new purpose! I shall devote it to you, Sam and all the other Arena-ites singing its praises!

Posted By: Meltdowner
Date Posted: August 27 2015 at 08:34
^ It sucks when you associate great music with really bad memories Ouch You need to listen to it on a happy moment to forget about it Smile
I think of you and Nick when I listen to it too, I would probably not see them if you didn't rave about the album. I'm so glad I did Big smile

Posted By: rushfan4
Date Posted: August 27 2015 at 09:01
I have downloads of most of their albums.  Only a couple that I have physical copies of.  I'm not a big fan of paying import prices for CDs so I am content to settle for downloads in these type situations.  That being said I haven't listened to Arena as much as bands like Marillion, Pendragon and IQ.  Arena are certainly one of the top tier of the neo bands, and Clive Nolan might just be the official keyboardist of the neo-prog genre.  I am pretty excited that I recently purchased the Shadowland box set with all of their albums.  I have not heard them before and look forward to getting the time to give them some spins.


Posted By: Warthur
Date Posted: August 27 2015 at 09:50
Which existing Arena album would people compare The Unquiet Sky too? I'm fond of most of their stuff but Immortal fell a little flat for me and I thought Pepper's Ghost was a serious misstep. (I haven't even heard Seventh Degree of Separation yet - I was too put off by the reviews.) Unquiet Sky seems to have put a lot of doubts to rest, though, so I may make a point of getting it (once I'm done with my present spring-cleaning of my music collection).

Posted By: progbethyname
Date Posted: August 28 2015 at 23:07
Originally posted by Warthur Warthur wrote:

Which existing Arena album would people compare The Unquiet Sky too? I'm fond of most of their stuff but Immortal fell a little flat for me and I thought Pepper's Ghost was a serious misstep. (I haven't even heard Seventh Degree of Separation yet - I was too put off by the reviews.) Unquiet Sky seems to have put a lot of doubts to rest, though, so I may make a point of getting it (once I'm done with my present spring-cleaning of my music collection).

The unquiet sky is a fusing if you will whereby its a lovely blend of their new style (7th degree) mixed in with a good flare of their older more familiar sound found on peppers ghost and contagion. It's a quality album non the less.
Please explore the seventh degree of separation. Read Aussie Byrd Brother's review on it. It won't put you off, but rather encourage you to discover Arena's new direction. He explains it well.
You also gain a better appreciation for the unquiet sky following that listen of 7th degree.
Hope you enjoy it. It's worth discovering!

Gimmie my headphones now!!! 🎧🤣

Posted By: progbethyname
Date Posted: August 28 2015 at 23:12
Originally posted by rushfan4 rushfan4 wrote:

I have downloads of most of their albums.  Only a couple that I have physical copies of.  I'm not a big fan of paying import prices for CDs so I am content to settle for downloads in these type situations.  That being said I haven't listened to Arena as much as bands like Marillion, Pendragon and IQ.  Arena are certainly one of the top tier of the neo bands, and Clive Nolan might just be the official keyboardist of the neo-prog genre.  I am pretty excited that I recently purchased the Shadowland box set with all of their albums.  I have not heard them before and look forward to getting the time to give them some spins.

100% agree with you. Hate import prices!! Luckily I've known about arena for quite some time now, so I only had to splurge on a couple of their albums. Contagion Max being one of them. Lol 32$!
Worth it for me though. And you are right about Clive Nolan. He is a premium contender and forerunner for all time great in Neo synth land. ;) he has my vote!
And enjoy shadowland. I don't have that so I hope it fairs well with you.
Maybe explore Clive's ALCHEMY album. You'll be amazed what you here. It's Neo broadway! :)

Gimmie my headphones now!!! 🎧🤣

Posted By: lazland
Date Posted: August 29 2015 at 03:36
Originally posted by progbethyname progbethyname wrote:

Originally posted by Warthur Warthur wrote:

Which existing Arena album would people compare The Unquiet Sky too? I'm fond of most of their stuff but Immortal fell a little flat for me and I thought Pepper's Ghost was a serious misstep. (I haven't even heard Seventh Degree of Separation yet - I was too put off by the reviews.) Unquiet Sky seems to have put a lot of doubts to rest, though, so I may make a point of getting it (once I'm done with my present spring-cleaning of my music collection).

