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Zitro's "RPG Maker"' showing off

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Topic: Zitro's "RPG Maker"' showing off
Posted By: Zitro
Subject: Zitro's "RPG Maker"' showing off
Date Posted: June 16 2008 at 18:45
RPG Maker is a software that makes programming easy for people who did not study much of programming language. This is what I did when I was very bored in 2004-2005. As you can see from the screenshots and plot summary, it's a silly game with parodies aplenty (especially jabs at final fantasy), tho I put loads of effort into a battle system that is quite deep.

check the 'yes' references :P

Posted By: Queen By-Tor
Date Posted: June 16 2008 at 18:55
Oh wow, the reason I never used that program was because I didn't know you could have your characters lined up at the side. Is that a new feature or am I just crazy?

Nice work by the way! I'm not quite sure I succeeded in downloading it though. Will have to try again

Posted By: Zitro
Date Posted: June 16 2008 at 20:49
use RPG Maker 2003, not 2000. 2003 is much much better in terms of the battle system. 2000's battle system is basically "everyone plays once every turn" EDIT: having the characters on the side (did u realize one of them is the guy from the game Doom?) is a rpg maker 2003 feature.

to download, do what I said at the beginning of the blog post. On the upper right, type the 3 letters given, then wait 45 seconds (don't click on the 'download link') then click on a download button (a gray "free download" where originally it said "please wait xx seconds) and that's it.

Posted By: Queen By-Tor
Date Posted: June 17 2008 at 03:13
Curse my impatience. LOL I think it's working now

Posted By: Zitro
Date Posted: June 17 2008 at 08:07
if u didn't read the whole blog:

_If the screen just doesn't look right (you'll notice if it happens, it would look AWFUL), press "alt+enter" to view the game through a window. It fixes the problem.

_it's unlikely, but maybe there could be an error of a "missing a file". If it happens it says what file, and I'll give it. I'm very sure I got every single file/graphic but from this pc I can't check.

Posted By: Mookid
Date Posted: June 18 2008 at 09:14
Yeah its quite nice, I used to toy around with RPG Maker 2 on the PS2. Sadly there are no Mac versions as far as I know, and making RPGs on a console with a controller is insanely tiring...

Posted By: Zitro
Date Posted: June 18 2008 at 14:22
Originally posted by Mookid Mookid wrote:

Yeah its quite nice, I used to toy around with RPG Maker 2 on the PS2. Sadly there are no Mac versions as far as I know, and making RPGs on a console with a controller is insanely tiring...

it must be tiring. For instance, you won't be able to get all graphics/sounds you want from the internet. I couldn't have done my game if it wasn't for that.

EDIT: not to mention writing conversations without a keyboard.

Posted By: N Ellingworth
Date Posted: June 18 2008 at 16:09
If anyone is interested the latest version is RPG Maker VX and was released in February, I'm downloading the trial version at the moment and I'll have a quick go with it to see how good it is.

I've been wanting to start mucking around with making games over the summer and this looks like a good way to start, although ideally I'd like to be making vertical scrolling shooters as I really love that genre of games but 2d RPGs are just as good. Wink

Posted By: Zitro
Date Posted: June 18 2008 at 20:40
Originally posted by N Ellingworth N Ellingworth wrote:

If anyone is interested the latest version is RPG Maker VX and was released in February, I'm downloading the trial version at the moment and I'll have a quick go with it to see how good it is.

I've been wanting to start mucking around with making games over the summer and this looks like a good way to start, although ideally I'd like to be making vertical scrolling shooters as I really love that genre of games but 2d RPGs are just as good. Wink

After screenshots and details, it looks quite good. As long as there is a 'speed' attribute which dictates how often one acts when compared to the others (very significant feature in my game), I would recommend it over RPG2003 (the one I use). The 640 X 400 resolution is a big improvement too.

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