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Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April 22 2005 at 18:02
HEY EVERYONE TRY SNOWDOG'S LINK DOWN ABOUT 7 OR 8 POSTS YOU CAN CLICK ON THAT AND IT WILL TAKE YOU RIGHT THERE!!! is the link to a song i may not be "prog" but it does feature a change to a 5/4 pattern toward the end!....i am the only person who worked on the recording (aside from some criticisms i may have heeded along the way from friends or the like, and my wifes voice in the chorus)all keys ,strings ,machines, lyrics, and voice is me... its all very pedestrian and i await what im sure will be an at best lukewarm reception....however please feel free to tell me what you liked or more specifically disliked as i beleive this improves my "music" immensely ....thanks a bunch....p.s. the link is supposed to only be good for 7 days....some people have had trouble with the link but it works!!! just type it in manually instead of cut-and-pasting and make sure you use caps where it is caps!
"whoisntoneofus.mp3" KBRZ9O1213SPBART4UB
(dont place any spaces in this when you type it...the character after the = is the number 0(zero)..the character after the 9 is the letter O)
Posted By: James Lee
Date Posted: April 22 2005 at 18:07
^ that space before the last letter gave my browser some trouble, but eliminating it worked just fine. 
Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April 22 2005 at 18:08
thanks i was just checking that !
Posted By: James Lee
Date Posted: April 22 2005 at 19:17
Still need some time to get into it, but I love that bass sound- real deep raw synth wave. Between that and the main drum pattern it reminds me a little of some Eno, or Aphex Twin; it's timbral rather than melodic. The guitar seems to be doing its own thing- nice guitar tone, BTW, ringing but not harsh at all. Production quality is nice and clean too- all those effects could have easily cluttered up the mix, but I can hear lots of detail.
The only negative thing that I could say would be about the drums...I'm not sure whether it's the sounds, the programming, or just the sheer number of percussive elements going on, but there's something about the drums that I'm having trouble with. Maybe that'll change after a few more listens, though. I know personally that drums are the trickiest parts to get right.
Are the vocals low in the mix on purpose, or are you just a little insecure about them? 
Posted By: Dan Bobrowski
Date Posted: April 22 2005 at 19:42
I can't get the link to work. Damn!
Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April 22 2005 at 21:39
the link should work if you just type it in with no spaces....that first character after the = is a zero not an o, the character after the 9 IS an o however
Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April 22 2005 at 21:55
james thanks for your explicit feedback!...the vocals are behind the mix and i am insecure about them, wouldnt you be? i cant sing a lick! do yu mean to say the guitar isnt in context with the song?i think the "ringing" may be the delay im using....the drums, they will take a minute to get used to and they may be a bit over the top as well....when im recording i have the frustration of sometimes no longer hearing the entire mix but rather the parts i am working on at the moment, and once i move on to the next part that part becomes a wallpaper with the sure some of you know the any rate i cant believe yu didnt comment on the 5/4 at the end, or the lyrics! also im hoping to get some more feedback from the rest of starting to think its the old"if you cant say anything nice dont say anything " bit! please post your thoughts whether positive or negative.... thanks james ...btw aphex is one of my all time richard d considered prog?
Posted By: maani
Date Posted: April 22 2005 at 23:39
I think it's great. Sure, it needs to be "polished up." But it has really great potential. 
I agree with James: the thing it most reminded me of was Eno's early work, on Here Come the Warm Jets and Another Green World.
I'm also not so sure you need question its "progginess": realized to its potential, I'm guessing the final product would definitely qualify. After all, prog is not simply using non-standard time signatures - nor is that even an absolute requirement. Rather, your approach is quite "proggy," as is the way you arrange the elements.
If you find your "voice" (i.e., "style") through this - i.e., "get" what type of "refinement" it needs - and are able to compose an album's worth of material with this "voice," I would definitely buy it...and probably give it a darn good review.
Keep up the good work!
Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April 23 2005 at 10:08
i cant believe the non-response to afraid too many people are having trouble with the link but it DEFINITELY WORKS if you follow the instructions ive given.....if it still doesnt work for you send me a note and ill try to help you....cmon people! i know i may have offended some of you with my "arrogance" or opinionated attitudes but it was not an intention....besides, now is your chance to stick it to me...i am very self-conscious about my work but have left myself wide open to you all here...please take the time to listen and post some thoughts ....who knows you may even like some of it?!
Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: April 23 2005 at 10:21
I dont write many reviews, maybe I find it difficult to express my feelings about music! I listened to your track twice , second time was better..its almost hypnotic. Cant compare it to Eno cuz I never did buy any of his albums. For all that I liked it, but its not the stuff I normally listen to. That could change though I like "getting in to "new stuff! I think with more listenings I'll like it more. Sorry for the poor review, but 
-------------" rel="nofollow">
Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: April 23 2005 at 10:22 - B
try this link
-------------" rel="nofollow">
Posted By: mwb498
Date Posted: April 23 2005 at 23:21
The first thing that i thought was...Bowie, in Buddha of Suburbia. Now i'm going to listen to it over and over as i type so that i can make a more precise critique. America has been a dead horse and an easy target for a long time now and it takes a lot more than this to be compelling. I know that the second male vocal "expression" is intended to be overbearingly devious and swaddled in corruption and mania, like the greedy American corporate archetype, however it falls flat and ends up sounding like an overeager trick-or-treater through the reverberant mufflings of a Chucky mask...and I think that the female voice would make a good computerized handprint authorizor/decoder on the starship enterprise. I kind of liked the first male voice for its numb complacency and convenient atonality...which i thought was effective. And on a lighter, but more serious note, he continues to impress with striking transitions and unique tonal and timbral harmonies. Song structure exhibits intentional complexities with a general feeling of dynamic and progressive balance, as well as purpose. Listeners should strongly consider his other work, as this particular song, in this critics opinion, seems to exhibit his talents, significant improvements, and, dare i say, his real "voice", only in the background, behind a bunch of nauseating effects and insipid noises.
Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 10:25
you know as well as i do i wrote those lyrics 3 years ago........
Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 15:50
I've just swallowed a fly,sorry.
Hmm-interesting,in a wtf's going on kind of way.Not my cup of tea,but there is definitely a spark of something original. But not "musical" enough for my tastes.
Posted By: Velvetclown
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 15:52
REED : You´re just too oral.
------------- Billy Connolly
Dream Theater
Terry Gilliam
Hagen Quartet
Jethro Tull
Mike Keneally
Posted By: Certif1ed
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 04:51
Overall this track reminds me of Radiohead's work on "Kid A", but with almost Frank Zappa flavoured vocals - especially with the satirical edge to the lyrics. I think the vocal "positioning" in the mix is about right - similar to some of Thom Yorke's textural positioning rather than dominant vox. I think this approach works well.
I liked the tempo changes at first, but found the third iteration too predictable. I would have liked you to have used the material you used in the "burn-out" as a kind of bridge - at the risk of falling into a similarly predictable song format - but I think this would create a better shape.
I particularly liked the textures you created in this "burn-out" section - but not so much the "cheesey" keyboard sounds at the beginning - I felt you could have been more adventurous with the tonal quality - although I didn't study the lyrics in any depth, so this could have been intentional. I kind of see where it was going, but I think a light filter applied to (what sounds like) the electric piano sound would provide a nice warp. I'd also like that electric piano sound to be a little more "authentic" and edgy - but that's my taste!
Since your lyric-writing seems strong, it might make sense to colour various phrases with subtle ambience, or even adjust the bass-line slightly for a little "challenge-response" dialog.
The "chorus" is good - a stark contrast with very interesting textures. I liked the vocal harmonies - and overall, the colouration seems to work with the lyrics and the musical textures.
Taking the piece as a whole, the textures themselves seem a little half-hearted in places - again, could be intentional, or could simply be the mix - but I'd like to hear more "colour" in the parts to avoid the feeling of flatness in a dynamic sense rather than the overall tone of the piece.
More generally, I like it - but if you released it as a single, I probably wouldn't buy it. If it was part of an album, though, I would hardly consider it filler!
Here's a link to a couple of old tunes I wrote, so you can get your own back... They're about 3-4 years old now, and I gave that style up after about 7 tracks... Listen to "Nebula" first, as it's the stronger track (IMO) - one day I'll actually finish it... - mp;a mp;bandid=281021&bandnamesave=itl

Keep 'em coming!
Posted By: oliverstoned
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 05:03
I've listened to it...
Is it a joke or a parody?
