Hawkwind vs Kansas
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Topic: Hawkwind vs Kansas
Posted By: Yorkie X
Subject: Hawkwind vs Kansas
Date Posted: July 29 2008 at 20:56
Idea inspired by me reading that Kansas supported Hawkwind in concert early in their career.
I know who I'm voting for here without hesitation (probably my all time my favorite band ) , I think maybe this could a close poll , both bands are not absolutely huge on this site but they do both have a strong loyal following of fans 
Part of an interview with Dave Brock (Hawkwind) I dug up on the net
DB: We done a
tour, we used to tour with Rush in the States, well Rush were our
support band. I mean, many years ago a lot of bands, when we were
touring the States – Kansas are another band that supported us in the
States, and we really used to get on very well with them. So
everything goes full circle, you know, you rise and you fall. But if
you keep going, eventually you rise up again. I mean, you go down and
you go up, like Motorhead, right – they’ve really worked at it, and
look where it is now, so there you go. So anybody who’s in a rock
band, you’ve just got to keep going… 
Posted By: E-Dub
Date Posted: July 29 2008 at 20:57
The boys from Topeka. No question.
Posted By: tszirmay
Date Posted: July 29 2008 at 21:10
Seeing Hawkwing live once was enough for me ! A "numbing" space voyage to say the least. The dual drumming of Simon King and Alan Powell was enough to put you in a trance for evermore.
------------- I never post anything anywhere without doing more than basic research, often in depth.
Posted By: Padraic
Date Posted: July 29 2008 at 21:15
E-Dub wrote:
The boys from Topeka. No question.
Yeah, I won't vote because I only have a single Hawkwind album, but Kansas is pretty damn awesome. Not sure hearing more Hawkwind would change my mind about preferring Kansas.
Posted By: crimhead
Date Posted: July 29 2008 at 21:36
I would normally vote for Kansas but I got Stacia on the mind.
Posted By: febus
Date Posted: July 29 2008 at 21:42
Tough choice but my vote will go for Hawkwind! why???
because when they are good, they are brillant and can bring you in some ''spheres'' not too many bands are able to..
second reason is Hawkwind is still producing quality music nowadays...they had a few stinkers but still came with great, great CDs in the 80s, 90 s and still now. The return of Davey in the fold with Brock and Bainbridge still guarantees fantastic music ''Take me to the Ladder'', ''Electric teppee'', ''Vortex'' ''Palace Sun'' and others still match the goodies from the 70s.
Kansas on the other hand produced great music as well, but for only a short time---74 to 78-- after that was freefall...
So analyzing their respective carreer, this is 4-5 Kansas great years versus 30 Hawkwind good to great years .
Kansas is now more or less a tribute band of its glorious past...nothing wrong with that.....but Hawkwind is still creating new stuff year after year,.....almost 40 years after their beginning.
So sorry, Yorkie and E-Dub......my vote to the Hawks!. don't beat me up
Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: July 29 2008 at 21:48
I definitely prefer Hawkwind *seeks shelter from Kansas' whirlwind coming to take me away*
Posted By: horsewithteeth11
Date Posted: July 29 2008 at 21:58
E-Dub wrote:
The boys from Topeka. No question.
Can't say it any better myself
Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: July 29 2008 at 22:46
Now, this is a weird poll.
- Hawkwind are the kings of late Psyche and early Space music, the princes of jamming, I just can imagine them in a Pub covered by pot and cigarrette smoke with a naked lady (Stacia) dancing in front of them, a product for an elite.
- Kansas in the ther hand are one of the Prog bands with a more concrete style, they sound clearly as what they are Symphonic + Hard Rock + Country music, no jamming, just srong melodies, a product for everybody.
If I had thought in two bands that have nothing in commion, probably would had chosen this two.
BTW: My vote goes for Kansas, because I like their music, but still don't find any logic.
Posted By: Garion81
Date Posted: July 29 2008 at 23:04
Kansas hands down for me BUT I have to agree with Ivan these are too very different styles. Hard to compare. I am only choosing my favorite.
The first time I saw Kansas they opened for the Kinks. Talk about a contrast in styles!
"What are you going to do when that damn thing rusts?"
Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: July 29 2008 at 23:15
Well, the logic, or reason behind the poll is:
Yorkie X wrote:
Idea inspired by me reading that Kansas supported Hawkwind in concert early in their career. |
I find that interesting because they are so different. I wonder what Kansas thought of Stacia? I don't expect in the 80's when Kerry Livgren became a born-again Christian, he would have liked to play with Stacia (I mean open for Stacia, or have Stacia open for him) with Hawkwind. But this would have been early days, of course. Hippies and country-boys together; very progressive.
Posted By: Mellotron Storm
Date Posted: July 29 2008 at 23:42
Hawkwind for me as well. Just prefer that psychedelic style of music better,and Hawkwind did it very well. Besides i always vote the same way tszirmay does.
------------- "The wind is slowly tearing her apart"
Posted By: Hercules
Date Posted: July 30 2008 at 03:22
I saw Hawkwind live in the early 70s and it left me mentally scarred for life. They were bloody awful, to put it mildly. And Stacia did nothing for me, not surprisingly.
So Kansas get my vote!
------------- A TVR is not a car. It's a way of life.
Posted By: iguana
Date Posted: July 30 2008 at 03:34
apples vs. oranges once more ...
------------- progressive rock and rural tranquility don't match. true or false?
Posted By: ghost_of_morphy
Date Posted: July 30 2008 at 03:48
This is definitely apples vs. oranges.
That said, my vote goes to Hawkwind. I find most Hawkwind difficult to get into (the exceptions would Hall of the Mountain Grill and Sonic Attack) but ultimately rewarding. I find most Kansas to be utterly without merit (the exceptions would be Point of Know Return and about half of Leftoverture.)
Posted By: Roj
Date Posted: July 30 2008 at 03:56
As many have said, it's really tough to compare these 2 as they are so different. My personal preference is Hawkwind, and that is no offence to Kansas.
This really would have been an interesting gig with these 2 back in the 70s. As Ivan said, about as far apart as possible in the prog spectrum. Having said that, I once saw The Cardiacs support Marillion, 2 bands that are also very different. I really liked The Cardiacs, the shame the rest of the audience ( Manchester Apollo) did not!
Posted By: Certif1ed
Date Posted: July 30 2008 at 04:05
If I was judging on music alone, it'd be a tough call.
So I'll just judge based on the fact that I've seen Hawkwind loads of times, and they've always been mesmerising - especially at the Stonehenge free festivals back in the 1980s. Man. That was something else.
------------- The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: July 30 2008 at 05:36
I voted for Hawkwind, as I know more of their stuff and it's generally given me more pleasure than the Kansas I have heard.
That said, this is a case of chalk and cheese. The two bands cant really be compared fairly. Kansas are clearly better musicans, and less prone to half filling their albums up with farting osscilators, white noise and bits of old live bootlegs that are basically unlistenable..
I still prefer Hawkwind, though. There's no accounting for taste.. I got alot of pleasure exploring HW albums as a teenager. The pleasure of not knowing if you were going to get a masterpiece of psychedelic proto punk prog, or just a steaming pile of crap!
Posted By: Epignosis
Date Posted: July 30 2008 at 06:59
Give me strong composition any day. Kansas it is.
Posted By: MovingPictures07
Date Posted: July 30 2008 at 07:56
Posted By: micky
Date Posted: July 30 2008 at 08:04
Lemmy ... greater than all Kansas put together hahhah
Space Ritual... greater than all Kansas albums put together
has anyone from Kansas inspired these words of wisdom....
(ultracool proghead)Who'd win in a wrestling match, Lemmy or God?
(member of the PA's dope smokers genre team) Lemmy?
[imitates a game show buzzer]
(geek wearing a Rush shirt ) God?
Wrong, dickhead, trick question. Lemmy *IS* God.
------------- The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip
Posted By: fusionfreak
Date Posted: July 30 2008 at 08:06
Hawkwind is one of my favourite bands(it's certainly due to Gorgeous Miss Stacia videos!).Actually I
enjoy their hippie style,heavy space rock sound and lyrics.Moreover I always feel away in deep space
or time corridors.But let's give credit to Song for America or Proto Kaw's first recordings(awesome)
and I think that Two for the show new rendition will be one of my next buys.
