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What do you do when you get home?

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Topic: What do you do when you get home?
Posted By: Man With Hat
Subject: What do you do when you get home?
Date Posted: May 23 2005 at 18:33

I'm just curious to see how many of the members have lives .

Also, this is with the assumption that you guys work or go to school during the day.

Perhaps, it's because i'm 16, but everybody around me seems to have stuff to do, and yet i just sit at home. This girl i know was very excited just because she got to go home and sit on her backside all that day. This happens to me all the time. I just find that strange. O well. That would answer my question, i suppose.

Dig me...But don't...Bury me
I'm running still, I shall until, one day, I hope that I'll arrive
Warning: Listening to jazz excessively can cause a laxative effect.

Posted By: Tony R
Date Posted: May 23 2005 at 18:40

I am the kind of stupid bastard who brings his work home with him! Embarrassed

I spend at least 12 hours a day chained to a PC.Cry

Although I do manage to fit in thrice weekly trips to my local drinkeryBig smile

Also visit the gym about 4 times a week-although you'd never tellLOL

Listen to music constantly whilst working on my PC and usually have ProgArchives minimised (or maximised) for the duration....

Like to take in a live band at the weekend,usually a rock covers bands at one of my locals.

Posted By: nacho
Date Posted: May 23 2005 at 18:43

With my right eye and hand I prepare a lecture for tomorrow; with the left eye and hand I post in the forum... it's tricky, but it can be done

Edit... I forgot to mention that my headphones are on (J.S. Bach's Well Tempered Clavier played in a harpsichord: the neighbours don't appreciate good music at this time of the night...)


Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: May 23 2005 at 18:46

When I get home I f**K the Misses

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Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: May 23 2005 at 18:47
But seriously....I try hard to avoid This forum, but it drags me to it like a bl**dy magnet!

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Posted By: Tony R
Date Posted: May 23 2005 at 18:48

Just been watching a documentary about an autistic savant from the UK. The guy went over to America to meet the the man who was the inspiration for Rainman.

This guy is amazing.He can read a page of a book in about 10 secs and memorise at least 90% of it,but get this: he reads one page with his left eye and the other page with his right at the same time!!!!


Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: May 23 2005 at 19:02
Why is it that when Im tired and wanna go to bed ,the forum stars buzzing with activity??

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Posted By: Valarius
Date Posted: May 23 2005 at 19:03

I take my shoes off.

Posted By: Tony R
Date Posted: May 23 2005 at 19:16
Originally posted by Valarius Valarius wrote:

I take my shoes off.

Great homelife you got there,Val Hairyarse...LOL

Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: May 23 2005 at 19:21
..Val Hairyarse!......priceless...

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Posted By: Peter
Date Posted: May 24 2005 at 01:09

I put on some tunes, and get a snack. Crisp breads, olives and cheeses seem to be recurring motifs.Shocked

(Geez -- now I've got the munchies!) Confused

Later, progfans -- the cheese stands alone.Big smile

"And, has thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!'
He chortled in his joy.

Posted By: Reverie
Date Posted: May 24 2005 at 02:05

Well all i've been doing this year is sitting at home all day anyway  Playing guitar, surfing the net, usually going outside for a short while daily.

Last year when i was still at school i would pretty much just do the same as you, MWH. Watch TV, hop on the computer, play guitar, or once in a blue moon i'd do school work

Not having any friends living anywhere near me, nor being productive enough to have my drivers license, i had/have little other choice.

Posted By: Trotsky
Date Posted: May 24 2005 at 02:19

Have a frenzied time playing with/taking care of/feeding the kids before its bedtime for #2 and #3 ... it's tiring as hell but also pretty damn awesome ...

"Death to Utopia! Death to faith! Death to love! Death to hope?" thunders the 20th century. "Surrender, you pathetic dreamer.”

"No" replies the unhumbled optimist "You are only the present."

Posted By: Jim Garten
Date Posted: May 24 2005 at 02:58
Originally posted by Peter Peter wrote:

I put on some tunes, and get a snack. Crisp breads, olives and cheeses seem to be recurring motifs

Mmmmm - Cheese and olives (drool)

Generally, when I get in, I swear a great deal about work (my own recurring motif...), get a cold one from the fridge, watch a bit of the news, then wrestle with the Hammond for a while (must practice more, must practice more).

Out most weekends, but regrettably, haven't seen a live band in quite a while (I think Nick Cave was the last one, & that was months ago!)


Jon Lord 1941 - 2012

Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: May 24 2005 at 03:08

the 3 M:

Music, Mistress and Munchies



In the morning the three Sh

sh*t , shower and shave

let's just stay above the moral melee
prefer the sink to the gutter
keep our sand-castle virtues
content to be a doer
as well as a thinker,
prefer lifting our pen
rather than un-sheath our sword

Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: May 24 2005 at 03:43

When I get in I put the kettle on. Put music on and start chain smoking until about 6.15, then I make dinner. Eat dinner. Continue chainsmoking until about 9.30pm. Skin up. Get battered and go to bed listerning to music.

