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Star Wars Saga.

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Topic: Star Wars Saga.
Posted By: The Quiet One
Subject: Star Wars Saga.
Date Posted: June 05 2008 at 17:55

This is by no means my favourite sci-fi movie, and maybe my fave movie(saga).

I remember having 8 years old more or less, and I had Star Wars I The Phantom Menace. You won't believe me! I played it everyday I returned from school, it's my most watched movie ever! Well then came II, it was amazing, though it has it's boring romantic parts. And then, well, came N°3, I saw it with my bro, the day of realese, well at least in my country, hehe. It was AMAZING! Kinda of sad, though. Of course when I watched N°2 I had already seen IV, V and VI which are really really good too.

So, some love for my favourite movie!

EDIT: You can also discuss stuff from the movie and well, etc, etc. Spread your knowledge or love or whatever you want to this fabolous movie. Please, NO hate.

Posted By: rushfan4
Date Posted: June 05 2008 at 18:08
The original number 4 is probably my favorite of them all.  I used to watch that one on a daily basis when it first came out on cable TV on HBO and they played it on a daily basis.  When they were all released on DVD, of course I had to go out and purchase them all.  In retrospect, the original is kind of cheesy with the graphic effects and some of the acting, but it still wins out for nostalgic reasons.  I generally like all of the movies but I think that numbers II and V are probably my least favorite.


Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: June 05 2008 at 18:15
I just re-watched Episode lll and it is really terrific, after that it would probably be ll, lV, l, V, and Return of the Jedi just bites, it's even worse now with the extra footage

..I really liked the whole prequel series and was surprised at the hate it got

Posted By: The Quiet One
Date Posted: June 05 2008 at 20:37
Originally posted by rushfan4 rushfan4 wrote:

The original number 4 is probably my favorite of them all. I used to watch that one on a daily basis when it first came out on cable TV on HBO and they played it on a daily basis. When they were all released on DVD, of course I had to go out and purchase them all. In retrospect, the original is kind of cheesy with the graphic effects and some of the acting, but it still wins out for nostalgic reasons. I generally like all of the movies but I think that numbers II and V are probably my least favorite.

The II and V are my least fave too! They are very dense. With few good action parts.

As I said before, III is amazing!! Really unexpected.
I gets me bored nowadays, but I must admit it's an excellent start. Though a pitty that the III really seals everything, and watching the I or II or IV, etc, don't make much sense, since you know who is who, why this, etc, etc. Although of course, I still love it.

Posted By: BroSpence
Date Posted: June 06 2008 at 02:17
The best is obviously Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back.

Incredible story, great fight scenes.  It is THE Star Wars movie by which all others should be judged. 

The new trilogy blew chunks of ass across the world. Terrible acting, terribly executed story, only had one great fight scene (Darth Maul!).  Mostly though it was the acting.  My god who the hell casted those films?  They go from getting the worst child actor to getting the worst young-adult actor and it was for the same friggin' character. 

The two best of the entire series is first and foremost Empire Strikes Back, followed by A New Hope, then the disappointing Return Of the Jedi.  The rest are complete sh*t and shall not be ranked.  I'm surprised III has 3 votes already. 

I grew up seeing the trilogy (the original, only good one) and loved them to death.  Then in the late 90s when they re-released them into theaters I watched them all again.  And then again when they were released on VHS.  To this day I will even sit and watch them on TV if they're on because the story is so friggin awesome and everything was executed so well.  I'm not even one of those weirdo star wars nerds!

