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what are you currently reading

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Topic: what are you currently reading
Posted By: Vicky Garten
Subject: what are you currently reading
Date Posted: April 20 2005 at 13:18

I have recently read "Falling Sideways" by Tom Holt & have just started Saints & Sinners.

Good books both of them -worth a read but do it in private if others get irritated at outbursts of sniggers & giggles, the writing is surreal but also makes sense - the perfect prog rockers author.

Confusion will be my epitaph

Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: April 20 2005 at 13:26
Just re-read Neil Peart's "Ghost Rider".
He is a very talented writer but the introspection and personal tragedy get too much.
Travelling Music is far superior,and The Masked Rider is a worthy,undemanding read.Clap


Posted By: Vicky Garten
Date Posted: April 20 2005 at 13:28
have not read Travelling Music but loved the other 2

Confusion will be my epitaph

Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: April 20 2005 at 13:29
Just finished "Sahara"  by Clive Cussler, good ripping yarn. Might try "Inca Gold " next!

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Posted By: mirco
Date Posted: April 20 2005 at 13:47
I'm reading an italian book about the world war II russian campain, called "Centomila gavette di ghiaccio" (one hundred thousand iced cases, a reference to the number of casualties occurred). Reading the book is like see the opening scene of saving private Ryan, so realisitic and crude.

Please forgive me for my crappy english!

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April 20 2005 at 13:53
"serial composition" by reginald smith brindle...oxford university press

Posted By: PROGMAN
Date Posted: April 21 2005 at 09:39
NME and MOJO music magazines


Posted By: sigod
Date Posted: April 21 2005 at 09:59
Originally posted by Reed Lover Reed Lover wrote:

Just re-read Neil Peart's "Ghost Rider".
He is a very talented writer but the introspection and personal tragedy get too much.
Travelling Music is far superior,and The Masked Rider is a worthy,undemanding read.Clap

By coincidence, I'm thumbing my way through 'Travelling Music' right now. It is indeed a good read and recommended to all who like books about being 'on the road' both in and out of bands. The introspection is still there but it is measured against the many personal anecdotes that litter this book's pages.

I must remind the right honourable gentleman that a monologue is not a decision.
- Clement Atlee, on Winston Churchill

Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: April 21 2005 at 10:09

Finished Classic Rock last week, on the last pages of Exposé mag this week and Prog-Résiste (Belgian fanzine of friends) is waiting in my mailbox in Brussels for next week. Two weeks ago I had Record Collector (Genesis on Front page and a great 15 pages on Folk-prog).

on the book front, I am trying to finish also Dream Brothers (Buckley and son) and have the Eight Miles High (folk-rock part 2) waiting for me.

On the non-musical front I have two geopolitical books half-read and waiting for an ounce of time. On the fictional side (outside of Belgo-french Bande dessinée),Hesse's Steppenwolf is its last pages and Burroughs"s Naked Feast is up next - I am shameful that I had to wait so long for those two but better late than never.

I wonder how I manage all that , the music , the girlfriend , the friends and the job!!! I spend no time with TV (ouside the odd film or news mag - max 3 hours/week) and have no kids, so that helps!


Progman wrote: NME and MOJO music magazines

NME is too disrespectful to prog that I consider it Tabloid press and MOJO too wide in scope(I am also sick of Beatles stones and Dylan articles twice or thrice a year).


let's just stay above the moral melee
prefer the sink to the gutter
keep our sand-castle virtues
content to be a doer
as well as a thinker,
prefer lifting our pen
rather than un-sheath our sword

Posted By: sigod
Date Posted: April 21 2005 at 10:15
Originally posted by Sean Trane Sean Trane wrote:

NME is too disrespectful to prog that I consider it Tabloid press and MOJO too wide in scope(I am also sick of Beatles stones and Dylan articles twice or thrice a year).

Totally agree with both comments.

I must remind the right honourable gentleman that a monologue is not a decision.
- Clement Atlee, on Winston Churchill

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April 21 2005 at 11:15
I'm reading The Know-It-All by A.J. Jacobs. It's pretty interesting and humorous too.

Posted By: Hangedman
Date Posted: April 21 2005 at 11:42
A norman bethune biography, some old vedic literature (sri-isnopibad or something), and im re-reading Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy for good measure. any less then three books at once and id go insane.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April 21 2005 at 11:45
go rig vedans!

Posted By: Sweetnighter
Date Posted: April 21 2005 at 17:24
The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Stranger - Albert Camus

I bleed coffee. When I don't drink coffee, my veins run dry, and I shrivel up and die.
"Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso? Is that like the bank of Italian soccer death or something?" -my girlfriend

Posted By: Cygnus X-2
Date Posted: April 21 2005 at 23:42

The War of the Worlds.. really good book.

I hope Speilberg doesn't ruin it...


Posted By: Prog_Bassist
Date Posted: April 22 2005 at 00:17
The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand.

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Posted By: Prog_Bassist
Date Posted: April 22 2005 at 00:18
Originally posted by Sweetnighter Sweetnighter wrote:

The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Stranger - Albert Camus

Stranger is an excellent book.

sorry for the double post.

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Posted By: Joren
Date Posted: April 22 2005 at 06:39
The historical literary thriller "Imprimatur" by the Italian writers duo Monaldi & Sorti. I'm reading it in Dutch, by the way.

Posted By: PROGMAN
Date Posted: April 22 2005 at 07:46

Progman wrote: NME and MOJO music magazines

NME is too disrespectful to prog that I consider it Tabloid press and MOJO too wide in scope(I am also sick of Beatles stones and Dylan articles twice or thrice a year).

Well one of the two magazines did review some HAWKWIND records and do mention Prog from time to time. Well I guess NME is a more orientated to modern pop which i'm not keen on. So I only read them If there is an Interesting Topic for example Prog.


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April 22 2005 at 11:16

Originally posted by Prog_Bassist Prog_Bassist wrote:

The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand.

I bought that book, but I am intimidated by its length.

Posted By: Pablo_P
Date Posted: April 22 2005 at 11:21
"The Gold Coast" by Nelson DeMille.

Pablo P.

Posted By: Andhi
Date Posted: April 22 2005 at 17:47

Something Happened, by Joseph Heller. This book is superb and shows that he wasn't typecast(?) by Catch-22 (which is also an amazing book - the funniest thing I've ever read).

Posted By: gleam
Date Posted: April 22 2005 at 20:37


WE.B. Griffin's The lieutenants. Prior to that, "The tipping point", I don't recall the author's name.


Posted By: frosty
Date Posted: April 23 2005 at 18:02

Noddy's Adventures In Toyland by Enid Blyton (2 year old now sleeping soundly).


Posted By: goose
Date Posted: April 23 2005 at 19:09
Biggles . Was I meant to say something really intellectual? I read some Sholokov not too long ago, that'll do .

Posted By: TBWART
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 04:21
11 minutes by Paulo Coelho...improves your sexlife!!!LOL

''progression is trying to eliminate boundries''

Posted By: Rob The Good
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 04:31
Oxford History of Ancient Egypt


It's a University text...really!

And Jesus said unto John, "come forth and receive eternal life..."
Unfortunately, John came fifth and was stuck with a toaster.

Posted By: James Lee
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 12:51
Re-reading "Tropic of Cancer" and "Leaves of Grass"...I'm desperately looking for America.


Posted By: Kotro
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 13:10
Umberto Eco's "Diaro Minimo" and Dominique Lapierre & Larry Collins "The fifth knight".

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