If not, it's just sh**t
Everyone can do it with a computer
Posted By: Certif1ed
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 05:57
...and anyone can play guitar or keyboards...
Not everyone has the ability to put the sounds together in an imaginative or creative manner - and that's what you need to try to hear.
Sometimes it's not so much that anyone could, but more that someone did. Someone invented the wheel...
If you think that the ability to wank up and down the fretboard is the be all and end all, then you know nothing about music.
Practically all music is assembled on a computer these days - all electronic music passes through one at some point.

Posted By: oliverstoned
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 06:54
"Practically all music is assembled on a computer these days - all electronic music passes through one at some point."
that's why i can't stand most of today "mainstream" music!
whereas i love today jazz,world, etc...
Maybe a computer can be a good tool, but it's not sufficient to have a tool.
You need inspiration (i don't know if it's the same word in english), and that, no computer or software can make it instead of you!
Posted By: Certif1ed
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 08:32
oliverstoned wrote:
"Practically all music is assembled on a computer these days - all electronic music passes through one at some point." that's why i can't stand most of today "mainstream" music!
You miss the point:
Music is created in the mind of a human being (except lazy muppets that only use samples).
To record the music, it is processed through an electronic circuit (a computer, if you will, since it breaks the music into numbers that can be digitally processed). This could be an IC amplifier, effects pedal or processor, mixing desk or even a full-blown computer used to mix or sequence.
You then mix the music to get the right balance across all the instruments and layers - this is artificial processing, but an important part of creating a recording of a piece of music.
whereas i love today jazz,world, etc... Maybe a computer can be a good tool, but it's not sufficient to have a tool. You need inspiration (i don't know if it's the same word in english), and that, no computer or software can make it instead of you!
Absolutely not - and no computer currently can create a satisfying piece of music. Interesting, maybe, but a computer doesn't and cannot have the ability to actually "hear" music the way we do. Inspiration is exactly the right word - a computer can only follow rules.
One of the first projects I wrote at college was a simple rules-based program that enabled the computer to fill out harmonies to a given melody in the style of J. S. Bach, following many rules from the Oxford harmony books. It saved me a load of time calulating chords and avoiding parallel 5ths and octaves - and I could use that time to introduce some nice suspensions and contrapuntal passages - because I wasn't wasting time on the basics.
Of course a computer is a good tool - it's fantastic if you can't afford a full-blown recording studio. The temptation is always there to rig up a few loops and over-utilise copy and paste - but it's still a human being doing the copying and pasting then listening to the results.
IMO, a good procedure is to use copy and paste to get an idea of where repeated passages could go, then jam along to the loops, knocking out the copies as you go along - thus ending up with a piece with a high improvisational quality, and consistent structure. This saves time - and you can always alter the structure later; it's amazing how much potential a 5-minute loop can generate.
As you rightly say though - it's a tool to do a job - just like a guitar or an electronic keyboard (a computer with music keys!). I reckon that if Beethoven had access to a computer, he'd have written more than 9 symphonies - and his manuscripts wouldn't have had so many crossings out 
Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 09:12
oliverstoned....please feel free to post a link to your version of this song so i can see how anyone with no creativity and a computer could have recorded sure you do lots of recording after hearing you so contemptuously critique another's work
Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 09:19
thanks to all who have taken the time to listen to this and those who posted thoughts thanks even more...this song never came to completion...a lot of what yu remark on may have been mollified had i continued work on the piece....however, upon pushing the song to the level it is at now my family had a fire in our home...i lost all the files to my compositions and was left with only the audio tracks....i cant work on this project any longer or many of these issues would be addressed...thanks again, and i welcome any more feedback
Posted By: oliverstoned
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 09:26
hopelevre wrote:
oliverstoned....please feel free to post a link to your version of this song so i can see how anyone with no creativity and a computer could have recorded sure you do lots of recording after hearing you so contemptuously critique another's work |
ive no creative pretentions
i'm a contemplative, not a creative
but i know what i like...
In your wardrobe
Posted By: Alucard
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 13:50
I just listened to your song, I don't know Aphex Twin,but it reminds me of Nils Peter Molvaer, I like the heavy rhythm, I would have liked a melody line on top, you are far too much in the bass medium registre, it tends to be a little claustrophobic after some time, try some flute or trumpet sound or a Rhodes "on top".