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Henry Cow Bio Error + Suggestion

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Topic: Henry Cow Bio Error + Suggestion
Posted By: Shakespeare
Subject: Henry Cow Bio Error + Suggestion
Date Posted: February 10 2008 at 19:34 -

Quote British progressive pioneers HENRY COW was the leading group of the Rock In Opposition* (R.I.O. for short) movement, initiated by their drummer Chris CUTLER. All members of HENRY COW have been involved in collaborations with Canterbury groups and artists at one point or another, and most of them still are. Their music aged amazingly well over the last 20 years due to diverse influences: some of its roots in the Canterbury school, most notably early SOFT MACHINE, other influences (FRANK ZAPPA, BELA BARTOK, KURT WEIL...). The group functioned more or less as a collective, with a true group identity that changed from album to album as members came and went.

Their first album, "Legend" (read "Leg End"), is their most accessible, IMO, and makes a good starter. Their sound draws on modern classical music, jazz and experimental music. "In Praise of Learning" was a collaboration with SLAPP HAPPY, which featured in the addition of a real vocalist (the infamous Dagmar KRAUSE), Pete BLEGVAD and Anthony MOORE. However, they sound nothing like HENRY COW. "In Praise of Learning" and "Concerts" are more noisy albums with a fair dose of improvisation. With their final album "Western Culture" is the final HENRY COW release, and it represents the next logical step from "In Praise of Learning". "Western Culture" seems the obvious choice as their best album being essentially jazz-tinged modernist classical music for an extended rock band instrumentation but it contains outstanding music: some fantastic, frenetic drumming, biting guitar work, and the usual array of saxophones, clarinets, oboes etc.

These are just some really minor dents I felt compelled to point out.

Firstly, personally I don't think the acronym "in my opinion" is altogether appropriate for a (semi)objective and (somewhat)formal biography. That's just me though.

The second thing to point out is the redundancy in "With their final album 'Western Culture' is the final HENRY COW release...".

Again, just some really minute details that the perfectionist in me couldn't bare to leave unfixed - especially for such a prolific band.

Sorry for being so obsessive of details. Embarrassed

Posted By: Atkingani
Date Posted: February 10 2008 at 19:58

The IMO made the bio somewhat personal, no? Smile

What if:

Their first album, "Legend" (read "Leg End"), is considered by many their most accessible, and makes a good starter.

Just an idea... Wink



Posted By: Shakespeare
Date Posted: February 10 2008 at 21:45
That's perfect. Smile

Posted By: T.Rox
Date Posted: February 11 2008 at 07:35
I have updated with:
HENRY COW's first album, "Legend" (read "Leg End"), is considered by many their most accessible, and makes a good starter.
...because the next sentence also started with "their" as was originally used here, too.
And I simply removed With their final album from the Western Culture reference.
Josh, Guigo, How does that sit with you both?

"Without prog, life would be a mistake."

...with apologies to Friedrich Nietzsche

Posted By: T.Rox
Date Posted: February 11 2008 at 07:38
Originally posted by Shakespeare Shakespeare wrote:

Sorry for being so obsessive of details. Embarrassed
And I forgot to mention that in this case "obsessive" is good! Tongue

"Without prog, life would be a mistake."

...with apologies to Friedrich Nietzsche

Posted By: Shakespeare
Date Posted: February 11 2008 at 19:52
Those changes are perfect. Thumbs%20Up

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