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My Cover of Overture 1928

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Topic: My Cover of Overture 1928
Posted By: Rroni-DT
Subject: My Cover of Overture 1928
Date Posted: February 05 2009 at 14:52
hi guys how u doin' , i just wanna to represent my cover of Dream Theater's Overture 1928 .. -

Hope u Guys like it , also watch my other vids on utube's profile..

thnx ! feel free to tell u'r opinion.. thnx i wait comments

Cheers !
with all respect ,

Posted By: Rroni-DT
Date Posted: February 06 2009 at 15:42
huuhuu anybody there ???

Posted By: cobb2
Date Posted: February 06 2009 at 15:58
Good playing- I think... Hard to tell with the actual track playing with you. Finger style and technique looks good though.

Posted By: The Quiet One
Date Posted: February 06 2009 at 16:02
^I think the same, I can barely hear the guitar.... Though I'm no guitar expert, so I can't give my opinion about your techinique or whatever, I'll let that for Hughes(Harry)...

Posted By: Petrovsk Mizinski
Date Posted: February 06 2009 at 17:40
Might want to get the levels in the mix sorted out.
You should make a backing track with no keyboards, so we can hear all the guitar parts clear and loud.

From the bits I could hear well, you did an alright job. Some out of tune bends in there occasionally that you need to work on and some of your vibrato has that "bedroom shredder/Kirk Hammett" quality to it, which is not a good thing, means your vibrato is sometimes too quick and shallow. If you want to match Petrucci's vibrato, it needs to be wider, a bit slower and more even.
If you're serious about working on vibrato listen to these guys:
Mikael Akerfeldt
Joe Satriani
Steve Vai
Marty Friedman
Yngwie Malmsteen
Frederik Akesson (now in Opeth)
And while I'm not a big fan personally, Zakk Wylde has great vibrato too.
Jeff Loomis

All are guys with amazing, emotional vibrato that is always even and consistent, and always bending in tune too.

I've watched your other videos, other than your bends and vibrato, you seem to be doing well, keep up the good work dude.

Posted By: Rroni-DT
Date Posted: February 07 2009 at 03:52
first thanks for all.. ,
then : i thought to do that with backingtrack like i did some other covers on my other vids on utube , but in this cover i just wanted to put in some scenes of live performance of Dream Theater + covering with me , to do more emotional and better feelings , so if i'll put backtrack on it , it could'nt sound well when camera takes on the live performance of Dream Theater.. and the mistake was that volume of my guitar was equal with petrucci's one and my presets are just the same , so its really hard to hear  i know.. but believe me i did most of it well , cause u know if i'll did it wrong so u can hear the mistake , like HughesJB4 heard the mistakes on vibrato's and bendings , so bye  i hope u enjoyed

FEEL free to post u'r opinions , and thanks for your advices guys cause with them i can advance my  practise..

p.s : it was first take record , so i was lazy to take another one and those vibratos i know that was wrong but i'm practising that over and over... :D so, thnx anyway
my problem is that i cant input record my guitar and thats huge problem :S.. it will be great :( .. so bye
with all respect Rroni. (im huge fan of petrucci by the way )

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