Six degrees of Inner Turbulence
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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Recommendations/Featured albums
Forum Description: Make or seek recommendations and discuss specific prog albums
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Topic: Six degrees of Inner Turbulence
Posted By: Yanns
Subject: Six degrees of Inner Turbulence
Date Posted: April 29 2005 at 17:04
Just got it like 5-6 days ago. I really love it. The 42 minute song itself is brilliant.
Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: April 29 2005 at 17:49
Its nice that DT actually took the shackles off Jordan Rudess least before clamping them back on again for TOT.
Posted By: Progger
Date Posted: April 29 2005 at 17:53
A great prog album . I like it better than Scenes From A Memory. Let's hope the new album is a return to form after the mess of TOT
Posted By: Yanns
Date Posted: April 29 2005 at 18:29
Yeah, I hope it's more like this album than really, really heavy stuff.
Posted By: Peter
Date Posted: April 29 2005 at 20:45
Six tracks of utter flatulence....

------------- "And, has thou slain the Jabberwock? Come to my arms, my beamish boy! O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!' He chortled in his joy.
Posted By: chorus of one
Date Posted: April 29 2005 at 23:15
Weak album. Just goes to show, these guys can't do metal or prog!
Posted By: muffley_mirkin
Date Posted: April 30 2005 at 04:47
I hope the new album has less Rudess on it. Great player but less is definetly more. I have grown to like TOT took a while though.
Posted By: Andhi
Date Posted: April 30 2005 at 10:54
It's my favourite Dream Theater album. I don't think there are any dud tracks there, and it's much more thought provoking that most of their other stuff. Both discs are great. I was disappointed when I found out how metal Train of Thought is.
------------- It's only knock and knowall, but I like it...
Posted By: King of Loss
Date Posted: May 08 2005 at 19:55
About Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence, I thought the 42 minute long song is amazingly beautiful and I really loved it, but then the other part of the album wasn't really anything special. Yes, some of the songs on the other disc like The Glass Prison was maybe a bit too heavy for you Prog Rockers, but I have to say it is miles ahead of what Rush has done recently or later ELP. It wasn't much of a change from the "older Dt formula" except the songwriting has changed or somewhat changed. However, I do not enjoy this album as much as the earlier albums Awake or IAW and definitely not as much as SFAM, however it is a pretty good album overall, with a couple of really bland parts, but I can't complain too much. Overall a really interesting and exciting album. The second disc is just a brilliant piece of songwriting. CAN'T WAIT FOR OCTAVARIUM
Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: May 08 2005 at 21:25
People was disturbed when they were 5 threads about ELP, now we have 6 about Dream Theater.
At least ELP is one of the greatest prog' bands and has earned that right.
Please move all DT threads to prog' metal or better create a section for Dream Theater, so we are not forced to have so many threads about a non prog band.
Posted By: King of Loss
Date Posted: May 08 2005 at 21:36
ivan_2068 wrote:
People was disturbed when they were 5 threads about ELP, now we have 6 about Dream Theater.
At least ELP is one of the greatest prog' bands and has earned that right.
Please move all DT threads to prog' metal or better create a section for Dream Theater, so we are not forced to have so many threads about a non prog band.
There is no argument, but Dream Theater is definitely a Progressive band. You may not like the way that Progressive Rock/Metal is evolving, then good for you, at least everything does not like the same, old stuff.
Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: May 08 2005 at 21:44
- I don't only like old stuff, there are great new Progressive bands that you probably never heard of or simply don't care about.
- I don't think Progressive Rock is evolving towards Metal.
- I think Dream Theater a band formed by good musicians but without any structure
- I don't think Dream Theater is Progressive Rock band and nobody will convince me.
This is the Prog Archives Forum, not the Dream Theater forum, 90% people here don't like Dream Theater, why should we have to accept 6 threads (and a couple more in other sections) of a band most people here don't like.
There's a Prog Metal Forum, move there all Dream Theater threads, nobody is going to bother you.