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: June 06 2008 at 02:25
Empire is good but frankly it drags a bit by the middle and doesn't hold up as well as its popularity merits.. the new trilogy has problems but if the entire saga is judged as a whole, the new ones are as good as the old ones (i.e. Phantom Menace is a much better movie than Return of the Jedi).. besides Episodes 4,5 and 6 were butchered with new scenes and altered footage that kinda ruined their integrity

Posted By: The T
Date Posted: June 06 2008 at 13:44
I StarStar1/2   (jar jar brings the rating down)
II StarStarStar (the romance sucks, and almost no plot)
III StarStarStarStar1/2 (yeah! the story is back, plus DARTH VADER shows his face)
IV StarStarStarStarStar 
V StarStarStarStar ( a little slow)
VI StarStarStarStar1/2


Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: June 06 2008 at 14:52
Originally posted by BroSpence BroSpence wrote:

Terrible acting, terribly executed story, only had one great fight scene (Darth Maul!).  Mostly though it was the acting.  My god who the hell casted those films?  They go from getting the worst child actor to getting the worst young-adult actor and it was for the same friggin' character.

presumably George casts his films.. and Liam Neeson, Ian McDiarmid, Ewan McGregor and Sam Jackson are at the top of their field, some of the finest actors in the world

Posted By: Citizen
Date Posted: June 06 2008 at 15:09
V > VI > V > II > III > I
V has Hoth, Luke well on his way to becoming a Jedi master but before getting all space emo, Boba Fett, the Vader/Luke father/son thing, the best cliffhanger, Lando, and a wealth of other things, all while being the overall least cheesy Star Wars, in my opinion. No Ewoks, Jar-Jar, podrace commentators, little kids, cheesy CGI Yodi fights, etc.
I'm not sure why people enjoy III so much. The acting is attrocious, the music isn't as good as the original trilogy, and the entire movie is basically just a setup for the original trilogy, which we had all already seen anyway. Not to mention the almost comedic way they handled Vader at the end of the movie. It's just not a particularly interesting movie, in any sense.

This is my signature.
Amazing, isn't it?

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: June 06 2008 at 15:13
except for the first half hour or so, Empire stinks...  sorry

Posted By: The Quiet One
Date Posted: June 06 2008 at 16:39
I and a half out of 5. (the first one I saw, it's a bit dense now, pittily)
II and a half out of 5 (I did like it the first time, but really, the romance parts are really boring)
IV (it's good, but not excellent, no stunning parts)
V and a half (has bery boring parts as II)
VI (another EXCELLENT episode together with the III)

Posted By: TGM: Orb
Date Posted: June 06 2008 at 17:11
1, 2, and 3 were poor to appalling. 4, 5, and 6 are classic.

Probably going to say 4. Liked that one most.

3 I actually couldn't watch. I was that unimpressed with the acting and tacky special effects. 1 had Jar Jar. 2 was better, but still meh.

Posted By: Relayer09
Date Posted: June 06 2008 at 21:43
Empire Strikes back is the most solid movie of the bunch and in my opinion is the most pivotal in the story line. III is pivotal as well but the acting is so bad that it detracts from the story.

If you lose your temper, you've lost the arguement. -Proverb

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: June 06 2008 at 22:27
BTW; the Clone Wars animated shorts are simply awesome, I'd highly recommend the two discs if you're a fan of the extended story

Posted By: TheProgtologist
Date Posted: June 06 2008 at 22:45
I have that on DVD and it's most excellent.
David,do you know they are releasing a CGI animated Clone Wars movie in August? -
Trailer: -


Posted By: TheProgtologist
Date Posted: June 06 2008 at 22:54
I have answered previous topics like this in great detail,so for this one I will keep it short and sweet.
Original Trilogy:
Tie between IV and V.I saw all the OT movies when they first came out and no movie has ever captivated me as much as sitting wide-eyed in a theater seeing Star Wars for the first time at age 11.V because it's the darkest of the OT movies,and starts to really delve into the Jedi.
Definitely III.I waited a LONG time to see how Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader.


Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: June 06 2008 at 23:02
^ his conversation with Palpatine in the auditorium is gripping, the Darth Plagueis legend, the whole process of Anakin's change was very well done.. and then only to find out Sidious doesn't have the power of life at all

Posted By: BroSpence
Date Posted: June 07 2008 at 01:59
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

Originally posted by BroSpence BroSpence wrote:

Terrible acting, terribly executed story, only had one great fight scene (Darth Maul!).  Mostly though it was the acting.  My god who the hell casted those films?  They go from getting the worst child actor to getting the worst young-adult actor and it was for the same friggin' character.

presumably George casts his films.. and Liam Neeson, Ian McDiarmid, Ewan McGregor and Sam Jackson are at the top of their field, some of the finest actors in the world

George casting wouldn't surprise me.  There were many rumors during the making off the new ones that because his daughter was a fan of NSYNC that he was going to cast them.  Luckily, he wasn't that stupid or enough fans complained.  I mean thats how we got Jar Jar down to a bit part. 

Liam Neeson died in the first film.  And aside from Ewan who was OK, the other two weren't that big of characters as compared to the likes of the main and extremely annoying as hell kid and later Haydn Christianson who really should not be cast in any films due to his lack of skills. 

I'm really shocked at how many people actually liked the first three films, especially the third one.  Also the number of people that didn't like the original 2! I mean IV was an amazing adventure and V was incredibly dramatic, tense, dark and has some of the best action scenes in film history. From the the battle on Hoth to the disturbing fight between a son and the second most evil man in the universe who happens to be his father. 

Luke's training on Degoba was one of the best parts because he was so on the edge.  A man torn between wanting the best to help his friends defeat the enemy and for himself to become a good jedi, and at the same time moving towards a darkness (even after leaving Degoba) because he is overly eager to defeat the enemy.  Skywalker also begins to lose confidence in himself which takes a toll on his psyche. 

The relationships between all the characters also became stronger since they had gotten to know each other better but in that same time were being torn apart by their egos and little flaws. 

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: June 07 2008 at 02:33
Originally posted by BroSpence BroSpence wrote:

  And aside from Ewan who was OK, the other two weren't that big of characters

who would you have cast as Ben?  And I thought McDiarmid did an amazing job in the dual role portraying one of the most evil characters in film, and Jackson was perfect as Master Windu

Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: June 07 2008 at 02:39
I'm with David in thinking that Episode VI (The Return of the Jedi) was by far the weakest installment of the original trilogy. It was a bit anticlimactic to say the least, especially after the dark, tense atmosphere of its predecessor (which is my favourite by far). The first half of Jedi was not bad, though... I quite liked the scenes with Jabba the Hutt, but it went downhill soon after that. As for the prequels, I am also in agreement with those who think Episode III is almost on a par with the original trilogy - while I found Episode II extremely disappointing.

Posted By: Philip
Date Posted: June 07 2008 at 18:07
My preffered is Episode IV, possibly just for knowing it was the first.

Posted By: TGM: Orb
Date Posted: June 07 2008 at 18:21
Seriously, if 4 doesn't beat 3, a crime against cinema will have taken place.

Posted By: Moogtron III
Date Posted: June 07 2008 at 18:34

It's crime time then! Wink Just voted for nr. 3, and I'm pleased to see that others really like it too. I only sam it a few months ago, and didn't expect it to be so good.

I didn't like nr. 1 and nr. 2 was remarkably better, but still not reaching the heights of the classic trilogy of nr. 4, 5 and 6. Personally I liked nr. 6 a lot,  great fun, even though I didn't like some of the Muppet (or Gremlin?) - like characters in it.
But nr. 3 is very, very good!
The score:
I - Star
II - StarStar
III - StarStarStarStarStar
IV - StarStarStar
V - StarStarStarStar
VI - StarStarStarStarStar

Posted By: Pnoom!
Date Posted: June 07 2008 at 18:49

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: June 08 2008 at 17:21
Originally posted by TheProgtologist TheProgtologist wrote:

I have that on DVD and it's most excellent.
David,do you know they are releasing a CGI animated Clone Wars movie in August? -
Trailer: -

looks great.. thanks for the heads up, Jody

Posted By: Dim
Date Posted: June 08 2008 at 17:28
Return of the Jedi was alwasy my favorite, and strangely enough I always disliked Empire strikes back the most out of the classic three.


