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Your Prog Fingerprint

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Top 10s and lists
Forum Description: List all your favourites here
Printed Date: March 12 2025 at 21:37
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Topic: Your Prog Fingerprint
Posted By: RoyFairbank
Subject: Your Prog Fingerprint
Date Posted: April 26 2010 at 18:24

Like this:

  • Favorite Three Bands (1,2,3)
  • Favorite Prog Sub-Genres or Types (1,2,3)
  • Favorite Non-Prog Genres (1,2,3)
  • Favorite Decades in Music (1,2,3)

For example

  • Favorite Three Bands (Pink Floyd. The Who,Genesis)
  • Favorite Prog Sub-Genres or Types (Lyrics and Introverted Moods/like Pink Floyd, Alan Parsons Project, Robert Wyatt, Eloy [musically] etc , Symphonic and 80s symphonic/crossover) [notice you can improvise a lot]
  • Favorite Non-Prog Genres (Various Classic Rock, especially 60s, nothing from new people after 1990)
  • Favorite Decades in Music (70s,80s,60s)
Big smile

Posted By: Any Colour You Like
Date Posted: April 26 2010 at 18:31
Favourite Three Bands: Pink Floyd, Porcupine Tree, Agalloch.
Favourite Prog Sub-Genres: Experimental/Post Metal, Psychedelic/Space Rock, Prog Metal.
Favourite Non-Prog Genres: Classic Rock, Jazz, Folk/Neofolk.
Favourite Decades in Music: 00s, 70s, 90s.

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: April 26 2010 at 19:20
Some people just never quit, or even read anything on this board. How sad. Treating all this like top ten! Exactly what the music that we love is not at all, and doesn't want to be!
With that said:
No favorite bands since all the music is good, and I love music, not prog!

No Prog Sub-Genres or Types since these are not even close to what most artists are about, and tends to limit what any artist is capable of doing. So Vincent Price is only a horror actor and an idiot as a serious actor, just because that's all you can accept? How would you feel if you were him? Or Christopher Lee?

No Favorite Non-Prog Genres since music is music, and saying that eastern music is worse than rock'n'roll or Eric Clapton is so ethnocentric that you would get a failing grade in school.

No Favorite Decades in Music since there has always been music in the history of mankind. But I am not sure that you can appreciate a lot of it.
I'm of the opinion that those kinds of questions are not serious enough for you to discuss "music"! That simple! But if you want to write a book on the socio-economic bs of these for your dissertation go ahead. Hint .. you might only be able to do this in Berkeley! Because too much of the stuff that you wish to honor is not even considered, and I'm not sure that you have any idea as to why that is so!

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: thellama73
Date Posted: April 26 2010 at 22:05
Favourite Three Bands: Queen, Jethro Tull, Rush
Favourite Prog Sub-Genres: Eclectic Prog, RIO/Avant Prog, Progressive Electronic
Favourite Non-Prog Genres: Experimental/industrial/ambient/noise, 50's Lounge/exotica, 30's Jazz/Vocal
Favourite Decades in Music: 70's, 50's, 30's.

This was extremely tough. I love a lot of music from the 60's (Beach Boys, Zombies, Kinks) and the 80's (Oingo Boingo, B-52's) and I also love classical music, so picking three of each was a real challenge.


Posted By: santiagomo87
Date Posted: April 26 2010 at 22:50
  • Favorite Three Bands (Pink Floyd, Genesis, Porcupine Tree)
  • Favorite Prog Sub-Genres or Types (Psychedelic/Space Rock, Symphonic, Progressive metal)
  • Favorite Non-Prog Genres (Jazz, Indie/Alternative rock, Classical)
  • Favorite Decades in Music (00's,70's,90's)

I'm always changing my mind so what I wrote was an avarage of my mood swings. Sometimes I like Jazz fussion above all and hate prog metal. Also i'm really getting into american folk music a lot lately so who knows? maybe I'll be in a country music forum in a few months


Posted By: BaldJean
Date Posted: April 26 2010 at 22:53
it would be hard for me to name 3 favorite bands; there are so many I like. I will pick 3 for now, but it is totally possible, nay almost sure,I will pick 3 others tomorrow: Hawkwind, Gong, Magma. or shall I pick Embryo, Can and VdGG? and what about King Crimson, Amon Düül 2 and the Residents? nay, impossible task.
favorite musical decade? absolutely unanswerable, unless it means favorite decade of prog; then I'll go with 70s, 60s, 00s.
favorite three sub-genres: Krautrock, space-rock, the third is a battle between RIO, jazz-rock, Zeuhl and the in my opinion either misnamed or misused category folk prog (I'd be more happy with "ethnic prog" as sub category).
as to favorite non-prog genres: jazz, classical music (another misnomer; there are so many different styles which are sub-summarized under this category; baroque music has nothing at all to do with music of the impressionists, for example), Indian music


A shot of me as High Priestess of Gaia during our fall festival. Ceterum censeo principiis obsta

Posted By: Proletariat
Date Posted: April 26 2010 at 23:15
Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

Some people just never quit, or even read anything on this board. How sad. Treating all this like top ten! Exactly what the music that we love is not at all, and doesn't want to be!
With that said:
No favorite bands since all the music is good, and I love music, not prog!