PS: Just noticed there are no prog sub genre sections any more, I believe we're condemned to continue watching the overflow of DT threads.
Posted By: ShaggyMcShagg7
Date Posted: May 08 2005 at 22:33
Good album, as is ToT. It's true that both albums are fairly heavy, but it sounds like all of you ToT haters expect an IM&W or Awake clone.
Posted By: Juan
Date Posted: May 09 2005 at 00:03
------------- Dear Ophelia: in thy orisons may my sins be remembered
Posted By: eriksalkeld
Date Posted: May 09 2005 at 01:25
Till now i can't understand why there is so much hatred over Dream Theater, they are great musicians, they make great music, prog or not, and not all their music can be considered metal, but prog, of course it is. If prog is to "break the rules", to be authentic and intimate with music then they are, they were metal-heads before and they couldn't change that, so what? it is surely prog because they are progressing in what metal is, have you heard the musical mess that bands like Slayer, Cannibal Corpse and all that pile of satan oriented headbanger music is? ok then, what do you prefer? Dream Theater is for sure developing a better metal style, and that is progressive for me, "progressive metal" in this case.
But by any means, as Ivan said, progressive rock is evolving into prog metal, that's never going to happen, and if it does, it would be a deep shame.
Now, about SDOIT, it is one of my personal TOP 3 DT albums (with I&W and SFAM), CD1 is interesting and has some great songs like The Glass Prison and Blind Faith, for this side i'll give 3 stars. But then comes the SDOIT suite in CD2, and now THAT'S a masterpiece, i love it. I made a review about it some time ago.
------------- Autenticidad, actitud, pluralidad, espiritu e inteligencia, si es prog bien, si no, tambien.
Posted By: Valarius
Date Posted: May 09 2005 at 03:18
6DOIT is FOOKING AWESOME!!! I love that album so much. "The Glass Prison" is one of my favourite songs!
Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: May 09 2005 at 05:54
Cd2 of 6DIOIT is progressive rock in my opinion, and its really great. I even prefer it to SFAM.
CD1 is more metalish, but contains some of their best songs. A truly great album in all. Something for everyone.
-------------" rel="nofollow">
Posted By: henri_ds
Date Posted: May 09 2005 at 12:06
ivan_2068 wrote:
- I don't only like old stuff, there are great new Progressive bands that you probably never heard of or simply don't care about.
- I don't think Progressive Rock is evolving towards Metal.
- I think Dream Theater a band formed by good musicians but without any structure
- I don't think Dream Theater is Progressive Rock band and nobody will convince me.
One word :
Progsnob !!!!!
Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: May 09 2005 at 14:29
henri_ds wrote:
ivan_2068 wrote:
- I don't only like old stuff, there are great new Progressive bands that you probably never heard of or simply don't care about.
- I don't think Progressive Rock is evolving towards Metal.
- I think Dream Theater a band formed by good musicians but without any structure
- I don't think Dream Theater is Progressive Rock band and nobody will convince me.
One word :
Progsnob !!!!!
The pot says to the kettle , I'm not the one starting threads saying Dream Theater is the best band of the world and over flowing a Progressibve forum with threads about a metal band.
Why Prog snob, because I don't think the natural evolution of Prog is Metal, because I like new Prog bands, because I think DT has no structure or maybe because its's a dogma that Dream Theater is Prog'?
If those are your reasons, I'm proud to be a progsnob.
Posted By: King of Loss
Date Posted: May 09 2005 at 19:31
ivan_2068 wrote:
because I think DT has no structure or maybe because its's a dogma that Dream Theater is Prog'? |
It is me but it is you but almost ALL DT ALBUMS have BETTER STRUCTURE than most Prog Rock albums? If Images and Words has "bad" structure or even a word like "bad" can even associate with that album, I think I'll go eat some freshly powdered dog sh*t.
