Who is overall the most "Popular" ?
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Topic: Who is overall the most "Popular" ?
Posted By: Yorkie X
Subject: Who is overall the most "Popular" ?
Date Posted: May 06 2009 at 07:50
I was looking at the Popular top 40 list and I started to wonder what are the qualities that make a prog band popular at some stage in their career. What come to mind first is the ability to fill concert halls, sell platinum albums maybe even feature on a video game like Guitar hero ll (how many prog bands get to do that !) anyway I noticed a few deserving bands are not listed on the front page of this site so I thought I would put one of them up against several that are just to see how things turn out
Posted By: Roj
Date Posted: May 06 2009 at 07:59
I know exactly what you're getting at Yorkie.
However, my vote is easily for IQ. They've always been very popular with me.
Posted By: progmetalhead
Date Posted: May 06 2009 at 08:00
IQ for me too.
------------- http://www.last.fm/user/colt2112" rel="nofollow - http://www.last.fm/user/colt2112
Colt - Admin Team MMA
Posted By: rushfan4
Date Posted: May 06 2009 at 08:25
Kansas for me, with IQ a very close 2nd.
Posted By: someone_else
Date Posted: May 06 2009 at 08:26
^I agree with rushfan4
Posted By: The Pessimist
Date Posted: May 06 2009 at 08:41
They all suck IMO 
Sorry to offend anyone 
Oh wait, Anekdoten are quite cool...
------------- "Market value is irrelevant to intrinsic value."
Arnold Schoenberg
Posted By: Yorkie X
Date Posted: May 06 2009 at 09:47
Posted By: Mellotron Storm
Date Posted: May 06 2009 at 11:29
Anekdoten is way cool! My choice.
------------- "The wind is slowly tearing her apart"
Posted By: Diaby
Date Posted: May 06 2009 at 11:37
The Norwegians.
------------- yeah
Posted By: Lucent
Date Posted: May 06 2009 at 11:49
I haven't heard Anekdoten yet.
In terms of popularity on this site, I've seen a lot of Kansas love, so I vote it.
Posted By: Finnforest
Date Posted: May 06 2009 at 12:15
sinkadotentree wrote:
Anekdoten is way cool! My choice. |
Yup. No one on that list gets close to 'em.
------------- ...that moment you realize you like "Mob Rules" better than "Heaven and Hell"
Posted By: kenethlevine
Date Posted: May 06 2009 at 12:20
The Pessimist wrote:
They all suck IMO 
Sorry to offend anyone 
Oh wait, Anekdoten are quite cool...
you obviously don't know clepsydra 
geez, do you mean the defunct swiss clepsydra or the current italian group? I meant the swiss
Posted By: Moatilliatta
Date Posted: May 06 2009 at 12:56
Coheed is by far my favorite on the list. Despite my increasing disappointment with them (which they would hopefully remedy with their next record).
------------- www.last.fm/user/ThisCenotaph

Posted By: lazland
Date Posted: May 06 2009 at 12:58
IQ for me from this list.
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Posted By: MovingPictures07
Date Posted: May 06 2009 at 13:02
Not even 1 vote for Ozric Tentacles before mine?
All of you should be ashamed. 
Posted By: sleeper
Date Posted: May 06 2009 at 13:57
Whos's the most popular?
I prog, Kansas.
To the weider public, Coheed and Cambria.
To me, either Anekdoten or IQ.
------------- Spending more than I should on Prog since 2005
Posted By: bluewaters
Date Posted: May 06 2009 at 14:58
If I know what the lexicon sez about the word "popularity"....its got to be Kansas. IQ is 2nd....a long way off ....the rest can follow where ever they please. But if your'e talking about PROGULARITY....Kansas will be "there somewhere"!! Period!
------------- PROG ROCKS!
Posted By: Hercules
Date Posted: May 06 2009 at 16:23
IQ should be.
The best band ever. End of story. (Sorry Camel)
------------- A TVR is not a car. It's a way of life.
