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Topic: Electronic Music?Posted By: Johnny_Tsunami
Subject: Electronic Music?
Date Posted: September 30 2010 at 17:34
Alright, I've been a huuuge progressive rock/music fan for years now, but recently, I have been obsessed at the level of obsession I had in recent years concerning progressive rock (probably even more obsessed), with the rapidly evolving electronic music scene. The hip hop/electronic scene was never really of interest to me before, but with the emergence of incredibly talented producers such as Flying Lotus and Burial, my entire attention is starting to go towards finding the best and newest releases in this genre.
What I wanna know is, are any other prog fans in the same boat as me? I'm finding the world of progressive music to be less and less exciting partly because of the lack of activity/releases from my favorite artists, while guys like Flying Lotus are turning out LPs every year, and even releasing EPs between them! I mean seriously Opeth was my long time favorite, but without hearing ANYTHING new for the past 2 years (going on three), I've gotta switch camps.
But seriously, any other electronic music fans here? Tell me some artists you enjoy if you are amongst the many!
At least now maybe I can enjoy a Dream Theater album since Portnoy's!
------------- I likes musics
Replies: Posted By: 40footwolf
Date Posted: September 30 2010 at 17:49
I'm dabbling in modern electronica a little bit. Flying Lotus, Neon Indian and Mount Kimbie have all had good releases this year. I'd also recommend Chromeo, Kid606, M83 and The Knife if you're not already into those guys.
------------- Heaven's made a cesspool of us all.
Posted By: A Person
Date Posted: September 30 2010 at 17:52
40footwolf wrote:
I'm dabbling in modern electronica a little bit. Flying Lotus, Neon Indian and Mount Kimbie have all had good releases this year. I'd also recommend Chromeo, Kid606, M83 and The Knife if you're not already into those guys.
mmm, I love The Knife's Silent Shout and Tomorrow, In a Year. Aphex Twin will always be my favorite electronic artist though.
Posted By: 40footwolf
Date Posted: September 30 2010 at 17:56
I could never get into Aphex Twin-drum and bass is sort of repellant to me, unless you're the Venetian Snares and superimposing the beats over Hungarian Classical.
------------- Heaven's made a cesspool of us all.
Posted By: A Person
Date Posted: September 30 2010 at 18:05
40footwolf wrote:
I could never get into Aphex Twin-drum and bass is sort of repellant to me, unless you're the Venetian Snares and superimposing the beats over Hungarian Classical.
His early ambient techno is good too, and the music he released under the name AFX. My favorite Venetian Snares album is Making Orange Things so far, but that is more noise/speedcore than electronic.
Posted By: thellama73
Date Posted: September 30 2010 at 18:12
I haven't listened to anything new in a few years, but I quite like Autechre and Matmos. And of course the old guard of Tangerine Dream, Klaus Schulze and Kraftwerk.
Posted By: kardios
Date Posted: September 30 2010 at 18:25
any noise fans ?
Posted By: thellama73
Date Posted: September 30 2010 at 18:28
kardios wrote:
any noise fans ?
Merzbow ftw. \m/
Posted By: Lozlan
Date Posted: September 30 2010 at 19:48
I haven't as of yet, but this post convinced me to check it out.
------------- Certified Obscure Prog Fart." rel="nofollow - The Loose Palace of Exile - My first novel, The Mask of Tamrel, now available on Amazon and Kindle
Posted By: Textbook
Date Posted: September 30 2010 at 21:21
f**k Buttons
Animal Collective*
*Not a pure electronic artist but their last album was heavily electronic as to almost qualify.
Posted By: Synchestra
Date Posted: September 30 2010 at 22:01
I've been meaning to, I was youtubing The Knife and Fever ray (which is one half of The Knife but her solo music is much darker and more personal) and I'll be picking up any of their albums as soon as I get the chance. I also recently got Animal Collective's Feels album. Its a bit tough to get into but its growing on me.
And being the proghead I am I've been listening to Ozric Tentacles and the like for a while, but the two are completely different.
Oh and I was youtubing some Kraftwerk the other day, boy were those guys weird!
