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Musical Training

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Topic: Musical Training
Posted By: Moribund
Subject: Musical Training
Date Posted: April 14 2005 at 05:10
I'd be very interested to know which members regularly contributing to this site consider they have formal musical training. Could you elaborate? And how do you see prog rock as a musical genre compared with the music generally studied at Universities? Be interesting to have one or two threads regarding analysis of prog from this musico-intellecual level. Perhaps if it emerges there are a sizeable number out there this will stimulate some new threads. (Karlheinz & Harrison we know you're out there...)

New Progressive Rock Live show now touring UK theatres!

Posted By: Certif1ed
Date Posted: April 14 2005 at 05:45

I have a degree in music, a teaching diploma each for piano, voice and theory of music, and think that prog rock, psychedelia and the blues should be a (small) part of the 20th Century music curriculum.

I have to say small, because there is so much great music that has been composed in the 20th Century that you couldn't cover it all, and Prog Rock is generally not as complex or study-worthy as the genius of the likes of Richard Strauss, Stravinsky, Stockhausen, Cage, Schoenberg, Messaien, Varese, Berio, Boulez, Rakhmaninov, Penderecki - or the more way-out jazz, such as Miles Davis' "Bitches Brew", etc. - although the influences of many of those composers are apparent in prog.


Posted By: James Lee
Date Posted: April 14 2005 at 06:02

I've had formal music training to the college level...I studied in a well-regarded university of music recording program until I discovered sex, drugs, and rock and roll- and almost got thrown out of school completely .

Since then it's been continuing, and mostly independent....but I have a healthy knowledge of theory, history, and the physics behind it. Nothing to compare to a dedicated academic, but I'm comfortable with arcane concepts like "microtones", "aeolian mode", and "musique concrete".


Posted By: Hiwatter
Date Posted: April 14 2005 at 06:52

I studied piano playing for about 8 years. After it i became a rocker and after it progrocker . Im playing guitar and bass now. Keyboards sometimes too.

Posted By: maani
Date Posted: April 14 2005 at 12:08


I am closing (and moving) this thread because it is a duplicate of an ongoing discussion at: - mp;PN=1


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