Posted By: A Person
Date Posted: May 06 2009 at 17:33
I voted Ozric Tentacles, but Kansas is a close second. Speaking of Ozric Tentacles, their new album should be here tomorrow or the next day.
Posted By: topofsm
Date Posted: May 06 2009 at 17:39
Kansas is definetely the most popular, though I'm wondering why Coheed & Cambria isn't getting many votes. Most people my age (high school) know about them. The rest of the bands on the list I had never had heard of before coming here.
Posted By: jplanet
Date Posted: May 06 2009 at 18:17
Very strange that C&C is not at te top - they are the only ones who will have played Madison Square Garden during this decade...
------------- https://www.facebook.com/ShadowCircus/" rel="nofollow - ..::welcome to the shadow circus::..
Posted By: Alberto Muñoz
Date Posted: May 06 2009 at 18:27
Posted By: Roland113
Date Posted: May 06 2009 at 18:40
I went with IQ, no surprise there.
Unrelated, I'm not certain where this list came from, at least IQ and Coheed and Cambria are listed on the top 40, probably a few more.
*edited: Never mind, I get it now, I totally misread the initial post.
------------- -------someone please tell him to delete this line, he looks like a noob-------
I don't have an unnatural obsession with Disney Princesses, I have a fourteen year old daughter and coping mechanisms.
Posted By: SgtPepper67
Date Posted: May 06 2009 at 19:39
From that list Kansas is definitely the most popular.
In the end the love you take is equal to the love you made...
Posted By: johnobvious
Date Posted: May 06 2009 at 20:25
Who the hell is Dialeto?
------------- Biggles was in rehab last Saturday
Posted By: LandofLein
Date Posted: May 06 2009 at 20:36
Well, since Kansas was on Rock Band, they definately are more popular right now
not to mention that song appeared on scrubs so that seals it
Posted By: horsewithteeth11
Date Posted: May 06 2009 at 21:48
Major lol at Coheed and Cambria not having the most or 2nd most votes (although somehow I'm not surprised). Kansas I can understand, but c'mon. Other than those two bands, I guarantee most people haven't heard of the rest of the bands on this list.
Anyway, Coheed and Cambria since they're one of the most popular nu-prog bands today.
Posted By: MrEdifus
Date Posted: May 06 2009 at 22:00
birdwithteeth11 wrote:
Major lol at Coheed and Cambria not having the most or 2nd most votes (although somehow I'm not surprised). Kansas I can understand, but c'mon. Other than those two bands, I guarantee most people haven't heard of the rest of the bands on this list.
Anyway, Coheed and Cambria since they're one of the most popular nu-prog bands today.
This. He was asking who we believed was the most popular with the general public. We're meant to be guessing at the tastes of people in general, not picking favorites.
I voted Coheed to try and even this out. I think Kansas should be 1st and Coheed should be 2nd.
Posted By: Moatilliatta
Date Posted: May 06 2009 at 22:03
Posted By: angelmk
Date Posted: May 07 2009 at 07:56
Anekdoten for me, i love that band.
what the hell is dialeto? never heard, but as i read they only had one album so i think cannot be serious candidate for main page
Posted By: jplanet
Date Posted: May 07 2009 at 10:32
Have any of these bands besides Kansas and Coheed and Cambria ever even been played on the radio in the U.S. or played any gigs here? I don't even think IQ has...
------------- https://www.facebook.com/ShadowCircus/" rel="nofollow - ..::welcome to the shadow circus::..
Posted By: progmetalhead
Date Posted: May 07 2009 at 10:52
jplanet wrote:
Have any of these bands besides Kansas and Coheed and Cambria ever even been played on the radio in the U.S. or played any gigs here? I don't even think IQ has... |
Indeed they have. 
They are back again in August this year I believe at the 3RP in Pittsburgh.
