Script For A jesters Tear's worst song ?
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Topic: Script For A jesters Tear's worst song ?
Posted By: Yorkie X
Subject: Script For A jesters Tear's worst song ?
Date Posted: July 23 2008 at 11:37
No No NO not a negative poll because I think this is a great album and a very important one for prog , I was listening to it tonight and one song didn't grab me as much as all the others did .

Posted By: Vompatti
Date Posted: July 23 2008 at 11:42
Garden Party is the only one I don't really care for.
Posted By: stonebeard
Date Posted: July 23 2008 at 11:47
Either The Web or Garden Party.
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Posted By: Roundabot
Date Posted: July 23 2008 at 11:47
When I first listen to the album my favourite song was Garden Party, but now it just sems like the less good song from the album.
But really the album is so great and flawless that I can't point any bad moment or song
Posted By: Luke. J
Date Posted: July 23 2008 at 12:28
Forgotten Sons, maybe the worst of the best of Marillion..
Posted By: RaphaelT
Date Posted: July 23 2008 at 12:43
Garden Party - heck, you can hear that Diz Minnitt wrote it - others are great and in similar vein
------------- yet you still have time!
Posted By: sleeper
Date Posted: July 23 2008 at 14:31
Garden Party, but its the difference between Astounding and meerly great.
Minnitt didnt do any writting did he? I thought it was always Fish.
------------- Spending more than I should on Prog since 2005
Posted By: AlexUC
Date Posted: July 23 2008 at 16:09
Is there any way to select more than one song? Sorry, just kidding.
I really don't like Marillion, not even a little bit, but this album is very important, I must admit it 
I'll choose He knows you know as the worst, don't like the voice of fish here...
------------- This is not my beautiful house...
Posted By: The Quiet One
Date Posted: July 23 2008 at 16:14
mm, I listened to it yesterday at volume MAX. It was a great listen.
Though, Forgotten Sons and Chelsea Monday have some, respectively, messed stuff and lacking greatness stuff.
I must admit Forgotten Sons, was the song that payed my attention with that GREAT riff, but the song itself seems somewhat, directionless.
Posted By: TGM: Orb
Date Posted: July 23 2008 at 16:16
Garden Party and Chelsea Monday have the most slips. Can't stand the faux-Cockney accent banter. Garden Party is a bit less impressive, so picking that.
Posted By: Hercules
Date Posted: July 23 2008 at 18:09
They're all excellent but Garden Party is the very best; the p**s take of posh Cambridge undergrads (and I used to be one!) is SO funny. If you didn't go to Cambridge, it won't resonate with you like it does with me.
------------- A TVR is not a car. It's a way of life.
Posted By: Zargus
Date Posted: July 23 2008 at 19:10
Im listening to the album for the second time and got one question... can fish shut up please hes realy anoying on this album, so far i dont see what the fuzz is about this album its realy boring... and fish tryes way to hard, i allso got Clutching at straws and so far only heard it once but liked it right away on first listen, same with misplaced child hood. but this one script for a jesters tear is way to over dramatic in a bad way for me, or something i dont knów realy maybe i need more time with this one...
Posted By: Roj
Date Posted: August 12 2008 at 11:04
Not heard this for a while, but recall that Chelsea Monday was my least favourite.
Yorkie, which was your least preferred? Or are you keeping it under your hat?
Posted By: Yorkie X
Date Posted: August 12 2008 at 11:12
Roj M30 wrote:
Not heard this for a while, but recall that Chelsea Monday was my least favourite.
Yorkie, which was your least preferred? Or are you keeping it under your hat? | well since you asked
its a toss up between Chelsea Monday and Garden Party for me but I think I`m swaying towards Chelsea Monday , for some reason that songs never grabbed me I like the Steve Rothery guitar solo and Fish's lyrics are very clever but it seems to plod along and lacks energy.
Posted By: Jared
Date Posted: August 12 2008 at 11:13
none...I just can't vote for one, I'm afraid...
can I vote for 'She Chameleon' instead???
------------- Music has always been a matter of energy to me. On some nights I believe that a car with the needle on empty can run 50 more miles if you have the right music very loud on the radio. Hunter S Thompson
Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: August 12 2008 at 11:53
At a push 'He knows you know' but overall Script is one of those albums without a single bad track.
Posted By: Norbert
Date Posted: August 12 2008 at 13:34
None of them is bad, or even mediocrite, my least favourite is probably Garden Party.
Posted By: Cesar Inca
Date Posted: August 12 2008 at 19:30
Actually, I find all tracks not delivering their whole potential of energy due to the poor drumming. Having said that, it is a great neo-prog album, vital for the finalization the genre's maturity. My least fave track is 'Garden Party' because that is where the rhythm section sounds most flawed. Nothing wrong with 'Chealsea Monday': this studio version states a sense of drama that is not equalled by any live rendition (though the energy is surpassed, of course - Trewavas is forced to sound like a busy bass player matcehd with Pointer, he only gets to show his stamina and inventiveness when paired with the masterful Mosley).
Kind regards.
Posted By: LinusW
Date Posted: August 12 2008 at 19:36
I've always liked Garden Party for some reason. Chelsea Monday or He Knows You Know for me. I'll go for Chelsea Monday.