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Albums of more than one artist

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Topic: Albums of more than one artist
Posted By: omri
Subject: Albums of more than one artist
Date Posted: May 04 2010 at 06:35
I thought about it lately after discovering that "The pig part" by Pyle, Lung & Greaves isn't in the archives. Our policy here is to put any album in one artist discography. I think this comes from the tradition of libraries where a book (or record or CD) is something physical and has to be in a certain place. Yet this is a virtual archives and listing the information (actually the link to the page) in more than one place does not mean another copy. So what I suggest is that  such albums will be listed in both (or multiple) places. For example the album "Desperate straits" that was made by Henry cow and Slappy happy will be listed in both discographies. This way any album will be found and we will not need to suggest an addition of new bands (i.e. Pyle Lung and Greaves) to add the album to the archives cause it will be there in the Pyle and Greaves pages.
I feel that in prog where people tend to do projects with other artists it will be easier to us to find and learn about those projects if these will listed as suggested.


Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: May 04 2010 at 12:51
mailto:M@x - M@x , the site owner gave this consideration a while back, and decided that an album should only be listed on the site once.
Where there is a collaboration between prog artists, this should be considered t o be by a separate act, and listed accordingly.
There's no right and wrong answer here of course,but if we adopt a consistent policy, that's the best way forward.

Posted By: omri
Date Posted: May 05 2010 at 07:48

My question is what do we gain by listing it only once as we pay no price for listing it twice ?

I can say what we might lose :
1. Information not found (cause I looked in one place and you listed it in the other place)
2. albums absence (cause who will remember to suggest Pyle, Lung & Greaves for their one album and when will the team find time to discuss it among so many other one album projects and then the unavoidable question are they R-I-O or Canterbury ). So at the end lots of work made with no benefit (this is hell for me).
I think we should give it another thought !


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