Apparently Im a psycho
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Topic: Apparently Im a psycho
Posted By: Guests
Subject: Apparently Im a psycho
Date Posted: May 06 2005 at 12:59
From Wikipedia:
Diagnostic criteria (PCL-R test)
In contemporary research and clinical practice, APD is most commonly assessed with the Hare Psychopathy Checklist- Revised (PCL-R), which is a clinical rating scale with 20 items. Each of the items in the PCL-R is scored on a three-point scale according to specific criteria through file information and a semi-structured interview. The items are as follows:
Interpersonal dimension
- Glibness/superficial charm
- Grandiose sense of self-worth
- Pathological lying
- Conning/manipulative
- Lack of remorse or guilt
- Shallow affect
- Callous/lack of empathy
- Failure to accept responsibility for own actions
Affective dimension
- Need for stimulation/-proneness to boredom
- Parasitic lifestyle
- Poor behavioral controls
- Early behavioral problems
- Lack of realistic, long-term goals
- Impulsivity
- Irresponsibility
- Juvenile delinquency
- Revocation of conditional release
My parents are asking me to seek counseling to get to the bottom of this. Since I'm 19, they can't force me; but I should probably humor them. I exhibit all of the above tendencies, so I am quite concerned myself. I don't know what to do. Is there a cure for psychopathy? Or is my future full of nothing but pain and crime for certain? This is not a joke. I am serious as possible.
Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: May 06 2005 at 13:37
The problem with self-diagnoses is that we have "symptons" and try to get a match for them. This can lead to hypocondria and a morbid fascination with all things medical. Most of the "criteria" detailed above could apply to many people your age. In the 1950's when the "teenager" came to more prominence some psychologists actually believed that all youths were exhibiting some kind of mass-hysteria and were a danger to modern society. I blame Elvis
Do not worry CP-your behaviour is probably normal.All parents believe that their teenage offspring are monsters.
Doctor Reed suggests that you take frequent cold showers and refrain from masturbation.
Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: May 06 2005 at 16:13
Posted By: tuxon
Date Posted: May 06 2005 at 16:42
This would all describe me aswell, though I'm not a pathological liar, infact, I never lie, so I should be fine
------------- I'm always almost unlucky _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Id5ZcnjXSZaSMFMC Id5LM2q2jfqz3YxT
Posted By: Peter
Date Posted: May 06 2005 at 16:49
That, and lose the fratricidal/suicidal avatar....
(and the morbid idolatry of KC!) 
Seriously, though, a history of severe bedwetting, compulsively lighting fires, and hurting animals is also a warning sign.
Chances are though, as Dr. Reed's Lover advised, you are just dealing with typical teenage angst, as you resist the transition to the adult world of work and responsibilites -- very normal and understandable! 
Still, if you are genuinely concerned, seeking professional help won't do any harm, and will likely put your mind at rest on these matters.
All the best!
------------- "And, has thou slain the Jabberwock? Come to my arms, my beamish boy! O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!' He chortled in his joy.
Posted By: James Lee
Date Posted: May 06 2005 at 17:01
If you're seriously concerned about becoming a murderous psychopath, the best route is probably suicide. That will ensure nobody else suffers.
Posted By: Peter
Date Posted: May 06 2005 at 17:28
James Lee wrote:
If you're seriously concerned about becoming a murderous psychopath, the best route is probably suicide. That will ensure nobody else suffers. |
Can't I just blow away a mere dozen or two innocent sheep first, Dr. Lee? 
I have all this ammo....
------------- "And, has thou slain the Jabberwock? Come to my arms, my beamish boy! O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!' He chortled in his joy.
Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: May 06 2005 at 17:33
Posted By: James Lee
Date Posted: May 06 2005 at 17:45
Hey, if someone had given such good advice to Dahmer or Gein...
plus, I'm not inclined to take anything CP says without a huge grain of salt, as per his past changes of heart...
Posted By: gdub411
Date Posted: May 06 2005 at 20:23
A psychopath!! you're not!! That's just crazy talk.
Posted By: gleam
Date Posted: May 06 2005 at 20:52
Welcome to being a teenager...if your already in college you probably have two years to go and have some anxiety over what is expected of you after you graduate.
If your not in college, consider going...that way you can develop the anxiety...just kidding.
Actually you sound pretty much like anyone your age. Don't take those exams too seriously, a lot of self analysis tests are heavily skewed vis a vis your current state of mind.