No Prog Sub-Genres or Types since these are not even close to what most artists are about, and tends to limit what any artist is capable of doing. So Vincent Price is only a horror actor and an idiot as a serious actor, just because that's all you can accept? How would you feel if you were him? Or Christopher Lee?

No Favorite Non-Prog Genres since music is music, and saying that eastern music is worse than rock'n'roll or Eric Clapton is so ethnocentric that you would get a failing grade in school.

No Favorite Decades in Music since there has always been music in the history of mankind. But I am not sure that you can appreciate a lot of it.
I'm of the opinion that those kinds of questions are not serious enough for you to discuss "music"! That simple! But if you want to write a book on the socio-economic bs of these for your dissertation go ahead. Hint .. you might only be able to do this in Berkeley! Because too much of the stuff that you wish to honor is not even considered, and I'm not sure that you have any idea as to why that is so!
while i admire your high minded idealism i must beg the question: how much baroque, romanticist, swahili, mongolian, hindu, rockabilly, blugrass, shoegaze, polka, and serialism music are you actually aquainted with? and how can you claim to enjoy all music?
this site is dedicated to one genre of music so discuss that genre, and allow yourself and others to have favorites, just know that this is human tendancy to do so and says nothing as to what is good or bad or better... just favorite
I think this idea is interesting, for me
Pink Floyd, GY!BE, Decemberists
Math/Post, Avant, Kraut
Folk, Jazz, Indie
90s, 60s, 70s

who hiccuped endlessly trying to giggle but wound up with a sob

Posted By: ShW1
Date Posted: April 27 2010 at 01:02
OK lets try:
Bands/artists: Genesis, Gentle Giant, Thinking Plague
I'm adding non-prog bands/artist: Chick Corea, Kaveret (Israeli poprock band from the 70's), Beatles
Prog Sub-geners: old symphonic, eclectic, RIO
Non prog geners: Contemporary classical music, 90-s electronics, some Israelis acts (not exactly sub genere but nontheless)
(unless you call it 'art rock Israeli movement' which contain Gronich, Caspi, Shem-tov Levi etc etc)
Dacades: 70's, 00's, 90's
another term to say that: every dacade as long it's not the 80's Wink

Posted By: progkidjoel
Date Posted: April 27 2010 at 01:11
Favourite 3 bands: Yes, Porcupine Tree, Kayo Dot
Favorite Prog Sub-Genres or Types: Post-metal, crossover, symphonic
Favorite Non-Prog Genres: Alternative rock, punk, classic rock
Favorite Decades in Music: 70's, 00's, 90's


Posted By: Silverbeard McStarr
Date Posted: April 27 2010 at 02:24
Favourite three bands: Pink Floyd, Genesis, Van Der Graaf Generator
Favourite three prog sub-genres: King Crimson, folk prog, avant-prog
Favourite three non-prog genres: experimental, folk, jazz
Favourite three decades in music: 70's, 60's, 90's

Posted By: Tursake
Date Posted: April 27 2010 at 07:23
These change by time but this is what I currently think:

Favourite Three Bands: Rush, Pink Floyd, Genesis
Favourite Prog Sub-Genres: Symphonic, Psychedelic/Space Rock, Canterbury
Favourite Non-Prog Genres: Classic Rock, Jazz, 70's and 80's Pop
Favourite Decades in Music: 60s, 70s, 80s.

------------- TursakeX
RYM: Tursake

Posted By: tamijo
Date Posted: April 27 2010 at 07:29
Originally posted by Silverbeard McStarr Silverbeard McStarr wrote:

Favourite three prog sub-genres: King Crimson, folk prog, avant-prog
Thumbs Up

Prog is whatevey you want it to be. So dont diss other peoples prog, and they wont diss yours

Posted By: sleeper
Date Posted: April 27 2010 at 11:40
Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

Some people just never quit,

That includes you, enough with the lecturing on how we can and can not express our tastes in music.

Spending more than I should on Prog since 2005

Posted By: sleeper
Date Posted: April 27 2010 at 11:47
Three favourite bands: Pain of Salvation, Kayo Dot, maudlin of the Well
Three favourite sub-genres: Experimental/Post Metal, Tech/Extreme, Eclectic.
Three favourite non-prog genres: Funk Rock/Metal, Classical, Jazz
Three favourite decades: 70's=00's, 90's

Spending more than I should on Prog since 2005

Posted By: The Quiet One
Date Posted: April 27 2010 at 15:48
Three favourite bands: Frank Zappa, Pink Floyd, Deep Purple
Three favourite sub-genres: Jazz Fusion/Rock(Canterbury is here as well), Symphonic, Eclectic
Three favourite non-prog genres: Funk, Jazz, Alt. Rock/Grunge
Three favourite decades: 70's, 00's, 90's

