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Matraz - Greeting from Chile

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Topic: Matraz - Greeting from Chile
Posted By: rushfan4
Subject: Matraz - Greeting from Chile
Date Posted: June 30 2009 at 10:34

We received the following correspondence from the Chilean Prog metal band Matraz.

This is to say Hi,  and announcing our intention to plan a tour for those parts of the planet.
That is why we invite you to discover our history  and  music  from our web sites
In short, "MATRAZ " is a rock band with influences of progressive metal music, classical , and our national music.(our roots.. chile)
  The Band with over 10 years of experience in Latin America, has participated in important festivals such as: Baja Prog (México),  Río Art Rock (Brazil),  Macaé Prog Fest. (Brazil),  Monterrey Prog,  etc.  and its members in personal career, have given presentations in various  countries and festivals. Fortunately provided with an incredible success and reception from the fans
We have a great interest in being part of your festival in the near future, because we think , is a very importan event  for the progressive music.
If you need some extra information or material be happy to provide it
It is a pleasure to be in contact with you ... ...and Greetings from the end of the World

Sergio Peña O.
mailto:[email protected] - [email protected]
Links: - - -


Posted By: memowakeman
Date Posted: June 30 2009 at 16:36
I Know Matraz thanks to a Chilean friend, and they are a very good band without a doubt, when you guys have time, listen to them.


Follow me on twitter @memowakeman

Posted By: progmetalhead
Date Posted: July 01 2009 at 03:32


Indeed! Especially the album "Gritaré"
Magnificent piece of art.
*thinks: must put that on rotation actually Big smile"

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Colt - Admin Team MMA

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