Posted By: TGM: Orb
Date Posted: June 09 2008 at 11:53
Heh. How I'd star them

1 - 2/10
2 - 4/10
3 - 1/10
4 - 10/10
5 - 10/10
6 - 9/10

Posted By: LinusW
Date Posted: June 09 2008 at 13:36
Originally posted by TGM: Orb TGM: Orb wrote:

Heh. How I'd star them

1 - 2/10
2 - 4/10
3 - 1/10
4 - 10/10
5 - 10/10
6 - 9/10

You little purist.

The Empire Strikes Back is nr. 1 for me.

-------------" rel="nofollow - Blargh

Posted By: darren
Date Posted: June 10 2008 at 03:49

I used to like IV an V... until you find out in VI that Luke and Leia are brother and sister, then they feel creepy.

If you can block out the incestuous overtones, I'd pick IV but before Lucas decided to redo them.

"they locked up a man who wanted to rule the world.
the fools
they locked up the wrong man."
- Leonard Cohen

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: June 10 2008 at 04:49
there certainly are unanswered questions, like if Leia has Jedi blood why don't we see much evidence of her powers   ..anyway, the extended universe looks quite interesting and I may just read some of the books on the Jedi Purge and whatnot

Posted By: BroSpence
Date Posted: June 10 2008 at 18:08
Originally posted by darren darren wrote:

I used to like IV an V... until you find out in VI that Luke and Leia are brother and sister, then they feel creepy.

If you can block out the incestuous overtones, I'd pick IV but before Lucas decided to redo them.

Can you imagine what would have happened with those overtones had David Lynch agreed to direct Return of the Jedi?  (he had been asked by Lucas originally, but turned him down)

Posted By: Shakespeare
Date Posted: June 10 2008 at 20:01 - Ahem.

Posted By: The Quiet One
Date Posted: June 10 2008 at 20:11
Originally posted by Shakespeare Shakespeare wrote: - Ahem.

hey don't ruin my show.

Posted By: The Quiet One
Date Posted: June 10 2008 at 20:13
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

there certainly are unanswered questions, like if Leia has Jedi blood why don't we see much evidence of her powers   ..anyway, the extended universe looks quite interesting and I may just read some of the books on the Jedi Purge and whatnot

oh yeah that. Yep, there are something that aren't clear enough, in some way giving a unique touch, but still.

I can't remember now since it's been long I haven't watched any, though I have all in DVD

Posted By: Mikerinos
Date Posted: June 10 2008 at 21:48
Originally posted by TGM: Orb TGM: Orb wrote:

Heh. How I'd star them

1 - 2/10
2 - 4/10
3 - 1/10
4 - 10/10
5 - 10/10
6 - 9/10

Why do you consider 3 so inferior to 1 and 2?  Not that you're "wrong," it's just hard for me to comprehend.

Anyway, I'd probably go 5 > 4 > 6 > 3 > 2 > 1.  I enjoy the prequel trilogy quite a bit even though it could never come close to the originals.  Still, I have to admit seeing 1-3  in theaters at the time was cool, especially since I was 10 or so when Episode 1 came out so obviously I was pumped then. Wink

Timothy Zahn's Thrawn Trilogy books are fantastic by the way.  I haven't read any other Star Wars novels besides these three (not including the short kids story ones when I was young), but I still recommend them to any fan of the movies.  I'm not too hardcore into SW like some, but still pretty geeky to buy the books and make references in real life all the time.  Anyway, the books are really fast paced, introduce a lot of new interesting characters and locations, great plot with a lot of twists, and I think if they were made into movies might even surpass the original trilogy. Shocked


Posted By: TGM: Orb
Date Posted: June 11 2008 at 15:47
Originally posted by Bluesaga Bluesaga wrote:

Originally posted by TGM: Orb TGM: Orb wrote:

Heh. How I'd star them

1 - 2/10
2 - 4/10
3 - 1/10
4 - 10/10
5 - 10/10
6 - 9/10

Why do you consider 3 so inferior to 1 and 2?  Not that you're "wrong," it's just hard for me to comprehend.

