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Kula Shaker

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Topic: Kula Shaker
Posted By: AShowOfHands
Subject: Kula Shaker
Date Posted: March 14 2008 at 14:57
Would like to suggest them for the Archives. Would be willing to write the bio and add the albums myself if one of the mods can set up the page. I mean they're Psychodelic Rock and we have a section for that? I mean c'mon if Asia can get included I'm sure these guys should. Tongue

Posted By: laplace
Date Posted: March 14 2008 at 14:59
*giggles* I remember Kula Shaker. As dorky and derivative as they were, they were a refreshing change from all the Oasis and Charlatans on the radio at that time...


Posted By: Padraic
Date Posted: March 14 2008 at 15:02
My wife likes them - therefore by definition, they are not prog.  Wink

Posted By: AShowOfHands
Date Posted: March 14 2008 at 15:19
Originally posted by NaturalScience NaturalScience wrote:

My wife likes them - therefore by definition, they are not prog.  Wink
Nope they're not Prog but they're certainly Psychodelic... which counts for something. I mean I wouldn't call The Beatles Prog but they're featured. Kula Shaker could be considered either Psychodelic Rock or at a push (And based mainly on their debut album) Indo-Prog, although I'd say more Indo-Psych although that obviously isn't a category that exists.

Posted By: Tuzvihar
Date Posted: March 14 2008 at 15:47
Originally posted by AShowOfHands AShowOfHands wrote:

Would like to suggest them for the Archives. Would be willing to write the bio and add the albums myself if one of the mods can set up the page. I mean they're Psychodelic Rock and we have a section for that? I mean c'mon if Asia can get included I'm sure these guys should. Tongue

This is the right section for this: forum_topics.asp?FID=1 - Suggest New Bands and Artists . Smile

"Music is much like f**king, but some composers can't climax and others climax too often, leaving themselves and the listener jaded and spent."

Charles Bukowski

Posted By: AShowOfHands
Date Posted: March 14 2008 at 15:56
Originally posted by Tuzvihar Tuzvihar wrote:

Originally posted by AShowOfHands AShowOfHands wrote:

Would like to suggest them for the Archives. Would be willing to write the bio and add the albums myself if one of the mods can set up the page. I mean they're Psychodelic Rock and we have a section for that? I mean c'mon if Asia can get included I'm sure these guys should. Tongue

This is the right section for this: forum_topics.asp?FID=1 - Suggest New Bands and Artists . Smile
Thanks man! Was actually looking for that so I could post there because I was sure it existed... In my slightly drunken state I failed to seek it out so I just banged it here... hopefully it will get moved and my mistake will be corrected, even more hopefully they'll end up in the archives. Doubt it though. I mean The Grateful Dead aren't right? And they're far more Psychodelic!

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