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How Do You Explain...?

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
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Forum Description: General progressive music discussions
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Topic: How Do You Explain...?
Posted By: Thickasabrick31
Subject: How Do You Explain...?
Date Posted: October 15 2010 at 10:51
Why you like the music you do? I've recently fallen in love with Kayo Dot, and I'm having a hard time justifying to my friends how I can listen to one or their albums and find something beautiful in them. I've tried explaining that it's just more complex or that they just weren't willing to give it a chance, but that makes me come across pretentious. I can't explain why Toby Driver's music is so incredible; it just is for me. I don't seek justification for liking this music, but rather just something to tell them that doesn't make me come across pretentious.

Also, I suppose this applies to progressive music in general.

Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: October 15 2010 at 11:06

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Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: October 15 2010 at 11:13
^ I think that explains it. LOL

"If you think that it's pretentious, you've been taken for a ride."

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

Posted By: thellama73
Date Posted: October 15 2010 at 11:19
I have a complex system of spreadsheets, charts and Venn diagrams explaining why I like the music I do vis-a-vis its basic audio characteristics and historical context.

No, just kidding. I just go by my ears.


Posted By: halabalushindigus
Date Posted: October 15 2010 at 11:27
dont really know where I'm going with this...but How Do YOU explain..the Fall of Civilization..a song by Steve Howe on his "Grand Scheme Of Things" cdConfused
what is hard is trying to explain Nektar's 7/8 meter and tempo changes and,of course, their trademark modulations, to a first time when you play "recycled" or even "future" to a first time listener..and they're like WTF?Thumbs DownStern Smile
maybe they'll get it after the twentieth listenBig smile


assume the power 1586/14.3

Posted By: Epyros
Date Posted: October 15 2010 at 11:42
if you can explain why you like it, you don't really like it (i hope this doesn't make sense only to me). If you give a reason you are creating conditions, so if you listen to any other music with those conditions you would feel forced to like it, thats what people who like pop often do like "if it's on the top i like it" and also what some people do with under music like "I like it because it's obscure". I'm always trying to learn how to make a difference between something i like and something I don't without giving any reasons, maybe thats just me....

Posted By: rogerthat
Date Posted: October 15 2010 at 12:09
Originally posted by Epyros Epyros wrote:

if you can explain why you like it, you don't really like it

I veer to the other extreme, if I CAN'T explain why I like it, maybe I don't really like it at all and will someday grow out of it.  Why should it have to do only with fitting into peer groups as you seem to suggest?  I have some strong preferences in music and I mean very broad things like the handling of melody, sophisticated (read jazz) use of bass and so on (and not just genre preferences like prog-70s prog-symph prog etc) and I like it when the music that I listen to fits into these boxes AND is done well at that, above all.  Now, what is "well" may be subjective but it's definitely a better articulated statement than saying "I like it because I like it" which means next to nothing.     

Posted By: lazland
Date Posted: October 15 2010 at 12:30
It hits the neurones in the right waySmile

Enhance your life. Get down to

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Posted By: CloseToTheMoon
Date Posted: October 15 2010 at 13:25
I like Prog keeps me guessing. I get bored with music easily, but there's still hundreds of older bands I haven't heard. It makes me excited.

It's funny how the colors of the real world only seem really real when you viddy them on the screen.

Posted By: Manuel
Date Posted: October 15 2010 at 13:34
To me, it comes down to only only little thing:"You like it because you like it", it appeals to you and it satisfies your taste, emotions, fulfills you, etc.
you don't need a specific reason to like something, music in this case, and certainly don't need to explain it, nor does anybody else. I guess is part of being human.

Posted By: octopus-4
Date Posted: October 15 2010 at 14:28 -

I stand with Roger Waters, I stand with Joan Baez, I stand with Victor Jara, I stand with Woody Guthrie. Music is revolution

Posted By: kenethlevine
Date Posted: October 15 2010 at 16:07
The answer should lie in all the (3,)4 and 5 star reviews on this site

Posted By: Noak
Date Posted: October 15 2010 at 17:07
I don't. I just tell them that I think it's beautiful and/or fun to listen to (as in: it's an experience which I would be happy to be put through again), because I think those are the two elements I value most in music. There is no music I really like which can't be put into one of these categories.