------------- 'Yeah, thats.. Whatever you're talking about for ya' - Zapp brannigan
Posted By: JROCHA
Date Posted: September 30 2010 at 22:26
Flying Lotus
Ming & FS
The Avalanches
Health ( a combonation of noise rock and electronic music )
Animal Collective
Posted By: Johnny_Tsunami
Date Posted: September 30 2010 at 23:11
Oh my goodness, glad to see all the fellow fans! And yeah The Knife and Fever Ray are both great. Venetian Snares is so ridiculous too lol! If anybody likes cool bleeps and bloops/classic 8-bit beats check this:
Posted By: Johnny_Tsunami
Date Posted: September 30 2010 at 23:32
And now I guess I must ask, can we consider this music progressive at all? I mean groups like Animal Collective and The Knife are as forward-thinking as any "progressive" band out there, perhaps more so. Sorry for all the Dream Theater hate lol, but yeah I think a dude like Flying Lotus is more progressive in the sense that his music has evolved more in the 5 years he's been producing than Dream Theater's has in their entire existence.
And if odd times is what you're all about, sh*t just listen to Venetian Snares or Squarepusher and try to keep up! My buddy who's a graduate percussion student is still just blown away by how rapid and insane the time changes are!
Should ProgArchives start including these guys at all? Wouldn't be the worst thing ever in my opinion...
------------- I likes musics
Posted By: A Person
Date Posted: September 30 2010 at 23:40
Johnny_Tsunami wrote:
And now I guess I must ask, can we consider this music progressive at all? I mean groups like Animal Collective and The Knife are as forward-thinking as any "progressive" band out there, perhaps more so. Sorry for all the Dream Theater hate lol, but yeah I think a dude like Flying Lotus is more progressive in the sense that his music has evolved more in the 5 years he's been producing than Dream Theater's has in their entire existence.
And if odd times is what you're all about, sh*t just listen to Venetian Snares or Squarepusher and try to keep up! My buddy who's a graduate percussion student is still just blown away by how rapid and insane the time changes are!
Should ProgArchives start including these guys at all? Wouldn't be the worst thing ever in my opinion... - Squarepusher is in JR/F.
Posted By: Sckxyss
Date Posted: October 01 2010 at 05:15
Flying Lotus is awesome... Cosmogramma is easily one of my top albums this year so far.
Another favourite of mine that isn't as well-known is Amon Tobin. He also incorporates a lot of jazz, but in a more laid-back, less spazzy way. And of course early Aphex Twin, Venetian Snares, etc. are great too.
Posted By: The Hemulen
Date Posted: October 01 2010 at 06:19
I will not let a discussion about electronic music pass without mentioning the - BBC Radiophonic Workshop , and Delia Derbyshire in particular. Fearless pioneers, creating impossible new sounds decades before the first digital synths arrived on the scene.
A little more up to date, Max Tundra has done some pretty interesting and insanely catchy stuff, fusing hardcore electronic/glitch styles with pop and even avant-garde/prog elements.
Posted By: crimhead
Date Posted: October 01 2010 at 12:51
I had a class on this in high school Back then the artists were Tomita,Carlos,Fast and Subotnick. The teacher did acknowledge ELP. He didn't like it though. He said that ELP wasn't true electronic music in the sense that Tomita,Carlos and Fast were.
Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: October 01 2010 at 13:53
Kind'a glad to read this.
My tastes have always been about "music" and they never got into "styles" since they tend to be repetitive and after a while, really boring. I like to make fun of one label, where all the bands are Zappa wannabe bands, and the only difference is that in one band, it's the guitar, in the next the saxophone, and the next a keyboard ... and the music is almost all the same ... what I like to call "the loungelizardfridaynightjazzbandmusic" at the local bar.
I have been a "follower" of the best that electronica has had to offer in the past 40 years, and I go all the way back to Beaver & Krause and Bob Moog and Terry Riley ... and have stuck with Klaus Schulze, Bryan Eno and Tangerine Dream all this time, and have even enjoyed the likes of Orb and Timeshard, and that offshoot from the Ozrics, and a few others.
I, just recently, went through a large collection of KEYBOARD magazines, and I enjoyed reading Bryan Eno's couple of interviews. But one bit caught my eyes. Bob Moog had an article about ... "where's the knobs?" ... and that one had me. He mentions that the desire to search and play with the sound was falling off ... that everyone was going for samples and were not exploring the sounds anymore ... and this is so very true, and one of the reasons why so much music in myu ear, these days, sounds "pre-fabricated" and not very original ... it has become like the bar stuff mentioned above ... nothing new ... and it all sounds the same on top of it, except that we're going to find another sub-genre for something else tomorrow or next year.