Posted By: Syntharachnid
Date Posted: May 09 2005 at 22:59
ivan_2068 wrote:
This is the Prog Archives Forum, not the Dream Theater forum, 90% people here don't like Dream Theater, why should we have to accept 6 threads (and a couple more in other sections) of a band most people here don't like.
Really? I understood that the reason that most people register in this fourm is because Dream Theater is in the Archives. They are prog, no doubt, but they attract ELP haters like maggots to a murder victim. I don't know why.
Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: May 09 2005 at 23:22
Posted By: Bryan
Date Posted: May 09 2005 at 23:51
Turning the DT threads into pointless fights like this one isn't helping anything, Ivan.
Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: May 10 2005 at 02:19
Useful Idiot said:
Turning the DT threads into pointless fights like this one isn't helping anything, Ivan. |
It´s not a fight Bryan, it's just an opinion, but some people believe that what they like are dogmas that we all must accept.
When there were many threads about ELP, evrybody protested and there was a thread about it named ELP OVERLOAD which is still in the Abuse section and Cygnus X-2 said:
I'd have to say in recent days/weeks, this site has been getting overloaded with ELP threads, mainly because of KE9... who should know when to stop.
And the difference is that all members here accept ELP is a progressive Rock band, KE9 was blamed with some reason but he was talking about a 100% Prog band. But even he accepted that there are other great bands and albums.
Yesterday I felt worst when I saw in the first Prog Lounge page SEVEN (7) threads about Dream Theater.
Isn't this worst overload than in the ELP Case? Aren't most of the members tired of Dream Theater? Isn't there a six pages thread about hate against Dream Theater.
Like it or not, most progheads including myself don't accept that Dream Theater is Prog' band, and this overload is a form of abuse.
I'm a Genesis fan, many are Yes fans other's Jethro Tull fans and you never see such number of threads about those bands in the main page. Not even the ELP overload was as big and abusive as this one, because all you read is how great is Dream Theater, that they are the best prog' band ever, that we must accept that this is where Prog' is going to.
It's time to stop this, we come here to talk about PROGRESSIVE ROCK, not exclusively about one band that most members don't like, if this follows soon there will be no room for other threads and many long time members will leave.
Posted By: Syntharachnid
Date Posted: May 12 2005 at 22:25
I read the polls Ivan. Phew! That's a relief!
Just to clarify, I don't dislike Dream Theater, but I don't love them either. I just think that too many people who love metal, and don't discriminate about what kind they listen to (ie they listen to metal that is not progressive) like them and post about them on these fourms. These people unfailingly seem to be those who have no respect for the real prog rock bands (ie Yes, Genesis, Pink Floyd, ELP, Supertramp, Jethro Tull, King Crimson, The Moody Blues etc) or the sources of inspiration for these bands (ie Mussorgsky, Katchaturian, Prokofiev, Chopin, Liszt, Beethtoven, Rachmaninov, Miles Davis, Thelonious Monk, Charlie Parker, Dizzy Galespie et al). That's what really annoys me.
Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: May 13 2005 at 15:58
These fights prove that there's something special about Dream Theater records ... they polarize. It's the same as with Floyd/The Wall ... now is that album good or bad? Well, it is both, if you ask me. Objectively, it's a masterpiece ... must be. Every constructive (not entirely emotive, that is) review proves it. The same principle applies to the second CD of SDoIT, although it's "masterpiece rank" is not nearly as profound as Floyd/The Wall, that's obvious.
@Syntharachnid: I think that your theory about non-prog metal fans coming here and posting 5 star DT reviews is just not true. I know quite some non-prog metal fans, and they all dislike DT. Maybe it has something to do with how old you are, and thus which bands you grow up with. I don't like Yes and Genesis, but I consider myself a real prog fan. I love King Crimson, from ItCotCK to TPtB, if you will. What I'm trying to say: There is no selection of prog artists you can define and say: anyone who doesn't like that is no prog fan. At the same time, it is not possible to list some artists and say: If you call that prog, you know nothing about prog music.
