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Young puppies such as me!

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Music Lounge
Forum Description: General progressive music discussions
Printed Date: March 12 2025 at 04:26
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 11.01 -

Topic: Young puppies such as me!
Posted By: Sean Trane
Subject: Young puppies such as me!
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 08:39

Well , guys! Thank you for your answers in the old dogs thread and I am glad the young lads have put their two cents worth in too!! I am still busy integrating some your comments!! I am happy that so many members thought the topic was interesting and contributed to it also to make it even more so!!

Well, this WE I went back to that record store and bought two albums without listening to them at all! Magma's new album and VDGG's latest!! Both majestic successes! I brought them home and sunk happily into those musical slices without a trace until this morning !!

Do I feel better, now? Well sort of because those two albums are awesome and will likely be in my top 5 of 2005!! But the fact that these two albums had all chances to please me,  does not erase my unease at not appreciating those newer bands. Not that I feel guilty about not appreciating those bands, but maybe my expectations for newer groups are simply too high!! 

let's just stay above the moral melee
prefer the sink to the gutter
keep our sand-castle virtues
content to be a doer
as well as a thinker,
prefer lifting our pen
rather than un-sheath our sword

Posted By: maani
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 11:03


I never had a chance to post to your original thread.  However, rather than provide a long and tedious comment (which I could easily do!), the only comment I will make is this.

I do not really have a problem "getting into" some of the newest "prog" bands - whether prog-metal like Dream Theater, neo-symphonic like IQ or Arena, pop/electronica like Radiohead, or "punk-prog" like Mars Volta.  Nor do I have a problem (as some do) with the production on most of these albums.

The only thing I find is that, even from an objective musical standpoint - and not just a subjective "taste" standpoint - most of the newer groups/albums are overrated by the younger listeners.  That is, even if "seminal" prog did not exist - and thus we could not compare new prog groups/albums to Genesis, Yes, Floyd, ELP, et al - many of the newer groups/albums are, in my opinion, simply not as "great" (much less "masterpiece") as they are purported to be.

Still, there are some new groups/albums that are great, and even some masterpiece albums.  It is just that there are far too many four- and five-star reviews for albums that simply do not merit them, even when not considered against the "greats" of seminal prog.


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