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necessary prog

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Topic: necessary prog
Posted By: tszirmay
Subject: necessary prog
Date Posted: November 21 2009 at 00:51
I am not asking for your "favorite" or "Best" , but the most vital to a prospective newbie. I have prepared many lists for many nascent proggers who were blown away.
So here are my perennial winners:
King Crimson- ITCOTCK (for historical reasons)
The classics:
Anthony Phillips-Slowdance (perfect Sunday music)
The Strawbs- Hero and Heroine
Jethro Tull- TAAB
Genesis- SEBTP
Yes- Close to the Edge
Focus-Hamburger Concerto
Santana- Caravanserai
King Crimson- Starless and Bible Black
Gentle Giant- Octopus
 What would you suggest?

I never post anything anywhere without doing more than basic research, often in depth.

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: November 21 2009 at 01:16
that's a good list but I think the trick is finding an avenue a potential new fan will like, i.e. Discipline, though not historically crucial, could be a good intro for someone who might not appreciate Tarkus..or Permanent Waves for someone ready to graduate from classic rock

Posted By: LinusW
Date Posted: November 21 2009 at 01:25
Rush and Kansas were my way in (classic rock was what led me to prog).

Posted By: apps79
Date Posted: November 21 2009 at 02:32
Originally posted by LinusW LinusW wrote:

Rush and Kansas were my way in (classic rock was what led me to prog).
RUSH and KANSAS are excellent candidates for someone getting into prog...
From the other bands I would say that some transitional albums are better than their masterpieces for someone who wants to approach the prog sound.''The Yes album'' by YES or ''Trespass'' by GENESIS are very good transitional prog.
I would also recommend E.L.P.'s debut,KING CRIMSON's ''In the court...'' has a lot of blending styles but a smooth sound and would also fit...
Some early lesser-known prog bands like QUATERMASS or T2 also blend heavy rock with progressive elements and are a good starting point too.

Posted By: BaldJean
Date Posted: November 21 2009 at 03:16
I think it depends a lot on from where someone is coming. a metal fan probably should start with prog metal of some kind, then slowly pave a way to other bands which can play really aggressive if needed (High Tide, Hawkwind, King Crimson, VdGG, Amon Düül 2, Guru Guru, Rush) and then open the door to wonderland by showing them what other stuff these bands can do, not to mention the many many other bands out there.
with someone who comes from the classical corner go the way via symphonic: Genesis, Yes, ELP, Gryphon (who are in my opinion an excellent introduction for lovers of classical music).
for Punk Rock lovers: the Cardiacs, Inner City Unit (who are not in the archives but should be, under Prog Punk, a category which has already been suggested by me. the Cardiacs and Sleepytime Gorilla Museum should be moved into that category too,by the way).
for jazz lovers: jazz-rock of course, but very few jazz lovers are purists anyway and will probably be familiar with it anyway


A shot of me as High Priestess of Gaia during our fall festival. Ceterum censeo principiis obsta

Posted By: Mr ProgFreak
Date Posted: November 21 2009 at 03:31
I was going to post yet another link to the (in)famous Progfreak charts page - then I realized that you can't yet narrow down the list by importance. So I added that, and here we go:*any&ps=prog&i=10 -*any&ps=prog&i=10

(Users can assign a level of importance to each album ... the chart is based on these assignments)

-------------" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: Toaster Mantis
Date Posted: November 21 2009 at 03:40
Originally posted by BaldJean BaldJean wrote:

I think it depends a lot on from where someone is coming. a metal fan probably should start with prog mettal of some kind, then slowly pave a way to other bands which can play really aggressive if needed (High Tide, Hawkwind, King Crimson, VdGG, Amon Düül 2, Guruj Guru, Rush) and then open the door to wonderland by showing them what other stuff these bands can do, not to mention the  many many other bands out there.

Even then, those bands don't sound very much like each other... really makes it clear how progressive rock is too varied a movement to make a single all-encompassing canon for because how different styles it contains.

On a more idealistic level I incidentally also think that any genre that fashions itself a beacon of freethinking and individualism does not need a fixed canon of classics. Well, maybe you could make such a canon on an objective basis by influence but I don't really see how it follows that the most influential albums are also the best.