Posted By: J-Man
Date Posted: April 27 2010 at 15:53
Favorite Prog Bands: Neal Morse (Spock's Beard or Solo), Pain of Salvation, Genesis
Favorite Prog Genres: Progressive Metal, Symphonic Prog, Tech/Extreme Prog Metal
Favorite Non-Prog Genres: Traditional Heavy Metal, Death Metal, Classic Rock
Favorite Decades In Music: 2000's, 1990's, 1970's (in that order)


Check out my YouTube channel!" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: Bonnek
Date Posted: April 27 2010 at 16:23
Phew that's tough, changes every other month
  • Favorite Three Bands (Porcupine Tree, Opeth, Tangerine Dream)
  • Favorite Prog Sub-Genres or Types (Heavy Space Electronic)
  • Favorite Non-Prog Genres (Post-Punk, Thrash Metal, Grunge)
  • Favorite Decades in Music (90's, 00's, 70's)

Posted By: The Hemulen
Date Posted: April 27 2010 at 16:39
  • Favorite Three Bands: Cardiacs, Gentle Giant and a constantly rotating third place - today it's... Robert Wyatt
  • Favorite Prog Sub-Genres or Types: Avant-Prog, Eclecric, Symphonic, Canterbury, Zeuhl, Prog-Folk
  • Favorite Non-Prog Genres: Electronic, Post-Punk, intelligent pop, Jazz (though I've only recently started to explore that in-depth), all things avant-garde, pioneering and odd.
  • Favorite Decades in Music: 70's, 80's, 00's

Posted By: SaltyJon
Date Posted: April 27 2010 at 17:00

  • Favorite Three Bands - Magma, Faust, Caravan
  • Favorite Prog Sub-Genres or Types - Zeuhl, Krautrock, Canterbury Scene
  • Favorite Non-Prog Genres Jazz, Classical, Folk
  • Favorite Decades in Music 70s, 90s, 00s
The favorite decades one was tricky, as there are more than three decades, so I went with my favorite prog decades specifically.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Epignosis
Date Posted: April 27 2010 at 17:34
Sounds fun and quick.  Smile

Favorite three bands:  Kansas, Yes, Echolyn
Favorite prog subgenres: Symphonic, Heavy, and Folk
Favorite non-prog genres: Classic rock, jazz, and country
Favorite decades in music: 2000s, 1970s, and 2010s (I've got high hopes!)  Big smile LOL

-------------" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: Epignosis
Date Posted: April 27 2010 at 17:34
Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

Some people just never quit, or even read anything on this board. How sad. Treating all this like top ten! Exactly what the music that we love is not at all, and doesn't want to be!
With that said:
No favorite bands since all the music is good, and I love music, not prog!

No Prog Sub-Genres or Types since these are not even close to what most artists are about, and tends to limit what any artist is capable of doing. So Vincent Price is only a horror actor and an idiot as a serious actor, just because that's all you can accept? How would you feel if you were him? Or Christopher Lee?

No Favorite Non-Prog Genres since music is music, and saying that eastern music is worse than rock'n'roll or Eric Clapton is so ethnocentric that you would get a failing grade in school.

No Favorite Decades in Music since there has always been music in the history of mankind. But I am not sure that you can appreciate a lot of it.
I'm of the opinion that those kinds of questions are not serious enough for you to discuss "music"! That simple! But if you want to write a book on the socio-economic bs of these for your dissertation go ahead. Hint .. you might only be able to do this in Berkeley! Because too much of the stuff that you wish to honor is not even considered, and I'm not sure that you have any idea as to why that is so!

Sleepy Sleepy Sleepy Sleepy Sleepy

Took you a long-ass time to say nothing.

-------------" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: splyu
Date Posted: April 27 2010 at 18:03
Nice topic, I'll try to answer it without making a fuss about every question.

Favorite Three Bands: Mike Oldfield, Rush, Genesis
Favorite Prog Sub-Genres or Types: Symphonic, Extreme Prog Metal, Eclectic
Favorite Non-Prog Genres: Heavy Metal, Minimal Music, Chiptune
Favorite Decades in Music: 70s, 80s, 00s

Posted By: J-Man
Date Posted: April 27 2010 at 18:05
Originally posted by splyu splyu wrote:

Favorite Non-Prog Genres: Minimal Music, Chiptune

May I ask what either of those mean? LOL


Check out my YouTube channel!" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: splyu
Date Posted: April 27 2010 at 18:14
Originally posted by Bonnek Bonnek wrote:

Favorite Prog Sub-Genres or Types (Heavy Space Electronic)

That sounds like an awesome genre, I'd seriously love to hear it.

Posted By: splyu
Date Posted: April 27 2010 at 18:18
Originally posted by J-Man J-Man wrote:

Originally posted by splyu splyu wrote:

Favorite Non-Prog Genres: Minimal Music, Chiptune

May I ask what either of those mean? LOL

Sure. Minimal Music is a bit of a misnomer; the big names here are Steve Reich, Philip Glass, and Terry Riley. It's not really that "minimal" at all; it can seem repetitive at first, but really it just develops over longer periods of time.