Wake up, go to work, come home and repeat process. This happens at least three times a week, the rest of the time I'll be meeting friends in pubs after work, having a few pints and then getting battered with them.

I have become single again in the last three months, so I'm enjoying leading a meaningless existence, focussing entirely on myself before the next poor women falls into my life, and I find myself having to give a sh!t again!

Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: oliverstoned
Date Posted: May 24 2005 at 03:46
If i'm too tired, i have some rest in the garden watering my plants and go to bed early.

If i'm not too tired, i put my hifi system and my vaporizer on heat, in order to have a great musical/vegetal session.

Posted By: PROGMAN
Date Posted: May 24 2005 at 05:43


Babysit/Computer, Watch Television, Eat, Listen to Radio and CDs, Call my Pals, Home and Watch Tele or Radio, Bed.


College and Visit and Various Websites, Eat, Watch Television or listen to CDs,Visit my relatives or freinds etc, TV/RADIO/HI-FI/Computer, bed.


Not much wheather I listen to music and  doing other things.



Posted By: Pale Fire
Date Posted: May 24 2005 at 07:03
uh, I work 4 days a week, 9 to 5

it is terrible, monotonous computer work, for the most part

so, when I get home, yeah, I sometimes go to the bar with friends, sometimes will try to compose music that I've had in my head all day (usually unsuccessfully) or just sit around and hang out with people. I live in a college town, so there is always something to do.


Posted By: oliverstoned
Date Posted: May 24 2005 at 08:31
"it is terrible, monotonous computer work, for the most part"

I think it's the sad fate for most of us, to spend 7 hours per days in front of a computer and with the phone.

Sad time!

Posted By: Dan Bobrowski
Date Posted: May 24 2005 at 11:45

Some days I go to the gym and workout or just jump on my bike and ride. Now that the weather has warmed up, I will start doing some laps in the pool.

Then I make dinner. Now that the wife is finished with school for a few months, we'll make dinner together and if things work out properly, we'll order the kids a pizza and go to our room for some prayer services (Oh God, oh yes Jesus....).

Maybe a glass of Gewurztraminer or a bottle of ale. I never cared much for hard stuff; whiskey, gin, tequilla and all that.

Sometimes we'll play a family game or cards or play some guitar and jam a bit. Watch the news, take the dogs outside and then hit the hay.


Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: May 24 2005 at 14:32
Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

When I get home I f**K the Misses

You old romantic SD! As John Cleese said in "The meaning of life", we'll take the foreplay as read then".LOL

Posted By: Peter
Date Posted: May 24 2005 at 16:23
Originally posted by Easy Livin Easy Livin wrote:

Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

When I get home I f**K the Misses

You old romantic SD! As John Cleese said in "The meaning of life", we'll take the foreplay as read then".LOL

Shocked! Can Easy really be so easy? Sleazy?

Brace yerself, Edna!LOL

KY: foreplay in a tube ('ere -- consider this a kiss & a cuddle!")Wink

"And, has thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!'
He chortled in his joy.

Posted By: Dan Bobrowski
Date Posted: May 24 2005 at 16:39
I thought Canadian foreplay was twenty minutes of begging and a Pabst Blue Ribbon?  It'd take that long just to peel off all the layers of clothing.

Posted By: Certif1ed
Date Posted: May 24 2005 at 16:43

Monday-Wednesday and Friday:

Play with my little daughter until her bedtime, providing at least an hour of musical education - usually some prog .

Eat Supper and maybe watch TV.

Any odd jobs that need doing...

Go online, inspect home network for outside tampering (I'm very paranoid, having studied network insecurity), check out the various forums I'm signed up to, email, etc.

With LARGE whiskey (Doctor's orders ).

I don't care how dull or routine it seems - I have a little girl who is growing up happily and healthily, and that's all that seems to matter these days



I don't go home until after midnight (get me!).

Off over to my co-writer's to create more music that one day will bring world peace.

By mass suicide...

Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: May 24 2005 at 16:56
Originally posted by Peter Peter wrote:

Brace yerself, Edna!LOL

That's Mildred Peter, MILDRED!

Tell him Tony.Wink

Posted By: Tony R
Date Posted: May 24 2005 at 17:06
You can bet your bottom (canadian) dollar they got George & Mildred in Canada. Like a true gent ,Peter has chosen to ignore your incredible resemblance to that famous comedy character-always new Yootha Joyce wore a wig...Wink

Posted By: nacho
Date Posted: May 24 2005 at 17:29

Any chance that you are talking about these people?


Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: May 24 2005 at 18:10
Every chance!

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Posted By: hope
Date Posted: May 24 2005 at 18:15
anyone ever play disc golf? it can be very relaxing ( or very competitive. whatever your mood) is great to spend time outdoors with the family or friends or just yourself... i find myself achieving a heightened state of consciousness similar to meditation when playing alone....however, this may not be acheivable for those who only have access to a public course, i built my own private course and do not have to hear the noise of other gamers, traffic , or other would-be distractions

the wisest man is deemed insane

Posted By: Tony R
Date Posted: May 24 2005 at 18:40

Easy Livin in his world famous role as George Roper.A lifetime of perfecting the Bobby Charlton comb-over made Easy a dead-cert for the role of hapless George.

Yootha Joyce (Mildred) is, as you can imagine,kneeling beside the diminutive Scottish lothario-hence that rather insipid leer on Easy's face...Wink




Ps contrary to my post above-Cert is most certainly not dead-well not from the neck downwards at least...LOL

Posted By: arcer
Date Posted: May 25 2005 at 06:03

Get home,

eat terrible pizza from local pizzeria,

get earful from girlfriend for being away all the time,

spend three hours placating girlfriend, whilst simultaneously doing laundry

iron clothes whilst making plans to meet friends for dinners/drinks/vacations that will never happen

set alarm for 5am

go to bed - placate girlfriend as best as possible (depending on level of exhaustion)

roll over, fart, begin snoring

cease snoring at 5am

get up, shower, dress, eat an orange, drink tea,

get in car, light first ciggy (that I have been banned from smoking) of the day

head to work

disappear for four days

arrive home

repeat ......


Posted By: oliverstoned
Date Posted: May 25 2005 at 06:24
"spend three hours placating girlfriend, whilst simultaneously doing laundry"

A little bit of exageration, maybe?

Posted By: nacho
Date Posted: May 25 2005 at 06:36

Originally posted by oliverstoned oliverstoned wrote:

"spend three hours placating girlfriend, whilst simultaneously doing laundry"

A little bit of exageration, maybe?

Definitely, it's an exageration: do you expect us to believe that you need three hours to do the laundry?


Posted By: arcer
Date Posted: May 25 2005 at 10:07

How do you know?

For all you know I could be the leotard washer for an entire touring troupe of female mud wrestlers

Posted By: kingofbizzare
Date Posted: May 25 2005 at 11:08
I usually come home, get something to eat, sit around and listen to music for a while, then if I feel like it (and have any money on me) I'll bike down to one of the many local thrift stores to look for vinyls. Depending on the time of year, I may end up going to one of the various sporting events featuring our school teams (basketball, volleyball, or soccer). Then I come home, eat dinner, listen to some more music, do some homework (if I have any) while listening to music, play some video games and listen to music, use the computer (usually foru, instant messaging, weblogs and email) while listening to music, have some more to eat, then go to bed while listening to music.

Posted By: Dan Bobrowski
Date Posted: May 25 2005 at 12:40

Originally posted by kingofbizzare kingofbizzare wrote:

I usually come home, get something to eat, sit around and listen to music for a while, then if I feel like it (and have any money on me) I'll bike down to one of the many local thrift stores to look for vinyls. Depending on the time of year, I may end up going to one of the various sporting events featuring our school teams (basketball, volleyball, or soccer). Then I come home, eat dinner, listen to some more music, do some homework (if I have any) while listening to music, play some video games and listen to music, use the computer (usually foru, instant messaging, weblogs and email) while listening to music, have some more to eat, then go to bed while listening to music.

Funny, with a moniker like KINGOFBIZARRE, I would have thought you'd get home, gulp some lighter fluid and blow flames at kittens, wear mismatched clothes and shave your dog, cover it in peanut butter and visit starbucks with some snot smeared on your chin and ask for a free Chai tea. You aren't all that bizarre, are you?

Posted By: kingofbizzare
Date Posted: May 25 2005 at 14:25
Originally posted by danbo danbo wrote:

Originally posted by kingofbizzare kingofbizzare wrote:

I usually come home, get something to eat, sit around and listen to music for a while, then if I feel like it (and have any money on me) I'll bike down to one of the many local thrift stores to look for vinyls. Depending on the time of year, I may end up going to one of the various sporting events featuring our school teams (basketball, volleyball, or soccer). Then I come home, eat dinner, listen to some more music, do some homework (if I have any) while listening to music, play some video games and listen to music, use the computer (usually foru, instant messaging, weblogs and email) while listening to music, have some more to eat, then go to bed while listening to music.

Funny, with a moniker like KINGOFBIZARRE, I would have thought you'd get home, gulp some lighter fluid and blow flames at kittens, wear mismatched clothes and shave your dog, cover it in peanut butter and visit starbucks with some snot smeared on your chin and ask for a free Chai tea. You aren't all that bizarre, are you?