The unquiet sky is a fusing if you will whereby its a lovely blend of their new style (7th degree) mixed in with a good flare of their older more familiar sound found on peppers ghost and contagion. It's a quality album non the less.
Please explore the seventh degree of separation. Read Aussie Byrd Brother's review on it. It won't put you off, but rather encourage you to discover Arena's new direction. He explains it well.
You also gain a better appreciation for the unquiet sky following that listen of 7th degree.
Hope you enjoy it. It's worth discovering!

Nicholas provides a good description of the new album. I would also add that, with the new album, Arena have rediscovered that pomp in their prog rock which marked them out from the start. They are far the better for it. In fact, as things stand, my review to come is heavily leaning towards a five star rating, because I can barely find fault, it is that good.

Enhance your life. Get down to

Now also broadcasting on Every Saturday, 4.00 p.m. UK time!

Posted By: progbethyname
Date Posted: September 02 2015 at 19:07
Originally posted by lazland lazland wrote:

Originally posted by progbethyname progbethyname wrote:

Originally posted by Warthur Warthur wrote:

Which existing Arena album would people compare The Unquiet Sky too? I'm fond of most of their stuff but Immortal fell a little flat for me and I thought Pepper's Ghost was a serious misstep. (I haven't even heard Seventh Degree of Separation yet - I was too put off by the reviews.) Unquiet Sky seems to have put a lot of doubts to rest, though, so I may make a point of getting it (once I'm done with my present spring-cleaning of my music collection).

The unquiet sky is a fusing if you will whereby its a lovely blend of their new style (7th degree) mixed in with a good flare of their older more familiar sound found on peppers ghost and contagion. It's a quality album non the less.
Please explore the seventh degree of separation. Read Aussie Byrd Brother's review on it. It won't put you off, but rather encourage you to discover Arena's new direction. He explains it well.
You also gain a better appreciation for the unquiet sky following that listen of 7th degree.
Hope you enjoy it. It's worth discovering!

Nicholas provides a good description of the new album. I would also add that, with the new album, Arena have rediscovered that pomp in their prog rock which marked them out from the start. They are far the better for it. In fact, as things stand, my review to come is heavily leaning towards a five star rating, because I can barely find fault, it is that good.

I felt exactly this way, Steve! exactly. I just can't find a fault. It is my masterpiece of 2015.
This album stands at #1 for me unless Iron Maiden can pull out a shocker.

Look forward to reading your review. I'm glad you are loving the album like I am. It's a great offering.
Such quality. :)

Gimmie my headphones now!!! 🎧🤣

Posted By: progbethyname
Date Posted: September 15 2015 at 12:04
Been enjoying the "CAUGHT IN THE ACT' DVD.

Anyone else have it? Sowden's glasses are a bit much, but man he has a good voice. :)

No vockills!!

Gimmie my headphones now!!! 🎧🤣

Posted By: progbethyname
Date Posted: October 13 2015 at 12:21
ARENA? Anybody feeling the love lately for what this band can do?

Has anyone heard the "Salamander" remix by Richard west?
He's the original and still current keyboardist of the Prog metal band, "Threshold."
Anyway...not bad. ;)

Gimmie my headphones now!!! 🎧🤣

Posted By: Meltdowner
Date Posted: October 13 2015 at 12:23
^ Where can that remix be heard? Smile

Posted By: rdtprog
Date Posted: October 13 2015 at 13:53
Originally posted by Meltdowner Meltdowner wrote:

^ Where can that remix be heard? Smile

Music is the refuge of souls ulcerated by happiness.

Emile M. Cioran

Posted By: dr wu23
Date Posted: October 13 2015 at 13:56
Well....I'm a fan of some neo prog....really like IQ for  instance , but I only have Contagion and Pepper's Ghost by Arena. While I find them interesting I still haven't become a big fan.
Which is better: The Visitor or Immortal..?

One does nothing yet nothing is left undone.

