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just a sily question

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Topic: just a sily question
Posted By: Icarium
Subject: just a sily question
Date Posted: April 29 2010 at 18:06
I have no protest about adding Nine Inch Nails at all I think they are great, and this not to drag out an old cow for torture and i,m not a guy who usually do this why X not Y band thing.

I think it is strange that while many bands like Nine Inch Nails, Metalica, Iron Maidon or Journey/Saga, are added while a top virtoustic band like Toto are so heavaly rejeakted EVRY time i 1st will admitt they are not classic prog rock, but their finesse and style through evver are very boundery braking and progressive they have alot of Neo prog  traces, but are not 100% Neo prog they are, heavy Jazz influenced and are labeld as Jazz Fusion on Wikipedia.

 I think it is strange that while NIN are in (i have not heard all their albums but heard them live and have some albums) and they come not as close to as progressive as albums like Tambu, Isolation, Mindfields or Fallimg in Between. why are not Toto Crossover or related to prog, they are one of the most focust and creative bands of the 80s yes they made Hits, but they are so good musicans that realy "played" their chops with ease Hold the Line, Africa and Rosanna are only glimpses of what this guis can pull of and live only Yes, Rush, Dream Theater can beat them techniquely.
I think it is strange that a band so unparraleld can be so undervalued, they are pensum (

Curriculum) on most music (high)schools in Norway

I am  not suggesting a Toto adition on prog archives ( I would like to see the PA reviews on their albums in particular bacouse the reviewer on PA are the best and only they can review a band like Toto with  authority, i don't trus Amazon reviews and many other review sites are slow or don't have a clue, and Toto needs more respect not only as Hitmakers but also great tunesmiths

Posted By: Textbook
Date Posted: April 29 2010 at 19:09
Doesn't this go in the "suggest artists" forum? But yeah, Toto are up there with Tori Amos and Scott Walker in terms of the "Why aren't they here?" type discussions.

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