------------- I was born in the land of Mahavishnu,not so far from Kobaia.I'm looking for the world
of searchers with the help from
crimson king
Posted By: Petrovsk Mizinski
Date Posted: July 30 2008 at 08:10
Posted By: Zargus
Date Posted: July 30 2008 at 12:18
Hawkwind, but Kansas seems pretty nice to but i havent heard so much from em... still i have to agree with Micky, Hawkwind hade Lemmy (if only for a few years), thats pretty hard to beat! (im a big Motörhead fan, but who aint?)
Posted By: Toaster Mantis
Date Posted: July 30 2008 at 14:07
micky wrote:
Lemmy ... greater than all Kansas put together hahhah
Space Ritual... greater than all Kansas albums put together
has anyone from Kansas inspired these words of wisdom....
(ultracool proghead)Who'd win in a wrestling match, Lemmy or God?
(member of the PA's dope smokers genre team) Lemmy?
[imitates a game show buzzer]
(geek wearing a Rush shirt ) God?
Wrong, dickhead, trick question. Lemmy *IS* God.
This man speaks the truth. 
Posted By: A B Negative
Date Posted: July 30 2008 at 16:12
Hawkwind. they've been my favourite band for nearly 30 years.
------------- "The disgusting stink of a too-loud electric guitar.... Now, that's my idea of a good time."
Posted By: tszirmay
Date Posted: July 30 2008 at 17:04
Hey Micky , d'ya know I was lucky to witness the very last Hawkwind gig with Lemmy , twas in Montreal Cegep Maisonneuve (73?-74?) Cant remember exactly but I have read that he was busted the next day and fired by Brock (bad move for Hawkfans but what a new start for Kilminster!) . As I mentioned already, I was unable to listen to anything for 2 days , so deep was the hypnosis. Er r..........and loud.....
------------- I never post anything anywhere without doing more than basic research, often in depth.
Posted By: darksideof
Date Posted: July 30 2008 at 17:28
febus wrote:
Tough choice but my vote will go for Hawkwind! why???
because when they are good, they are brillant and can bring you in some ''spheres'' not too many bands are able to..
second reason is Hawkwind is still producing quality music nowadays...they had a few stinkers but still came with great, great CDs in the 80s, 90 s and still now. The return of Davey in the fold with Brock and Bainbridge still guarantees fantastic music ''Take me to the Ladder'', ''Electric teppee'', ''Vortex'' ''Palace Sun'' and others still match the goodies from the 70s.
Kansas on the other hand produced great music as well, but for only a short time---74 to 78-- after that was freefall...
So analyzing their respective carreer, this is 4-5 Kansas great years versus 30 Hawkwind good to great years .
Kansas is now more or less a tribute band of its glorious past...nothing wrong with that.....but Hawkwind is still creating new stuff year after year,.....almost 40 years after their beginning.
So sorry, Yorkie and E-Dub......my vote to the Hawks!. don't beat me up |
True what you said!! but those 4 or 5 kansas albums are better that te 30 plus Hawkwind has...
------------- http://darksideofcollages.blogspot.com/
Posted By: jimmy_row
Date Posted: July 30 2008 at 17:32
I'm all out of weed so I have no way of enjoying Hawkwind. I'll take the musicianship and good songs...
It's not really fair anyway, Kansas being one of my very favorite bands.
------------- Signature Writers Guild on strike
Posted By: Hawkwise
Date Posted: July 30 2008 at 17:32
Hawkwind !!!!!!!! been my fav band since 1974 , Kansas not in the same league , but don't see how how you can compare really there not at all a like , just google Hawkwind Discography such a good and massive body of work over the years , also such a good live act over the years , The Top Festival Band of all Time for Shore .
Posted By: SouthSideoftheSky
Date Posted: July 30 2008 at 18:28
I use Hawkwind's first three albums (whom I rate with one star each) as a low water mark for prog. I have heard a lot of prog from the 70's and these albums are the worst I have ever heard. It cannot get any worse than that!! Badly produced, lack of good musicianship, no melodies, very repetitive songs, a lot of unbearable noise. The drums are the worst. I do like Levitation though with Ginger Baker on drums, but I have no respect for early Hawkwind.
Kansas is a much better band in all respects.
Very strange comparison though.
Posted By: Hawkwise
Date Posted: July 30 2008 at 18:49
Hmmmmmm i love Hawkwind first album in fact i think the first two are my Fav Hawkwind albums
but yes Very strange comparison to do but Kansas a better band than Hawkwind best Joke i ever heard in my Life thats soooooooooooo funny !!!!
