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Pip Pyle v.s. Pierre Moerlen

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Topic: Pip Pyle v.s. Pierre Moerlen
Posted By: TealFoxes
Subject: Pip Pyle v.s. Pierre Moerlen
Date Posted: March 27 2009 at 18:19
The drummer who went on to work with H&tN and NH up against...well...the master builder. 
Can't decide right at the moment...

Posted By: BaldJean
Date Posted: March 27 2009 at 18:59
Pierre, but both are excellent, both played for Gong and both play for St. Peter's house band now.


A shot of me as High Priestess of Gaia during our fall festival. Ceterum censeo principiis obsta

Posted By: Padraic
Date Posted: March 27 2009 at 19:35
Went with Pip Pyle here,  but I'll admit that I'm biased because I just prefer the actual music of the bands he played with (i.e. prefer Hatfield, NH, Soft Heap) to Gong, although Gong and Moerlen are superb.  Trying to assess who the "better player" is seems futile and splitting hairs; both are world class and should be in everyone's top drummer list.

Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: March 27 2009 at 19:41
Originally posted by NaturalScience NaturalScience wrote:

Went with Pip Pyle here,  but I'll admit that I'm biased because I just prefer the actual music of the bands he played with (i.e. prefer Hatfield, NH, Soft Heap) to Gong, although Gong and Moerlen are superb.  Trying to assess who the "better player" is seems futile and splitting hairs; both are world class and should be in everyone's top drummer list.

Seconded 100%Clap.

Posted By: Erpland316
Date Posted: March 27 2009 at 21:22
What a tough choice!  From strictly a Gong point of view I will have to say Moerlen.  His work on You and Expresso II are out of this world.  Love me some Pip Pyle though...listen to National Health

"Science is all metaphor"-Timothy Leary


Posted By: BaldJean
Date Posted: March 27 2009 at 23:26
Originally posted by NaturalScience NaturalScience wrote:

Went with Pip Pyle here,  but I'll admit that I'm biased because I just prefer the actual music of the bands he played with (i.e. prefer Hatfield, NH, Soft Heap) to Gong, although Gong and Moerlen are superb.  Trying to assess who the "better player" is seems futile and splitting hairs; both are world class and should be in everyone's top drummer list.

definitely, and I did not vote for Moerlen because I think he was "better" but because I slightly prefer his style. but it was a tough choice indeed


A shot of me as High Priestess of Gaia during our fall festival. Ceterum censeo principiis obsta

Posted By: fuxi
Date Posted: March 28 2009 at 09:35
I agree with everything that's been said. Listening to posthumous HATFIELD releases such as HATWISE CHOICE only makes clearer to me what a great drummer Pyle used to be. But, in my view, Moerlen has one big plus: on GAZEUSE, Nick Mason made him sound better than any drummer ever sounded before or since!

Posted By: MovingPictures07
Date Posted: March 28 2009 at 14:45


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