New Kinetic Element CD now available
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Topic: New Kinetic Element CD now available
Posted By: miketheorganist
Subject: New Kinetic Element CD now available
Date Posted: September 19 2009 at 09:54
Been awhile since I have posted but what can I tell ya, when you put out a disc it kind of consumes you.
The new Kinetic Element record "Powered by Light" is now available. We
took it to Progday, had a vendor table, and sold 20. OK that's not
chartbusting news but considering we were not performing, I think we
did all right, plus had a great time sitting next to Kevin Jarvis of
Farpoint who had the same idea.
The CD is 69:19 and is a spiritual concept CD about the power of good
in a person's life. We are no longer a trio but have added guitarist
Todd Russell, a classically trained musical Ph.D. who has kicked us all
up a notch I think. He was described as "Hackettesque" by a couple of
British radio stations who heard the music online and requested the CD.
We recorded this in Sound of Music Studios here in Richmond, mastered
at The Kitchen in Chapel Hill NC and the artwork was done by Martin
Kornick who has done Keith Emerson, Ajalon and The Tangent, to name a
At this time we have not got it up on Amazon or CD Baby, but we are
taking and filling mail orders and I am pleasantly surprised with the
number of orders that have come in. We're also sending it out to the
radio stations, labels, reviewers etc.
To get one please e-mail me at mailto:[email protected] - [email protected] . The price is $12 plus $3 packaging and shipping, total $15.
If you would care to read a few comments that have come back to me, here are a few:
I listened to the KE CD several times since last week and I love it.
It's got that original prog feel to it. You know what I mean, the ELP,
Kansas, Genesis, 1973 FM radio, etc. feel, but it's not a tribute or
copy of that stuff at all. It's original but with influences apparent.
And Todd completes
the band's sound. He adds fullness and gives the sound a sharper edge.
I wish you the best of success with it, Mike, and I look forward to
more from KE.
Lou B., Mass.
First - got the CD and it is AWESOME!! You guys are fantastic - truly
remind me of early Yes! Would love to write a review, but I have no
place to post it. ...
Haven't taken it our of the CD player. Really enjoying it!
Tom, Colorado
Thank you Mike, it arrived today. I have listened to it all the way
through once - it is wonderful. On first listen, I was really struck by
the Mellotron parts in Peace of Mind, Peace of Heart, but I need to
listen some more to really absorb it all. Congratulations on a great
piece of work.
I am really enjoying it. A very classic progressive rock feel and some
really impressive playing, production and songwriting. I have been a
fan since seeing KE at the Circa: show in Springfield VA last year, and
am really happy for the group that they have gotten to this level.
Really nice Hammond and Mellotron, very melodic.
Garry, VA
Mike V. you have the Emerson thing down my man. Should be an awsome release.
RO (from Yahoo board)
Wow!!!! And I only listened to The Ascent before my evaluation. Hi, I
really heard something already familiar, and like a favorite old album,
when I listened to your music.Traces of Triumvirat, definite ELP, and
strangely BS&T, and a touch of Chicago. I am telling you guys,
being a musician myself, and around long enough to remember and have
all Gentle Giant, Wishbone Ash, Yes, Kansas ( my fellow friends, just
down the road a bit from me), and about every influence I have had as a
discerning listener for almost 40 years. You made the cut!!!! OH
duh!!!! Awesome!!!, would better describe it. I am honored that you
chose me to notify . I will definitely buy , tell everyone I know, and
help you along.I don't get to hear music like yours anymore, except for
Billy Sherwood, and Circa, and I think even they would be a bit green,
that they never thought of that unique sound!!!!Thank you, thank you.
Count me as your newest fan, and I look forward to hearing you very
soon.Your friend, Bob
Bob T., Kansas
I picked this CD up at ProgDay, and as I already told Mike on Sunday, I love it!
To me, it has a very vintage sound. Not exactly like it was recorded in
Electric Ladyland or something, but like it was an independently
produced album circa 1976 that was reissued by SYN-PHONIC perhaps.
Excellent keyboards - I'm really impressed with the variety of keyboard
sounds used, and the variety of styles used in the keboard work. And,
with Mike's chops. He can play.
Mike occasionally takes a rap on the vocals, but I really like them, and I think the reason people
sometimes fault them is that Mike's voice does not seem like it should
come from Mike. Again, it sounds like what you'd expect to hear on a
vintage 1970s, independent Ameriprog album. With just a touch of
Brooklyn occasionally, to add some style.
The lyrics are spiritual in nature, but IMO Mike does a MUCH better job
than many others of making them palatable to everyone. They could be
religious, but they actually seem to have more to do with fate,
destiny, etc. rather than any particular deity.
It's a really nice album, much more impressive than I was expecting. Oh
yeah, the artwork is stellar as well - looks just like an InsideOut
I bought this and the first CD for $20 at ProgDay (it was a special
deal) and I was really pleased with this purchase. Value for money, as
they say in the UK.
Good work, Mike!
Jed, NYC
Well that's all for now, THANK YOU for taking time to read this, and I
pray you will see your way to trust us with a check and take home a
copy of "Powered by Light."
Mike (the mad organist) Visaggio
------------- A spirit with a vision is a dream with a mission!
Posted By: miketheorganist
Date Posted: October 10 2009 at 09:22
Just to let you know, Powered by Light is now up on CD BABY., so you can now use a credit card to obtain it. Mike V.
------------- A spirit with a vision is a dream with a mission!
Posted By: miketheorganist
Date Posted: November 30 2009 at 19:33
Since getting our new CD "Powered by Light" out there at ProgDay last Sept. 5 and sending it out to reviewers and prog stations we have gotten six generally positive reviews, been played on Delicious Agaony, Aural Moon, Dividing Line, Metal Fro and eight other stations, and are greatly encouraged that we've hit on something positive. I'm not editing these reviews in any way so you can read what the reviewers liked and disliked, but on the whole it seems people find this very listenable. Here are the links.
Getting compared to Transatlantic on Ytsejam was very humbling! We hope you will take time to get to know us if you haven't already. You can find us at and, and the cd is available at and you will find some reviews at amazon! 5 out of 6 positive. Total 11 up, 1 down.
The cd is also available directly from the band.
I would welcome feedback from the progarchives community. You can e-mail me direct at [email protected]. or leave comments here. Mike V. Keyboards K.E.
------------- A spirit with a vision is a dream with a mission!
Posted By: AstralliS
Date Posted: June 15 2010 at 08:30 - Powered by Light review on Prog Sphere .
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