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Great Prog shop in milwaukee

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Topic: Great Prog shop in milwaukee
Posted By: piccione
Subject: Great Prog shop in milwaukee
Date Posted: February 13 2008 at 13:41
   I have lived in Milwaukee, almost my whole life, and have been listening to prog for about 7 months now.  I cannot buy cd's on the internet, because I do not have, nor want a credit card.  As a result I have had to order the majority of my cd's from cd stores, and wait a week to get the cd.  That is until I found Rushmore Records.
  This shop is great, they have a whole section of Prog.  They have everything you could want, from Le Orme, to Van Der Graff Generator, and everything in between.  On top of their great in store selection, Dan the guy that works their can get you a great price on any rare CD. 
  I was trying to get Anglagard's Hybris, and could not find it anywhere, and where I could find it, the price was upwards of 100 dollars.  Dan had a friend in Sweeden, that knew on of the band members, and was able to get it for me for 35 dollars.
  If you live in the milwaukee area check out the store it is located on Kininick avenue(sorry about the spelling im sure its wrong.) in Bay View.

Posted By: Chris H
Date Posted: February 13 2008 at 13:54

Are you familiar with West Allis, Wisconsin? I believe it is right next to Milwaukee, not sure. But anyways, I work on a race team and we travel to the Milwaukee Mile for one race a year and I will certainly check out this store, sounds like a great place!

Beauty will save the world.

Posted By: piccione
Date Posted: February 13 2008 at 13:59
  Yea, I know West Allis well, I lived on 99th and oklahoma for about a year, that is about 2 miles away from state fair and the mile.  Rushmore is not too far from there, maybe a 10 minute drive down oklahoma to Kininick.
  What team do you work for, I go to the mile  every year, maybe I will finally have a racer to cheer for this year.

Posted By: Chris H
Date Posted: February 13 2008 at 14:06
I was hanging around with MacHill Motorsports last year, just doing some volunteer work for the experience. I'm with a new team this year near my hometwon in CT because they offered me a driving position, but we might possibly go and attempt that race. If not, I would love to just go back and watch. It was almost surreal, driving downthat main drag there and seeing the racetrack right off the road. It looked like somebody just dropped the track in the center of town! Very nice place though, and we were grateful for the Cheesecake Factory close byWink

Beauty will save the world.

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