James Labrie - Love or Hate?
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Topic: James Labrie - Love or Hate?
Posted By: frenchie
Subject: James Labrie - Love or Hate?
Date Posted: March 31 2005 at 13:52
I love him! his voice is full of emotion and he is just what dream theater needed to make them a success, that Dominici is atrocious!
------------- The Worthless Recluse
Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: March 31 2005 at 13:55
I Dont love him or hate him...his voice can grate after a while...but all in all I guess i love him.And thats contradiction!
------------- http://www.last.fm/user/Snow_Dog" rel="nofollow">
Posted By: frinspar
Date Posted: March 31 2005 at 14:02
He is my least favorite part of the band.
I've been a fan since I&W came out but his voice is the weakest thing about them.
After reading in the liner notes that John Arch auditioned back then I would love to hear what they'd be like with him.
Mullmuzzler, while the music can be kinda catchy, is a waste of time.
Posted By: Cygnus X-2
Date Posted: March 31 2005 at 14:05
You should have had a hit or miss selection, because that's how I feel about him.
Posted By: Raymon7174
Date Posted: March 31 2005 at 14:07
I don't find his voice a weak point at all. Overall I think he is very talented. I do however concede that there are times that I find him a bit over-the-top, not really on Scenes From A Memory though, IMHO Dream Theater's best work. Also, he is great on Ayreon's Human Equation.
------------- Raymon
Posted By: frinspar
Date Posted: March 31 2005 at 14:12
He's certainly not out of place and DT wouldn't - at this point - be DT without him. But there are times that I hope for more and it just doesn't come.
I wouldn't change him out for anyone else. I guess I fall more into the 'hit-or-miss' category as well.
Haven't heard 'Human Equation' yet.
Posted By: Valarius
Date Posted: March 31 2005 at 14:46
Love him. I think he is absolutely amazing. Although he isn't totally brilliant live, he is extremely impressive on the "Live At Budokan" DVD... Definately my fave singer.
Posted By: Certif1ed
Date Posted: March 31 2005 at 15:07
Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: March 31 2005 at 15:14
Love is a bit strong, I'm not a huge fan of DT, but I do like his voice. I think he sings with great passion and has a versatile voice with good range.
------------- Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!
Posted By: greenback
Date Posted: March 31 2005 at 21:45
i make the balance tilt
Posted By: chorus of one
Date Posted: April 01 2005 at 05:02
Sometimes tolerable, mostly awful. I'll go with hate.
Posted By: Manunkind
Date Posted: April 01 2005 at 05:04
Let's just be friends, Mr LaBrie, ok.?
------------- "In war there is no time to teach or learn Zen. Carry a strong stick. Bash your attackers." - Zen Master Ikkyu Sojun
Posted By: Velvetclown
Date Posted: April 01 2005 at 09:14
------------- Billy Connolly
Dream Theater
Terry Gilliam
Hagen Quartet
Jethro Tull
Mike Keneally
Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: April 01 2005 at 16:43
He's the main reason I cant be doing with them!
Posted By: Manunkind
Date Posted: April 01 2005 at 16:51
Reed Lover wrote:
He's the main reason I cant be doing with them! |
Try to ignore him, then, it's not that hard.
------------- "In war there is no time to teach or learn Zen. Carry a strong stick. Bash your attackers." - Zen Master Ikkyu Sojun
Posted By: ayreon.esposito
Date Posted: April 01 2005 at 17:03
jAMES Labrie is very great!!!
He had a great voice!!!!
James Labrie did also oyher project and his voice is always beautiful!!!
Posted By: Prog_Bassist
Date Posted: April 01 2005 at 17:18
I think he's a fine vocalist. Better than metallica's.
------------- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhuxaD8NzaY" rel="nofollow - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhuxaD8NzaY
Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: April 01 2005 at 17:37
It seems to me that LaBrie embodies all that is wrong with Dream Theater.When you first here him singing in a quiet passage you think "hmm he's ok" but as soon as he has to belt it out with a rock voice he is all over the place.He is not up to the job at all and should not be playing with any band that wants to be headliners.
It is the same with other DT members-Portnoy plays his Peart-by-Numbers averagely well then as soon as he has to show any imagination he seems to me hitting the drums with his head.
Petrucci and Rudeness are obviously very average and wouldnt cut it with a major-league band. Even the album covers are tacky and derivative.No wonder they cant sell any albums outside of Japan,their music sounds like soundtracks to tacky videogames.I know I have only listened to a couple of their tracks but I'm told the ones I've heard are very representative of their musak.
Earplugs anyone.The only band I've heard that make The Mars Volta seem musical.Now dont start me on those 4th raters.
Posted By: 46and2
Date Posted: April 01 2005 at 21:30
when i
first heard dream theater (a change of seasons), i thought james labrie
sounded somewhat like Geddy Lee. When i got into them later i
loved his voice. Then i met some more people who knew of dream
theater and they said he had a hair metal-ish voice and that it was
annoying. I personally disagree but i can see what they mean
now. Despite weather you love or hate labrie's voice, you have to
admit he is a good vocalist. i think his vocals are best on the a
change of seasons album. If you dont like labrie, but havent
heard a change of seasons, give it try because he has a unique sound
that i wish he kept longer.
Posted By: Arsillus
Date Posted: April 01 2005 at 22:04
Certif1ed wrote:
Average. |
I agree. I think he sounds good on the albums, but sometimes live he grates my nerves- but that doesn't detract my liking of Dream Theater at all.
Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April 01 2005 at 22:08
I know how badly this will give away my age, but I have to ask... who the hell is James Labrie?