Maybe one day we can throw prog / avantgarde together and just all celebrate "Music for open minds"!
-------------" rel="nofollow - Release Polls
Listened to:
Posted By: Syntharachnid
Date Posted: May 13 2005 at 16:14
MikeEnRegalia wrote:
These fights prove that there's something special about Dream Theater records ... they polarize. It's the same as with Floyd/The Wall ... now is that album good or bad? Well, it is both, if you ask me. Objectively, it's a masterpiece ... must be. Every constructive (not entirely emotive, that is) review proves it. The same principle applies to the second CD of SDoIT, although it's "masterpiece rank" is not nearly as profound as Floyd/The Wall, that's obvious.
@Syntharachnid: I think that your theory about non-prog metal fans coming here and posting 5 star DT reviews is just not true. I know quite some non-prog metal fans, and they all dislike DT. Maybe it has something to do with how old you are, and thus which bands you grow up with. I don't like Yes and Genesis, but I consider myself a real prog fan. I love King Crimson, from ItCotCK to TPtB, if you will. What I'm trying to say: There is no selection of prog artists you can define and say: anyone who doesn't like that is no prog fan. At the same time, it is not possible to list some artists and say: If you call that prog, you know nothing about prog music.
Maybe one day we can throw prog / avantgarde together and just all celebrate "Music for open minds"!
Sorry if I've upset somebody. In fact, however, I'm very lenient about what's prog. There isn't much rock music that I will just throw away into a pile labelled "non-prog crap". I was just listening to Tommy, and noting the progressive tendencies on the album.
Oh yeah, and I love your idea about throwing all artistic music together under one category of "open minded music". I'm a firm believer in the fact that there are two types of music: that which is truly artistic and that which isn't.
Third thing, it seems to me that I have unintentionally made at least two people mad during the course of this thread, so I'm going to leave now.
Posted By: Manunkind
Date Posted: May 14 2005 at 05:31
Syntharachnid wrote:
MikeEnRegalia wrote:
These fights prove that there's something special about Dream Theater records ... they polarize. It's the same as with Floyd/The Wall ... now is that album good or bad? Well, it is both, if you ask me. Objectively, it's a masterpiece ... must be. Every constructive (not entirely emotive, that is) review proves it. The same principle applies to the second CD of SDoIT, although it's "masterpiece rank" is not nearly as profound as Floyd/The Wall, that's obvious.
@Syntharachnid: I think that your theory about non-prog metal fans coming here and posting 5 star DT reviews is just not true. I know quite some non-prog metal fans, and they all dislike DT. Maybe it has something to do with how old you are, and thus which bands you grow up with. I don't like Yes and Genesis, but I consider myself a real prog fan. I love King Crimson, from ItCotCK to TPtB, if you will. What I'm trying to say: There is no selection of prog artists you can define and say: anyone who doesn't like that is no prog fan. At the same time, it is not possible to list some artists and say: If you call that prog, you know nothing about prog music.
Maybe one day we can throw prog / avantgarde together and just all celebrate "Music for open minds"!
Sorry if I've upset somebody. In fact, however, I'm very lenient about what's prog. There isn't much rock music that I will just throw away into a pile labelled "non-prog crap". I was just listening to Tommy, and noting the progressive tendencies on the album.
Oh yeah, and I love your idea about throwing all artistic music together under one category of "open minded music". I'm a firm believer in the fact that there are two types of music: that which is truly artistic and that which isn't.
Third thing, it seems to me that I have unintentionally made at least two people mad during the course of this thread, so I'm going to leave now.
To get off topic here: you're making a very strict value judgement in the second paragraph and I'm not sure how it's to be understood in the light of the first one. But what's first and formost, how can you defend a view based on such a strict value judgement ?
It's really not about DT; the people here on BOTH sides are taking it much too emotionally and alternating interesting arguments with bad arguments and simple insults. I really want to avoid that.
