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The Watch - Quebec City Concert _ October 23, 2010

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Forum Name: Live Performance Reviews
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Topic: The Watch - Quebec City Concert _ October 23, 2010
Posted By: mooguy
Subject: The Watch - Quebec City Concert _ October 23, 2010
Date Posted: October 24 2010 at 18:34
Margaret and I flew out from Vancouver to attend last nights concert, this was a surprise birthday present for yours truly and what a gift it turned out to be. I have waited 29 years to see/hear Suppers Ready live and The Watch delivered impeccably last evening. Playing virtually all of Foxtrot with the Musical Box as a special treat and The Knife as a final encore.

I was in awe of the evening which began with a set of The Watch original songs which was very good. The venue is a 160 capacity converted Church and offers an incredibly intimate venue which matched the performance and audience superbly. The audience was great.....Respectful, joyous and happy as I was to hear such beautiful music from a day long past us musically. If anyone reading this has a chance to catch this tour in North America I wish you the best of luck securing tickets. You will not be disappointed :-D

Next year will include more new Watch material but will also cover "Selling England by the Pound", and I dearly hope they come to Vancouver or anywhere closer, so the Westcoast of Canada can have a chance to enjoy such excellence in musicianship and performance. If not, back to Quebec City we will have to travel.

There was nobody being over zealous on the side of cameras etc..... so I also managed to capture all the music with my little camera that shoots HD. I have used this camera for Primus as well as the Black Label Society and it does a decent job.

I was able to view a bit of what I recorded and am happy with the outcome. I will post these to Youtube later monday evening.

Keep on Proggin !!


Posted By:
Date Posted: October 25 2010 at 07:14
Looking forward to your videos Bob. Sounds like a great night. I regret not seeing them when they came to Paris. I couldn't make it, unfortunately.

Posted By: Progdaybay
Date Posted: October 27 2010 at 15:46
I had the chance to be in the audience, last Saturday, and Wow ! What a musical show !
No flash effects or big sparks... only music. The proof is that both guitar and bass players were sit down on a bench !
So, musically speaking, it was the best show I have seen... period !
The music from their compos is very good, interesting, truly prog, with a lot of odd-tempo stuff and good punches. Quite melodic also.
But the gem was the interpretation of the album "Foxtrot" from 1972-Genesis. Plus "The Musical Box" presented by Simone R as "la boîte à musique" (since he has started learning French), plus the second encore "The Knife". I have to say that a tear or two went out of me, when they started "Supper's ready", also presented as "le souper est prêt" by Simone...
Since I know they have performed the album "Trespass" before, they are working on "Genesis to Revelation" stuff, now "Foxtrot" and in the near future "Selling England... ", and having seen those fabulous musicians,... do not miss (!!) a future return to America.
They have been for the 3rd time in Qc city, and all indications are they will be back for a 4th !!! Maybe next fall ??
As we can say : Watch that !!

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