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My Avatar Has Vanished

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Topic: My Avatar Has Vanished
Posted By: Roj
Subject: My Avatar Has Vanished
Date Posted: August 19 2009 at 02:51
I've had the same avatar since I joined PA, the cover Of Space Revolver by The Flower Kings.  All of a sudden it vanished yesterday, to be replaced by a fuzzy guy with a big question mark.  Story of my life eh? LOL

I've no idea why this happened, as I'd not tried to change it.  Since then I've tried to upload another but Avatar Upload won't let me paste anything in.  I'm sick of being Question Man, can anyone help please?



Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: August 19 2009 at 03:20
You hot hot-linked the image from another website that has now decided not to permit hot-linking - I suggest you find another site to hot-link to or use the album cover from here. -
The Flower Kings Space Revolver album cover


Posted By: Plankowner
Date Posted: August 19 2009 at 07:44

.. is on the case.

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: August 19 2009 at 07:53
^ Cool, I'll go back to sleep then. Approve


Posted By: Roj
Date Posted: August 19 2009 at 08:54

Thanks very much DeanClap.

I may reside on here, but I'm a total non-Geek.

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: August 19 2009 at 09:03
Glad to be of assistance Thumbs Up
(Geek and proud Wink)


Posted By: Negoba
Date Posted: August 19 2009 at 09:09
Hey mine blinks in and out...what is that?

You are quite a fine person, and I am very fond of you. But you are only quite a little fellow, in a wide world, after all.

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: August 19 2009 at 09:16

^ don't know what you mean Jay, but it could be something to do with the hot-linking from linking bypasses the PA server, it just passes the link to your browser and the browser then loads it from the original address. Perhaps copying the image to third party image storage site like photobucket and linking it from there may help.


Posted By: Negoba
Date Posted: August 19 2009 at 09:18

I assumed it was something with the source server occasionally having issues or with the communication between sites.

Yes I should just copy into photobucket, but this gave me an excuse to change my avatar....alas there are only so many Peter Gabriel pictures out there with the reverse mohawk. But I will find them all!!!!

You are quite a fine person, and I am very fond of you. But you are only quite a little fellow, in a wide world, after all.

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: August 19 2009 at 10:07
Wha! Shocked 
That's Prog-Jester's old avatar LOL


Posted By: Negoba
Date Posted: August 19 2009 at 10:08
that's fine I'll find a new one....

You are quite a fine person, and I am very fond of you. But you are only quite a little fellow, in a wide world, after all.

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: August 19 2009 at 10:12
Why change it? He's not using it.
but you could use this one:
..that'll freak people out LOL


Posted By: Negoba
Date Posted: August 19 2009 at 10:25
I think that one's been taken too, no?
I'm going to start a thread in honor of my new avatar.

You are quite a fine person, and I am very fond of you. But you are only quite a little fellow, in a wide world, after all.

Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: August 19 2009 at 18:11
I was going to say you can't file a missing avatar report until its been missing for 24 hours. Tongue

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

Posted By: Marty McFly
Date Posted: August 20 2009 at 09:39

Well, that's strange. I had image on imageshack, for, it's two months now and I was using it here on PA (only). But one day, maybe two weeks ago (I'm not good at numbers), I had Question Mark (and it was not Neal Morse) and bald head. So I uploaded it again, but same problem. Next day, everything was OK.

Strange things happening in Danish kingdom. Heh and this Peter Gabriel is trademark of Ivan Melgar, isn't it ? It looks little bit scary.

There's a point where "avant-garde" and "experimental" becomes "terrible" and "pointless,"

   -Andyman1125 on Lulu

Even my

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