"The past is not some static being, it is not a previous present, nor a present that has passed away; the past has its own dynamic being which is constantly renewed and renewing." - Claire Colebrook

Posted By: Mr ProgFreak
Date Posted: November 21 2009 at 03:58
And here's my list of most important prog rock/metal albums as a sig image:


Posted By: Green Shield Stamp
Date Posted: November 21 2009 at 07:05
Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon
Jethro Tull -  Aqualung
King Crimson - Red
Caravan - In the Land of Grey and Pink
Genesis - Selling England...
Yes - Close to the Edge
Moody Blues - Days of Future Passed
Mike Oldfield -  Ommadawn
Procol Harum - Shine on Brightly
Gentle Giant - Octopus
Marillion - Misplaced Childhood
Tangerine Dream - Stratosfear
Van Der Graaf Generator - Pawn Hearts
Rush -  A Farewell To Kings 
These in my opinion are necessary Prog albums and will serve as an excellent foundation for a growing collection.


Writing a poem
With seventeen syllables
Is very diffic....

Posted By: akamaisondufromage
Date Posted: November 21 2009 at 07:09

Some of the first albums that started my interest:

Genesis :  Seconds Out
Yes:  Going For the One
Hawkwind :  Warrior on the Edge of Time
Tangerine Dream :  Ricochet
Pink Floyd :  Dark Side of the Moon
Rush :  Moving Pictures
Steve Hillage:  Green
Gong:  Live Etc
The Beatles:  White Album
(Yeah I know)
The Crazy World of Arthur Brown
Someone else can add the new stuff!  Wink

Help me I'm falling!

Posted By: fusionfreak
Date Posted: November 21 2009 at 07:30
Mahavishnu Orchestra:Birds of fire
Yes:Tales from Topographic Ocean
Genesis:Nursery Cryme
Weather Report:Black Market
Pink Floyd:Ummagumma
Hawkwind:Hall of the Mountain Grill

I was born in the land of Mahavishnu,not so far from Kobaia.I'm looking for the world

of searchers with the help from

crimson king

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: November 21 2009 at 08:26
Such lists cannot be universal and have to be targeted at a specific listeners personality, taste and predilections. For example what would be acceptable to me could leave some people scratching their heads. Also, given the current trend of people to bash the classics albums and classic bands as if they've some wonderful "emperor's new clothes" insight into these that we've incredulously managed to overlook for all these years would suggest that someone will find fault in any list.


Posted By: SgtPepper67
Date Posted: November 21 2009 at 10:44
I would recommend these to someone who wants to get into classic prog:

Pink Floyd - Dark Side Of The Moon
Genesis - The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway
ELP - Brain Salad Surgery
Rush - A Farwell To Kings
King Crimson - In The Court Of The Crimson King
Kansas - Leftoverture
Jethro Tull - Aqualung
Supertramp - Cryme Of The Century


In the end the love you take is equal to the love you made...

Posted By: hektur
Date Posted: November 21 2009 at 17:29
Originally posted by Green Shield Stamp Green Shield Stamp wrote:

Rush -  Xanadu

Thats a song not an album. You mean A Farewell to Kings.

Posted By: ghost_of_morphy
Date Posted: November 22 2009 at 19:15
Originally posted by Green Shield Stamp Green Shield Stamp wrote:

Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon
Jethro Tull -  Aqualung
King Crimson - Red
Caravan - In the Land of Grey and Pink
Genesis - Selling England...
Yes - Close to the Edge
Moody Blues - Days of Future Passed
Mike Oldfield -  Ommadawn
Procol Harum - Shine on Brightly
Gentle Giant - Octopus
Marillion - Misplaced Childhood
Tangerine Dream - Stratosfear
Van Der Graaf Generator - Pawn Hearts
Rush -  Xanadu
These in my opinion are necessary Prog albums and will serve as an excellent foundation for a growing collection.
This is a really good list until you hit Ommadawn.  Floyd shouldn't be first but rather just before Ommadawn, but that's my only major quibble here.  Of course, from Ommadawn onwards you and I differ greatly, but at least we agree on seven albums that make a great introduction to prog.


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