------------- http://www.last.fm/user/colt2112" rel="nofollow - http://www.last.fm/user/colt2112
Colt - Admin Team MMA
Posted By: Roland113
Date Posted: May 07 2009 at 20:46
^ Confirmed, IQ is in fact coming to Pittsburgh in about 3 months... to be exact, I'll quote the message posted on the 3RP website just this afternoon:
3 Months 0 Days 20 Hours 43 Minutes 7 Seconds
I didn't post it, but do share in his excitement. Got my tickets in February.
I chose IQ as I totally misread the initial post and fell for the 'my favorite of the listed bands is . . . " trap. Most popular all time would be either Kansas or C&C.
If I understand correctly the bands listed as the most popular are simply the bands that had their prog archives page visited the most times on the previous day.
------------- -------someone please tell him to delete this line, he looks like a noob-------
I don't have an unnatural obsession with Disney Princesses, I have a fourteen year old daughter and coping mechanisms.
Posted By: MovingPictures07
Date Posted: May 07 2009 at 20:48
I misread the poll---voted Ozrics because I thought it was a favorites (most popular at PA).
Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: May 07 2009 at 21:20
Kansas by far, outstanding band.
Posted By: poslednijat_colobar
Date Posted: May 08 2009 at 06:20
Of course, it's Kansas. They are commercially very popular. All others are totally unpopular for non-prog fans.
Posted By: Petrovsk Mizinski
Date Posted: May 08 2009 at 06:45
poslednijat_colobar wrote:
Of course, it's Kansas. They are commercially very popular. All others are totally unpopular for non-prog fans.
Wow, looks like someone read the rest of the thread
Posted By: Petrovsk Mizinski
Date Posted: May 08 2009 at 07:26
Coheed and Cambria are known in punk circles, hardcore circles, even metal circles.
This poll is not about who is most popular on PA, but in general.
People are either voting for their favorites, or voting for who they
think is most popular on PA. It is clear in the original post, this is
not what the OP is asking at all.
Even Alex (Movingpics) above stated he misread the poll and thus didn't
vote the way he would have had he read it correctly the first time. So
of course he just voted for what he felt was the most popular at PA. And this "
Roj M30 wrote:
I know exactly what you're getting at Yorkie.
However, my vote is easily for IQ. They've always been very popular with me. | "
Sorry to say, but a band being popular with an individual does not make the cut with a band being popular in wider circles. Merzbow is "popular" with me, but come on, most people that have tried Merzbow (which isn't even a big a number) walk out of the room asking "What the f**k is this?". Not saying IQ has the same effect on most people btw though, obviously I mean that outside a certain niche group, Merzbow is either unknown or the music just not liked at all.
To put it this way, if someone is loved by 40 people and hated by 40
people, but if someone else is only known by 60 people but they all
love them, who is more popular? Not the former obviously.
This should be taken into account, this aspect of what is actually proper "popular" as opposed to just being well known.
There is no way any of the bands apart from Kansas or C&C are even in the running for this list.
Come on people, more votes for IQ as I write this post compared to C&C?
Not even possible.
I don't know a single person in real life anyway that knows who IQ are and I know a lot of people.
Outside prog rock circles, the band is basically unknown. So they are definitely out. As are the rest of the bands, because outside prog circles, they just aren't even known on any real scale.
I don't even like the band (IQ), so despite me knowing who the band are, that is not one extra person who actually likes the band.
Fact: Coheed and Cambria has not sold even close to as many records as Kansas.
Something we cannot argue.
That is out of the way now.
But.....in the 21st century of high speed internet connections where anyone can download music, years after Kansas must have peaked and sold the bulk of their records, there is going to be significantly more Coheed and Cambria fans then the record sales suggest isn't there? Record sales are no longer as good a gauge to estimate an artists's popularity as they used to be. So this is where things get sticky
I don't have actual evidence for this bit though, but if I had to say who is currently more popular, C&C for sure I'd think. Kansas is not a band that has complete appeal to all age demographics, whereas C&C is the sort of band that can attract people in their teens all the way up to people in their 40s and even early 50s that experienced the rise of hardcore punk and then not long later post hardcore.C&C might be termed a nu prog band, but any post hardcore aficionado can spot quite easily the musical similarities between them and bands like Thrice, At The Drive In, Drive Like Jehu et al. Which of course means it makes total sense that people in their 40s and even early 50s could like C&C because the origins post hardcore goes way back to 2 and a half decades ago now.
