Being a night person I cannot get up in the mornings and never have been able to - even if I do get up early and make it in "on time" I am essentially useless for the first couple of hours until my body-clock catches up with the rest of the world - I make up for this by working late and find that I get much more work done after everyone else has gone home. On balance the company gets more hours out of me than they pay for. Over the years several managers have tried to "fix" this irregularity (all of these are genuine exchanges - many of them with the same guy - he and I never saw eye-to-eye), I never give excuses or reasons, here are a few:
Manager: "Why are you late?"
Me: "Why are you're ugly?"
Manager: "With that attitude you won't be here long."
Me: "I'll be here longer than you."
Manager: "You should have been here 15 minutes ago"
Me: "Why, what did I miss?"
Manager: "Everyone else starting work on time."
Me: "That must have been impressive. What have you done so far today?"
Manager: "What makes you think you can work different hours to everyone else?"
Me: "Production calling me out at 10:30 last night to fix a problem that couldn't wait until morning and then working until gone midnight so they didn't have to cancel the night-shift."
Manager: "Why do you get here so late?"
Me: "To reduce the possibility of them firing you and giving me your job."
Manager: "Have you any idea what time it is?"
Me: *pulls up sleeve to reveal lack of wrist watch* "No."
Manager: "It's now 9:30"
Me: "Will you be here to tell me the time when I clock-off too?"
Manager: "I think you should start work at the same time as the rest of us."
Me: "I already do."
Manager: "No you don't!"
Me: "Yes, I do..."
Manager: "You get here half an hour after everyone else!!"
Me: "True, but I don't spend the first 30 minutes of the day drinking coffee and discussing last night's football results like everyone else."
Manager: "Come in late again and I'll dock your wages."
Me: "Dock my wages and I'll start claiming overtime."
Manager: "You're not paid overtime."
Me: "I'm not paid by the hour either."
Manager: "Did you oversleep?"
Me: "No, when I oversleep I don't come in at all."
Manager: "So you think oversleeping is a valid excuse for pulling a sickie."
Me: "No, when I'm sick I take sick leave, when I oversleep I book the day off."
Manager: "Do you think you can get here at the same time as everyone else?"
Me: "Only if everyone gets here at the same time as me."
Manager:" Do you think it's fair on the others if you start late all the time?"
Me: "If I'm in a bad mood, yes."
Manager: "Your bad timekeeping is unacceptable."
Me: "I get the job done - on time."
Manager: "If you weren't so good at your job I would have fired you months ago."
Me: "If you were any good at yours I would have let you."
Manager: "How much time each week do you think you waste by getting in late?"
Me: "None."
During one performance appraisal one recently appointed manager decided that was an opportune moment to pull me up on my tardiness.
Manager: "This really isn't good enough."
Me: "Good enough for what?"
Manager: "You can do better than this."
Me: "In what way?"
Manager: "By improving your timekeeping."
Me: "All the other little tick-boxes on your little tick-sheet are 'Very Good' or 'Excellent'."
Manager: "Your timekeeping is 'Poor'."
Me: "My timekeeping is just fine, it's just slipped relative to everyone else."
Manager: "It's making you look bad."
Me: "No, it's making you look bad."
Manager: "Then it's my job to fix that."
Me: "Then put me on flexi-time."
------------- What?