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Prog DJ

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Topic: Prog DJ
Posted By: Certif1ed
Subject: Prog DJ
Date Posted: April 09 2005 at 17:58

(Ignore if you live in Canada, as apparently it's already out over there)

Canadian DJ Max Graham is to release a "monster" dance version of "Owner of a Lonely Heart" on 9th May. I saw a bit of the video on MTV yesterday, and, apart from setting a disco beat to it and performing a little rhythmic surgery, he doesn't seem to have changed it much. I thought is was OK - but I daresay Yes fans will be as horrified as Pink Floyd fans were to hear the Scissor Sisters...

Apparently Max Graham is a "progressive" DJ : -

Prog DJs - whatever next?

Posted By: Arsillus
Date Posted: April 09 2005 at 18:40

Prog DJ?

I'd like to see a bunch of teens at prom trying to dance to something like "Watcher of the Skies" or "21st Century Schizoid Man."

And then when he puts on "The Revealing Science of God," you had better make sure you're with someone you like.

Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: April 09 2005 at 18:43
I heard it,and I suppose it is not without merit.Yes Collectors will have to buy it,of course.
Max Graham Vs Yes? Squire would just have to fall on him!LOL


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