Posted By: Yorkie X
Date Posted: July 31 2008 at 05:36
Hawkwise wrote:
Hmmmmmm i love Hawkwind first album in fact i think the first two are my Fav Hawkwind albums
but yes Very strange comparison to do but Kansas a better band than Hawkwind best Joke i ever heard in my Life thats soooooooooooo funny !!!!
| Hawkwind may not be great musicians to the same level that obviously Kansas are, Hawkwind are entertaining in a completely different way to Kansas, with some nocturnal activity I'd probably enjoy Hawkwind more (though I would still realise their musicality is far less) but straight (no weed needed) Kansas provides a much more rewarding prog experience. That makes Kansas better I think. 
Posted By: Cesar Inca
Date Posted: July 31 2008 at 10:20
febus wrote:
Tough choice but my vote will go for Hawkwind! why???
because when they are good, they are brillant and can bring you in some ''spheres'' not too many bands are able to..
second reason is Hawkwind is still producing quality music nowadays...they had a few stinkers but still came with great, great CDs in the 80s, 90 s and still now. The return of Davey in the fold with Brock and Bainbridge still guarantees fantastic music ''Take me to the Ladder'', ''Electric teppee'', ''Vortex'' ''Palace Sun'' and others still match the goodies from the 70s.
Kansas on the other hand produced great music as well, but for only a short time---74 to 78-- after that was freefall...
So analyzing their respective carreer, this is 4-5 Kansas great years versus 30 Hawkwind good to great years .
Kansas is now more or less a tribute band of its glorious past...nothing wrong with that.....but Hawkwind is still creating new stuff year after year,.....almost 40 years after their beginning.
So sorry, Yorkie and E-Dub......my vote to the Hawks!. don't beat me up |
I won't beat you up, but HAWKWIND has been a tribute band of itself for much longer than KANSAS.
Kind regards.
Posted By: Cesar Inca
Date Posted: July 31 2008 at 10:25
E-Dub wrote:
The boys from Topeka. No question.
The same here. Both bands' discographies have got ups and downs, and HAWKWIND has been more prolific in quantitative terms, but definitely KANSAS shows more technical proficiency, more musical imagination, a wider array of nuances and feelings, and when they rock, they do it more solidly. The remastered double CD "Two for the Show" allows me to rest my case easily.
Kind regards.
Posted By: Hawkwise
Date Posted: July 31 2008 at 10:44
I won't beat you up, but HAWKWIND has been aof itself for much longer than KANSAS.
Kind regards. [/QUOTE]
Now you really are talking out your backside it shows you know nothing of Hawkwind and how Dave Brock has kept Hawkwind flying all these years , Nick Turner's Space Ritual you could say that about but Hawkwind NO , Brock has always tried to keep the Hawks Moving forward with new music ideas , thats why he has always bought in new members into the band , Hawkwind are not just a Prog or Space rock band they have moved into many different genres of music from Punk'ish years of Calvert through the Dance and Ambient years of the 90s , there last couple albums even had a bit of Drum N Bass mixed in with the usual Space Rock, they have also kept to there ideals playing free gigs and they never have high ticket prises and now also run there own Hawkfest (which was the weekend just gone ) to say they are tribute band of them selfs is just Incorrect but they do also have there own Tribute band called
http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=146743281 - The Technicians Of Spaceship Hawkwind , so stop talking out yer backside and get ya facts right ,
Posted By: Garion81
Date Posted: July 31 2008 at 19:09
micky wrote:
Lemmy ... greater than all Kansas put together hahhah
Space Ritual... greater than all Kansas albums put together
has anyone from Kansas inspired these words of wisdom....
(ultracool proghead)Who'd win in a wrestling match, Lemmy or God?
(member of the PA's dope smokers genre team) Lemmy?
[imitates a game show buzzer]
(geek wearing a Rush shirt ) God?
Wrong, dickhead, trick question. Lemmy *IS* God.
Hmm how do you join I wonder. 
That reminds me of some comedy skit several years ago where they have a game show show called stump the pothead or something like it.
There are three stoners at their consols with buzzers and the Question is (what one question stumps a stoner everytime) "What were we just talking about?"
All three of the stoner contestants don't even move for like thirty seconds. Then one guy hits his buzzer and asks Did I win?"