Posted By: yanch
Date Posted: October 15 2010 at 18:21
Originally posted by Manuel Manuel wrote:

To me, it comes down to only only little thing:"You like it because you like it", it appeals to you and it satisfies your taste, emotions, fulfills you, etc.
you don't need a specific reason to like something, music in this case, and certainly don't need to explain it, nor does anybody else. I guess is part of being human.

Yeah! No reasons or explanations needed. Thumbs Up

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: October 15 2010 at 18:40
Gotta give Snow Dog some credit here ... he has empty space in his reply (it's what I can see from here) and it is just about the size I needed to explain it ... but decided ... that the best reply is already there.
Well done Snow ... yeah ... sometimes silence is golden!

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: October 15 2010 at 18:43
Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

Gotta give Snow Dog some credit here ... he has empty space in his reply (it's what I can see from here) and it is just about the size I needed to explain it ... but decided ... that the best reply is already there.
Well done Snow ... yeah ... sometimes silence is golden!

Actually it should be a video clip of The Who's "Can't Explain". Don't know why you can't see it.

So I can't take the credit and the praise unfortunately.Embarrassed

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Posted By: michellemjk
Date Posted: October 15 2010 at 21:50
I think only your subconscious self knows the answer.

Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: October 15 2010 at 21:57
Originally posted by michellemjk michellemjk wrote:

I think only your subconscious self knows the answer.

Which means you should probably go to sleep and try to remember whatever your mind does while you are sleeping.

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

Posted By: paganinio
Date Posted: October 15 2010 at 22:34
you have to be in certain moods to enjoy an album

To me, the moods for Jimi Hendrix are close to the moods for Zeppelin, but I can't listen to Ayreon in the same moods


Posted By: Lozlan
Date Posted: October 16 2010 at 12:12
Brain chemistry?  Whimsy?  My completely inappropriate physical response to Hammond organs?

I AM an obscurity nut, that much I will confess.  But as to why prog ate my was a gradual process, much like a symbiotic infection.  Progressive rock makes me feel very warm and content and excited and dynamic; listening to it is essentially like a mouse repeatedly pressing the pleasure button.

Certified Obscure Prog Fart." rel="nofollow - The Loose Palace of Exile - My first novel, The Mask of Tamrel, now available on Amazon and Kindle

Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: October 16 2010 at 13:04
Originally posted by paganinio paganinio wrote:

you have to be in certain moods to enjoy an album

To me, the moods for Jimi Hendrix are close to the moods for Zeppelin, but I can't listen to Ayreon in the same moods

Mood and timing also play a factor in whether or not you get into something new to you.  You weren't actually asking me to explain were you?
Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

Posted By: mono
Date Posted: October 19 2010 at 02:53
Why do you need to explain everything??
Taste is like religion. It needs NO justification at all.

------------- Prog trio, from ambiant to violence Film music and production projects (almost) everything else

Posted By: Roterstern
Date Posted: October 19 2010 at 06:16
Totally agree with mono. Music-devotees are people of belief, rather than people of reason. Though, psychologist might have explained it already, what attracts us all to different genres. My experience shows that most IT and Engineering guys are rock - prog-rock listeners. And vice versa =)

I guess for me passion for prog comes from the passion for complex structures and hierarchies.

"Die Freude am schauen und begreifen ist die Schönste Gabe der Natur", A.E.

Posted By: ExittheLemming
Date Posted: October 19 2010 at 08:44
^ Interesting, that must be why our server is always down at work - the IT department is staffed with touchy feely dreamers Geek


Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: October 19 2010 at 08:49
Originally posted by ExittheLemming ExittheLemming wrote:

^ Interesting, that must be why our server is always down at work - the IT department is staffed with touchy feely dreamers Geek

They can't come and sort any problems out until Close To The Edge ( or similar lengthy piece) finishes anyway.