In the end, Klaus Schulze and Tangerine Dream and Bryan Eno, are still experimenting and twisting the knobs (if you will -- although you now can set this up with the parameters instead of flicking a knob), and creating new things ... that most are not capable of enjoying ... it has become an acquired taste and one that not everyone can handle. I thought that KS and Lisa Garrard was great ... on another board, someone trashed me for it's stupidity and the idea that groans and moans makes lyrics, or music, for that matter!
I did not enjoy Aphex Twin, for some reason ... I had this thought that the music was too regimented and afraid to step away from the beat and just fly ... Klaus tends to also depend on beats, but he also has a lot of stuff that does not have a beat. Tangerine Dream changes enough with their personel that it is hard to say ... they are still doing the same thing. Catch their Phaedra 25th Annicversary Concert and you can see how the analog then is now played today ... and still sounds lovely as ever.
The biggest issue, is that publicity and appreciation for many of these acts is minimal ... even Keyboard magazine would rather feature some bruhaha about some keyboard player in a secondary band, than even mention something about people that really deserve it. The same for all the other magazines in that grouping, including Guitar and Bass Player. It's become a sell, selll, sellll, selllll, sellllll ... for the folks they support and are involved with ... a veritable media control and show situation.
We will never see Vangelis, or Klaus Schulze in America ... and no one cares ... you know how sad this is?
------------- Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!
Posted By: Windhawk
Date Posted: October 01 2010 at 14:03
Sounds like many participants in this thread might want to check out Russian band Roz Vitalis.
My profile on Mixcloud:
Posted By: Henry Plainview
Date Posted: October 01 2010 at 15:08
kardios wrote:
any noise fans ?
Wait, there's someone else who would take about noise with me if I made a thread? This changes everything!
------------- if you own a sodastream i hate you
Posted By: GY!BE
Date Posted: October 01 2010 at 16:51
In the hip-hop scene I only know Immortal Technique and some other "consciouss rap" artist (as they call themselves.)
------------- It is all a dream, a dream in death...
Posted By: Deleuze
Date Posted: October 01 2010 at 18:02
GY!BE wrote:
In the hip-hop scene I only know Immortal Technique and some other "consciouss rap" artist (as they call themselves.)
2pac is also good as hell
Posted By: Xanatos
Date Posted: October 01 2010 at 21:06
Zappa Synclavier stuff count as Electronic?
Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: October 02 2010 at 23:39
I am part of the electronic underground scene here in Copenhagen, and it is truly flourishing now. Last weekend I was at a undercover festival with all kinds of electronic music. There was a guy who played upright bass with a bow - cleverly using some sort of loop trough a pedal - always changing the pace and the melody. I have never seen anything like this - he was absolutely out of this world! I think it is safe to say that the scene is undergoing the same sorts of changes as the rock scene was back in the late sixties early seventies. But then again why shouldn´t it? If you are into electronic and prog - you should check out Sphongle and Infected Mushroom who incorporates real musical instruments in their music. Heavyweight by Infected is as close to prog as you´ll ever get whilst still danceable.
Posted By: A Person
Date Posted: October 02 2010 at 23:43
Guldbamsen wrote:
If you are into electronic and prog - you should check out Sphongle and Infected Mushroom who incorporates real musical instruments in their music. Heavyweight by Infected is as close to prog as you´ll ever get whilst still danceable.
I have and enjoy Vicious Delicious.
Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: October 02 2010 at 23:58
A Person wrote:
Guldbamsen wrote:
If you are into electronic and prog - you should check out Sphongle and Infected Mushroom who incorporates real musical instruments in their music. Heavyweight by Infected is as close to prog as you´ll ever get whilst still danceable.
I have and enjoy Vicious Delicious.
That album is awesome. Some of the parts actually feel like a "prog" record. Shifts and turns - infused with real solos. I love the analogue synths they´ve got going.
Posted By: spookytooth
Date Posted: October 03 2010 at 00:01
Big electronic music fan here. I'm into a lot. I love Autechre, Amon Tobin, Venetian Snares, Flying Lotus, Boards of Canada and many many others. I also like a lot of old electronic music. Many artists from the Krautrock scene are of great interest to me (Kraftwerk, Klaus Schulze and Tangerine Dream to name a few).
