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Posted By: Will Veda
Date Posted: April 23 2005 at 00:00

Have any of you Prog Rockers ever listened to Cirque du Soleil soundtracks?  There is a lot of great music created by these abstract circus freaks.  I highly recommend the CD "Mystere, Live in Las Vegas."  Several parts of this CD reminds me of Yes.  The bridge in the song, "Misha" includes a beautiful modern, classical passage that features a clavichord patch, oboe, and a Mellotron-like choir sound over an incredible chord progression, then the song rocks out with a Frippish guitar solo.  The CD "O" ranks among my top 10 Progressive Rocks CDs of all time.  "Alegria" includes a song ("Icare") that could have fit nicely on a Walter/Wendy Carlos album with heavy its programmed synthesizer usage. 

Cirque du Soleil music with vocals mostly uses an imaginary language similar to Magma (a great band that has survived several decades) to allow the listener to interpret their own story.  The Cirque sound is sometimes labeled as New Age, but it goes way beyond the subtle sounds associated with this genre.  As with Cirque's acrobats/athletes, their musicians are all top-notch and they integrate an interesting blend of modern-day electronics with ancient and unusual acoustic instruments: Kotos, Crumhorns, Dumbeks, etc. 

If you are looking for something different in your music library, give Cirque du Soleil a try. 



Posted By: sortadi
Date Posted: April 23 2005 at 00:26
I deffinitely agree with you here. I have seen some Cirque du Soleil's performances (on TV) and my neck hair crisped when hearing to some of the songs played in the back. There was this extremely good guitarist which i could compare with the top of the cream in guitar world nowadays. I've always been wondering where i could find those soundtracks, most of all the one for the "Varekai" ( i don't know if it is spelled in a propper way) show. Could you help me here. Thanks for bringing it up.

p.s.: That soundtrack is definitely not only New Age inclined, but very progressive, symphonic and creative in my opinion  

Dream Theater Sucks!!

Posted By: Will Veda
Date Posted: April 23 2005 at 00:31
Cirque du Soleil's soundtracks are available on either their website: -  or Amazon even has a more complete catalog.  They have about 20 CDs, and I highly recommend the "Mystere, Live in Las Vegas" as the starting point for a newbie.  The "Varekai" studio soundtrack is nothing like the live show.  The network Bravo is playing Cirque shows this weekend.  Tape the music and listen without watching the acrobats.  It is a great listening experience. 

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