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80s Cartoons!

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Topic: 80s Cartoons!
Posted By: Epignosis
Subject: 80s Cartoons!
Date Posted: November 17 2008 at 14:47
Everything I learned, I learned from watching cartoons in the 1980s, back when animated TV shows were nothing more than thirty minute commercials, but there was a moral at the end, damn it!

So those of you old enough to remember those shows (but not so old that you don't care), cast a vote and me know which is your favorite from the list.

If you have an honorable mention, say so.

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Posted By: Padraic
Date Posted: November 17 2008 at 15:26
Transformers pwned, remember when you bought the action figures they'd have stats "secret coded" on the package and gave you a red-filtered piece of plastic to read them?  Good times.

Posted By: Epignosis
Date Posted: November 17 2008 at 15:37
Originally posted by NaturalScience NaturalScience wrote:

Transformers pwned, remember when you bought the action figures they'd have stats "secret coded" on the package and gave you a red-filtered piece of plastic to read them?  Good times.

My favorite Transformers toys were the die-cast dinosaurs that transformed into humanoids.  Those were high quality toys.  They cost $7.99 when they first came out, I remember (which as expensive at the time), and they metallic.  Awesome fun.

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Posted By: aapatsos
Date Posted: November 17 2008 at 16:04
I loved Thundercats but I like the Smurfs a bit more... still a kid Clown

Posted By: el böthy
Date Posted: November 17 2008 at 16:12
Man did the ´80 suck!LOL

"You want me to play what, Robert?"

Posted By: Bern
Date Posted: November 17 2008 at 18:10
Wow so many awesome shows!

Was a big fan of the Smurfs. After all, I did make a poll about 'em like 2 weeks ago. LOL

But, I just cannot vote against the Ninja Turtles. They were radical!



RIP in bossa nova heaven.

Posted By: progaeopteryx
Date Posted: November 17 2008 at 19:57
For me, it was and always will be Star Blazers, 1979-1984
See: -

"Desslok, Desslok, Desslok...!!!" and the Comet Empire. So much more creative than the American stuff at the time.

Oh yeah... and -

Posted By: BroSpence
Date Posted: November 17 2008 at 23:16
TMNT then He-Man.  My two favorites from the era.  What good days those were. GI Joes was another one that had a huge impact on me.  Unfortunately, Voltron is awful to watch now. It makes almost no sense (although apparently it was pretty messed up by the American editors anyways).
And it was totally ripped from to make Power Rangers.

Posted By: Jim Garten
Date Posted: November 18 2008 at 07:40
Two words...

Danger Mouse

nuff said!


Jon Lord 1941 - 2012

Posted By: spookytooth
Date Posted: November 18 2008 at 07:47
The Ghostbuster cartoon series was so awesome. Me and my brother used to watch that all the time when I was little...


Would you like some Bailey's?

Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: November 18 2008 at 19:12
Dang man, were the '80's really such a waste land for cartoons?

I'm trying to think but it's making my brain hurt. LOL

Give me Boondocks and Aqua Teen Hunger Force anyday.

I just looked up a listing of '80's cartoons and in all fairness I never watched any of them.

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

Posted By: JayDee
Date Posted: November 18 2008 at 19:22
I love most on your list. It's hard to choose from Thundercats, Voltron(Lion Team), He-Man, GI Joe and Visionaries. They never fail to bring back my childhood memories. Ah, good ol memories!!!!


Posted By: memowakeman
Date Posted: November 18 2008 at 19:26

wow, so many memories LOL

Despite i had a deep love for Silverhawks, my vote goees for The Smurfs


Follow me on twitter @memowakeman

Posted By: crimson87
Date Posted: November 18 2008 at 21:10
What ? an 80's animation poll with no robotech? That does not make sense.
Vote for Saint Seiya

Posted By: Padraic
Date Posted: November 18 2008 at 21:35
Originally posted by Slartibartfast Slartibartfast wrote:

Dang man, were the '80's really such a waste land for cartoons?

I'm trying to think but it's making my brain hurt. LOL

Give me Boondocks and Aqua Teen Hunger Force anyday.

I just looked up a listing of '80's cartoons and in all fairness I never watched any of them.

They were cooler if you were a kid at the time.  You can't compare these kid shows to "adult' cartoons like ATHF.

Posted By: splyu
Date Posted: November 19 2008 at 04:08
What about Saber Rider & the Star Sheriffs? Smile

Posted By: jimidom
Date Posted: November 19 2008 at 09:41

Fraggle Rock rocked! I especially loved the Dozers, or was it Doozers? They were those little guys who built stuff all the time.

