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Cardiacs and Tim Smith - latest news

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Topic: Cardiacs and Tim Smith - latest news
Posted By: The Hemulen
Subject: Cardiacs and Tim Smith - latest news
Date Posted: June 26 2009 at 17:05
A recent announcement from The Alphabet Business Concern, for the Cardiacs fans amongst us who haven't seen it yet:

A full year has now passed by silently and stealthily yet with ever an eye on promptitude and a passion for consistency it now falls upon THE ALPHABET BUSINESS CONCERN to provide this timely annual update to YOU our ever faithful family regarding the health and condition of Tim Smith.

One complete year on from Tim Smith’s ‘accident’, THE ALPHABET BUSINESS CONCERN is only too aware that since its previous gloomy news bulletin there have purposely been no further updates. In this time YOU have been both patient and respectful to the family of YOUR IDOL and to those so called friends with whom he keeps regular counsel. If rumour and tittle-tattle have reached the collective ear of THE ALPHABET BUSINESS CONCERN then we have seen fit neither to extinguish nor fan their ugly flames.
It is at this time, then, that THE ALPHABET BUSINESS CONCERN has chosen to clarify the CURRENT situation
At the time of his cardiac arrest Tim Smith effectively died. Resuscitation allowed his passage back from that world of mists and spirits to this one of foetid edges and filth, but upon re-entering this VALE OF TEARS it became apparent that he had suffered a terrible brain injury from the inability of his faltered heart to supply its regular goodness in the quantities required to sustain a healthy condition within his brainbox.

Quite what the sickly lad experienced over the course of the remaining months of 2008 remains largely unclear. He claims at one point to have been surrounded by ‘cheap microphones’ while at other times that he was visited by ‘multiple cigarette smoking’ friends whilst languishing in a ‘cafe that served exquisite fruit juice’ all set within a ‘beautiful surreal landscape of rivers and curtains’.
In keeping with our reputation as The HONEST Concern, THE ALPHABET BUSINESS CONCERN can state categorically that none of these constructs was of our making.

Since the accident Tim Smith’s body has become his enemy. He is in a great deal of pain and is experiencing difficulty with the finer points of control with regard to his extremities so obviously perfected prior to the unhappy event, but Tim Smith, his family and those so called friends, (with whom he keeps counsel), all assert that his mind, however, has been sharpened by the episode. THE ALPHABET BUSINESS CONCERN can confirm that no part of YOUR favourite pop star’s intellect or personality has been found to be absent WHATSOEVER.

So where does that leave CARDIACS and where does that leave YOU?

At this point Tim Smith can neither sing nor play his guitar. THE ALPHABET BUSINESS CONCERN, in keeping with its enviable reputation as THE REALISTIC CONCERN, can state that it is extremely unlikely that CARDIACS will perform live for the foreseeable future. THIS IS NOT, IT MUST BE NOTED, THE END OF CARDIACS. YOU must once again be patient before events can reveal themselves as foodstuffs for YOUR greedy little mouths.

Unlike the so-called prescient ways of that, at best, ‘cosmic chancer’ Nostradamus, THE ALPHABET BUSINESS CONCERN claim no ’second sight’, therefore it would be mere folly to muse upon how future events may unfold. Tim Smith’s condition permits no such speculation, but there is in his own words ‘A glimmer of anticipation . . . Quite a glimmer.’ And it is to give that glimmer the oxygen that it requires to become the roaring flame we all need to warm our clammy flesh, that he is participating in the trials and tribulations required within the system of neurological rehabilitation where he is making many small but positive inroads into his recovery. We are therefore left in no doubt that it is a long and arduous road beset with many trips and stumbles along the way that has yet to be travelled.

In respect of the awful events of last year, much of the machinery surrounding your favourite group, CARDIACS, had ground to a halt. In honour of YOUR patience, YOU will observe the cogs begin to turn and the pistons sputter to life once more. THE ALPHABET BUSINESS CONCERN will soon make available to YOU the goods and artefacts YOU so hungrily crave.

Tim Smith and it goes without saying, THE ALPHABET BUSINESS CONCERN, would like to thank all of YOU who have sent him YOUR kind thoughts and beautiful words and indeed in a few thankfully rare cases, your daubs and photos. They have all been gratefully received where appropriate and both Tim and ourselves would encourage you all to continue with your correspondence.

Posted By: lucas
Date Posted: June 26 2009 at 17:48
I learned about Tim Smith's cardiac arrest. Ironically, it was also the original name of the band he fronted...
Cardiacs created a unique sound, blending in an unlikely way (at that time) the energy of punk and the complexity and humour of a Zappa. I didn't know his disease caused so much harm. We can only wish him a prompt recovery, as cardiacs have still a lot to propose. It's a shame that a band with so talented members and a unique style doesn't reserve more attention from the media. I think 'on land and in the sea' is a true masterpiece, regardless of your tastes in music.

"Magma was the very first gothic rock band" (Didier Lockwood)

Posted By: The Hemulen
Date Posted: June 26 2009 at 18:23
I wholeheartedly agree. It's astonishing how well-hidden their music remains even in the UK after so many years!

I had heard many awful rumours since Tim's collapse last year but refrained from spreading them any further as they serve no useful purpose. This announcement has been heartening to fans like me who've waited for months on end for any kind of news (be it good or bad).

Any recovery, however slight, can only be a good thing, and the hinted-at reopening of the online shop is welcome news indeed.

Posted By: Henry Plainview
Date Posted: June 26 2009 at 18:30
That's unfortunate and I guess I'll just keep waiting for them to reissue their albums. I mean if Anglagard can get a reissue...

if you own a sodastream i hate you

Posted By: CPicard
Date Posted: June 27 2009 at 07:39
Well, just have to hope he will recover... And that the records will be available again soon. I'm nearly sick to only know the MP3 on the site of the band.

Posted By: Moogtron III
Date Posted: June 27 2009 at 08:59
I wish Tim Smith all the best.
Hopefully he will once be able again in the future to amaze the world with some of his uncompromising but enjoyable musical ideas.

Posted By: dedokras
Date Posted: June 28 2009 at 04:40
Hopefully he gets well soon, he's a true genius and Cardiacs is my favourite band.


Posted By: SaltyJon
Date Posted: July 11 2009 at 11:27
Originally posted by Trouserpress Trouserpress wrote:

I wholeheartedly agree. It's astonishing how well-hidden their music remains even in the UK after so many years!

I had heard many awful rumours since Tim's collapse last year but refrained from spreading them any further as they serve no useful purpose. This announcement has been heartening to fans like me who've waited for months on end for any kind of news (be it good or bad).

Any recovery, however slight, can only be a good thing, and the hinted-at reopening of the online shop is welcome news indeed.

I agree with everything said here, and am especially excited about the possible re-opening of the online shop.  I'll finally be able to get the rest of their music for a reasonable price (assuming they don't have a problem with delivering to the US).

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