Kansas HAD their popularity I tend to think, but they don't really hold it in the present day IMO. C&C are selling out big venues nowadays. They are playing Madison Square Garden, which sources tell me holds 20 000 for gigs. Says something about the band's popularity me thinks.
While it's still partly opinion, I've used the power of actually researching the topic to come to my conclusion folks.
Posted By: Alberto Muñoz
Date Posted: May 08 2009 at 09:44
Petrovsk Mizinski wrote:
Coheed and Cambria are known in punk circles, hardcore circles, even metal circles. This poll is not about who is most popular on PA, but in general. People are either voting for their favorites, or voting for who they think is most popular on PA. It is clear in the original post, this is not what the OP is asking at all. Even Alex (Movingpics) above stated he misread the poll and thus didn't vote the way he would have had he read it correctly the first time. So of course he just voted for what he felt was the most popular at PA. And this "
Roj M30 wrote:
I know exactly what you're getting at Yorkie.
However, my vote is easily for IQ. They've always been very popular with me. | "
Sorry to say, but a band being popular with an individual does not make the cut with a band being popular in wider circles.
I think we all already know that, it's common sense.
Merzbow is "popular" with me, but come on, most people that have tried Merzbow (which isn't even a big a number) walk out of the room asking "What the f**k is this?".
Exactly i was asking myself that 
Not saying IQ has the same effect on most people btw though, obviously I mean that outside a certain niche group, Merzbow is either unknown or the music just not liked at all. To put it this way, if someone is loved by 40 people and hated by 40 people, but if someone else is only known by 60 people but they all love them, who is more popular? Not the former obviously. This should be taken into account, this aspect of what is actually proper "popular" as opposed to just being well known. There is no way any of the bands apart from Kansas or C&C are even in the running for this list. Come on people, more votes for IQ as I write this post compared to C&C? Not even possible. I don't know a single person in real life anyway that knows who IQ are and I know a lot of people. Outside prog rock circles, the band is basically unknown. So they are definitely out. As are the rest of the bands, because outside prog circles, they just aren't even known on any real scale. I don't even like the band (IQ), so despite me knowing who the band are, that is not one extra person who actually likes the band. Fact: Coheed and Cambria has not sold even close to as many records as Kansas. Something we cannot argue. That is out of the way now. But.....in the 21st century of high speed internet connections where anyone can download music, years after Kansas must have peaked and sold the bulk of their records, there is going to be significantly more Coheed and Cambria fans then the record sales suggest isn't there? Record sales are no longer as good a gauge to estimate an artists's popularity as they used to be. So this is where things get sticky  I don't have actual evidence for this bit though, but if I had to say who is currently more popular, C&C for sure I'd think. Kansas is not a band that has complete appeal to all age demographics, whereas C&C is the sort of band that can attract people in their teens all the way up to people in their 40s and even early 50s that experienced the rise of hardcore punk and then not long later post hardcore.C&C might be termed a nu prog band, but any post hardcore aficionado can spot quite easily the musical similarities between them and bands like Thrice, At The Drive In, Drive Like Jehu et al. Which of course means it makes total sense that people in their 40s and even early 50s could like C&C because the origins post hardcore goes way back to 2 and a half decades ago now. Kansas HAD their popularity I tend to think, but they don't really hold it in the present day IMO. C&C are selling out big venues nowadays. They are playing Madison Square Garden, which sources tell me holds 20 000 for gigs. Says something about the band's popularity me thinks. While it's still partly opinion, I've used the power of actually researching the topic to come to my conclusion folks. |
Ultimately i notice much content fury in your answers, are we ok?? 