Anyway, I'd probably go 5 > 4 > 6 > 3 > 2 > 1.  I enjoy the prequel trilogy quite a bit even though it could never come close to the originals.  Still, I have to admit seeing 1-3  in theaters at the time was cool, especially since I was 10 or so when Episode 1 came out so obviously I was pumped then. Wink

Timothy Zahn's Thrawn Trilogy books are fantastic by the way.  I haven't read any other Star Wars novels besides these three (not including the short kids story ones when I was young), but I still recommend them to any fan of the movies.  I'm not too hardcore into SW like some, but still pretty geeky to buy the books and make references in real life all the time.  Anyway, the books are really fast paced, introduce a lot of new interesting characters and locations, great plot with a lot of twists, and I think if they were made into movies might even surpass the original trilogy. Shocked

I'm probably being too harsh on I. Really, the acting on III was nauseating, rather than just stoic, and I found it painful to watch. Plotwise, I actually didn't really mind what was going on, and I thought there were a few too many gimmicks in there. Not to say that Star Wars hasn't been about gimmicks, but I never really found it as blunt as on III.

Posted By: TGM: Orb
Date Posted: June 11 2008 at 15:48
Originally posted by Shakespeare Shakespeare wrote: - Ahem.

Awesome. We have  a poll with the right sort of answer :p

I'll leave it buried so posterity may benefit from the lack of episode III votes overall.

Posted By: crimson87
Date Posted: November 22 2008 at 17:53

Oddly enough I never watched a star wars movie in my life. I'd rather take Legend of the Galactic Heroes.

Posted By: Jozef
Date Posted: November 23 2008 at 22:40
1. Return of the Jedi
2. Revenge of the Sith
3. The Empire Strikes Back
4. A New Hope
5. The Phantom Menace
6. The Clone Wars


Posted By: KoS
Date Posted: November 24 2008 at 02:50

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: November 24 2008 at 04:04
y'know for every quart of Yaddlemilk sold, 25 cents goes straight into the Emperor's pocket..  it's not right

Posted By: The Doctor
Date Posted: November 24 2008 at 04:52
I think I pulled something from laughing so hard at the Yaddle milk container.  "teat hair pulp"  DeadLOL

I can understand your anger at me, but what did the horse I rode in on ever do to you?

Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: November 24 2008 at 05:07
Which one is number one again? LOL

As a young lad I saw the first one which is the fourth one.  Not being huge fan I kind of lost interest after that.  The second set, the prequels, seemed to be trying too hard to rise above the first three. The first of the prequels was the last I went to see in a theater.  Come to think of it I didn't go out to see the last two of the first three.

Dagnabit, I think I didn't vote right.  I support the first one released for it's campy-ness.  IV? well, I've had more than a few of those.  And musically speaking the other John Williams did a really nice soundtrack. Big smile  I'm not sure how well it would have turned out with the John Williams of Sky fame...

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

Posted By: Alberto Muñoz
Date Posted: November 25 2008 at 11:41
to me Episode V, the best movie ever of the entire saga.
But i love rellay love the expanded universe, specially the old Sith and Jedi battles.  
Cacho i have a link interesting to you and to all who love Star Wars: -


Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: November 25 2008 at 12:02
I'm not a fan of the series despite having watched the original Star Wars seven times in the cinema as a young child.  That said, I do like The Empire Strikes Back, particularly because of Yoda (I also saw that in the cinema when it was released).  These episode numbers confuse me -- I have to look them up.  Of the "post trilogy" ones, I have only seen The Phantom Menace, at least in full (only watched it once, when it came out), and I thought it poor.

I much prefer Lucas' earlier THX-1138.  Incidentally, I tthink of Stars Wars more as fantasy than science fiction (it's very soft sci-fi).  Other movie series that I loved as a child I enjoy much more than the Star Wars saga now, such as the Planet of the Apes ones.

