Its That Time of the Year Again (sigh!)
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Topic: Its That Time of the Year Again (sigh!)
Posted By: PROGMAN
Subject: Its That Time of the Year Again (sigh!)
Date Posted: April 20 2005 at 10:03
Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: April 20 2005 at 13:15
Posted By: Vicky Garten
Date Posted: April 20 2005 at 13:21
Whats the difference - they are all as bad as each other
------------- Confusion will be my epitaph
Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: April 20 2005 at 13:23
Vicky Garten wrote:
Whats the difference - they are all as bad as each other
Not true.You have to have government. If you had to have a life-saving operation which surgeon would you choose,given the choice:
The Christian or The Devil-Worshipper? 
Posted By: emdiar
Date Posted: April 20 2005 at 13:29
    . Uncle Tony may have lost the plot a couple of times, but it'll be a cold day in hell before a Tory gets my X. I still remember Thatch stealing our free school milk during the Heathite junta. Even then one could see the antichrist sharpening her tallons ready for the day when she would completely destroy the British working family .
------------- Perception is truth, ergo opinion is fact.
Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: April 20 2005 at 13:41
Posted By: gdub411
Date Posted: April 20 2005 at 14:41
Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: April 20 2005 at 16:01
Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: April 20 2005 at 16:17
But he said "Go Tories", don't we all want them to do that?
Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: April 20 2005 at 17:37
Posted By: Cluster One
Date Posted: April 20 2005 at 20:07
As a non-citizen my vote doesn't count. So I thought I'd vote Sinn Fein just to stir up some sh*t
------------- Marmalade...I like marmalade.
Posted By: PROGMAN
Date Posted: April 21 2005 at 08:52
Cluster One wrote:
As a non-citizen my vote doesn't count. So I thought I'd vote Sinn Fein just to stir up some sh*t |
UM I Think they covered up something for the IRA I'm not so sure two sisters from Ireland claim the Sein Finn party covered up a Murder possibly by IRA.
------------- CYMRU AM BYTH
Posted By: PROGMAN
Date Posted: April 21 2005 at 08:58

Tony Blair (LABOUR)

Michael Howard (Tories)

Charles Kennedy (Lib Dems)

Gerry Adams (Sein Finn)
------------- CYMRU AM BYTH
Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: April 21 2005 at 09:28
Labour will win especially as Rupert Murdoch is backing them again.
I've always voted for Labour, and will do again. I trust them on the economy if nothing else. I dont think this country could withstand another decade of conservatism..I mean real conservatism, Howard style.
------------- Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!
Posted By: sigod
Date Posted: April 21 2005 at 10:18
I'm a meek and mild Liberal Democrat and I support your democratic right to vote for the other c*nts.
That said, I'd rather see Labour in than the Tories.
------------- I must remind the right honourable gentleman that a monologue is not a decision.
- Clement Atlee, on Winston Churchill
Posted By: gdub411
Date Posted: April 21 2005 at 15:42
Reed Lover wrote:
gdub411 wrote:
For those that dont know,Gdub is our resident turkey who always votes for the Christmas Party........
"Gobble, Gobble" ..seriously, that joke would have worked better for us who live in the US with Thanksgiving...but I get your point.
English politics affect me in no way so if the Labour party makes the majority of you Brits happy then Go Labour!!
On Christmas day, we eat Reed Lover...ya better stay away.
Posted By: Joren
Date Posted: April 21 2005 at 15:57
gdub411 wrote:
Reed Lover wrote:
gdub411 wrote:
For those that dont know,Gdub is our resident turkey who always votes for the Christmas Party........
"Gobble, Gobble" ..seriously, that joke would have worked better for us who live in the US with Thanksgiving...but I get your point.
English politics affect me in no way so if the Labour party makes the majority of you Brits happy then Go Labour!!
On Christmas day, we eat Reed Lover...ya better stay away.
Where's Radioactive Toy's "RL's failed joke counter" when you need it? 
Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: April 21 2005 at 16:12
Joren wrote:
gdub411 wrote:
Reed Lover wrote:
gdub411 wrote:
For those that dont know,Gdub is our resident turkey who always votes for the Christmas Party........
"Gobble, Gobble" ..seriously, that joke would have worked better for us who live in the US with Thanksgiving...but I get your point.
English politics affect me in no way so if the Labour party makes the majority of you Brits happy then Go Labour!!
On Christmas day, we eat Reed Lover...ya better stay away.
Where's Radioactive Toy's "RL's failed joke counter" when you need it? 
I was speaking to Europeans not the Ham Shanks....
Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: April 22 2005 at 02:51
I'll be 'wasting' my vote on the Lib Dems as usual..they havn't chance of getting in where I live.
Posted By: Moribund
Date Posted: April 22 2005 at 03:14
Um there werent any socialist parties listed on your poll... 
------------- New Progressive Rock Live show now touring UK theatres!
Posted By: Jim Garten
Date Posted: April 22 2005 at 03:22
Blacksword wrote:
Labour will win especially as Rupert Murdoch is backing them again.
I've always voted for Labour, and will do again. I trust them on the economy if nothing else. I dont think this country could withstand another decade of conservatism..I mean real conservatism, Howard style. |
I think it's fairly obvious with Labours huge majority they will get in for a third term (is it really only three....?); however, I do think their majority will be significantly reduced, if only down to voter apathy (a little prediction here - I believe this will be a new low in voter turnout). This may, in turn, make Labour have to really work to get the vote next time round - but who will be the leader by then?
Personally, given the chance, I would vote for the Green Party - not that I agree with all their policies you understand, but I agree with more of theirs than I do any of the main parties...
Jon Lord 1941 - 2012
Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: April 22 2005 at 04:22
Jim Garten wrote:
Blacksword wrote:
Labour will win especially as Rupert Murdoch is backing them again.
I've always voted for Labour, and will do again. I trust them on the economy if nothing else. I dont think this country could withstand another decade of conservatism..I mean real conservatism, Howard style.
I think it's fairly obvious with Labours huge majority they will get in for a third term (is it really only three....?); however, I do think their majority will be significantly reduced, if only down to voter apathy (a little prediction here - I believe this will be a new low in voter turnout). This may, in turn, make Labour have to really work to get the vote next time round - but who will be the leader by then?
Personally, given the chance, I would vote for the Green Party - not that I agree with all their policies you understand, but I agree with more of theirs than I do any of the main parties... |
I think you're right about voter turnout. It was very low at the last election, I think we can expect worse this time. Thats the trend. As all parties become more - apparently - divorced from the societies they govern or wish to govern, we have to expect the electorate to respond with apathy.
For me I find it hard to vote for Labour after the Iraq war, and all the events surrounding the Hutton and Butler enquiries, but I would never vote Conservative, and I dont feel Lib Dem have the balls or the experience to run this country. They sit in third place saying we will abolish tuition fees, we'll scrap the council tax, we wont pander to big business and the press but the reality of being in power is different to being in oppostion. Once in power, if you dont 'pander to big business' or cuddle up with the likes of Murdoch, you'll find yourself back in oppostion PDQ.
------------- Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!