Lately I've been getting into glitch music. Wikipedia has a good definition of it here: One glitch musician has really captivated me recently: Murcof. Check him out, just look him up on youtube and you'll find some of his music (I would recommend listening to Maiz first). It's really a great listen for anyone into ambient, IDM, or drum n bass. People who have an interest in Frank Zappa's more avant-garde, musique-concrete compositions would also love Murcof and glitch music in general.
------------- Would you like some Bailey's?
Posted By: Synchestra
Date Posted: October 03 2010 at 04:29
RATATAT were recently announced as one of the artists of next year Big Day Out (a big music festival in Australia and New Zealand) and I'm more then likely going (Tool and Deftones will be there, so It'll be hard to find a reason not to go!) so I picked a great time to start looking into electronic. It'll be interesting to see what its like live.
------------- 'Yeah, thats.. Whatever you're talking about for ya' - Zapp brannigan
Posted By: verslibre
Date Posted: October 03 2010 at 05:26
moshkito wrote:
I, just recently, went through a large collection of KEYBOARD magazines, and I enjoyed reading Bryan Eno's couple of interviews. But one bit caught my eyes. Bob Moog had an article about ... "where's the knobs?" ... and that one had me. He mentions that the desire to search and play with the sound was falling off ... that everyone was going for samples and were not exploring the sounds anymore ... and this is so very true, and one of the reasons why so much music in myu ear, these days, sounds "pre-fabricated" and not very original ... it has become like the bar stuff mentioned above ... nothing new ... and it all sounds the same on top of it, except that we're going to find another sub-genre for something else tomorrow or next year.
This was very much the case by the end of the late 80s and for much of the 90s, but to a degree I think it's come full circle. Even Rick Wakeman dusted off his inventory of analog 'boards to record the two Retro albums. Guys like Ian Boddy and Mark Shreeve (together known as Arc) are still interested in pushing the envelope. Erik Norlander's modular gear gets plenty of attention, too.
Posted By: E-Prog
Date Posted: November 12 2010 at 14:34
Any reason there shouldn't be listings here for the Progressive Electronic British School artists such as Mark Shreeve, Ian Boddy and Andy Pickford?
Posted By:
Date Posted: November 12 2010 at 14:39
E-Prog wrote:
Any reason there shouldn't be listings here for the Progressive Electronic British School artists such as Mark Shreeve, Ian Boddy and Andy Pickford?
Maybe they weren't suggested so far.
Posted By: E-Prog
Date Posted: November 12 2010 at 15:15
Sorry but I am new here... where can I make a suggestion for new listings?
Posted By:
Date Posted: November 12 2010 at 15:19
First, you can search the forum for previous suggestion of those artists. When yo do that, make sure to change from "Last Six Months" to "Any Time" in the search timeline.
If you can't find any previous threads, then you need to open new threads in the "Suggest New Bands"area.
Just a suggestion, if the artists you named are modern techno/electro artists, then their chances to get in are quite small.
Welcome to the forum!
Posted By: E-Prog
Date Posted: November 12 2010 at 15:46
Thanks, I'll look into the "Suggest New Bands" area. Actually, your
feedback was what I was looking for. I realize that this site does not
include the strictly electronic music of ambient or techno style
artists. The guys I am suggesting, although they are generally solo
electronic/keyboard musicians, produce music which is typically very
melodic and often bombastic. The main difference from symphonic prog is
that they do not use drums and guitars, rather they generate electronic
rhythm sounds to compliment their keyboard and synthesizer themes.
Their music is equivalent to some of the more progressive releases of
Tangerine Dream, Jean-Michele Jarre, Kraftwerk and Synergy, which are
all included here. I'll give it a shot.
Posted By: stonebeard
Date Posted: November 12 2010 at 16:16
Didn't know Shreeve had non-Redshift stuff. Gotta check that out.
Posted By: E-Prog
Date Posted: November 12 2010 at 17:21
stonebeard wrote:
Didn't know Shreeve had non-Redshift stuff. Gotta check that out.
IMO, Shreeve's best solo releases are Crash Head (1988) and Assassin (1984), plus the live release, Collide (1994).
Posted By: catfood03
Date Posted: November 12 2010 at 20:13
Recently discovered Nosaj Thing. I think his work is a good balance of glitch and mellow beats...