------------- "In war there is no time to teach or learn Zen. Carry a strong stick. Bash your attackers." - Zen Master Ikkyu Sojun
Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: May 14 2005 at 06:05
Posted By: Manunkind
Date Posted: May 14 2005 at 06:35
My sentiments exactly.
------------- "In war there is no time to teach or learn Zen. Carry a strong stick. Bash your attackers." - Zen Master Ikkyu Sojun
Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: May 15 2005 at 19:14
Manunkind wrote:
My sentiments exactly.
Read the posts written in that thread, those are the voters.
For example. read the posts on that thread by: Popesta, Bluetailfly, Dreamer, Certified, Easy Living, Tuxon, Radioactive toy, Shatterwolf, Peter, Danbo, Man with Hat, Reed Lover, Richardh, Lunarscape, Chorus of One, Fuzzy Dude, Jim Garten, Joren, Bumheed7, NetsNJFan, Miaugion, Crimson Prince and Synthguy only in the two first pages out of seven in that thread.
23 members opinions against DT in different degrees just in two out of seven pages.
Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: May 15 2005 at 19:24
No I dont think Ill read all that thread again! Going on ther poll though doesnt prove your point!
Maybe you would like to start a who loves who hates DT poll. You could make your pioint then ......coluld include a "they're ok" option too
-------------" rel="nofollow">
Posted By: King of Loss
Date Posted: May 16 2005 at 18:21
I actually voted against Dream Theater in that poll *shock shock shock*.
Posted By: Manunkind
Date Posted: May 19 2005 at 15:09
ivan_2068 wrote:
Manunkind wrote:
My sentiments exactly.
Read the posts written in that thread, those are the voters.
For example. read the posts on that thread by: Popesta, Bluetailfly, Dreamer, Certified, Easy Living, Tuxon, Radioactive toy, Shatterwolf, Peter, Danbo, Man with Hat, Reed Lover, Richardh, Lunarscape, Chorus of One, Fuzzy Dude, Jim Garten, Joren, Bumheed7, NetsNJFan, Miaugion, Crimson Prince and Synthguy only in the two first pages out of seven in that thread.
23 members opinions against DT in different degrees just in two out of seven pages.
more like 21, Easy Livin and Bluetailfly appreciate DT
This is kinda ridiculous, but...
Okay, first two pages - Bluetailfly (sic - "I thought DT were darn good"), Gentle Ronnie, Velvetclown, Easy Livin Frechie, Arkitek, Ben2112, antisilence, billyshears67, terramystic, Cygnus X-2, Metropolis, Valarius, Calvo, Greenback, Snow Dog, Sigod
17 members opinions for DT in different degrees. And I wouldve added mine instantly if I had not been on a vacation from the forums then .
Yes, 17 is less than 21, but this kinda disproves your claim that 90% of the people here are against DT. And yeah, an emphatic NO to perceiving DT as no 1 prog band of all time does not have to mean the person expressing this opinion does not like DT. My opinion would have been an emphatic NO too, and I love DT.
------------- "In war there is no time to teach or learn Zen. Carry a strong stick. Bash your attackers." - Zen Master Ikkyu Sojun
Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: May 19 2005 at 22:36
Ok, I admit, not chosed the right poll.
Posted By: bogdan.
Date Posted: June 04 2005 at 17:56
If you, Ivan, hates DT so much, why are you visiting every f**king topic of DT.
I do not hate DT, I was their fan, but the became boring. They have
complex music, but just in one line, they are not comlex in whole
------------- GATHER ye rosebuds while ye may,
Old Time is still a-flying:
And this same flower that smiles to-day
To-morrow will be dying.
Carpe Diem!
Posted By: frenchie
Date Posted: June 05 2005 at 22:12
read how many reviews there are giving images and words or scenes from a memory 4 or 5 stars.
If 90%/the majority of people on the site hate dream theater as you say then why would they recieve so many positive reviews? SFAM is one of the most reviewed and highest rated albums on the site.
