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Hey Folks

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Category: Site News, Newbies, Help and Improvements
Forum Name: Welcome newbies!
Forum Description: Introduce yourself and tell us what prog music you listen to
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Topic: Hey Folks
Posted By: Wowbagger
Subject: Hey Folks
Date Posted: February 09 2008 at 04:27
I'm not going to do some huge drawn out introduction because of how late it is, but anyways, here goes:

I started my prog journey with Tull and Floyd, but got seriously into it after discovering Dream Theater about two years back. A few months ago I found this site, and I finally found the balls to sign up. My knowledge is pretty limited right now, but I've been going through the recommended albums/bands lists on this site to try and find some new stuff. My favorite bands at the moment are the aforementioned three, Liquid Tension Experiment, Rush, Pain of Salvation (I've only heard Be, Perfect Element, and Remedy Lane, but I absolutely head over heels love this band), Riverside, Marillion (kinda, still trying to get into it, but I can tell that there is alot to like), Symphony X, Kamelot, Devin Townsend's stuff, Unexpect (only heard "In a Flesh Aquarium" but I really like the sound), Tool, Queensryche, and I'm kinda liking King Crimson (I only have In the Court of the Crimson King, so I don't know much about their sound after that). If anyone has some recommendations, I would really love to hear them, as I am always looking to expand. That being said, I have two exceptions to bands that most likely come to mind when people see all the metal on my list:

1. I can't listen to Opeth. I just can't. I love every part of that band but the vocals. I have enormous respect for Mikael, but I just can't sit down and get into the music.
2. Ayreon. I'm trying, I really am, but the music comes off as way too pompous in many sections, and too dull in others. I'll keep trying to get into it though.

Anyways, if anyone has any input, I would really appreciate it!



Posted By: Evans
Date Posted: February 09 2008 at 05:57
Too bad about Opeth, hope you can overcome the growlophobia some day. :) Or maybe you could try "Damnation", that's what most people recommend, because it is growl-free and acoustic.

Anyway, you could try Mastodon, they are a pretty good metal band, but the vocals might not be to your taste.. they're nothing like opeth, but a little screamy, maybe..

Plus, i'm going to take your mind off metal for a while and say that you listen to Van Der Graaf Generator. Try the album "Still Life", there is a sample track from it featured on the band's page here on PA.

Welcome to the forums!
Don't be a stranger.


'Let's give it another fifteen seconds..'

Posted By: Wowbagger
Date Posted: February 09 2008 at 13:50
I've actually kinda enjoyed the bits of Mastodon that I've heard, so I think I will try and pick up Leviathan. Damnation is also something I will add to my "to buy" list. Finally, as for Van Der Graaf Generator, I have to be honest and say that I don't have a clue what they sound like, so I will try and look into them. Thanks for the welcome and the recommendations.  

Posted By: Wowbagger
Date Posted: February 10 2008 at 15:17
Well, I've picked up Damnation and Blood Mountain. Damnation is superb! I love it! Very different side of Opeth, and the clean vocals are great. Blood pretty good. I can't say I'm a huge fan of Mastodon yet, but I'm getting there. The other band that I'm really liking as of late is Hawkwind. They seem to be a good mix of psychedlicish atmospheric stuff and solid rock. I'm still hunting for some Van Der Graaf Generator, but when I get it, I will let you know what I think. 

Posted By: Evans
Date Posted: February 10 2008 at 15:30
Well, that's good then, Damnation is a good album. Very atmospheric. Steven Wilson of Pocrupine Tree produced it, and it's predecessor, "Blackwater Park". You DO know Porcupine Tree, don't you? In case you don't, i'd point you straight towards "Deadwing", because it is the heaviest one. At least that's what people tell me, i haven't heard the latest :) Especially "Arriving somewhere but not here" is a perfect mix of spacey, out-there atmospheric music and heavy metal riffs.

Van Der Graaf Generator are a very interesting band, i had no idea what they sounded like either before my first album, needless to say i was pretty shocked. Liked it though, the existential lyrics and dense soundscapes.

Hawkwind is a pretty interesting band. Is it Space Ritual you've heard? Love that album!


'Let's give it another fifteen seconds..'

Posted By: Wowbagger
Date Posted: February 10 2008 at 15:53
I do know about Porcupine Tree, but I only have Fear of a Blank Planet, and I really like it. I keep hearing about Deadwing, In Absentina, and The Sky Moves Sideways, so I plan to pick up all of those soon.

