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it's a tough act to follow (poll)

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Topic: it's a tough act to follow (poll)
Posted By: Yorkie X
Subject: it's a tough act to follow (poll)
Date Posted: August 18 2008 at 20:13
Some very clear favorites here its probably between only a couple on the list the rest are there for filler (hey I make this stuff up as I go along you know)  Tongue  I left many artists off this list I need to see how this list is received first since for me anyway its a different type of poll

anyway I haven't voted yet ... better get to it  Wink 

Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: August 18 2008 at 20:26
Not that I like DT, but Sherinean is no match for Ruddess.


Posted By: ProgBagel
Date Posted: August 18 2008 at 20:53
Agree with Ivan.

Posted By: Endless Wire
Date Posted: August 18 2008 at 21:09
How was Gabriel to Collins winning?!  (Or Howe to Rabin in second?!?!)


Posted By: crimhead
Date Posted: August 18 2008 at 21:39
Originally posted by Endless Wire Endless Wire wrote:

How was Gabriel to Collins winning?!  (Or Howe to Rabin in second?!?!)
I can see where some people feel that Collins took Genesis somewhere that they didnt need to go to. As to Howe/Rabin that one is no longer second.

Posted By: Yorkie X
Date Posted: August 18 2008 at 21:41
I'm a bit surprised myself by what seems to be happening Confused

Posted By: The T
Date Posted: August 18 2008 at 22:14
Originally posted by Yorkie X Yorkie X wrote:

I'm a bit surprised myself by what seems to be happening Confused
ConfusedConfused Me too. Actually, Phil Collins even beats DT for most bashing here in PA... this is new......
Now my opinion: I think actually the smoothest change was.... Collins after Gabriel LOLLOL Yes, really. After THE LAMB, I think Genesis was in a point were Gabriel was starting to need a solo career too-much, he needed the chance to express himself freely. With prog, he did as much as he could with THE LAMB, with its obsucre and intricate concept and the long story. It's HIS album more than nobody else's in my view. So, a change could've been welcomed. And Collins' arrival at the microphone and Gabriel's departure brought back a "less obscure" or "more accessible" version of Genesis with A TRICK and then with WIND.... And as I actually love AND THEN..., I never thought Collins as singer was a negative for Genesis. (Actually, I think that in regards to liking ALL the band's albums, I'm really a bigger Genesis fanboy than illustrious members with loger Genesis-loving careers...LOLLOL)
Second, of course, Rudess. I loved Sherinian in FALLING INTO I. and in the sublime A CHANGE OF SEASONS, but Rudess just.. can't be touched for progressive metal keyboardism.   


Posted By: puma
Date Posted: August 18 2008 at 23:59
How about Patrick Moraz replacing Rick Wakeman? One of my favorite albums of all time right there.

Posted By: Moatilliatta
Date Posted: August 19 2008 at 01:47

I voted for Rudess, but I love Hogarth too.


Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: August 19 2008 at 01:52
Originally posted by puma puma wrote:

How about Patrick Moraz replacing Rick Wakeman? One of my favorite albums of all time right there.
Or Moraz replacing Emerson in Refugee
Or Moraz replacing Pinder in Long Distance Voyager (Moody Blues)
For God's sake, Patrick replaced three monsters, did it at least as well as them  and still is always forgotten....What a shame.


Posted By: moreitsythanyou
Date Posted: August 19 2008 at 02:19
Falling in to Infinity to Scenes from a Memory?

Sherinian to Rudess, no question.

<font color=white>butts, lol[/COLOR]

Posted By: Petrovsk Mizinski
Date Posted: August 19 2008 at 02:20
Originally posted by moreitsythanyou moreitsythanyou wrote:

Falling in to Infinity to Scenes from a Memory?

Sherinian to Rudess, no question.


Posted By: Roj
Date Posted: August 19 2008 at 04:19
This is a very interesting poll, Yorkie. Nice idea Thumbs%20Up.
I'm a bit surprised by the response on Gabriel/Collins. Perhaps more people than we thought like the 80's stuff. Either that, or Trick and Wuthering are everybody's faves.
My vote goes to DT. Prefer Rudess anyway, so that's easy for me.