Chiptune is any music directly or indirectly related to 8-bit computers like Commodore 64, Nintendo Entertainment System etc, or more rarely 16-bit computers like Commodore Amiga and Atari ST. That is, music either made on those computers (or a combination of them), or covers of old video game music with any kind of instrumentation, or just music loosely inspired by it.

Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: April 27 2010 at 18:44
Originally posted by Epignosis Epignosis wrote:

Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

No favorite bands since all the music is good, and I love music, not prog!

No Prog Sub-Genres or Types since these are not even close to what most artists are about, and tends to limit what any artist is capable of doing. So Vincent Price is only a horror actor and an idiot as a serious actor, just because that's all you can accept? How would you feel if you were him? Or Christopher Lee?

No Favorite Non-Prog Genres since music is music, and saying that eastern music is worse than rock'n'roll or Eric Clapton is so ethnocentric that you would get a failing grade in school.

No Favorite Decades in Music since there has always been music in the history of mankind. But I am not sure that you can appreciate a lot of it.

Sleepy Sleepy Sleepy Sleepy Sleepy

Took you a long-ass time to say nothing.

Actually he put quite well what I was going to say which is with so much good stuff out there, picking favorites can be a bit of pointless exercise.  Still can be fun though.  I mean pointless exercises in typing is what the forums are all about.  Yeah, yeah, sometimes some of us make some good points.  I try to interject humor as much as possible.  I know some you just aren't sophisticated enough to appreciate my stuff, but I've come to accept it.  OK I've got to stop now. LOL

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

Posted By: The Wrinkler
Date Posted: April 27 2010 at 19:25
Originally posted by tamijo tamijo wrote:

Originally posted by Silverbeard McStarr Silverbeard McStarr wrote:

Favourite three prog sub-genres: King Crimson, folk prog, avant-prog
Thumbs Up

I second that Thumbs Up. That was funny haha

Posted By: Epignosis
Date Posted: April 27 2010 at 20:10
Originally posted by Slartibartfast Slartibartfast wrote:

Originally posted by Epignosis Epignosis wrote:

Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

No favorite bands since all the music is good, and I love music, not prog!

No Prog Sub-Genres or Types since these are not even close to what most artists are about, and tends to limit what any artist is capable of doing. So Vincent Price is only a horror actor and an idiot as a serious actor, just because that's all you can accept? How would you feel if you were him? Or Christopher Lee?

No Favorite Non-Prog Genres since music is music, and saying that eastern music is worse than rock'n'roll or Eric Clapton is so ethnocentric that you would get a failing grade in school.

No Favorite Decades in Music since there has always been music in the history of mankind. But I am not sure that you can appreciate a lot of it.

Sleepy Sleepy Sleepy Sleepy Sleepy

Took you a long-ass time to say nothing.

Actually he put quite well what I was going to say which is with so much good stuff out there, picking favorites can be a bit of pointless exercise.  Still can be fun though.  I mean pointless exercises in typing is what the forums are all about.  Yeah, yeah, sometimes some of us make some good points.  I try to interject humor as much as possible.  I know some you just aren't sophisticated enough to appreciate my stuff, but I've come to accept it.  OK I've got to stop now. LOL

Sleepy Sleepy Sleepy Sleepy Sleepy

Took you a long-ass time to say nothing.

-------------" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: TheGazzardian
Date Posted: April 27 2010 at 20:12
Originally posted by splyu splyu wrote:

Originally posted by J-Man J-Man wrote:

Originally posted by splyu splyu wrote:

Favorite Non-Prog Genres: Minimal Music, Chiptune

May I ask what either of those mean? LOL

Sure. Minimal Music is a bit of a misnomer; the big names here are Steve Reich, Philip Glass, and Terry Riley. It's not really that "minimal" at all; it can seem repetitive at first, but really it just develops over longer periods of time.

Chiptune is any music directly or indirectly related to 8-bit computers like Commodore 64, Nintendo Entertainment System etc, or more rarely 16-bit computers like Commodore Amiga and Atari ST. That is, music either made on those computers (or a combination of them), or covers of old video game music with any kind of instrumentation, or just music loosely inspired by it.

I have to put in a shameless plug - a buddy of mine (who does the audio in games that we make together) does chiptunes under the name of "Bit Rat". He recently released his first full length album under that name and apparently it has been getting pretty good reviews, even being compared to some of the big names (I think) in the scene (although I don't know who they are, as I don't really listen to chiptunes myself xD). 

You might be interested - his site is here: -

Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: April 27 2010 at 20:25
Originally posted by TheGazzardian TheGazzardian wrote:

Originally posted by splyu splyu wrote:

Originally posted by J-Man J-Man wrote:

Originally posted by splyu splyu wrote:

Favorite Non-Prog Genres: Minimal Music, Chiptune

May I ask what either of those mean? LOL

Sure. Minimal Music is a bit of a misnomer; the big names here are Steve Reich, Philip Glass, and Terry Riley. It's not really that "minimal" at all; it can seem repetitive at first, but really it just develops over longer periods of time.

Chiptune is any music directly or indirectly related to 8-bit computers like Commodore 64, Nintendo Entertainment System etc, or more rarely 16-bit computers like Commodore Amiga and Atari ST. That is, music either made on those computers (or a combination of them), or covers of old video game music with any kind of instrumentation, or just music loosely inspired by it.