I'm still sticking with Kanasas 
"What are you going to do when that damn thing rusts?"
Posted By: Garion81
Date Posted: July 31 2008 at 19:10
micky wrote:
Lemmy ... greater than all Kansas put together hahhah
Space Ritual... greater than all Kansas albums put together
has anyone from Kansas inspired these words of wisdom....
(ultracool proghead)Who'd win in a wrestling match, Lemmy or God?
(member of the PA's dope smokers genre team) Lemmy?
[imitates a game show buzzer]
(geek wearing a Rush shirt ) God?
Wrong, dickhead, trick question. Lemmy *IS* God.
Hmm how do you join I wonder. 
That reminds me of some comedy skit several years ago where they have a game show show called stump the pothead or something like it.
There are three stoners at their consols with buzzers and the Question is (what one question stumps a stoner everytime) "What were we just talking about?"
All three of the stoner contestants don't even move for like thirty seconds. Then one guy hits his buzzer and asks Did I win?"
I'm still sticking with Kansas 
"What are you going to do when that damn thing rusts?"
Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: August 01 2008 at 13:37
SouthSideoftheSky wrote:
<P =Msonormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 1.5pt 0pt"><SPAN lang=EN style="FONT-SIZE: 9pt; COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-ansi-: EN">I use Hawkwind's first three albums (whom I rate with one star each) as a low water mark for prog. I have heard a lot of prog from the 70's and these albums are the worst I have ever heard. It cannot get any worse than that!! Badly produced, lack of good musicianship, no melodies, very repetitive songs, a lot of unbearable noise. The drums are the worst. I do like Levitation though with Ginger Baker on drums, but I have no respect for early Hawkwind.<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p></SPAN>
<P =Msonormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 1.5pt 0pt"><SPAN lang=EN style="FONT-SIZE: 9pt; COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-ansi-: EN"><o:p> </o:p></SPAN>
<P =Msonormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 1.5pt 0pt"><?: prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:place w:st="on"><st1:State w:st="on"><SPAN lang=EN style="FONT-SIZE: 9pt; COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-ansi-: EN">Kansas</SPAN></st1:State></st1:place><SPAN lang=EN style="FONT-SIZE: 9pt; COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-ansi-: EN"> is a much better band in all respects.<o:p></o:p></SPAN>
<P =Msonormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 1.5pt 0pt"><SPAN lang=EN style="FONT-SIZE: 9pt; COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-ansi-: EN"><o:p> </o:p></SPAN>
<P =Msonormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 1.5pt 0pt"><SPAN lang=EN style="FONT-SIZE: 9pt; COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-ansi-: EN">Very strange comparison though. <o:p></o:p></SPAN> |
Hawkwind were 'patchy' shall we say, but they need to be judged in the context of the music scene of the time, and what they represented. They were musical terrorists, playing with a punk spirit, years before punk became the phenomenon it did. But they combined this with the psychedelic and fantasy element to forge a sound and style that no one else was doing, to my knowledge.
They have made some classic albums, and they have turned out some dross too. It has to be said. But ove the years some excellent musicans have passed through their ranks; notably Simon House, Ginger Baker, Adrian Shaw and of course Huw Lloyd Langton, who is a very original and I think 'underated' guitarist. Liked his voice too.
Incidentally, I reccomend Huw Lloyd Langtons solo album, 'Night Air' Not especially progressive, just good memorable songs, and some great melodic lead guitar work.
Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: August 01 2008 at 13:39
For anyone who's not yet seen the BBC documentary of Hawkwind, it's here on Youtibe. Sadly Brock didn't take part, having fallen out with Nik Turner, but it's very interesting and entertaining..
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRw_rvrXQiQ - Hawkwind on the beeb
Posted By: Toaster Mantis
Date Posted: August 02 2008 at 03:24
Blacksword wrote:
Hawkwind were 'patchy' shall we say, but they need to be judged in the context of the music scene of the time, and what they represented. They were musical terrorists, playing with a punk spirit, years before punk became the phenomenon it did. But they combined this with the psychedelic and fantasy element to forge a sound and style that no one else was doing, to my knowledge. |
Yeah. I happen to like Hawkwind for the same reason that SouthSideOfTheSky dislikes them; their music is thematically rather complex yet aesthetically anything but formal. How many other bands can write songs about the Three Laws of Robotics without coming across as remotely nerdy? 