Posted By: fusionfreak
Date Posted: November 25 2008 at 12:12
THX 1138:a masterpiece!I also enjoyed a lot Michael Radford'1984,Brazil and Children of men.The first Planet of the apes is great,how would you rate the other movies? 

I was born in the land of Mahavishnu,not so far from Kobaia.I'm looking for the world

of searchers with the help from

crimson king

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: November 25 2008 at 12:25
^ Brazil was for a long time my favourite movie, and 1984 my favourite dystopian novel.  I still haven't seen Children of Men -- good reminder.

I love the first four Planet of the Apes movies (the fifth is not as good).  I think the second, "Beneath the Planet of the Apes", is terrific.  It's a great sequel.

[minor spoiler, highlight to view]""All things bright and beautiful; all great creatures great and small.  All things wise and wonderful, the Lord Bomb made them all."[/minor spoiler]

Posted By: fusionfreak
Date Posted: November 25 2008 at 13:49
Thanks for the advice,I will look for them.

I was born in the land of Mahavishnu,not so far from Kobaia.I'm looking for the world

of searchers with the help from

crimson king

Posted By: The T
Date Posted: November 25 2008 at 15:43
I just had a Star Wars-week where I saw each one of them every night, starting with The Phantom Menace and ending with Return of the Jedi. (I actually even had an encore: Star Wars: The Clone Wars, the rather mediocre animated movie). My new thoughts:
I StarStar1/2    Weak in the story and Jar Jar Binks is the worst atrocity ever but the moments with Anakin and Qui-Gon are good...
II StarStarStar  A little more story and the character of anakin starts to grow, even though all the acting in the movie is quite wooden
III StarStarStarStar Excellent, though could be better. Less explosions, more story. At times the constant change of focus makes it look rather soap-opera-ish, but the emergence of the Dark Side pays it off.
IV StarStarStarStar1/2 Excellent, quite a magical experience. It's a little too brief in my view
V StarStarStarStarStar  The best. More story than action, plus a lot of magical new enviroments (like Lando's city)
VI StarStar Quite the anti-climatic ending, the worst in the series. This loks like any stupid action movie with lots of chases and explosions. The only good moments happen between Darth Vader, Luke and the Emperor.
Anexus: The Clone Wars StarStar A rehash of all movies, it wouldn't be so bad if it didn't destroy the characters of the live-action ones (Anakin has no dark side in here), plus the atrocious Padawan of Anakin is the worst addition to the series since Jar Jar Binks. The graphics are just ok.
It needs to be said: one of the best actors throughout the whole series is R2-D2.. seriously... Lucas managed to give a lot of character to a trash can and makes it so cute... really, it's a much better actor than some of the real ones (including S. Jackson who was kind of drugged it seems as Master Windu....)


Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: November 25 2008 at 17:42
I thought Jackson's performance was quite right for the solemn and brooding Windu  ..the Clone Wars story is much better in the original animated shorts that came out about five years ago, far superior to the film

Posted By: Alberto Muñoz
Date Posted: November 25 2008 at 18:01
Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

I StarStar1/2    Weak in the story and Jar Jar Binks is the worst atrocity ever but the moments with Anakin and Qui-Gon are good...


Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: November 26 2008 at 06:48
Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

^ Brazil was for a long time my favourite movie, and 1984 my favourite dystopian novel.  I still haven't seen Children of Men -- good reminder.

I love the first four Planet of the Apes movies (the fifth is not as good).  I think the second, "Beneath the Planet of the Apes", is terrific.  It's a great sequel.

[minor spoiler, highlight to view]""All things bright and beautiful; all great creatures great and small.  All things wise and wonderful, the Lord Bomb made them all."[/minor spoiler]

I think you'll really like Children of Men.  I found the Planet movie series really interesting as a kid.  other distopians of course, 1984 (1984 movie version), Brazil, V For Vendetta, 12 Monkeys, They Live...

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

Posted By: fusionfreak
Date Posted: November 26 2008 at 08:52
12 Monkeys is one of my favourites!