I have to put in a shameless plug - a buddy of mine (who does the audio in games that we make together) does chiptunes under the name of "Bit Rat". He recently released his first full length album under that name and apparently it has been getting pretty good reviews, even being compared to some of the big names (I think) in the scene (although I don't know who they are, as I don't really listen to chiptunes myself xD). 

You might be interested - his site is here: -

Not if we can't illegally download it. LOL

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

Posted By: Dalezilla
Date Posted: April 27 2010 at 20:26
Favorite Three Bands: Obviously changes all the time, but for now: Tom Waits, The Smiths, The National
Favorite Prog Sub-Genres or Types: I really don't know. I like KC, JT and Harmonium.
Favorite Non-Prog Genres: Post-Punk, Post-Rock, Ambient
Favorite Decades in Music: 80s, 00s, 70s

Posted By: Tarquin Underspoon
Date Posted: April 27 2010 at 20:32
My main problem?
I like way too many different types of music to respond to this honestly.


-The Great Gig in the Sky

Posted By: TheGazzardian
Date Posted: April 27 2010 at 20:35
Originally posted by Slartibartfast Slartibartfast wrote:

Originally posted by TheGazzardian TheGazzardian wrote:

Originally posted by splyu splyu wrote:

Originally posted by J-Man J-Man wrote:

Originally posted by splyu splyu wrote:

Favorite Non-Prog Genres: Minimal Music, Chiptune

May I ask what either of those mean? LOL

Sure. Minimal Music is a bit of a misnomer; the big names here are Steve Reich, Philip Glass, and Terry Riley. It's not really that "minimal" at all; it can seem repetitive at first, but really it just develops over longer periods of time.

Chiptune is any music directly or indirectly related to 8-bit computers like Commodore 64, Nintendo Entertainment System etc, or more rarely 16-bit computers like Commodore Amiga and Atari ST. That is, music either made on those computers (or a combination of them), or covers of old video game music with any kind of instrumentation, or just music loosely inspired by it.

I have to put in a shameless plug - a buddy of mine (who does the audio in games that we make together) does chiptunes under the name of "Bit Rat". He recently released his first full length album under that name and apparently it has been getting pretty good reviews, even being compared to some of the big names (I think) in the scene (although I don't know who they are, as I don't really listen to chiptunes myself xD). 

You might be interested - his site is here: -

Not if we can't illegally download it. LOL

Legal downloads aren't interesting? Tongue

Posted By: UndercoverBoy
Date Posted: April 27 2010 at 21:03
-Three Favorite Bands: Van Der Graaf Generator, Genesis, King Crimson
-Three Favorite Sub-genres: Eclectic Prog (and bands that combine complex, off-the-wall elements with melodies in their music in general,) Canterbury Scene, Symphonic Prog
-Favorite Non-Prog genres: Video Game Music, Jazz-fusion-y stuff, and Classical
-Favorite Decades: 70's, 00's (because it has The Mars Volta), 60's

Posted By: Leo J.
Date Posted: April 27 2010 at 23:22
GY!BE, Genesis, The White Stripes
Kraut, Eclectic, Symphonic
Post-Rock, Jam Band, Indie

Posted By: splyu
Date Posted: April 28 2010 at 04:00
Originally posted by TheGazzardian TheGazzardian wrote:

I have to put in a shameless plug - a buddy of mine (who does the audio in games that we make together) does chiptunes under the name of "Bit Rat". He recently released his first full length album under that name and apparently it has been getting pretty good reviews, even being compared to some of the big names (I think) in the scene (although I don't know who they are, as I don't really listen to chiptunes myself xD). 

You might be interested - his site is here: -

Good stuff, thanks for the link! I like the description your friend gives on the about page, pretty much hits the nail on the head.

Posted By: The Hemulen
Date Posted: April 28 2010 at 06:42
Originally posted by TheGazzardian TheGazzardian wrote:

You might be interested - his site is here: -

Nice stuff. I like a bit of chiptune goodness every now and again, but I've yet to discover someone who's really pushing it into new territory. - These guys are pretty good, but it's all a wee bit inanely poppy. Ultimately, it all just sounds like fantasy game music, but I'm sure one day it could go way beyond that.

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: April 28 2010 at 15:26
Favorite Three Bands (ELP,Rush,IQ)

Favorite Prog Sub-Genres or Types (Symphonic,Neo,Electronic)

Favorite Non-Prog Genres (Heavy Rock,Seventies Pop,Classical)

Favorite Decades in Music (70's,00's,80's)


Posted By: WalterDigsTunes
Date Posted: April 28 2010 at 15:30
Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

I'm of the opinion that those kinds of questions are not serious enough for you to discuss "music"! That simple! But if you want to write a book on the socio-economic bs of these for your dissertation go ahead. Hint .. you might only be able to do this in Berkeley! Because too much of the stuff that you wish to honor is not even considered, and I'm not sure that you have any idea as to why that is so!

