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Gojira - The Way of All Flesh

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Topic: Gojira - The Way of All Flesh
Posted By: GoldenSpiral
Subject: Gojira - The Way of All Flesh
Date Posted: October 15 2008 at 13:14
Just picked this up on my lunch break and giving it a first listen now....
Has anyone else listened to it?  Thoughts?
So far I like it, but it feels like half a step back from the awesomeness that was From Mars to Sirius.

-------------" rel="nofollow -

"Oceans Down You'll Lie"
coming soon

Posted By: el böthy
Date Posted: October 15 2008 at 20:54
I only have From Sirious to Mars, which is quite good! I think I will check this one out very soon

"You want me to play what, Robert?"

Posted By: Plankowner
Date Posted: October 16 2008 at 00:32
I agree, it's a good heavy album... but nowhere near "From Mars to Sirius"

Posted By: Jake Kobrin
Date Posted: October 16 2008 at 01:42 - First?

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Posted By: GoldenSpiral
Date Posted: October 16 2008 at 09:03
After a full listen, my initial opinion is that it's not as good overall as FMtS, but "The Art of Dying" might be the best song they've ever done.

-------------" rel="nofollow -

"Oceans Down You'll Lie"
coming soon

Posted By: Jake Kobrin
Date Posted: October 16 2008 at 20:01
Well maybe not but it's definitely the best song on the album.

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Jacob Kobrin Illustration

Posted By: Nightfly
Date Posted: October 17 2008 at 12:38
I'd certainly be interested to hear this one; I thought From Mars to Sirius was excellent but I've never even heard the first 2.

Posted By: Jake Kobrin
Date Posted: October 17 2008 at 19:36
The Link is great too.

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Jacob Kobrin Illustration

Posted By: heyitsthatguy
Date Posted: October 20 2008 at 02:08
this album is a lot better than I thought
probably best metal album of the year for me


Posted By: Silver Sable
Date Posted: October 21 2008 at 09:42
I didn't quite digest it at first, but I've left it in the CD player in the car for a while now and I'm coming to love it every bit as much as FMtS.  There are moments from each track that I love, but particularly the last four songs are all incredible.  Definitely in the top 10 metal albums for the year for me.

Posted By: zappaholic
Date Posted: October 21 2008 at 20:28
The Link is the only one of theirs that I have.

"Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard." -- H.L. Mencken

Posted By: ProgBagel
Date Posted: October 22 2008 at 00:13
I just listened to it. My first opinion of it is weak as well. I'll have to listen to it a few more times though. I love the previous two albums though.

Posted By: heyitsthatguy
Date Posted: October 22 2008 at 01:18
the riffs in Toxic Garbage Island and the beginning of The Art of Dying are so good


Posted By: Nightfly
Date Posted: October 24 2008 at 16:24
I decided to order it, should be here in a day or 2 so I'll look forward to hearing it.

Posted By: -Radioswim-
Date Posted: March 29 2009 at 17:31
I've listened to it a grand total of 2 times through.
Fantastic! However, the "hidden" song on the end, has anyone grown tired of these? So anyways, don't expect the "epic" 17 minute The Way of All flesh ending track to be anything grand. It's mostly a bunch of Silence, and spacial noise at the end. The silence was an utter disappointment, as the song was going so well.
Other then that, the music is just excellent.

Posted By: hawkcwg
Date Posted: March 30 2009 at 09:21
Originally posted by GoldenSpiral GoldenSpiral wrote:

Just picked this up on my lunch break and giving it a first listen now....
Has anyone else listened to it?  Thoughts?
So far I like it, but it feels like half a step back from the awesomeness that was From Mars to Sirius.

I loved it, Heres my review for it-

Another insane, seeming flawless album. Heavy, Brutal, technical, complex, melodic, gritty, rifts what more could you need, chops, and insane skill, really great album for drummers, Mario Duplantier is one of my new favorite metal drummers. He makes such original syncopated drum grooves and tom fills, it feels so natural, he is also amazing because he doesn't do the repetitive blast beats on every song and really spices up the music.Again the whole album is 5 starred in my itunes. Which really is a rarity for me because most albums have that one song that you don't like. CHECK IT OUT!!!! If your big metal head.


Posted By: hawkcwg
Date Posted: March 30 2009 at 09:24
../album.asp?id=12044 - From Mars to Sirius was my Favorite though. Especially Flying Whales.


Posted By: Queen By-Tor
Date Posted: March 30 2009 at 09:58
Originally posted by GoldenSpiral GoldenSpiral wrote:

After a full listen, my initial opinion is that it's not as good overall as FMtS, but "The Art of Dying" might be the best song they've ever done.


I'm no tech/extreme expert, but I love that album to death and gave it a 5 star review. Way better than FMTS in my opinion!

Posted By: hawkcwg
Date Posted: March 30 2009 at 10:02
ALSO I'M GOING TO SEE THEM IN TWO DAYS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Posted By: angelmk
Date Posted: March 30 2009 at 12:45
^^ lucky you . i'am jealous.. anyway , the way of all flesh is ok, but my fav Gojira is from mars to sirius that is superb album imo , 

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