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Posted By: phrophus
Date Posted: October 19 2010 at 09:24

To paraphrase Louis Armstrong, "there are only two types of music. The good and the bad. I (play/listen to) the good kind.

That's the only explanation I can ever give.

Posted By: ExittheLemming
Date Posted: October 19 2010 at 09:33
^ Why do you assume that what you like has some sort of objective verifiable merit that what you don't like doesn't?

I'm not having a go at you here but there are millions of posts like this on PA which appear to say something like this:

If I quote a celebrated musician stating their preferences as fact it makes my own tastes objective and therefore justified.

I mean it's bollocks ain't it ?Confused


Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: October 19 2010 at 09:45
Originally posted by ExittheLemming ExittheLemming wrote:

^ Why do you assume that what you like has some sort of objective verifiable merit that what you don't like doesn't?

I'm not having a go at you here but there are millions of posts like this on PA which appear to say something like this:

If I quote a celebrated musician stating their preferences as fact it makes my own tastes objective and therefore justified.

I mean it's bollocks ain't it ?Confused
I know what you mean. If I like something that he doesn't it makes what I listen to "bad music"

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Posted By: Vibrationbaby
Date Posted: October 19 2010 at 09:57
Just be alone knowing for yourself that it's lonely at the top.


Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: October 19 2010 at 10:07
It's not your job to justify something you like to someone else. If you like it, then that is all the justification YOU need to listen to it. What does it matter if others can't understand what you see in it?

Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: Vibrationbaby
Date Posted: October 19 2010 at 10:13
f**k them if they don't understand you. ( my wife undersands me, I hope )


Posted By: phrophus
Date Posted: October 19 2010 at 10:14
Originally posted by ExittheLemming ExittheLemming wrote:

^ Why do you assume that what you like has some sort of objective verifiable merit that what you don't like doesn't?

I'm not having a go at you here but there are millions of posts like this on PA which appear to say something like this:

If I quote a celebrated musician stating their preferences as fact it makes my own tastes objective and therefore justified.

I mean it's bollocks ain't it ?Confused
The point, more or less, is that we all, individually, only play/listen to music that we consider "good." Whatever way we choose to measure what is "good" is completely subjective, but it is still "good" so far as the subject is concerned. I may consider some music "bad" but I don't care if another person listens to it.  The point is that our tastes are subjective, and the quote reemphasizes that I play/listen to what I like and don't feel the need to justify my preferences. If someone asks why I like something, I can say because it's good. You can disagree/agree if you like, but, to me, it's still good.   

Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: October 19 2010 at 10:17
I remember how frustrating it was when I was 15, trying to get some of my friends to understand why I liked Rush so much. It turned out that the reasons I thought they were the best band in the world, were exactly the same reasons they all thought they were the worst band in the world.

Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: mattstevens
Date Posted: October 19 2010 at 17:24
I think a lot of it goes back to what you were into as a younger person - for instance listening to the Mahavishnu Orchestra when I a lad really shaped the music i enjoyed as an adult (not fashionable when all your mates are into Nirvana I can tell ya)

"Ghost is a phenomenal piece of work that has already garnered countless frothing plaudits within the online prog and post-rock firmament" Classic Rock Presents Prog

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: October 19 2010 at 17:52
We could get really deep into this, but I am not sure that it is going to help.
As time goes by, and you get older, the first thing you will notice is how some groups that you liked in your teens, all of a sudden you don't in your 30's and 40's. And if you like finding out why, you will notice that some reasons were social, some were personal, and the others ... you had a chance to go out with that girl! ... and in the end, a lot of it loses its meaning.
Music like most arts, are only valuable when they touch you deeper and further than we know or understand, as they will leave enough residue behind for you to learn something about it ... that is of course, unless you are not interested in these things, and you don't care ... which some people don't.