No, but I occasionally down a two liter of Mountain Dew in under half an hour. But I am bizarre enough to intentionally spell bizarre with two Zs and one R.

Posted By: Heptade
Date Posted: May 25 2005 at 14:31
Canadians don't drink Pabst Blue Ribbon much...we drink a Molson
Canadian, eh? Take's a beauty way to go.

When I get home, I unsurprisingly eat dinner, play guitar and figure out
which of my CDs will have the honour of being played that night. Lately,
Barclay James Harvest seems to have a way of winning that honour.

Posted By: abyssyinfinity
Date Posted: May 25 2005 at 14:38
I connect myself to Progarchives...

Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: May 25 2005 at 15:12

I walk home from work every day, so I usually take a different route every couple of days.  I shop, check out Virgin, check out the BB Kings schedule, get home, cook dinner now that Ian is home, and then watch a little tv with him.. sometimes meet Sean at the pub, sometimes Ian's out and Sean's not...

Sometimes I shove them both out.. and I sit on the computer...

Its all rather boring tho... so I try to attend as many concerts as I can.  I really had the craving to pack it all in and just go out following PT around the country...

However, my back and my check book said... "forget about it!!!"


Posted By: Alucard
Date Posted: May 26 2005 at 08:57

I try to go out as much as possible, concerts are quiet expensive in Paris but there is always a way even if you are broke:   La maison de la Radio the public radio station: they do free concerts , you just have to showup one or two hours earlier to get the tickets mainly Jazz and Classics, the acoustics are splendid. Then  you have a lot of people selling tickets outside the venues, so even for sold out concerts you can always get cheap tickets, you just have to wait for the beginning of the concert and look quiet desinterested and bargain, I  got tickets for Musical Box last week that way. My favourite radio station gives away concert places mainly for Jazz and I go quiet often to  The New Morning a great place for Mainstream Fusion and World. When we stay home we have mainly dinner and look TV or a DVD. When I'm on my own I play guitar or listen to music or try to bring order in my record collection.

Posted By: oliverstoned
Date Posted: May 26 2005 at 09:02

And you can sometimes listen to the New morning jazz concerts en direct at home on the fantastic parisian radio station TSF 89.9!

Posted By: Alucard
Date Posted: May 26 2005 at 10:51

... these are the good sites of living in a overcrowded, polluted city full of neurotics and neverending public transport strikes.

Posted By: oliverstoned
Date Posted: May 26 2005 at 10:55
Everything has it advantages and disadvantages.

Posted By: Borealis
Date Posted: May 27 2005 at 21:03

After school, well I listen to music, avoiding computer as much as possible, but I often end up there anyway, since most of my music is there. After that, supper, then listen to music again, and try to play music, then I sleep with my earphones on, or take a walk outside while listening music all the night because I can't fall asleep... which seem to happen a lot...

In the morning, wake up, eat, drink, then take my walkman, 5-6 CDs, and I'm off to school... (...)

Posted By: greenback
Date Posted: May 27 2005 at 22:01

as milder weather allows it these days, after work, i go play golf or hit a couples of buckets; most of the time i can play 18 holes, because the course is less busy at that time. in the winter, after work, i go to ski (cross country): there is a place here where you can ski in the dark!! no hills, just flat all the way! i use to have supper very late (past 8:00): i always eat the same thing! i always eat cold! i take my time then to visit progarchives, rateyourmusic and other sites i have interest.

yes, i have no life, but at least, i can do what i want to do, anytime! i'm a sociopath because i'm more interested in things than in people!! I have the perfect activities to never get a woman: golf & prog rock listen!

today, we had a social meeting with vegetables, wine, cheese & crackers: it was sooooooo boring! after 2 minutes, i wanted to leave! i felt so bad! if i do not get a social life, it is just because i don't feel comfortable with that! i looked at the people talking about useless things and i found them so ridiculous: what really makes me sick in those activities are all the non verbal language: how to react when you stand alone in your corner, after a person stopped to talk to you and goes to talk to another person; you have to shake the hand and thank some influencial people before leaving:  this really annoys me! you are talking to a person and suddenly, another one comes and they both start an animated conversation: and you are left there, all alone: how embarrassing this can be!

i hate social activities!Angry


Posted By: con safo
Date Posted: May 27 2005 at 22:48
Put on some good tunes, spark a fatty, put my headphones on and enjoy the ride. I also like to play guitar, surf the net, watch tv, sleep..

That's if im not out with my mates doing the usual, getting stoned and putting on my current "trippiest song i've ever heard"


Posted By: oliverstoned
Date Posted: May 28 2005 at 13:14
well said

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