Posted By: Yorkie X
Date Posted: August 02 2008 at 03:34
Toaster Mantis wrote:
Blacksword wrote:
Hawkwind were 'patchy' shall we say, but they need to be judged in the context of the music scene of the time, and what they represented. They were musical terrorists, playing with a punk spirit, years before punk became the phenomenon it did. But they combined this with the psychedelic and fantasy element to forge a sound and style that no one else was doing, to my knowledge. |
Yeah. I happen to like Hawkwind for the same reason that SouthSideOfTheSky dislikes them; their music is thematically rather complex yet aesthetically anything but formal. How many other bands can write songs about the Three Laws of Robotics without coming across as remotely nerdy? 
| Rush ? wait I didnt read the nerdy bit ... ummmm hey listen I`m with you thats why I put these bands together both have strong loyal followings and enormous merit in their aplications to the prog movement .. getting back to that Three Laws of Robotics thing without sounding dorky I think you have made an excellent point 
Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: August 02 2008 at 03:38
Toaster Mantis wrote:
Blacksword wrote:
Hawkwind were 'patchy' shall we say, but they need to be judged in the context of the music scene of the time, and what they represented. They were musical terrorists, playing with a punk spirit, years before punk became the phenomenon it did. But they combined this with the psychedelic and fantasy element to forge a sound and style that no one else was doing, to my knowledge. | Yeah. I happen to like Hawkwind for the same reason that SouthSideOfTheSky dislikes them; their music is thematically rather complex yet aesthetically anything but formal. How many other bands can write songs about the Three Laws of Robotics without coming across as remotely nerdy?  |
Absolutely, and the work Calvert done with the band in the mid to late 70's is some of my favorite Hawkwind.
That BBC documentary was on last night on BBC 2. I didn't know that when I posted that Youtube link on the previous page. What a coincidence!
Posted By: Toaster Mantis
Date Posted: August 02 2008 at 16:12
Blacksword wrote:
That BBC documentary was on last night on BBC 2. I didn't know that when I posted that Youtube link on the previous page. What a coincidence! |
I saw it earlier today and was somewhat surprised they chose to interview Nik instead of Dave. 
Posted By: Philip
Date Posted: August 03 2008 at 12:48
Kansas. Ireally didn't like anything I heard from Hawkwind.
Posted By: darksideof
Date Posted: August 03 2008 at 17:34
I know why some of you guys like Hawkwind more Kansas. Because of Hawkind had the naked ladies onstage! that's all.
------------- http://darksideofcollages.blogspot.com/
Posted By: Yorkie X
Date Posted: August 03 2008 at 20:59
darksideof wrote:
I know why some of you guys like Hawkwind more Kansas. Because of Hawkind had the naked ladies onstage! that's all.  | Thats it I'm convinced now I`m going to vote to for Hawkwind on the strength of the naked ladies on stage. wait when Kansas play Magnum Opus their is this section called release the beavers ... I`m switching my vote back to Kansas 
Posted By: tszirmay
Date Posted: August 03 2008 at 21:14
Veering into the absurd here! Stacia is not Hawkwind ! In the 70s it was very "risque" . Today? Yawn.
------------- I never post anything anywhere without doing more than basic research, often in depth.
Posted By: febus
Date Posted: August 03 2008 at 21:15
Posted By: ghost_of_morphy
Date Posted: August 04 2008 at 01:43
Posted By: SouthSideoftheSky
Date Posted: August 04 2008 at 03:52
When I see a live show I want to see talented musicians playing their instruments. A good light/laser show may well enhance that experience but I never understood the idea of having dancers, fire eaters, jugglers, midgets, fireworks, outrageous costumes and make up, giant inflatable dragons, giant inflatable pigs, giant video screens showing art films, live size aero planes flying across the auditorium etc. etc.
If I want to see that type of thing I go to the circus.
To me it feels like the artist is trying to hide behind all the stage props; maybe to disguise something by using such theatrical devises? The fact that the artist in question lacks enough talent to be able to entertain the audience by himself? This is not always the case of course.
As far as I know, Kansas can really put on a show without having to use any such extra-musical stunts.