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: October 19 2010 at 18:22
I did lose interest in some stuff I did like before I became a prog nut.  Even stuff like Kraftwerk which is officially prog around here.  I was into Wakeman around the same time.  I'm just going to have to admit that I can't explain.  LOL

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

Posted By: Pelata
Date Posted: October 19 2010 at 19:24
I'm with mono...

Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: October 20 2010 at 01:55
Originally posted by Pelata Pelata wrote:

I'm with mono...

Since i moved to stereo I never looked back.

I'm a bit tired of you audiophiles and your "mono is better" arguments.

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Posted By: mono
Date Posted: October 20 2010 at 03:27
Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

Originally posted by Pelata Pelata wrote:

I'm with mono...

Since i moved to stereo I never looked back.

I'm a bit tired of you audiophiles and your "mono is better" arguments.

I hope that's a joke LOL

------------- Prog trio, from ambiant to violence Film music and production projects (almost) everything else

Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: October 20 2010 at 03:34
Originally posted by mono mono wrote:

Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

Originally posted by Pelata Pelata wrote:

I'm with mono...

Since i moved to stereo I never looked back.

I'm a bit tired of you audiophiles and your "mono is better" arguments.

I hope that's a joke LOL

But of course!Tongue

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Posted By: octopus-4
Date Posted: October 20 2010 at 04:04
Originally posted by ExittheLemming ExittheLemming wrote:

^ Interesting, that must be why our server is always down at work - the IT department is staffed with touchy feely dreamers Geek
Effectively I'm in IT since 1981 and in prog since 1973....the two things may be linked.Confused
on both it can be just question of playing keyboards 

I stand with Roger Waters, I stand with Joan Baez, I stand with Victor Jara, I stand with Woody Guthrie. Music is revolution

Posted By: TODDLER
Date Posted: October 20 2010 at 08:03
I had issues with this many years ago because I was a working musician and some of the musicians I met were just as foul or close minded about prog as anyone else. I was a little surprised and I was living in the dark and hated putting effort into someone else's attitudes or overall issues. It's like a chess game. I'd rather just put on prog and stare at the big puffy white clouds in the big blue sky and turning off society's transistor signal.

I have strange encounters with young family members that are interested in rap or hip hop. They might invite me into their conversation. A few years ago when I played coffee houses occasionally, we had poetry night. Various rappers would show to the stage and recite a rap piece without music. It turned out to be real interesting for me. Many of them had the upmost ability to create sentences that told a story, all the words were rhymes and completely off the top of their heads. It was evident to me that they must have practiced a method where one improvises with rhymes and experiments with wording. It's not an easy task to accomplish and I was very impressed with these guys. But later,.... they struck up a conversation with me and because of my age, they were under the assumption that due to my age, my musical taste was with Boston, Foghat, Peter Frampton, Cheap Trick etc ...all the things I depised about rock music during it's dreadful change when I was 18. This is most likely due to their full time exposure to the media and the media does not represent as a whole, the truth regarding music from my generation or doesn't give more of an inside glimpse into the social environment between 66' to 71'.

In conculsion, this being the reason why society in general reflects a foul attitude toward proggers. They have no understanding of our life in the 60's and early 70's and their minds are lured in by the media coverage and all it's lies. Just as it's almost impossible to convince stadium rock fans that Robin Trower's Bridge Of Sighs, (which during the first release was excepted by everyone), became for musicians an insult. A record which contained a guitar style that emulated Jimi Hendrix to the extreme. Many musicians just threw their hands into the air yelling "What for?"  Many people in the world just can't come to that realization. Some people say....."Who ever heard of such a thing?"  But you see? You had to be there to understand. Clapton turning into a singer songwriter was another big blow to professional players.

Remember the saying...The hippies were cool until Madision Ave got a hold of them? It's the same deal. People don't understand concepts of practices in music during the early times....whether it be rock or even commercial rock....let aloine soundtrack music, Prog or Jazz. You have thousands of people in America raving over Eric Clapton and they don't even have a clue who Rory Gallagher is. It's a worthless battle and most of the time at social gatherings, I calmly avoid social contact and music conversations. Many times I have lied and stated that I know nothing of Progressive Rock just to escape the annoying raves over Led Zeppelin and Yes.  