"The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side." - HST

Posted By: Sunny In Jeddah
Date Posted: November 19 2008 at 14:28
TMNT for sure, I was a massive fan as a lad :D


Posted By: darkmatter
Date Posted: November 19 2008 at 18:57
Definitely Transformers.  It also had a good movie that went along with it! 

...the animated one not the crappy live action movie. Angry

Posted By: Epignosis
Date Posted: November 19 2008 at 19:13
Originally posted by darkmatter darkmatter wrote:

Definitely Transformers.  It also had a good movie that went along with it! 

...the animated one not the crappy live action movie. Angry

I have to agree with you there- especially with a lead actor who had no clue what Transformers were.  LOL

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Posted By: vpen
Date Posted: November 21 2008 at 17:47
Does sombody remember about Mister T  
and is A team?

Posted By: crimhead
Date Posted: November 22 2008 at 07:25
None of the above.

Posted By: limeyrob
Date Posted: November 22 2008 at 12:10
You're kidding! The 60's were much better. Thunderbirds, Stingray, Captain Scarlet etc. Ok, maybe not cartoons but Supermarionation was a far superior special effect. Wink

Posted By: markosherrera
Date Posted: December 06 2008 at 03:18
I prefer 60s and 70s cartoons

Hi progmaniacs of all the world

Posted By: clarke2001
Date Posted: December 06 2008 at 10:16
I pity you all that were on the wrong side of the iron curtain.Tongue Czech, Polish, Hungarian and Russian cartoons were incredible!

-------------" rel="nofollow - Percussion, sir!

Posted By: DatM
Date Posted: December 06 2008 at 10:22
I'll have to go with Transformers, but mostly because of the animated movie.  Kids get much better quality cartoons nowadays IMO.  I wish I had stuff like Samurai Jack and Avatar when i was growing up...

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Posted By: Visitor13
Date Posted: December 06 2008 at 12:40
Originally posted by limeyrob limeyrob wrote:

You're kidding! The 60's were much better. Thunderbirds, Stingray, Captain Scarlet etc. Ok, maybe not cartoons but Supermarionation was a far superior special effect. Wink

Unless those shows featured giant robots changing into cars, jets or other stuff, they definitely sucked.

Guess what I voted for.

Clarke2001, yup, there were many good cartoons here. The Wolf and the Hare, the Mole, Reksio, Bolek i Lolek, all good stuff. Love the sig, BTW Clap

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: December 06 2008 at 14:15
Originally posted by progaeopteryx progaeopteryx wrote:

For me, it was and always will be Star Blazers, 1979-1984
See: -

"Desslok, Desslok, Desslok...!!!" and the Comet Empire. So much more creative than the American stuff at the time.

Oh yeah... and -

Loved that one myself, but I'd count it as a 70's show, since it's just a dubbed and partially re-edited (and renamed) version of Space Battleship Yamamoto ('74-'80).  I seem to remember it going by a Yamamoto name, like Space Cruiser Yamamoto, when it was on in Canada.

I don't remember many good cartoons on TV coming out in the 80s.  My favourite animated show as a child was Planet of the Apes, but as a kid I wasn't generally that big on animated shows (though some I really liked).  It was shows like Doctor Who, Land of the Lost, The Twilight Zone, The Outer Limits, The Prisoner, UFO, Star Trek, The Tomorrow People etc. that really captured my imagination as a youngster (lots of stuff I was watching in re-runs).

There was one from the 80's that I really liked called The Mysterious Cities of Gold.

Doesn't count as it wasn't a show, but Akira is a high point of 80's anime, and in other films, my fave is "When the Wind Blows," and "Plague Dogs" is very good....

Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: December 07 2008 at 06:58
Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

Originally posted by progaeopteryx progaeopteryx wrote:

For me, it was and always will be Star Blazers, 1979-1984
See: -

"Desslok, Desslok, Desslok...!!!" and the Comet Empire. So much more creative than the American stuff at the time.

Oh yeah... and -

Loved that one myself, but I'd count it as a 70's show, since it's just a dubbed and partially re-edited (and renamed) version of Space Battleship Yamamoto ('74-'80).  I seem to remember it going by a Yamamoto name, like Space Cruiser Yamamoto, when it was on in Canada.

I don't remember many good cartoons on TV coming out in the 80s.  My favourite animated show as a child was Planet of the Apes, but as a kid I wasn't generally that big on animated shows (though some I really liked).  It was shows like Doctor Who, Land of the Lost, The Twilight Zone, The Outer Limits, The Prisoner, UFO, Star Trek, The Tomorrow People etc. that really captured my imagination as a youngster (lots of stuff I was watching in re-runs).

There was one from the 80's that I really liked called The Mysterious Cities of Gold.

Doesn't count as it wasn't a show, but Akira is a high point of 80's anime, and in other films, my fave is "When the Wind Blows," and "Plague Dogs" is very good....