Posted By: rdtprog
Date Posted: October 13 2015 at 13:59
Originally posted by dr wu23 dr wu23 wrote:

Well....I'm a fan of some neo prog....really like IQ for  instance , but I only have Contagion and Pepper's Ghost by Arena. While I find them interesting I still haven't become a big fan.
Which is better: The Visitor or Immortal..?

The Visitor, by far

Music is the refuge of souls ulcerated by happiness.

Emile M. Cioran

Posted By: lazland
Date Posted: October 13 2015 at 14:23
Originally posted by dr wu23 dr wu23 wrote:

Well....I'm a fan of some neo prog....really like IQ for  instance , but I only have Contagion and Pepper's Ghost by Arena. While I find them interesting I still haven't become a big fan.
Which is better: The Visitor or Immortal..?

I find both great, and the new one better.

Enhance your life. Get down to

Now also broadcasting on Every Saturday, 4.00 p.m. UK time!

Posted By: Meltdowner
Date Posted: October 14 2015 at 14:14
Originally posted by rdtprog rdtprog wrote:

Originally posted by Meltdowner Meltdowner wrote:

^ Where can that remix be heard? Smile

Thanks! It sure is very different, but not bad.

Posted By: Duke of Rother
Date Posted: October 18 2015 at 16:16
I've only recently got into Arena but have very much enjoyed The Unquiet Sky, Congagion and The Visitor. (Preference in that order at the moment...)

Posted By: geekfreak
Date Posted: November 11 2015 at 03:14
well here`s someone whom as NEVER listened to Arena at ALL. so ladies and gentlemen where should I start the magical journey into Arena...

Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake."

Music Is Live

Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.

Keep Calm And Listen To The Music…

Posted By: AEProgman
Date Posted: November 12 2015 at 14:19
^ I just tried my first Arena album a few months ago and liked it.  The Visitor...not exactly sure why I picked that instead of others, maybe reading some of the reviews...or a coin toss  Smile

I'm sure some of the guys who know their discography well will chime in...


Posted By: RoeDent
Date Posted: November 19 2015 at 13:32
I bought Immortal? the other day. My 3rd Arena album after Songs From the Lion's Cage and Pepper's Ghost. Still getting familiar with the songs, but as with the two albums mentioned above, it gets off to a great start with Chosen. That keyboard/guitar riff after the opening drum intro is really powerful and driving.

Posted By: geekfreak
Date Posted: November 19 2015 at 14:38
well I`ve gotten the first album I`ve ever had by Arena " songs from the lion`s cage " today still to listen to it

Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake."

Music Is Live

Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.

Keep Calm And Listen To The Music…

Posted By: Blinkyjoh
Date Posted: November 19 2015 at 17:02
Since this is the Arena Appreciation Thread, and i'm surfing the forums, i thought i'd just pipe in that Unquiet Sky is one of my favourite recently albums...possibly because I really like the short story it is loosely based on as well. I don't think any of the songs are 'killer tracks', but they all work so well together, tell a story, and enjoyable to listen to.

Pepper's Ghost i bought, but didn't really like as much.  Seventh Degree of Separation feels similar to me as unquiet sky.

Posted By: progbethyname
Date Posted: November 26 2015 at 23:47
Originally posted by dr wu23 dr wu23 wrote:

Well....I'm a fan of some neo prog....really like IQ for  instance , but I only have Contagion and Pepper's Ghost by Arena. While I find them interesting I still haven't become a big fan.
Which is better: The Visitor or Immortal..?

These are 2 quality albums. I find neither to be more favorable than the other because they are very different and don't have the same vocalists.
The visitor is an amazing, tightly knit conceptual album while Immortal offers a great deal of diversity.
If you want a soaring epic, Moviedrome. If you want a dark, moody yet classically romantic track , you get 'Fridays dream. '
I'd say if I would offer immortal first before the visitor to you. Immortal really showcases what Arena can do.
I love its diversity that's intertwined with some extremely dark subject matter.
On all accounts though, Arena have not one weak album in their entire discography.
Just plunge right in!

Gimmie my headphones now!!! 🎧🤣

Posted By: progbethyname
Date Posted: November 26 2015 at 23:53
Originally posted by geekfreak geekfreak wrote:

well here`s someone whom as NEVER listened to Arena at ALL. so ladies and gentlemen where should I start the magical journey into Arena...