F*ck you too Wink

I did my damn History thesis on a prog album at Berkeley.

Posted By: Negoba
Date Posted: April 28 2010 at 15:49
Just for giggles as are most things on the net:
  • Favorite Three Bands (Genesis, Gentle Giant, Devin Townsend)
  • Favorite Prog Sub-Genres or Types (Jazz Fusion, Post Metal, Avant)
  • Favorite Non-Prog Genres (Singer Songwriter, Shredder/Instrumental Guitar, Psychedelia)
  • Favorite Decades in Music (70's,60's, 2000's)

  • -------------
    You are quite a fine person, and I am very fond of you. But you are only quite a little fellow, in a wide world, after all.

    Posted By: ANDREW
    Date Posted: April 28 2010 at 18:40
  • Favorite Three Bands (Pink Floyd, The Cure, Dream Theater)
  • Favorite Prog Sub-Genres or Types ( Symphonic Prog, Prog-Metal, Jazz-rock/fusion)
  • Favorite Non-Prog Genres ( Thrash Metal, New Wave, Blues Rock)
  • Favorite Decades in Music ( '70s, '80s, '90s)

    Posted By: omri
    Date Posted: April 29 2010 at 11:30
    As some mentioned it is impossible. Especially 3 favorite bands but lets give it a try :
    bands - King crimson, VDGG, Robert Wyatt
    Sub-genres - Hard prog (most of it is classified here as eclectik), Acid folk, R-I-O
    non prog genres - ECM jazz-rock (Webber, Micus, Hussain etc), Baroque (Bach, Vivaldi, Corelli), Modern classic (Stravinsky, Rimsky-Korsakov)
    Decades - 1970-1979, 1890-1899, around 1700 I think.


    Posted By: omri
    Date Posted: April 29 2010 at 11:33
    Originally posted by BaldJean BaldJean wrote:

    it would be hard for me to name 3 favorite bands; there are so many I like. I will pick 3 for now, but it is totally possible, nay almost sure,I will pick 3 others tomorrow: Hawkwind, Gong, Magma. or shall I pick Embryo, Can and VdGG? and what about King Crimson, Amon Düül 2 and the Residents? nay, impossible task.
    favorite musical decade? absolutely unanswerable, unless it means favorite decade of prog; then I'll go with 70s, 60s, 00s.
    favorite three sub-genres: Krautrock, space-rock, the third is a battle between RIO, jazz-rock, Zeuhl and the in my opinion either misnamed or misused category folk prog (I'd be more happy with "ethnic prog" as sub category).
    as to favorite non-prog genres: jazz, classical music (another misnomer; there are so many different styles which are sub-summarized under this category; baroque music has nothing at all to do with music of the impressionists, for example), Indian music
    I think it is is the second time in few days you wrote that in different threads.
    I said it about 3 years ago and got no responses so I felt I should support you here.
    However, how would you describe Acid folk in this case ?


    Posted By: elder08
    Date Posted: April 29 2010 at 13:44
    Favorite three bands:  RHCP, Pink Floyd, King Crimson
    Favorite prog subgenres: Zeuhl, Prog Metal, Psychadelic
    Favorite non-prog genres: Funk, Funk rock, Funk Metal (HAHA)
    Favorite decades in music: 70's, 60's, 80's LOL (never really thought about this one but most the music i listen to is from the 70's)

    "There are people who say we [Pink Floyd] should make room for younger bands. That's not the way it works. They can make their own room."- David Gilmour

    Posted By: toolis
    Date Posted: April 29 2010 at 13:54
    Favorite Three Bands (Tool, Pink Floyd, Metallica)
    Favorite Prog Sub-Genres or Types ( Symphonic Prog, Prog-Metal, Neo Prog)
    Favorite Non-Prog Genres ( Heavy Metal, Alternative Rock)
    Favorite Decades in Music ( '90s, '70s, '80s)

    -music is like pornography...

    sometimes amateurs turn us on, even more...

    -sometimes you are the pigeon and sometimes you are the statue...

    Posted By: Anirml
    Date Posted: April 29 2010 at 14:44
    Favorite Three Bands (Yes, King Crimson, Genesis (top 3 don't seem to change often Wacko))
    Favorite Prog Sub-Genres or Types ../subgenre.asp?style=42 - (Eclectic, ../subgenre.asp?style=30 - Jazz Rock/Fusion , ../subgenre.asp?style=17 - Krautrock )
    Favorite Non-Prog Genres (Minimal-wave/synth, 80's Thrash-metal, prog-metalBig smile Classical)
    Favorite Decades in Music (70's, 60's, 80's)


    Posted By: akamaisondufromage
    Date Posted: April 29 2010 at 14:55
    bands:  I gave up on fave bands yrs ago.
    Prog Genre:  Canterbury, Kraut, Space
    Non Prog Genre:  (At the moment) Post-Punk, Folk, Electropop
    Decade:  70, 00, 60's

    Help me I'm falling!