DREAM THEATER Scenes From A Memory Metropolis Part II ratings (144 entries)
Essential: a masterpiece of progressive music (72%) |
Excellent addition to any prog music collection (12%) |
Good, but non-essential (3%) |
Collectors/fans only (6%) |
Poor. Only for completionists (7%) |
| also: if you do see lots of dream theater threads it is much easier NOT TO READ THEM than to rant on them.
It is hypocrytical that you delibrately seeked out this thread about dream theater to rant your views when it would have been a lot easier just to ignore the thread.
Saying this, i do not wish to offend you or stop your from posting your thoughts as i find your points very interesting to read but you have made this thread go off topic from the album it is intended to be about (granted, i am probably also being a hypocrit by ranting and being off topic).
I think that this forum works best by us all working as a team and you are disrespecting Dream Theater fans right to discuss the band. I think that people should be allowed to discuss a band as much as they like (whether DT or ELP) as long as they are not repeating other peoples threads. |
------------- The Worthless Recluse
Posted By: Olympus
Date Posted: November 30 2005 at 23:42
This is DT's best in my opinion, it would be alot better if "the Great Dbate" wasn't on it though.
------------- "Let's get the hell away from this Eerie-ass piece of work so we can get on with the rest of our eerie-ass day"
Posted By: Lindsay Lohan
Date Posted: December 01 2005 at 07:00
------------- - [IMG - -
Posted By: Norbert
Date Posted: December 01 2005 at 07:15
I found 6DOIT disappointing after Scenes at first listening, but now I think 6DOIT is superior to SFAM.It's my favourite after IAW and Awake.
Posted By: ColonelClaypool
Date Posted: December 01 2005 at 08:11
Six Degrees is the DT album I listen to the most... but it still doesn't get a lot of playing time.
I've never really "kicked" on DT, they're too obsessed with technique and not paying enough attention to content, imo. It gets boring quite quickly, none of their songs are really memorable in the same way as, say, CTTE, Echoes, 21st Schizoid, Thick As A Brick etc. And James La Brie has never sounded better than he did on the latest Ayreon album...
------------- With magic, you can turn a frog into a prince.
With science, you can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with.
Posted By: Bj-1
Date Posted: December 01 2005 at 08:24
Six Degrees Of Inner Turbulence is one of my favorite DT albums, but Disc 2 drags the album down a bit... it's slightly overrated, IMO. Disc 1, however, features some of DT's best songs and is agressive and heavier than most of DT's other stuff!
Disc 1
Disc 2
------------- RIO/AVANT/ZEUHL - The best thing you can get with yer pants on!
Posted By: Lindsay Lohan
Date Posted: December 01 2005 at 08:32
I hate agressive and heavy and its really only the glass prison that is agressive and heavy
------------- - [IMG - -
Posted By: ANDREW
Date Posted: December 01 2005 at 08:45
Posted By: Don Quito
Date Posted: December 01 2005 at 08:49
This is one of DT's goodies... Excellent choice you got there! 
Posted By: sleeper
Date Posted: December 01 2005 at 09:55
I dont like it that much, it just lacks the spark that really gets me into it.
And ColonelClaypool, I think that many of DT's songs are memorable, CTTE I find very dull myself.
------------- Spending more than I should on Prog since 2005
Posted By: Shark Sandwich
Date Posted: December 05 2005 at 09:54
I was somewhat disappointed when this came out and especially with disc 2. I think the reason for this was that I had heard samples of a couple of songs, and I think they were 'The Glass Prison' and 'Test that stumped them all' and I expected the album to be mostly like those songs. I don't own it currently but I'll probably give it another shot as it doesn't seem that bad to me now, but at the time I was not impressed with it.
Posted By: Uther Pendragon
Date Posted: December 05 2005 at 23:19
Strange album, I wasn't too keen on it to start with but it kind of
grew on me. I still prefer disc 2 much more than disc 1 though.
------------- "And so as I patrol in the valley of the shadow of the tricolour I must fear evil for I am but mortal and mortals can only die."