The Hawkwind album that I have is Warrior on the Edge of Time because it was the highest on the recommendation list. If I still like it in a few days, I will pick up Space Ritual.

This month's music purchases are really breaking the bank for me! I got Shadow Gallery's Tyranny today, and I like the sound. Very Dream Theaterish, but with some very interesting lyrical qualities that distinguish it from all of the DT clones I've been hearing lately.

Posted By: Evans
Date Posted: February 10 2008 at 16:08
I have never head Warrior on the edge of time, i keep looking for it every record store i am in, though. Strange that i never find it, it drives me mental.

Shadow gallery is a band i haven't heard. Actually, i'm not much into prog metal. I like it, of course (actually, i love it) but i just haven't gotten so far in yet, and i have a broad taste, so it takes me a while to get around to it all. :)

Have you tried any post-rock at all? It is a very popular genre here, with some really great bands, if you're into that stuff. "That stuff" usually means simpler, slower, more atmospheric soundscapes, but there is something called "post-metal" as well, which is more like Tool and Devin Townsend. At least that's what i've heard, i'm not really the guy for that, but there is some good and heavy stuff there you might want to check out.

I know it is easy to be overwhelmed by recommendations, everyone tries to give his best advice and you end up with an enormous shoppinglist, but... well. :) At least you have a place to start..


'Let's give it another fifteen seconds..'

Posted By: Wowbagger
Date Posted: February 10 2008 at 16:24
I will try and look into post rock and post metal. I actually got Lateralus when it first came out in 2001 or whatever, had no clue what I was listening to, and hated it. About a year ago, I got it out again and really loved it, but I have yet to pick up Aenima. I really liked Ziltoid the Omnicient, and I've been pretty happy with what I've heard from Strapping Young Lad, although I guess that would fall more in the Industrial Metal section.

Really, thanks for all the recommendations, I love finding new bands and exploring new music, and every time I visit this site, there are always like four new bands I tell myself to check out. 

Posted By: Evans
Date Posted: February 10 2008 at 16:43
I know, i remember how it was! :)
Actually, for most people, it never stops, they just go deeper and deeper, but i found that i didn't have the money and time to listen to so much new music every day, so i have slowed down on that area a bit now.

Lateralis was my first metal album. Love at first sight, and it totally ruined me. I even like Dragonforce now, and i used to be so picky with what i listened to! : )


'Let's give it another fifteen seconds..'

Posted By: Wowbagger
Date Posted: February 10 2008 at 17:09
I'm a bit elitist when it comes to power metal, so it would be best to not say "Dragonforce" around me ;) On a non-prog note, do you like any other power metal? My current favorites are Kamelot, Symphony X, Iced Earth, Nightfall in Middle Earth and previous Blind Guardian, Demons and Wizards, some Hammerfall, and Children of Bodom.

Posted By: Evans
Date Posted: February 10 2008 at 18:01
Well, since i used to be so EXTREMELY reserved towards power-metal, i have only gotten around to hearing Nightfall in middle earth by BG and Wishmaster by Nightwish. Former is good, some really good songs (i especially like Mirror Mirror), latter is okay, i guess.
You're welcome to recommend something if you have any personal favourites, i want it to bee really dorky and melodic, the complete opposite of Tool, you might say. :) I believe in variation, see..


'Let's give it another fifteen seconds..'

Posted By: Wowbagger
Date Posted: February 10 2008 at 18:42
I would recommend the following:

Iced Earth - Horror Show
Rhapsody -Symphony of Enchanted Lands pts 1 and 2 (if you really, really like cheese)
Children of Bodom - Anything (just get ready, the vocalist is very non-traditional for power metal)
Symphony X - Anything, I'm sure you know about them, though
Kamelot - Also another one I'm sure you know, but I think their most power metal influenced album is Karma
Blind Guardian - Somewhere Far Beyond
Nightwish - Once (if you like Nightwish, which I really don't)
Hammerfall - Anything

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: February 10 2008 at 18:48
you, judged by your tastes... probably woudn't dig my suggestions... but welcome to the  forum. Clap

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: Evans
Date Posted: February 10 2008 at 18:49
I remember when the swedish women's curling team wond the world championship in... curling, i suppose, and then hammerfall made a super-dorky music video with them, with the girls running aroung with their brooms miming to "hearts on fire" or something like that. That was kinda.. weird. I used to hate that song, it was played nonstop all through "junior high" (or whatever is the international version of högstadium..).