I was born in the land of Mahavishnu,not so far from Kobaia.I'm looking for the world

of searchers with the help from

crimson king

Posted By: kevdog
Date Posted: November 26 2008 at 16:17
V for the Win. Though, I do love Return Of The Jedi as well.

I look at the world and see no understanding...

Posted By: Mikerinos
Date Posted: November 26 2008 at 16:48
I'd have to say:

5 > 4 > 6 or 3 > 2 > 1


Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: November 26 2008 at 17:11
Originally posted by Slartibartfast Slartibartfast wrote:

Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

^ Brazil was for a long time my favourite movie, and 1984 my favourite dystopian novel.  I still haven't seen Children of Men -- good reminder.

I love the first four Planet of the Apes movies (the fifth is not as good).  I think the second, "Beneath the Planet of the Apes", is terrific.  It's a great sequel.

[minor spoiler, highlight to view]""All things bright and beautiful; all great creatures great and small.  All things wise and wonderful, the Lord Bomb made them all."[/minor spoiler]

I think you'll really like Children of Men.  I found the Planet movie series really interesting as a kid.  other distopians of course, 1984 (1984 movie version), Brazil, V For Vendetta, 12 Monkeys, They Live...

I'm sure I will, and I've seen all the others you mentioned.  I love dystopian speculative fiction (in movies, shows, and books).  My nick is a Logan's Run reference.

One of my faves is the odd, and some think very bad (the bad moments only add to the charm) Zardoz:

Here's a little blurb/ review I wrote about it years ago:

A really big, toothy, and freaky stone head magnificently soars through the azure sky. A group of men in red diapers (Exterminators) rush to meet it. Wearing masks with the same visage as the stone head, they gather worshipfully before the Stone head which gracefully lands. With a booming voice it addresses the Exterminators: "The gun is good. The penis is evil. The penis shoots seeds, and makes new life, and poisons the earth with a plague of men, as o­nce it was. But the gun shoots death, and purifies the earth. Now go forth and kill." The stone head, which is Zardoz and the Exterminator’s god, spews forth guns which they greedily lap up.

The Exterminator Zed (Sean Connery like you’ve never seen him before) secretly enters the head which is the o­nly path into the Vortex – a land of immortals (the Eternals) with big mental powers and scanty clothing.

He has worked in the service of Zardoz, cleansing the Earth of Brutals (the masses outside the Vortex) but has learned that it was all based o­n a lie and seeks revenge! But while Zed resents the underhanded manipulation by the immortal denizens of the Vortex, who was manipulating the Eternals? And to what ends?

"We’ve all been used!"
"And re-used."
"And abused!"
"And amused."

It seems that Zardoz, by director John Boorman who went o­n to make Excalibur, is a love it or hate it film – truly weird, truly different, and I think, truly wonderful. The final scenes are incredibly moving and powerful.

It’s a very surreal, satirical, sometimes disturbing, sometimes just plain bad, but ultimately poignant film, and a personal favourite. If fear of seeing Sean Connery in a bright red diaper AND a wedding dress doesn’t deter you, be warned, there are lots of topless females frolicking about, and a depraved orgy scene with seniors involved.

Scene to look out for: Super-human Zed punching through some saran wrap while those near him staring in disbelief exclaim, "It can’t be done, it’s impossible." There are too many quotable quotes to even begin quoting (though I have begun quoting them).

But enough of words, pictures speak louder than, here’s the trailer which is seriously wack: -

Sorry for the digression.... I find the Star Wars universe not so engaging.

Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: November 26 2008 at 17:19
Hey, anyone seen the Robot Chicken Star Wars Parody?

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: November 26 2008 at 17:33
Yes, I have.  Have you seen the Family Guy Star Wars parody?

Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: November 26 2008 at 17:48
That's gotta be weird. Big smile

Noticed the third season of RC is out. Big smile

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

Posted By: fusionfreak
Date Posted: November 27 2008 at 03:39
I've just seen Zardoz trailerClapAnother movie to watch! 

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