Hello, the idea of this thread is to introduce you to one of the most wonderful prog artists from Brazil, Zé Ramalho.
And for this i'll give you a link for you to download one of his most wonderful works, the song "Canção Agalopada". A very moving classic of our prog. 
http://fast.filespace.org/Bruno/z___ramalho_can____o_agalopada.wma - http://fast.filespace.org/Bruno/z___ramalho_can____o_agalopa da.wma 
Please save the file to your computer and let me know your opinions about it.
Here's the lyrics of the song as well as its translations:
Foi um tempo que o tempo não esquece
It was a time that time never forgets
Que os trovões eram roucos de se ouvir
That the thunders were hard to listen to
Todo céu começou a se abrir
All the sky started to open itself
Numa fenda de fogo que aparece
At a fire entrance that appears
O poeta inicia a sua prece
The poet startes his prey
Ponteando em cordas e lamentos
Oscilating between ropes and cryings
Escrevendo seus novos mandamentos
Writing his new commandments
Na fronteira de um mundo alucinado
At the limit of a crazy world
Cavalgando em martelo agalopado
Riding a fast horse
E viajando com loucos pensamentos
And travelling with crazy thoughts
Sete botas pisaram no telhado
Seven boots stepped on the roof
Sete léguas comeram-se assim
Seven miles were gone through like that
Sete quedas de lava e de marfim
Seven lava falls and marphin ones
Sete copos de sangue derramados
Seven spilled blood cups
Sete facas de fio amolado
Seven knives that cut hard
Sete olhos atentos encerrei
Seven eyes that pay attention I saw
Sete vezes eu me ajoelhei
Seven times I got on my knees
Na presença de um ser iluminado
At the presence of an enlightened being
Como um cego fiquei tão ofuscado
Like a blind person I couldn't see
Ante o brilho dos olhos que olhei
Due to the shine of the eyes I've looked to
Pode ser que ninguém me compreenda
It can be that nobody'll understand me
Quando digo que sou visionário
When I say that I'm a visionary
Pode a Bíblia ser um dicionário
The Bible can be a dictionary
Pode tudo ser uma refazenda
Everything can be a new construction
Mas a mente talvez não me atenda
But the mind may not help me
Se eu quiser novamente retornar
If I want to return again
Para o mundo de leis me obrigar
To the world of laws obligate myself
A lutar pelo erro do engano
To fight for the mistake caused by the lies
Eu prefiro um galope soberano
I prefer a mighty ride
À loucura do mundo me entregar
To unit myself to the craziness of the world
The translation is a bit crappy though 
Let me know what you think of this great prog song!! 