Doesn't Children of Bodom feature a bit of growling, though? Or is that Dimmu borgir, i can never separate them..


'Let's give it another fifteen seconds..'

Posted By: Wowbagger
Date Posted: February 10 2008 at 19:11
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

you, judged by your tastes... probably woudn't dig my suggestions... but welcome to the  forum. Clap

Eh, actually,  I'm pretty open to anything. Fire some suggestions at me and I'm pretty sure I will find something I like. I've had a pretty eccentric musical past spanning most genres, for instance, from the age of 1 to 9, I listened exclusively to Jazz fusion.

@Evans: Children of Bodom is closer to screaming than growling. Dimmu Borgir I can't comment much on, as from what I've heard, I hate them. That being said, their vocalist is a growler, both high and low pitch.

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: February 10 2008 at 19:16
Originally posted by Wowbagger Wowbagger wrote:

Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

you, judged by your tastes... probably woudn't dig my suggestions... but welcome to the  forum. Clap

Eh, actually,  I'm pretty open to anything. Fire some suggestions at me and I'm pretty sure I will find something I like. I've had a pretty eccentric musical past spanning most genres, for instance, from the age of 1 to 9, I listened exclusively to Jazz fusion.

@Evans: Children of Bodom is closer to screaming than growling. Dimmu Borgir I can't comment much on, as from what I've heard, I hate them. That being said, their vocalist is a growler, both high and low pitch.

excellent....  bear with me.. about the head out to stuff my face.. .I'll toss some stuff your way.. see what you think.

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: February 10 2008 at 21:46
haven't forgotten about you Taylor.. .working up some stuff for you..... if I don't finish tonight I will this week.

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: Wowbagger
Date Posted: February 10 2008 at 21:56
Sure, thanks alot for your time and whatnot. I don't know much about Art Rock and Italian Prog, which, from the looks of it, are your favorites, so anything you send my way should be a new experience. 

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: February 10 2008 at 21:57
hopefully you'll dig it... I've got a good track record tor conversions LOLWink

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: moreitsythanyou
Date Posted: February 10 2008 at 22:29
Although I'm sure you've heard of them but you'd probably want to give The Mars Volta a try. Another band that you would like is Arena, try Contagion by them.
As for prog metal, try Redemption, Nightingale, and my favorite, Sieges Even

<font color=white>butts, lol[/COLOR]

Posted By: Wowbagger
Date Posted: February 10 2008 at 22:53
Sieges Even and Arena are on my "to try" list when I can get a hold of them. Never heard of redemption or nightengale, but I will look into them. I own De-Loused by The Mars Volta, but I have yet to really give it a good listen.

A band I've always heard alot about but never been able to really like from 30 second samples is Radiohead. What album would you recommend as a good starting point for them?


Posted By: moreitsythanyou
Date Posted: February 10 2008 at 22:59
The best album for any beginner would be OK Computer, with In Rainbows being a close second. My personal favorite is Amnesiac but it's probably their most inaccessible. Listen to OK Computer or In Rainbows first and expand from there.

<font color=white>butts, lol[/COLOR]

Posted By: Evans
Date Posted: February 11 2008 at 08:55
De-loused in the Comatorium is a great album, and i love OK Computer as well. It's very moody.


'Let's give it another fifteen seconds..'

Posted By: Wowbagger
Date Posted: February 11 2008 at 13:10
Well, I got OK Computer, and I must say its pretty depressing, but in a good way. I'm gonna start looking into their other releases as well. 

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: February 13 2008 at 22:04
^ great album. Depressing? Perhaps...prog isn't  all about dancing flowers  and hippy drippy lyrical meanderings.  LOL

Anyhow.... as far as my promise to you.  Check this out...  see what you think.  If the link doesn't work for you let me know.  A nice introduction to something that may change your outlook.. and priorities in prog. It can be an addiction.

Radio shows in MP3

"Who Do You Think You Are?"

Rare and cult songs from 70s, 80s and beyond, prog and psych rock, world, ethnic, punk, new wave, avantgarde, ambient, electro, funk, jazz, reggae. Every week a selection of music connected by genre, historical period and/or place of origin, and a non-musical theme that blends in with the music. Anything ranging from the end of creativity in the postmodern era to the connections between art and politics. Turn on, tune in, drop out.