Posted By: Easy Money
Date Posted: November 12 2010 at 20:27
Squarepusher is already on PA in JR/F. I love electronic music from trip-hop to serial composers and exotica records. The big DJ/electronic music scene of the early 90s was one of the most creative periods in music I've ever witnessed. It was nice that one of the best DJ shops in the country was a block from my house during this time.
Posted By: clarke2001
Date Posted: November 12 2010 at 20:50
I love Orb, Future Sound Of London, Aphex Twin, Squarpusher, fact many things from 50's contemporary classical to this day. I'm also involved in a few of projects (and some will be released soon)...the electronic scene is quite fruitful in my town, from retro-electro to slow spectral shifts...
However, if you're looking for a most bizarre combination of prog rock and electronica, please check - Superluminal Pachyderm . Incredible. (it's here on PA)
Posted By: moe_blunts
Date Posted: November 12 2010 at 21:52
Ambient is one of my favorite forms of music. I enjoy most acts on the Cold Meat Industry label; my favorites being:
Atrium Carceri Raison D'etre Sophia The Protagonist
etc. etc.
Also, Cyclic Law is a good one. Kammarheit, Lustmord, etc.
For more dancey electronic, the aforementioned The Knife is probably my favorite. I also enjoy Justice, Daft Punk and Zeigeist.
Then there is IDM (Boards of Canada), Psytrance/Goa (Shpongle, Ott, Younger Brother), Breakcore (venetian snares, Xanopticon) and all sorts of other stuff.
Huge genre. Many varieties. Definitely some of my favorite music.
Posted By: catfood03
Date Posted: November 13 2010 at 00:17
The Orb should be on this site, no question about it. ...and not because of that recent collab with David Gilmour.
Posted By: TODDLER
Date Posted: November 13 2010 at 03:48
Erik Wollo
Biosphere Steve Jolliffe Space Art Johannes Schmolleing Software Cliff Martinez
Posted By: Hober Mallow
Date Posted: November 19 2011 at 11:04
RATATAT! Amazing duo from New York. They are electronica rock. Listen to any song by them and you will not be disappointed, but the best song is Loud Pipes off their album Classics.
------------- “When Fortuna spins you downward, go out to a movie and get more out of life.” John Kennedy Toole
Posted By: colorofmoney91
Date Posted: November 19 2011 at 17:11
Posted By: gliss bliss
Date Posted: December 16 2011 at 15:06
Hi can anyone help me identify this piece of Krautrock electronic music from the 1970s. I heard it in my childhood on the television during some scientific documentary, either on BBC or ITV. The music reminded me of Edgar Frose, Klaus Shulze in the Virgin Tangerine Dream era. It might be even Cluster, Eno or Vangelis but not the guitar dominated stuff more just synths. I have been unable to locate this since so had to hum into a crappy Skype microphone and up it on Youtube to see if anyone could recognise it.
------------- Lets go to church and be good looking.
Posted By: gliss bliss
Date Posted: December 16 2011 at 15:23
Another great electronic musician from the 1970s, Tim Blake.
------------- Lets go to church and be good looking.
Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: December 16 2011 at 15:24
f**k Buttons is one of my current faves, and have been for quite some time. I just posted a vid from them in the Krautrock thread, but damn I just can´t help myself
------------- “The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”
- Douglas Adams
Posted By: AlexDOM
Date Posted: December 16 2011 at 17:20
I love trance and like deep house lounge music. Plus electro pop. And loved the Tron Legacy Soundtrack so much
Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: December 17 2011 at 12:57
The Future Sound of London are my all time favourite makers of electronic music. My avatar may give that away..
I also love Tangerine Dream, Aphex Twin, The Orb, Pete Namlook, Plaid, Orbital...
Just for the hell of it, here's some classic Pete Namlook.." rel="nofollow - 4Voice - The Mystery
------------- Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!
Posted By: Pastor Rex Cat
Date Posted: December 17 2011 at 18:07
There's electronic music with a beat and then there's Electro-Acoustic.
Painting surreal landscapes using electronic tones, textures and effects.
Greetings! And Welcome to The Global Internet Church of Prog!
Hail the Prog and Praise "Bob"!