    Posted By: Soul Dreamer
    Date Posted: April 29 2010 at 19:45
    Favorite Three Bands (Yes, Riverside, Genesis)
    Favorite Prog Sub-Genres or Types ( Symphonic Prog, Neo Prog, Prog Metal)
    Favorite Non-Prog Genres (Classic Rock, Heavy Metal, Alternative Rock)
    Favorite Decades in Music ( '00s, '70s, '90s)

    To be the one who seeks so I may find .. (Metallica)

    Posted By: rogerthat
    Date Posted: May 02 2010 at 01:42
    Favourite Three Prog Bands:  KC, Genesis, Gentle Giant

    Sub genres:  Eclectic, jazz fusion, Canterbury

    non prog genres:  jazz, classic rock, metal

    favourite decades (limited only to rock):  70s, 60s, 90s

    Posted By: Kestrel
    Date Posted: May 02 2010 at 02:03

    Top 3 Bands: Genesis, Rush, King Crimson

    Top 3 Prog Genres: Symphonic, electic, avant

    Top 3 Non-Prog Genres: Ambient, New Wave, disco/funk

    Top 3 Decades: 70s, then 80s or 00s depending on the genre

    Posted By: Mr. Maestro
    Date Posted: May 02 2010 at 14:24
    Top 3 Bands: Kansas, Pink Floyd, Dream Theater
    Top 3 Sub-Genres: Symphonic, Crossover, Heavy
    Top 3 Non-Prog Genres: Classic Rock, Jazz, Proto-Metal
    Top 3 Decades: 70's, 00's, 80's

    "I am the one who crossed through space...or stayed where I was...or didn't exist in the first place...."

    Posted By: Kashmir75
    Date Posted: May 03 2010 at 00:51

    Favorite Three Bands: Porcupine Tree, Dream Theater, Led Zeppelin

    Favorite Prog Sub-Genres or Types: Heavy Prog, Symphonic Prog, Prog Metal

    Favorite Non-Prog Genres: Alternative rock, New Wave Of British Heavy Metal, Classic Rock

    Favorite Decades in Music: 70s, 00s, 90s


    Hello, mirror. So glad to see you, my friend. It's been a while...

    Posted By: kole
    Date Posted: May 03 2010 at 03:18
    Three favourite bands: Can't and will not decide
    Three favourite sub-genres: Jazz Fusion, Canterbury, Eclectic
    Three favourite non-prog genres: Jazz, Classic Rock, Classical
    Three favourite decades: 70's, 00's, 80's

    Posted By: Morningrise
    Date Posted: May 03 2010 at 21:02
    Favourite Three Bands: Alice In Chains, Opeth, Genesis
    Favourite Prog Subgenres: Symphonic Prog, Eclectic Prog, Neo Prog
    Favourite Non-Prog Genres: Grunge, Heavy Metal, Classic Rock
    Favourite Decades in Music: 70s, 90s, 00s

    Posted By: Angel of Death
    Date Posted: May 06 2010 at 15:07
    favorite artists- Dream Theater, Slayer, Stevie Ray Vaughan
    favorite prog sub-genres- extreme/tech, prog metal, symphonic
    favorite non prog genres- thrash metal, classic metal, blues rock
    favorite decades- 00s, 80s, 70s

    Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
    Date Posted: May 06 2010 at 15:23
    Favourite Three Bands: Genesis, Anglagard & Kansas
    Favourite Prog Subgenres: Symphonic Prog, Proto Prog and Folk Prog
    Favourite Non-Prog Genres: Classical, Classic Rock and Folk 
    Favourite Decades in Music: 60's, 70's. 90's & 00's


    Posted By: CinemaZebra
    Date Posted: May 06 2010 at 18:20
    Favourite three bands: Rush, Yes, and Tool
    Favourite three prog sub-genres: Symphonic prog, heavy prog, ecletic prog.
    Favourite three non-prog genres: Punk, Rap, Metal
    Favourite three decades in music: 70's, 60's, 90's


    Posted By: AtomicCrimsonRush
    Date Posted: May 07 2010 at 10:31
    Interesting exercise
    lets see
    • Favorite Three Bands Dream Theater, Rush, Yes
    • Favorite Prog Sub-Genres or Types Symphonic, Eclectic, Prog Metal 
    • Favorite Non-Prog Genres - Electronic, Classic Rock, techno
    • Favorite Decades in Music 70s, 90s, 2000s
    that was easy


    Posted By: sydbarrett2010
    Date Posted: August 09 2010 at 21:01
    pink floyd , dream theater , porcupine tree
    psychedelic/space rock , eclectic prog , prog metal
    hard rock , heavy metal , thrash metal
    60s , 70s , 80s

    Posted By: Luna
    Date Posted: August 10 2010 at 11:37
    •  Dream Theater, King Crimson, Tie with Pink Floyd and the Beatles
    • Progressive Metal, Heavy Prog, Symphonic/Electric Prog
    • Heavy Metal, Heavy Metal, AND HEAVY METAL!!
    • 1960s 1970s 2010s