For diversity.

In order.

The unquiet sky.
The visitor.

Gimmie my headphones now!!! 🎧🤣

Posted By: progbethyname
Date Posted: January 03 2016 at 21:13
Arena: The Unquiet Sky.

2015's album of the year for me and my runner up wasn't even close. ;)
This album slaughtered the competition. Top honors. ;)

Gimmie my headphones now!!! 🎧🤣

Posted By: Replayer
Date Posted: January 12 2016 at 22:01
I've recently bought The Visitor and I think it's great. I also own the band's first two albums and prefer Arena's 90s albums to what Marillion were doing at the time. Yes, I've listened to Brave, but I prefer The Visitor as a 'dark concept album'.

Posted By: Aussie-Byrd-Brother
Date Posted: January 19 2016 at 18:42
Look what new upcoming live DVD just showed up on the main page of the Archives!" rel="nofollow -

Seems like they’ll be playing a large chunk of `The Unquiet Sky’ on it as well (heh, they should gone `full-prog’ and played the entire thing in the proper order!).

Anyway, looks like Christmas just came early! I would have too, if this was getting a Bluray edition!

Very well, the DVD will have to suffice!

Posted By: Meltdowner
Date Posted: January 19 2016 at 19:11
Great news indeed. What an ugly cover though with the giant "XX"
The setlist seems very similar to the concert I saw. I bet more than 20 attended the concert they recorded in Poland, though

Posted By: Aussie-Byrd-Brother
Date Posted: January 19 2016 at 19:18
It's lazy cover artwork, for sure, but then the previous live DVD skimped on new art and had the same image from the front of the `Seventh Degree of Seperation' studio disc as well!

This will definitely be an early highlight of 2015, though, can't wait!

Posted By: progbethyname
Date Posted: January 27 2016 at 19:01
I'm very excited. I hope there is a blu ray edition. I'll be all over that.

I just am so looking forward to hearing some of the Unquiet sky album performed live right in my living room. :)

I'm really into concert DVDs lately with 5.1 surround sound codecs, so this is perfect timing.

A must have for me in 2016! I believe February 12th is the release date. :)

Gimmie my headphones now!!! 🎧🤣

Posted By: rdtprog
Date Posted: January 28 2016 at 04:07
Originally posted by progbethyname progbethyname wrote:

I'm very excited. I hope there is a blu ray edition. I'll be all over that.

I just am so looking forward to hearing some of the Unquiet sky album performed live right in my living room. :)

I'm really into concert DVDs lately with 5.1 surround sound codecs, so this is perfect timing.

A must have for me in 2016! I believe February 12th is the release date. :)

I would be surprised that they release a Blu-Ray later. And don't expect something spectacular with Metal Mind as far as the surround sound mix, it would be a ambiance surround sound.

Music is the refuge of souls ulcerated by happiness.

Emile M. Cioran

Posted By: progbethyname
Date Posted: January 29 2016 at 15:19
Originally posted by rdtprog rdtprog wrote:

Originally posted by progbethyname progbethyname wrote:

I'm very excited. I hope there is a blu ray edition. I'll be all over that.

I just am so looking forward to hearing some of the Unquiet sky album performed live right in my living room. :)

I'm really into concert DVDs lately with 5.1 surround sound codecs, so this is perfect timing.

A must have for me in 2016! I believe February 12th is the release date. :)

I would be surprised that they release a Blu-Ray later. And don't expect something spectacular with Metal Mind as far as the surround sound mix, it would be a ambiance surround sound.

Actually, that's pretty fair to say. Piotr Brezenski kind of blew it on the RAPTURE DVD audio engineering. I found the sound to be quite thin compared many others I've enjoyed.
I hope it's better. But yeah, good point. Metal mind need to clean up their act.

Sadly, I bet there won't be a blu ray edition. Standard DVD still in 2016? Come one.

Gimmie my headphones now!!! 🎧🤣

Posted By: progbethyname
Date Posted: August 10 2016 at 14:56
Giving Immortal and The Visitor some attention this week.
2 of Arena's very best!!
I hope many are still appreciating this incredible band.
8 albums (studio) and NOT a one is lousy or mediocre.

I just wish some of their live album A&R could be immensely better.