Posted By: gliss bliss
Date Posted: December 18 2011 at 18:24
I was at the Forbidden Fruit festival in Dublin this year and caught the Aphex Twin concert, now I know some of you will think hes too techno for the Prog Archives forum, but I class him quite near the Edgar Frose, Klaus Shulze Brain Eno thing, especially with Selected Ambient Works Volume 2. On this clip he mixes in Autechres best known ambient track VLetrmx21 and Irish electronic artists Lakker very nicely, the track quite reminiscent to his Selected Ambient Works Vol 1: 1985 - 92. Just one thing could someone tell why when you up a video to Youtube that the length of time is increased by 20 times. This is basically a 3 minute 58 second audio but the actual length on the Youtube video is 1 hour and 4 minutes?? WTF? Have been querying this on Google which is completely useless at giving me info about video coding or time length. Anyway enjoy.
------------- Lets go to church and be good looking.
Posted By: A Person
Date Posted: December 18 2011 at 18:48
gliss bliss wrote:
I like Aphex Twin but I'd not heard this before.
I like his new remix too.
Posted By: TODDLER
Date Posted: December 20 2011 at 11:10
Really enjoy electronics in an Avant-Garde string quartet piece written by a 20th century composer. Mort Garson, Beaver & Krause, Ruth White, and Wendy Carlos were my favorite's as a child. The Berlin electronic scene in the early 70's was quite interesting to me.
Posted By: Caliman1964
Date Posted: January 06 2012 at 15:37
Genres are just names. Music we like is just that.
Artist mentioned here in this thread I like: Tangerine Dream, Klaus Schulze, Orb, The Knife (Silent Shout is great!), Cliff Martinez, Flying Lotus, Biosphere, Vangelis, Tangerine Dream, Jean-Michele Jarre, and Brian Eno.
I just discovered Neon Indian today, that was mentioned here. They have a fun/trippy video on YouTube: Neon Indian - Step Into the World With Your PAL198X
Electronic stuff I didn't see here that I like: Paniq, NetSlov, Leftfield, OMFO, Coil, Daevid Allen, Amon Düül 2, Alien Sex Fiend, ISHQ, Elve, Edgar Froese, Shaolin Wooden Men, The Tsinandali Choir, Steve Hillage, 808 State, Ash Ra Tempel, Deuter, Ozric Tentacles, Telepopmusik, Robert Fripp, Emerald Web, Tom Slake, The Egg, Paul Oakenfold, Steve Roach, Twilight Circus.
As you may know, much electronic music came out of Prog groups such as Gong and King Crimson. Even early Kraftwerk had roots in Prog with the group Organisation. And Alan Parsons (known for rock) made some great electronic music back in the day.
And then you have artists like Bill Laswell, This Mortal Coil, and Dead Can Dance, Shantel, Rockin Teenage Combo, Zofka, Sigur Rós, that often blur the lines for me. And I like that!
As for what Progressive is and the like, study Wikipedia. If you don't like what you see there, change it. As it is, I would say there is clear Progressive music from each decade. Then there are new groups that copy those style that are not so progressive. Today it seems that if you play true progressive music, no one will know it's that, not until many years have passed, as fans need time to struggle in labling it. Personally, I call all this type of music I like 'Progressive & Electronic' and 'Universal Lounge'. One thing in common about it is I like it, and that's that.
Posted By: alienshore
Date Posted: November 08 2014 at 09:01
I like some electronic artists. I am not the electronic music expert, because this scene is so big. There are a few gems like Endtroducing from DJ Shadow. This album is the most important in the instrumental hip-hop or trip-hop music.
Posted By: A Person
Date Posted: November 08 2014 at 09:22
When mentioning plunderphonics, one has to always include The Avalanches' Since I Left You.
Posted By: Polymorphia
Date Posted: November 08 2014 at 12:07
Avalanches and DJ Shadow have both never reached my ears, sadly, although I've meant them to for some time.
I discovered this guy a couple days ago.
-------------" rel="nofollow - My Music
Posted By: alienshore
Date Posted: November 09 2014 at 10:38
I found recently a band/project called Tycho. They have a new album Awake and it is good. On Youtube is very nice live performance. It is something between electronic music and post-rock, so check it out.
Posted By: Sheavy
Date Posted: November 09 2014 at 12:35
A Person wrote:
When mentioning plunderphonics, one has to always include The Avalanches' Since I Left You.
That boy needs therapy.
Posted By: Sheavy
Date Posted: November 09 2014 at 12:53
And on the topic of Plunderphonics, Negativland are fantastic.
