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Hello from prog fossil

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Category: Site News, Newbies, Help and Improvements
Forum Name: Welcome newbies!
Forum Description: Introduce yourself and tell us what prog music you listen to
Printed Date: March 01 2025 at 05:29
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Topic: Hello from prog fossil
Posted By: Weston
Subject: Hello from prog fossil
Date Posted: April 26 2008 at 10:12
Thank goodness I found this forum.  I used to try hanging out in Usenet newsgroups, so troll and spam infested.  I had no idea the whole concept is better suited to the web.

I was a classical music fan and hated rock in general until 1973 when invited to a friend's house to play chess.  I was subjected to Thick as a Brick and Close to the Edge back to back.  I promptly lost every game that day.   Had no idea such music existed!

Here we are 35 years later and there is more prog available now than ever.  I'm like a kid in a candy store.

I am mostly familiar with the old work horses Yes, Tull, ELP, Genesis, Gentle Giant. Crimson, but during the past 5 years or so, due to the diligence of sites like this, I have grown to love the more out-there bands, Univers Zero, Miraodor, Djam Karet, Niacin, The Ozone Quartet, the whole Canterbury scene.  The list goes on and on.  My musical tastes span about 600 years and I will need at least ten times that lifespan to absorb all I want to absorb.

Thank you for these forums.

If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, creativity is the sincerest form of worship.

Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: April 26 2008 at 10:35
Oh crap, sounds like another kindred spirit.  I've been hanging out on this site for a couple of years now.  It's a lot of fun and a great way to waste a lot of time, and I mean that in a good way...

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

Posted By: Chicapah
Date Posted: April 26 2008 at 10:49
From one old fogey to another, welcome to the club.  But beware.  You'll be tempted to dive into your IRA account to buy all the great music you'll discover here!

"Literature is well enough, as a time-passer, and for the improvement and general elevation and purification of mankind, but it has no practical value" - Mark Twain

Posted By: validictorian
Date Posted: April 29 2008 at 17:26
Hello from one fossil to another. No matter how many times I drift off to another musical genre, I always find myself back with progressive. Thick as a Brick AND Close to the Edge...hmmm, I think somebody was trying to convert you.

a soldier and a conquerer... dying to be free

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