Posted By: kenmartree
Date Posted: August 19 2008 at 05:14
Since the songs were already written for Season's End and Fish's drinking was having effects on the band, I'll go with Fish to Hogarth. None of the other's were smooth to me.

Posted By: el böthy
Date Posted: August 19 2008 at 12:08
I don´t know about the smoothest, but the most succesful was definitly Gabriel to Collins

"You want me to play what, Robert?"

Posted By: Yorkie X
Date Posted: August 19 2008 at 21:23
I wonder why when Gabriel has the much more believable style and less a obvious flim flam man than Collins lets face it when Collins touches a Gabriel song he sounds like the B grade actor he really is !  and also Gabriel is the far more uniquee and overall better voice not to mention about a hundred times more creative and artistic and theatrical with his lyrics and far more profound yet Collins is the best and smoothest change in this poll result so far ?  it must come down to this >> $$$$    you have been conned by this short little man yet again I feel people hes nothing but a annoying little 2 octave "Pop" voice & a  b grade actor and is best behind the Kit shutting his mouth and hiding behind the cymbals...  I'd sooner listen to a Aretha Franklin CD than listen to Mr Collins.   Gabriel was genius all the way collins was just a sales man. 

Yorkie posts his angst then runs fast trying to dodge rotten tomatoes that will surely come his way.  

Posted By: MovingPictures07
Date Posted: August 19 2008 at 21:43
Rudess is the best keyboardist that Dream Theater have had.


Posted By: Queen By-Tor
Date Posted: August 19 2008 at 22:38
I was going to vote Rudess, but though Sherinian has gone on to do some great things his time in DT wasn't their best so I don't think his was a touch act to follow up on. I think Phil taking over Genesis went very well (for about 2 albums anyways) - almost seamless (although Genesis fans will kill me for that statement )

Posted By: Padraic
Date Posted: August 19 2008 at 22:42
Too bad Sherinian is catching such flak - love him in Planet X

Posted By: Queen By-Tor
Date Posted: August 19 2008 at 22:44
^^^ Nothing against him personally! I just meant that he was in DT at an unfortunate time

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: August 19 2008 at 22:52
Originally posted by Yorkie X Yorkie X wrote:

I wonder why when Gabriel has the much more believable style and less a obvious flim flam man than Collins lets face it when Collins touches a Gabriel song he sounds like the B grade actor he really is !  and also Gabriel is the far more uniquee and overall better voice not to mention about a hundred times more creative and artistic and theatrical with his lyrics and far more profound yet Collins is the best and smoothest change in this poll result so far ?  it must come down to this >> $$$$    you have been conned by this short little man yet again I feel people hes nothing but a annoying little 2 octave "Pop" voice & a  b grade actor and is best behind the Kit shutting his mouth and hiding behind the cymbals...  I'd sooner listen to a Aretha Franklin CD than listen to Mr Collins.   Gabriel was genius all the way collins was just a sales man. 

LOL  this is true.. but the question is smoothest transition, not preferred

Posted By: Yorkie X
Date Posted: August 20 2008 at 03:18
  I really should read my own poll questions before I answer them next time  Ouch

Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: August 20 2008 at 05:34
Gabriel>>>>>Collins in Genesis..

The transition was very smooth and positive. Genesis were still improving as a band, they didn't need to recruit someone new to replace Pete. Phil often sounded a little like PG anyway, and the spirit of the band was retained in much of their music. Their musicanship improved, they worked with a better producer, and were still on an ascent up until 1978.


Posted By: darkshade
Date Posted: August 21 2008 at 02:06
well at least Sherinian is doing what he said he's do after getting the boot from DT. "make the most sickest band ever" 

-------------" rel="nofollow - My

Posted By: BroSpence
Date Posted: August 21 2008 at 02:20
Rudess taking over was really smooth. I didn't even know the other guy was replaced until a while after I listened to DT. I guess I wasn't as big a fan as I thought when I was a fan of them.

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