The theme... Utopia and Rock Progressivo Italiano.. -

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: Wowbagger
Date Posted: February 14 2008 at 02:04
Thanks alot Micky, so far I hear some pretty interesting stuff. Gonna listen a bit more in the morning. 

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: February 14 2008 at 06:42
I'm pleased you liked it.... there really is a lot of interesting stuff...  you got a smattering of the BIG groups from Italy...  but to be honest... the real gems are the lesser known stuff...  it can be a real addiction.   If you haven't already... go to this page.. and just check out all the samples. -

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: Wowbagger
Date Posted: February 15 2008 at 02:37
I'm not sure if I'm hearing the radio person right or not, but it sounds like the stuff I liked the most was by Premiata Forneria Marconi, but I'm having trouble finding any of their CDs available via any form of digital distribution and none of my local record places had any of the stuff on the top 20 list in stock. Any recommendations as to how I could get it locally, or am I just going to have to resign myself to waiting for shipping?

Oh, I've really been enjoying Godspeed You! Black Emperor's Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas To Heaven. Anyone got any similar bands that I might enjoy?

EDIT: Oh, Evans, I bought H to the He Who Am the Only One by Van Der Graaf Generator and I'm having a blast listening to it. Very different kind of music, just enough upbeat tempo stuff to keep me happy and just enough crazy sounds to flip on my brain. Thanks for the recommendation. 

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: February 15 2008 at 06:31
Originally posted by Wowbagger Wowbagger wrote:

I'm not sure if I'm hearing the radio person right or not, but it sounds like the stuff I liked the most was by Premiata Forneria Marconi, but I'm having trouble finding any of their CDs available via any form of digital distribution and none of my local record places had any of the stuff on the top 20 list in stock. Any recommendations as to how I could get it locally, or am I just going to have to resign myself to waiting for shipping?

where do you live?

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: Evans
Date Posted: February 15 2008 at 10:33
Originally posted by Wowbagger Wowbagger wrote:

I'm not sure if I'm hearing the radio person right or not, but it sounds like the stuff I liked the most was by Premiata Forneria Marconi, but I'm having trouble finding any of their CDs available via any form of digital distribution and none of my local record places had any of the stuff on the top 20 list in stock. Any recommendations as to how I could get it locally, or am I just going to have to resign myself to waiting for shipping?

Oh, I've really been enjoying Godspeed You! Black Emperor's Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas To Heaven. Anyone got any similar bands that I might enjoy?

EDIT: Oh, Evans, I bought H to the He Who Am the Only One by Van Der Graaf Generator and I'm having a blast listening to it. Very different kind of music, just enough upbeat tempo stuff to keep me happy and just enough crazy sounds to flip on my brain. Thanks for the recommendation. 
H to He is the one "classic" VDGG album i haven't heard, but i imagine a cross between Pawn Hearts and "the least we can do..". Great band, you won't be disappointed by the rest of their albums either, but Pawn Hearts is a bit more avant-garde and strange than the other ones.

Skinny Fists ia masterpiece, there are tons of good post-rock bands, depending on what specifically you liked about the album. My latest discovery is Bark Psychosis, but they're much earlier post-rock, not so much bombastic, more thoughtful and slow, with vocals.

"A silver mt. zion" has the dark mood of Godspeed, but overall, i think Godspeed is pretty much the best band out there. Be sure to not miss their debut either, "F#A#oo"


'Let's give it another fifteen seconds..'

Posted By: Wowbagger
Date Posted: February 16 2008 at 04:49
@Micky Redding California, USA. About two and a half hours south of the Oregon border. 

Oh, Evans, I'm gonna try and pick up F#A#oo. I really liked the structure and the classical routes of Skinny Fists.

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: February 16 2008 at 08:38
Originally posted by Wowbagger Wowbagger wrote:

@Micky Redding California, USA. About two and a half hours south of the Oregon border. 

Oh, Evans, I'm gonna try and pick up F#A#oo. I really liked the structure and the classical routes of Skinny Fists.

beautiful area.. I grew up in Oregon.  Your best bet are the online prog dealers.. however if you find a good mom and pop place.. they can and will special order stuff for you.  Got many albums that way from a place where I used to live. Not any more expensive.. just not as convenient as online dealers.

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

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