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Category: Site News, Newbies, Help and Improvements
Forum Name: Welcome newbies!
Forum Description: Introduce yourself and tell us what prog music you listen to
Printed Date: March 01 2025 at 04:32
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 11.01 -

Topic: Hola
Posted By: sapphire
Subject: Hola
Date Posted: May 02 2009 at 13:47
Hi Everyone,
New here and actually pretty new to the whole forum thing.
I love music, and that is what brought me here.  I also manage a prog band and thought I needed to join a forum to keep up and keep in touch with the prog world. 
I think what I am most interested in is what is new on the horizon and what really gets prog fans excited about the music they choose to listen to Smile
I know what I like and depending on my mood, I usually love challenging myself as a listener and discovering new sounds while still enjoying a good hook every once in awhile.  I also love concepts....I love a good story in a song or an album.  I love complicated guitars that make sense and feel keys always bring a rich element to a song....but thats just me.
Well, enough about me, I'm actually more interested in what yall think.
Peace and Prog,

You know I'm sharing the same air you're breathing...

Posted By: Baoshi
Date Posted: May 02 2009 at 15:50
Hey there I'm new here myself,I feel like I can Identify myself with you.I love prog,but I also need my AC/DC fix,here hoping for the best for the both of us(well and for all of the newbies here also)

Take me on the ride

Posted By: Finnforest
Date Posted: May 02 2009 at 15:56
Hi Sapphire and Baoshi too, let me wish you both a 'welcome aboard' and an invitation to jump into the forums.  Some threads are busier than others but you can usually find someone out there chatting 24 hours a day.  And you'll never run out of new music to check out in the reviews section.  Have fun.  

...that moment you realize you like "Mob Rules" better than "Heaven and Hell"

Posted By: sapphire
Date Posted: May 02 2009 at 17:40
Thanks for the warm welcome, look forward to "jumping in" Tongue
I forgot to mention some of my favorite bands:
Dream Theater
Porcupine Tree
Rocket Scientists
Steve Vai
Some bands I'm just getting to know:
Orphan Project

You know I'm sharing the same air you're breathing...

Posted By: WalterDigsTunes
Date Posted: May 02 2009 at 21:43
Ah, Steve Vai. He did some interesting stuff with out beloved Uncle Frank Thumbs Up

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