Posted By: Hawkwise
Date Posted: August 04 2008 at 09:22
Ha HA one the best gigs i ever saw was HAWKWIND playing on a flat bed Truck in Laybye on the side of the Rd with very little equipment ,
Posted By: micky
Date Posted: August 04 2008 at 09:30
SouthSideoftheSky wrote:
When I see a live show I want to see talented musicians playing their instruments. A good light/laser show may well enhance that experience but I never understood the idea of having dancers, fire eaters, jugglers, midgets, fireworks, outrageous costumes and make up, giant inflatable dragons, giant inflatable pigs, giant video screens showing art films, live size aero planes flying across the auditorium etc. etc.
If I want to see that type of thing I go to the circus.
To me it feels like the artist is trying to hide behind all the stage props; maybe to disguise something by using such theatrical devises? The fact that the artist in question lacks enough talent to be able to entertain the audience by himself? This is not always the case of course.
As far as I know, Kansas can really put on a show without having to use any such extra-musical stunts.
see.... the rest of the rational world ..when they go to a concert they want to have a good time.. enjoy an experience.. and enjoy great music. If you want to see great musicians alone .. sit your ass on your hands and go see the Boston Pops.... this may be prog.. but is still ROCK AND ROLL brother hahhaha. Go see Hawkwind once... you'll see what I mean..
------------- The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip
Posted By: Hawkwise
Date Posted: August 04 2008 at 09:50
yep the Hawks always put on a good show no matter where there playing , always found there Free festival appearance to be the best, shame those days are no Longer , I hope to be back home in the old country next summer hope there is a Hawkfest next year missed it this year, Also i wonder if the Hawkwind Name will carry on when MR Brock finally kicks his clogs
Posted By: febus
Date Posted: August 04 2008 at 10:00
Hawkwise wrote:
yep the Hawks always put on a good show no matter where there playing , always found there Free festival appearance to be the best, shame those days are no Longer , I hope to be back home in the old country next summer hope there is a Hawkfest next year missed it this year, Also i wonder if the Hawkwind Name will carry on when MR Brock finally kicks his clogs |
I don't think so, Hawkwise---Brock IS Hawkwind!!! we just have to hope, his health and love of his band keeps him going, let say...10 more years.Would already be nice! 
Posted By: SouthSideoftheSky
Date Posted: August 04 2008 at 10:08
micky wrote:
see.... the rest of the rational world ..when they go to a concert they want to have a good time.. enjoy an experience.. and enjoy great music. If you want to see great musicians alone .. sit your ass on your hands and go see the Boston Pops.... this may be prog.. but is still ROCK AND ROLL brother hahhaha. Go see Hawkwind once... you'll see what I mean..
I have seen Hawkwind live, but only on DVD I can’t afford going to a lot of live concerts, but I buy a lot of music DVDs. And almost all my favourite music DVDs are recorded and filmed at a small indoor arena or club with minimal theatrics. Take Yes’ excellent House Of Yes - Live at the House of Blues DVD or Steve Hackett’s excellent DVDs. Fantastic music, and focus on the musicians. That is what I want to see when I watch a live concert.
I don’t mind visual aids when they make sense. For example, I think that the pre-filmed material telling the story on The Who’s live performance of Quadrophenia works quite well. Also when the same band had Phil Collins and Elton John (among others) to play different characters on stage in their performance of Tommy. But I don’t like theatrical stuff for no good purpose.
For those who have seen Pink Floyd’s PULSE live DVD it was probably obvious that I was referring to that one in my last post (with giant video screens showing art films, inflatable pigs and aero planes flying across the auditorium). These theatrical things added nothing for me. Rather they took away from the musical experience. The poor band members looked so small and insignificant in that huge arena, with those mega large screens. The theatrics had taken control of the performers rather than the other way around. I much rather listen to the PULSE live DVD with the TV turned off. It is great music, but the visuals add nothing for me.
Also, such theatrical things often look cheesy after a time. While (some) music may be timeless, just look back into the 70's and 80’s and you will discover some really cheesy stage props that are far from timeless.
The inflatable dragon reference was to Rick Wakeman’s performance of Journey To the Centre Of the Earth (also on DVD). It probably looked horrible back then, but today it is even worse!!!
I don’t know Boston Pops. Are you referring to the band Boston? 