    Posted By: Jake Kobrin
    Date Posted: August 10 2010 at 12:00
    • Favorite Three Bands (Opeth, Sigur Ros, Ulver)
    • Favorite Prog Sub-Genres or Types (From this site? Symphonic, Post/Experimental Metal & Tech/Extreme, and Post-Rock)
    • Favorite Non-Prog Genres (black metal, neofolk, trip-hop)
    • Favorite Decades in Music (70's, 00's, 90's/60's)

    -------------" rel="nofollow - SUPPORT MY FATHER AND BECOME A FAN

    Jacob Kobrin Illustration

    Posted By: Slartibartfast
    Date Posted: August 10 2010 at 12:20
    I have a really hard problem narrowing prog music down like that.  Much easier if you haven't explored too much.  Easiest being the decades the hardest picking favorites (I mean if you had more than three kids, would you be able to do it?).  As long as this isn't an essay question, I will answer. LOL

    • Favorite Three Bands (Univers Zero,  Big Big Train, Umprhee's McGee) (going with latest discoveries, why the hell not?)
    • Favorite Prog Sub-Genres or Types (Crossover, Jazz/Rock, Avant)
    • Favorite Non-Prog Genres (Jazz, Classical, Stuff that should be here but isn't officially classified as prog here yet Tongue)
    • Favorite Decades in Music (70's, 90's 00's) (The '80's aren't as bad as many would say, but definitely a low point for prog.)

    Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

    Posted By: The Truth
    Date Posted: August 10 2010 at 12:22

    I couldn't do this, I listen to too much variety.

    -------------" rel="nofollow">

    Posted By: Noak
    Date Posted: August 10 2010 at 14:23
    Favorite three bands: Frank Zappa, Magma, Koenjihyakkei
    Favorite three Prog sub-genres: Avant Prog/RIO, Zeuhl, Eclectic
    Favorite Non-Prog genres: Avant Folk, Avant Garde Jazz, Noise
    Favorite decades of music: 00's, 70's, 60's

    Posted By: DisgruntledPorcupine
    Date Posted: August 10 2010 at 14:35
  • Favorite Three Bands: Dream Theater, Porcupine Tree, Pink Floyd
  • Favorite Prog Sub-Genres or Types: Prog Metal, Eclectic Prog, Symphonic Prog
  • Favorite Non-Prog Genres: Metal, jazz, classic rock
  • Favorite Decades in Music: 70s, 00s, 90s

  • Posted By: DreamInSong
    Date Posted: August 10 2010 at 14:39

    • Favorite Three Bands: Pink Floyd... I don't know who else to choose... I'll just go with Dream Theater and IQ
    • Favorite Prog Sub-Genres or Types: Prog Metal, Neo Prog and... uhh... Post Metal...I guess
    • Favorite Non-Prog Genres: Other forms of rock, hip-hop, jazz
    • Favorite Decades in Music: 70's, 00's and............. 90's


    Posted By: Weirdamigo
    Date Posted: August 10 2010 at 15:35

    • Favorite Three Bands: Pink Floyd, Deep Purple, King Crimson (Took me hours to choose)
    • Favorite Prog Sub-Genres or TypesPsychedelic/Space rock, Jazz rock/Fusion, Symphonic prog
    • Favorite Non-Prog Genres: Blues, Hard Rock, Grunge  
    • Favorite Decades in Music: 60's,70's and 90's

    Posted By: progkidjoel
    Date Posted: August 10 2010 at 16:35
    • Favorite Three Bands (Kayo Dot, Yes, Porcupine Tree)
    • Favorite Prog Sub-Genres or Types (Crossover, Post/Experimental Metal & Tech/Extreme, Symphonic)
    • Favorite Non-Prog Genres (Rock, dream-pop, metal)
    • Favorite Decades in Music (70's, 00's, 90's)


    Posted By: The Monodrone
    Date Posted: August 10 2010 at 17:05
    -Favorite 3 Bands: Porcupine Tree, King Crimson, The Mars Volta (many more than just 3)
    -Favorite Prog Subgenres: Heavy Prog, Eclectic, Psychedelic/Space
    -Favorite Non-Prog Genres: Alternative, Metal, ...
    -Favorite Decades in Music: 00s, 70s, 90s


    Posted By: KyleSchmidlin
    Date Posted: August 10 2010 at 22:11
    Favorite Three Bands:  Steely Dan, King Crimson, Gentle Giant (since Steely Dan are on this site, but if you want something more progressive, you can substitute them for Caravan or even Jethro Tull)

    Favorite Prog Subgenres:  I'm not sure how to classify most of these, but it seems to be prog/folk a la Jethro Tull and Renaissance, the kind of heavy, personality-deprived stuff King Crimson or Pink Floyd do, and then, I suppose, jazz-flavored prog: Caravan, Santana, and so on.

    Favorite Non-prog genres:  Again, I'm always hard-pressed to say what type of music I like because as soon as I say I like jazz somebody will want to tell me about some hideous Ornette Coleman album or something.  But, I'll say my favorite non-prog genres are hard rock (like Mountain, Blue Oyster Cult, etc.), jazz, and country/folk.

    Favorite Decades:  The 60s, the 70s, and then 90s.  Skip the 80s entirely, they were horrible.  At least the 90s gave us Ween and Primus.

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