How about the animated Star Trek from the '70's?  Haven't seen that in ages.  Some good writing, but the animation for the scenes in which they were running always cracked me up. LOL

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

Posted By: jammun
Date Posted: December 08 2008 at 19:19
Here's a vote for Silverhawks.  My son watched that show every morning before I carted him off to daycare.
The might, the menace, of MONSTAR!
There was also one which I don't see in the list called Sabre Rider and the Star Sheriff, or something like that.  It aired right after Silverhawks and hence was another favorite.
There's still a box of mutilated Silverhawks toys (missing arms, legs, etc.) down in the basement.

Posted By: Epignosis
Date Posted: December 09 2008 at 10:06
Originally posted by jammun jammun wrote:

Here's a vote for Silverhawks.  My son watched that show every morning before I carted him off to daycare.
The might, the menace, of MONSTAR!
There was also one which I don't see in the list called Sabre Rider and the Star Sheriff, or something like that.  It aired right after Silverhawks and hence was another favorite.
There's still a box of mutilated Silverhawks toys (missing arms, legs, etc.) down in the basement.

MonStar was the craziest villain- he even rode in a space octopus-like creature.  I loved the whole mob too- Molecular, Mumbo-Jumbo, Windhammer, Buzz-Saw, Poker-Face, Hardware.  Good times.

Melodia was kind of annoying though...


And here's someone with WAY too much time on his hands: -

-------------" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: Toaster Mantis
Date Posted: December 09 2008 at 13:36
For me it's a tie between Transformers and TMNT.

"The past is not some static being, it is not a previous present, nor a present that has passed away; the past has its own dynamic being which is constantly renewed and renewing." - Claire Colebrook

Posted By: The T
Date Posted: December 09 2008 at 16:07

Oh, the best cartoon from the 80's (i think) comes from JAPAN and is about a giant robot... is called MAZINGER Z....

Off these list, He-Man, followed by The Smurfs and Gi-Joe


Posted By: crimson87
Date Posted: December 09 2008 at 19:12
You missed loads of japanese stuff that are way better than american animation.

Posted By: Epignosis
Date Posted: December 09 2008 at 19:17
Originally posted by crimson87 crimson87 wrote:

You missed loads of japanese stuff that are way better than american animation.

First, 25 option cap.

Second, Japanese cartoons....Dead

-------------" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: DatM
Date Posted: December 09 2008 at 19:24
Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

Oh, the best cartoon from the 80's (i think) comes from JAPAN and is about a giant robot... is called MAZINGER Z....

Actually that was from the 70's.  But they aired it in the US in the 80's as Tranzor Z.  But yeah, the Japanese were always ahead with the animation. I grew up on all those mecha anime.

Death and the Maiden - A Metal Tribute To String Quartets - Website - Myspace

Posted By: crimson87
Date Posted: December 09 2008 at 19:38
Originally posted by Epignosis Epignosis wrote:

Originally posted by crimson87 crimson87 wrote:

You missed loads of japanese stuff that are way better than american animation.

First, 25 option cap.

Second, Japanese cartoons....Dead
It depends on what you saw or are seeing , sure there are loads of cr*p out there but in general terms. I think that they are better at storytelling , and much more diverse than the dated superheroes cartoons from Marvel and DC.

Posted By: June
Date Posted: December 11 2008 at 19:27
The Fraggle Rocks!!!
Or the Smurfs too.
And one of my fave was some sort of manga version of The Three Musketteers in which Aramis was actually a girl (made me waste about 3 years thinking I could also be a musketeer when I'd grow up, why the heck my parents didn't tell me they weren't any musketeers anymore is a mystery)

Posted By: jammun
Date Posted: December 11 2008 at 19:48
Originally posted by Epignosis Epignosis wrote:

Originally posted by jammun jammun wrote:

Here's a vote for Silverhawks.  My son watched that show every morning before I carted him off to daycare.
The might, the menace, of MONSTAR!
There was also one which I don't see in the list called Sabre Rider and the Star Sheriff, or something like that.  It aired right after Silverhawks and hence was another favorite.
There's still a box of mutilated Silverhawks toys (missing arms, legs, etc.) down in the basement.

MonStar was the craziest villain- he even rode in a space octopus-like creature.  I loved the whole mob too- Molecular, Mumbo-Jumbo, Windhammer, Buzz-Saw, Poker-Face, Hardware.  Good times.

Melodia was kind of annoying though...


And here's someone with WAY too much time on his hands: -
Yo those are the very ones!  Our MonStar toy had a little flip up head, where he looked benign at one moment and then push the button on his back and,...the might, the menace....
Don't know if that particular little toy survived...I need to go on a Silverhawk hunt through the kids' stuff (said kids are now 23-24 years old...)

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