Posted By: Beau Heem
Date Posted: May 07 2005 at 07:21
Besides, being a psychopath doesn't mean that you'd be out there
murdering people. Although psychopaths do have a higher tendency to
become such monsters.
If you're facing troubles defining what's right and what's wrong, there
is quite nothing anyone can do for you. Then you just better make sure
that you'd never be in a position where you could calculate that
murdering someone would do you good.
Don't worry. As Bobby McFerrin sang: "It will soon pass, whatever it is." One way or another.
------------- --No enemy but time--
Posted By: PROGMAN
Date Posted: May 10 2005 at 05:19
I had a Hammer chucked at me by a Nutter luckily it missed
------------- CYMRU AM BYTH
Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: May 10 2005 at 06:51
Well done CP,you've achieved what nobody else could do!
Send me a flaming Pm then run to maani when I respond in kind,.Thanks very much.I needed that.
I've only ever tried to help you and even thought someone else was using your account,hence the nasty pm.
I dont deserve this.
Posted By: frenchie
Date Posted: May 12 2005 at 03:50
as long as you keep those stats off your dating profiles and resume's i'm sure you will be fine, we're all psychos here, name 1 psycho who isn't involved with prog? when we have people like roger waters and master fripp in our world
------------- The Worthless Recluse
Posted By: PROGMAN
Date Posted: May 17 2005 at 05:09
You're not that D-FENS guy from Falling Down?

------------- CYMRU AM BYTH
Posted By: Rob The Good
Date Posted: May 17 2005 at 05:17
There are definitely exceptions, but in general psychopaths don't know they're psychopathic. I've got psychological problems too, and I'm your age - you'll be surprised how many people do.
Going to a psychologist would be a wise choice I think - it will set your mind at rest and help you get a perspective. Believe me, I went to one and it REALLY helped.
One thing: don't believe your own hype...don't keep saying "Oh no, I'm a psycho" and so on, because it will get you nowhere and you're just kidding yourself.
------------- And Jesus said unto John, "come forth and receive eternal life..."
Unfortunately, John came fifth and was stuck with a toaster.
Posted By: Alucard
Date Posted: May 17 2005 at 08:39
Gentle Giant's In a glasshouse is a nice record about the Psyche in general,since I first heard it I loved the lyrics and I often took it as my personal Yi Ging. So here is one of my favourite tracks, may it light a candle on your way :
Lead vocals: Derek You'll find an answer, You've got to believe in your own way
of life.
So you'll have to find an answer, You'll have to find a way,
Try to find, Try to find.
You'll try to question her, Does she believe in the choice of
your life.
So you have to try to ask her, when you are away, left
behind, out of mind; away.
And in the end you discover, examine, you have to decide if
there is an answer, if there is a way, Let her find piece of
And another day, all alone, think there is away at home.
Every other may, have their own, way of life that is their
And your wandering only a game to realise no joy your
And another day, all alone, choice of life is not your own.
You'll try to question her, Does she believe in the way of
your life.
So you have to try to ask her, You'll have to find a way, left
behind, out of mind; away.
Posted By: Joren
Date Posted: May 17 2005 at 12:08
Rob The Good wrote:
There are definitely exceptions, but in general psychopaths don't know they're psychopathic. I've got psychological problems too, and I'm your age - you'll be surprised how many people do.
Going to a psychologist would be a wise choice I think - it will set your mind at rest and help you get a perspective. Believe me, I went to one and it REALLY helped.
One thing: don't believe your own hype...don't keep saying "Oh no, I'm a psycho" and so on, because it will get you nowhere and you're just kidding yourself. |
I agree with you. Very good advice! 
Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: May 19 2005 at 01:27
PROGMAN wrote:
You're not that D-FENS guy from Falling Down?

No. But funny you mention him. I often feel vindictive and frustrated as he. That movie is depressing BTW. It made me scared of damn near everyone in the world. I thought D-FENS could be living next door after I saw that movie.
Posted By: greenback
Date Posted: May 22 2005 at 11:47
i think some proggers are more susceptible to be sociopath than psychopath. psychopathy is serious: you are an antisociakl who commits crimes without any remorse.
sociopathy only corresponds to an antisocial behaviour.