Posted By: Cygnus
Date Posted: July 18 2005 at 07:52
Posted By: Coya
Date Posted: July 18 2005 at 14:03
46and2 wrote:
when i first heard dream theater (a change of seasons), i thought james labrie sounded somewhat like Geddy Lee. When i got into them later i loved his voice. Then i met some more people who knew of dream theater and they said he had a hair metal-ish voice and that it was annoying. I personally disagree but i can see what they mean now. Despite weather you love or hate labrie's voice, you have to admit he is a good vocalist. i think his vocals are best on the a change of seasons album. If you dont like labrie, but havent heard a change of seasons, give it try because he has a unique sound that i wish he kept longer. |
Totally true, but ANY "love/hate" guy or band, is interesting, right? Let's give him credit for that too.
Posted By: GoldenSpiral
Date Posted: July 18 2005 at 14:09
Eh... neither one... He's clearly the weak link in DT but he's not terrible.
could be better.... could be worse...
------------- http://www.myspace.com/altaic" rel="nofollow - http://www.myspace.com/altaic
"Oceans Down You'll Lie"
coming soon
Posted By: Hammill
Date Posted: July 18 2005 at 14:51
i think he is ok... i don't think he is a bad singer.
Posted By: bityear
Date Posted: July 18 2005 at 19:38
FuzzyDude wrote:
I know how badly this will give away my age, but I have to ask... who the hell is James Labrie? |
Wish I didn't know either...
I hate him. Really do. Ruins an otherwise quite good band.
Bad teqhnique (don't bring up the fact that he's taking lessons from an
opera singer - it doesn't make him any better!) makes him sound
strained on the high notes, and he lacks power, and emotion. And, like
too many metal singers, he always tries to do more than he's capable
of. His intonation is okay on the albums, but live, he's constantly too
low. It's so annoying! How the HELL did that guy get to sing in a
signed band?
Octavarium is great, though. He doesn't try to get too high, and
every now and then you can hear a burst of emotion. He was okay on his
first two DT albums, too, but after that, it just went downhill, fast.
I still like I&W, Awake and Octavarium, but it's always a blessing to put on an LTE record every now and then.
------------- www.geocities.com/joelbitars
Posted By: NetsNJFan
Date Posted: July 19 2005 at 02:30
hate his voice, no opinion on the person
Posted By: coffeeintheface
Date Posted: August 03 2005 at 15:49
frenchie wrote:
I love him! his voice is full of emotion and he is just
what dream theater needed to make them a success, that Dominici is
atrocious! |
hahaha the return of the word atrocious!!!!
------------- OBQM: www.soundcloud.com/onebigquestionmark (solo project)
nQuixote: www.soundcloud.com/n-quixote (ambient + various musical ideas)
Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: August 04 2005 at 00:56
Actually I don't hate him, but I can't help wondering how much better DT would be with another singer. I haven't seen him live yet, though I'm planning to do so in the autumn when they tour here - I have to admit I'm curious about the whole band, but especially about him! I too find him somehow the weak link in an otherwise fine (if rather cold) band. I absolutely hate it when he strains to reach those high notes, while he's quite good in the middle range and when he does his Hetfield impersonation on ToT. As to the ones who think he's a great singer... well, I could mention at least 20 much better singers, prog or otherwise. BTW, Geddy is miles better!
Posted By: el_Sethro
Date Posted: August 09 2005 at 09:56
though he can be somewhat of a
tool live sometimes (on "Liquid Drum Theater", he tried to sing both
lead AND backup vocals for Lines In The Sand ), his amazing voice always wins me over in the end.
------------- Who you gonna call?
Posted By: Wolf Spider
Date Posted: August 09 2005 at 10:20
Love`m all.
How many DT polls will there be? What`s next? Do you think Myung should cut his hair?
------------- http://www.lastfm.pl/user/tomash33 - Last.fm
Posted By: JedHead
Date Posted: August 14 2005 at 01:01
James LaBrie is one of my two favorite vocalists. The other being Robert Plant. If it wasn't for Jame's voice, I would have never gotten into Dream Theater, and then into music. Which then lead me to study music and vocal preformance in college. There are very, very few vocalists who are as talented as he is. Maybe you don't like his voice, that is fine, but to say he sucks, well that just shows an extream lack of knowledge and apreciation for vocal preformance.
------------- The good cop and the bad cop left for the day. I'm a different kind of cop.
Posted By: undefinability
Date Posted: August 15 2005 at 22:24
To be frank, I chose love.
------------- "Don't listen to me."
Posted By: Yanns
Date Posted: August 15 2005 at 23:43
Posted By: floydaholic
Date Posted: August 16 2005 at 16:21
------------- I'll see you on the Darkside of the moon...
Posted By: TURK182!
Date Posted: August 16 2005 at 16:27
Posted By: mzungu
Date Posted: August 16 2005 at 16:49
He is terrible during Liveshows. The Studiorecordings are ok as long as he is not faking orchasms at the end of every sentence.
Posted By: The Prognaut
Date Posted: August 16 2005 at 17:45
------------- break the circle
reset my head
wake the sleepwalker
and i'll wake the dead
Posted By: The Miracle
Date Posted: August 16 2005 at 18:57
------------- http://www.last.fm/user/ocellatedgod" rel="nofollow - last.fm
Posted By: Hemispheres
Date Posted: August 17 2005 at 19:45
I HATE THAT Ass he stole the best years of my life and hes an annoying singer as well
------------- [IMG]http://www.wheresthatfrom.com/avatars/miguelsanchez.gif">[IMG]http://www.rockphiles.com/all_images/Act_Images/TheMothersOfInvention/mothers300.jpg">