Posted By: chopper
Date Posted: November 01 2010 at 08:11
Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

Gotta give Snow Dog some credit here ... he has empty space in his reply (it's what I can see from here) and it is just about the size I needed to explain it ... but decided ... that the best reply is already there.
Well done Snow ... yeah ... sometimes silence is golden!

Actually it should be a video clip of The Who's "Can't Explain". Don't know why you can't see it.

So I can't take the credit and the praise unfortunately.Embarrassed
I can't see it either - that's because I'm at work and YouTube is banned along with Facebook, MySpace etc etc.

Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: November 01 2010 at 08:14
Originally posted by chopper chopper wrote:

Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

Gotta give Snow Dog some credit here ... he has empty space in his reply (it's what I can see from here) and it is just about the size I needed to explain it ... but decided ... that the best reply is already there.
Well done Snow ... yeah ... sometimes silence is golden!

Actually it should be a video clip of The Who's "Can't Explain". Don't know why you can't see it.

So I can't take the credit and the praise unfortunately.Embarrassed
I can't see it either - that's because I'm at work and YouTube is banned along with Facebook, MySpace etc etc.

Well you know the tune...just sing it in your head.

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Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: November 01 2010 at 14:07
A lot of music for me is NOT about the lyrics ... and this is the reason why so much "progressive" music fails for me ... the need to sing and sound like someone else, to say "something" ... it is far better to say nothing, than it is to say something sometimes,
Somehow, we tend to add some importance because someone has lyrics, and I don't think that is necessarily the case and it becomes an excuse ... and does not propel the music much.
The other side of things, is ... that what became "progressive" was a result of a SCENE that had a lot of other arts around it ... and too many of the sub-genres of the "progressive" groups were not a part of any scene, and in general they were just market'able bands that did good enough work to get attention.
But it is really hard to explain to most readers here, and listeners today, what "Epitath" or "Moonchild", or "For Richard" are all about ... and how they matered ... because in the end, they are not even listening to the lyrics and figure that there is some sort of musicianship that makes the music "progressive" ... to fit some sequential non-history of music or the arts.
In general, if you can "see things" from it ... it is "more" than just music. And between you and I, I care not for the lyrics telling me what the music is about ... which is what most rock'n'roll is about and the music itself has nothing to do with anything esle.

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: tamijo
Date Posted: November 02 2010 at 02:45
Why explain ? Just enjoy whatever the music you like, be it POP Prog Jazz Latin, dosent matter, its not a contenst    

Prog is whatevey you want it to be. So dont diss other peoples prog, and they wont diss yours

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: November 02 2010 at 16:28
Originally posted by Pelata Pelata wrote:

I'm with mono...
The only thing that is "mono" and was important and helped create "progressive" music, is the one thing that we do not give enough credit or history to ... the synthesizer ... and at the time it was being used as a bonafide instrument creating odd sounds that added to the concept and content of the music itself.
In general, KC was not doing that then, and was in fact a very well rehearsed experimental group, that did not use the "synthesizer" as an excuse for creating new music. And that is important, but in essence a completely different process for creating music than many others ... who tend to follow rock's easier concepts and ideas like having lyrics and then adding some notes that supposedly define the lyrics or vice versa.
All in all, there is nothing wrong with "stereo" ... all it is is 2 MONO'S together.
In general, the old process was more important in helping define and create music, via the technology and synthesizers, than the stereo and the digital today, where most people are too lazy to do anything else but repeat the invention of the wheel!
So yeah ... there is a validity to the choice of "mono". And in many ways, it all meant a lot more then, than it does now, specially with the voice and taste and experience ... that helped create the work.

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: November 02 2010 at 16:33
^ I'm not sure if you are being serious.Stern Smile

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