Posted By: febus
Date Posted: August 04 2008 at 10:20
SouthSideoftheSky wrote:
micky wrote:
see.... the rest of the rational world ..when they go to a concert they want to have a good time.. enjoy an experience.. and enjoy great music. If you want to see great musicians alone .. sit your ass on your hands and go see the Boston Pops.... this may be prog.. but is still ROCK AND ROLL brother hahhaha. Go see Hawkwind once... you'll see what I mean..
I............ .
For those who have seen Pink Floyd’s PULSE live DVD it was probably obvious that I was referring to that one in my last post (with giant video screens showing art films, inflatable pigs and aero planes flying across the auditorium).
The inflatable dragon reference was to Rick Wakeman’s performance of Journey To the Centre Of the Earth (also on DVD). It probably looked horrible back then, but today it is even worse!!!
I don’t know Boston Pops. Are you referring to the band Boston? 
Posted By: Hawkwise
Date Posted: August 04 2008 at 10:59
Posted By: febus
Date Posted: August 05 2008 at 22:54
Good, great news i should say for HAWKWIND fans.....all their albums from 1976 to 1997 will be re-released (that's quite a few CDs) within the next 18months, completely remastered and with bonus tracks.Can't wait for ELECTRIC TEPPEE !!!
So be ready, Hawkwise 
Posted By: Toaster Mantis
Date Posted: August 06 2008 at 09:16
SouthSideoftheSky wrote:
I don’t mind visual aids when they make sense. For example, I think that the pre-filmed material telling the story on The Who’s live performance of Quadrophenia works quite well. Also when the same band had Phil Collins and Elton John (among others) to play different characters on stage in their performance of Tommy. But I don’t like theatrical stuff for no good purpose. |
With Hawkwind, however, the theatrical stuff does have a lot of purpose. The recent deluxe rerelease of Space Ritual has in its booklet a lot of notes about the considerations that went into the visual presentation on stage and all the stuff they went through to make sure it matched the music.
Posted By: Jared
Date Posted: August 06 2008 at 09:34
Kansas for me...between Kansas and Two For The Show, they released a string of consistent, innovative albums, the quality of which Hawkwind only touched on here and there....
------------- Music has always been a matter of energy to me. On some nights I believe that a car with the needle on empty can run 50 more miles if you have the right music very loud on the radio. Hunter S Thompson
Posted By: tszirmay
Date Posted: August 06 2008 at 09:54
Seeing Hawkwind live is an altering experience, so it seems that Kansas is essentially a more proper "studio" oriented favorite while the Hawks are truly FAMOUS for their concert experience. (Space Ritual isn't the only good Live album by the them) . Another aspect that widens the gap even more. Talk about extremes!
------------- I never post anything anywhere without doing more than basic research, often in depth.
Posted By: SouthSideoftheSky
Date Posted: August 06 2008 at 10:21
tszirmay wrote:
Seeing Hawkwind live is an altering experience, so it seems that Kansas is essentially a more proper "studio" oriented favorite while the Hawks are truly FAMOUS for their concert experience. (Space Ritual isn't the only good Live album by the them) . Another aspect that widens the gap even more. Talk about extremes! |
I don't agree that Kansas is essentially a studio band. They are a great live band as well (judging from the live albums and vidoes that I have). Just listen to Two For The Show 
Posted By: Cesar Inca
Date Posted: August 06 2008 at 21:38
That's true, the fact that Kansas makes regularly noticeable refurbishments of their own studio material is a clear indication that their live activity is the most important aspect of their musical proposal. Labelling as a studio band is missing the point.
I've also read reviews that indicate that the "Two for the Show" recordings are quite loyal to the studio versions, which IMHO is totally inaccurate.
Kind regards.
Posted By: Yorkie X
Date Posted: August 07 2008 at 06:15
tszirmay wrote:
Seeing Hawkwind live is an altering experience, so it seems that Kansas is essentially a more proper "studio" oriented favorite while the Hawks are truly FAMOUS for their concert experience. (Space Ritual isn't the only good Live album by the them) . Another aspect that widens the gap even more. Talk about extremes! | Maybe you should check out the new 2008 version of Two For The Show, I think you will hear why ... wait I think somebody already said that ?
Posted By: Alberto Muñoz
Date Posted: August 26 2008 at 17:14
Hwkwind of course!!!!!

Posted By: BroSpence
Date Posted: August 26 2008 at 23:39
Hmmmmm Great band or ok band???