Posted By: jayem
Date Posted: November 09 2014 at 14:07
Nice to discover one of Flying Lotus's secret weapons, Stephen Bruner !
Bad faith speaking: "Prog Electronic" isn't really (pure & non background) music is it ? Exceptions like Synergy's Cords (two first tracks...) and links in this thread are very welcome....
Posted By: MusicForSpeedin
Date Posted: November 13 2014 at 12:06
check out the labels PC Music and ZOOM-LENS - both are currently putting out the best electrionic music
Hannah Diamond - Pink and Blue
LLLL - You
Meishi Smile - Honey
GFTOY - Don't Wanna / Let's Do It
Kero Kero Bonito - sick beat
also maxo - honeybell. He slays in a similar fashion to thundercat, but maybe more interesting?
Posted By: jayem
Date Posted: November 13 2014 at 12:37
MusicForSpeedin wrote:
check out the labels PC Music and ZOOM-LENS - both are currently putting out the best electrionic music
Hannah Diamond - Pink and Blue
LLLL - You
Meishi Smile - Honey
GFTOY - Don't Wanna / Let's Do It
Kero Kero Bonito - sick beat
also maxo - honeybell. He slays in a similar fashion to thundercat, but maybe more interesting?
I'd like to thank you but, how is all of that prog [EDIT as MFSpeedin answered hereunder it doesn't have to be prog because we're in GMDiscussions, so wrong question]... And what does Honeybell have in common with the way Thundercat plays in Flying Lotus... ? [EDIT also answered...Er...OK, thanks for the answer...]
Posted By: Toaster Mantis
Date Posted: November 13 2014 at 14:18
Here's some really disturbing stuff, like a meeting between Lustmord and NON at each artist's most deranged. This kind of oldschool industrial/noise is basically the only music genre I find genuinely disturbing.
------------- "The past is not some static being, it is not a previous present, nor a present that has passed away; the past has its own dynamic being which is constantly renewed and renewing." - Claire Colebrook
Posted By: MusicForSpeedin
Date Posted: November 17 2014 at 11:21
jayem wrote:
MusicForSpeedin wrote:
check out the labels PC Music and ZOOM-LENS - both are currently putting out the best electrionic music
Hannah Diamond - Pink and Blue
LLLL - You
Meishi Smile - Honey
GFTOY - Don't Wanna / Let's Do It
Kero Kero Bonito - sick beat
also maxo - honeybell. He slays in a similar fashion to thundercat, but maybe more interesting?
I'd like to thank you but, how is all of that prog... And what does Honeybell have in common with the way Thundercat plays in Flying Lotus... ?
is this not general music discussion?
maxo is similar in the sense that he is virtuosic/bombastic
Posted By: Toaster Mantis
Date Posted: November 17 2014 at 12:20
I've also been YouTubing a lot of Mitch Murder's stuff. He's a pseudonymous Swedish musician who obsessively recreates 1980s film/TV/videogame soundtrack music, but in a completely different way than Kavinsky.
------------- "The past is not some static being, it is not a previous present, nor a present that has passed away; the past has its own dynamic being which is constantly renewed and renewing." - Claire Colebrook
Posted By: MusicForSpeedin
Date Posted: November 18 2014 at 12:41
mitch murder is great
the whole vhs 80s synth and vaporwave scenes are doing rad things
80s stallone, cosmovitali, betamaxx
Posted By: Toaster Mantis
Date Posted: November 18 2014 at 14:00
A lot of that stuff gets pretty close to kitsch at times, but it's still pretty enjoyable just for letting the entire vibe soak in and bask in that kind of nostalgia.
------------- "The past is not some static being, it is not a previous present, nor a present that has passed away; the past has its own dynamic being which is constantly renewed and renewing." - Claire Colebrook
Posted By: verslibre
Date Posted: November 18 2014 at 14:28
E-Prog wrote:
stonebeard wrote:
Didn't know Shreeve had non-Redshift stuff. Gotta check that out.
IMO, Shreeve's best solo releases are Crash Head (1988) and Assassin (1984), plus the live release, Collide (1994).
Sorry I missed this four(!!!) years ago, but 1985's Legion (the beginning of his "melodic" style) must be included with these. I agree with the run from '84-'94 being his best output, plus the present day Arc collaboration with Ian Boddy.