Gimmie my headphones now!!! 🎧🤣

Posted By: Aussie-Byrd-Brother
Date Posted: August 10 2016 at 17:26
Nick, I came across four of their albums - `Pepper's Ghost', `Immortal', `Contagion' (a digipack version) and `Pride' - traded in at a second hand store down my way, it was a bit heartbreaking. I mean, if I didn't already have them I would have probably climaxed there on the spot and snapped them up in an instant!

But as opposed to usually spending an hour going through every CD in the store and maybe - MAYBE - coming across one or two prog related albums, I actually discovered on this most recent trip that someone seemed to have purged a complete collection of prog/kraut/psych/electronic discs....good for me to fill in a few gaps in my collection, but sad that someone decided to get rid of them.

I did tip off a friend about the Arena's, though, he went back and bought a few of them!

Oh, and I don't think the latest Arena live disc would have been any good on Bluray. The picture is blurry, murky and dark, and no matter how much you coat a turd in gold, underneath it's still a turd! The previous one from the `Separation' tour looked a lot fancier.

Posted By: Meltdowner
Date Posted: July 31 2017 at 09:21
They just announced the title of their upcoming album, "Double Vision". There will be concerts next year, where they'll promote the new album and play the whole "The Visitor" album for its 20th anniversary.

Posted By: RoeDent
Date Posted: July 31 2017 at 09:57
Got to be a Visitor sequel then, I'm guessing.

Posted By: Aussie-Byrd-Brother
Date Posted: July 31 2017 at 10:12
Wonderful and unexpected news, Sam! I thought a new Arena (and/or Pendragon) album was a long way off considering how devoted Clive Nolan is to his next prog-musical - seriously my most anticipated release of the year!

Paul Manzi is still doing the vocals?

Posted By: progbethyname
Date Posted: August 01 2017 at 08:36
Michael! Manzi sure is still the force behind the mic. :)
Wow! I just got the update now from their website. Yup. I am vey shocked. I didn't think we would be hearing from ARENA for another 3 years at least!
Double vision? Yeah that does sound like a Visitor sequel, and why not? The Visitor' has to be one of their most complete albums to date. It's boarder line perfect to me.

Thanks to you Sam as well for the update.

We are spoiled proggers!

I hope to see Arena in Montreal if they tour their during the 2018 shows.

Great news! My most anticipated release as well. :)

If they release a DVD, for god sakes let's hope for a blu ray. Jeeeeze! Lol

Gimmie my headphones now!!! 🎧🤣

Posted By: Meltdowner
Date Posted: August 01 2017 at 09:04
I was quite surprised as well, not long ago Nolan said he started working on a new Arena album and all of a sudden we get all this!? I hope he put some serious thought in it, although even if it's half as good as "The Unquiet Sky", we're in for a treat :)

Posted By: progbethyname
Date Posted: August 01 2017 at 10:09
Hey Sam. I think there is such a strong connection between quality and Mr. Nolan. Arena is one of the very few bands on planet earth where I can say all their studio albums are real gems and essentials to buy. Their live albums/DVDs need some help here and there, but anyway I just don't see ARENA blowing it on album number 9. I think will be great and it will be so interesting to have another area album just 3 years apart.

You can bet I am very happy and excited for this news.

Gimmie my headphones now!!! 🎧🤣

Posted By: lazland
Date Posted: August 01 2017 at 12:35
Autobuy, and really looking forward to some new Arena

Enhance your life. Get down to

Now also broadcasting on Every Saturday, 4.00 p.m. UK time!

Posted By: progbethyname
Date Posted: August 02 2017 at 07:29
^ right you are, Mr. Laz...right you are.

I've already muttered under my breath about a million times, " Just take my money...take it."

Gimmie my headphones now!!! 🎧🤣

Posted By: The Crow
Date Posted: August 03 2017 at 12:59
These are great news!

Nevertheless, I still think that Paul Manzi is not the right singer for Arena. I'm a big fan of this band, but I don't like The Seventh Degree of Separation and The Unquiet Sky very much, and that's primarly because Manzi's vocals, which I find unfitting for this type of music.

But I really hope that this Double Vision makes me swallow my words.

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