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I’m Off

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Topic: I’m Off
Posted By: Reed Lover
Subject: I’m Off
Date Posted: March 21 2005 at 14:54

Out for a pint or 10....anyone care to join me?LOL

I will desperately try to avoid posting when I return home later..............I dont suppose I could apologise in advance?Embarrassed


Posted By: James Lee
Date Posted: March 21 2005 at 15:28

There's something fishy going on here...

first I see the title of the thread and wonder why Reed has decided to leave the forum.

then I read the post and wonder why he's drinking heavily on a Monday ("sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays")

now I'm mystified why he feels like he needs to apologize in advance (i.e., when he hasn't done anything yet...and given the fact that his past apologies haven't always been succesful anyway).

So everyone be ready for anything.


Posted By: Syzygy
Date Posted: March 21 2005 at 15:42

Eh Reedy mate...lemme tell ya somethin're me best mate you are...I know I've had a few but I really mean it...your sound mate, you're sorted, top banana...come waht I mean is you're me best mate right? matter what them others say, I think you're sound...

for a Manc I mean...

'Like so many of you
I've got my doubts about how much to contribute
to the already rich among us...'

Robert Wyatt, Gloria Gloom

Posted By: Velvetclown
Date Posted: March 21 2005 at 16:19
Bilden “” kan inte visas, då den innehåller fel.

Billy Connolly
Dream Theater
Terry Gilliam
Hagen Quartet
Jethro Tull
Mike Keneally

Posted By: Prog_Bassist
Date Posted: March 21 2005 at 17:01
Hell, I'm dringsdking rigtsy now.

aadn im not rvne even lwgal. hjeheh

-------------" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: tuxon
Date Posted: March 21 2005 at 17:09

I will follow now, got nothing better to do anyway,


I will not apologies for my conduct on later arrival, i'm fully responsibel for all things I write in an hour or three


Goodbye, and have one yourself.......Cheers

I'm always almost unlucky _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Id5ZcnjXSZaSMFMC Id5LM2q2jfqz3YxT

Posted By: mirco
Date Posted: March 21 2005 at 17:30

My country must be the nation with more official holidays: this week is holiday for many people (not including me, sob!) 'cause the passion of the christ. So many venezuelans have had their pints early in this monday morning. Any chances Reed is venezuelan?

Please forgive me for my crappy english!

Posted By: gdub411
Date Posted: March 21 2005 at 17:44

Originally posted by Velvetclown Velvetclown wrote:

Bilden “” kan inte visas, då den innehåller fel.


Posted By: Fragile
Date Posted: March 21 2005 at 18:21
Reedy, I'd love to join you,you lucky devil! out on a monday night you are a man after my own heart enjoy

Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: March 21 2005 at 18:29
Originally posted by James Lee James Lee wrote:

There's something fishy going on here...

first I see the title of the thread and wonder why Reed has decided to leave the forum.

then I read the post and wonder why he's drinking heavily on a Monday ("sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays")

now I'm mystified why he feels like he needs to apologize in advance (i.e., when he hasn't done anything yet...and given the fact that his past apologies haven't always been succesful anyway).

So everyone be ready for anything.

Wadsup wiv my apologis lee?

soavadacupple whasyerproblem wannafeightorsummfin?


Posted By: James Lee
Date Posted: March 21 2005 at 18:36
Is this surly drunk or luvvy drunk?


Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: March 21 2005 at 18:42

Originally posted by James Lee James Lee wrote:

Is this surly drunk or luvvy drunk?

its me talkin here!

I only do surly drunk....................................

yougorra problemwiv that?

Actually I'm not that bad but my ability to type or even think in any kind of vaguely constructive manner has been seriously retarded by the cup of coffee I just downed for the express purpose og posting this meesage here,

James,I sincerely hoppe you have not spent the last 4 hrs awating my return!Wink

I mena how could i possibly be any worse after a few pints than when I am sober?LOL


Posted By: James Lee
Date Posted: March 21 2005 at 18:52

Today's no different than any other day; I'm always eagerly glued to my PC awaiting your latest pearls of wisdom. Isn't this the Reed Lover Archives?

You're only a successful multitasker if you can fool people into thinking your attention is focused...especially the boss. 



Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: March 22 2005 at 03:08
Originally posted by Reed Lover Reed Lover wrote:

Out for a pint or 10....anyone care to join me?LOL

I will desperately try to avoid posting when I return home later..............I dont suppose I could apologise in advance?Embarrassed

Do they serve good pints in Sao Tome and Principe?

 I hope no Guiness, not suited for tropical weather.

Apologize three days later, that's what I did!!

let's just stay above the moral melee
prefer the sink to the gutter
keep our sand-castle virtues
content to be a doer
as well as a thinker,
prefer lifting our pen
rather than un-sheath our sword

Posted By: Radioactive Toy
Date Posted: March 22 2005 at 03:48

I'm off too.. going to lunch with you know who


Reed's failed joke counter:
R.I.P. You could have reached infinity....

Posted By: Velvetclown
Date Posted: March 22 2005 at 05:24
Ohh thaaat R'unorian Brandy,
I tell ya it'll kill ye!
From the Isles of wretched R'unor

Made o' most poisonous berries
It be tasted by the highest of masters.
Only masters cause they 'aven't diiiii-ed

Ohh that R'unorian Brandy
It'll kill ya I tell ye!
From the Isles of that enchanting R'uno-or

If it dunt kill the masters
It still not be safe!
As the alcho-holic content
S'enough to burn holes through your lii-ver!

Ohh thaat R'unorian Brandy
It's a bad one I tell ye
From the Isles of blackest R'uno-or

As much as I hate it
I can't help but love it
As it burns all me troubles awa-ay

Ohh that R'unorian Brandy
It's delightedly handy
From the Isles of dear sweet R'uno-or

This addicting sweet liquor
Makes me enevit'bly thicker
'N' so I keep askin' for mo-ore

Ohh Thaaat Ruin-n-Desolation
It fills me with elation!
From the Isles of Oddest R'unor!

Billy Connolly
Dream Theater
Terry Gilliam
Hagen Quartet
Jethro Tull
Mike Keneally

Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: March 22 2005 at 08:31
Originally posted by Sean Trane Sean Trane wrote:

Originally posted by Reed Lover Reed Lover wrote:

Out for a pint or 10....anyone care to join me?LOL

I will desperately try to avoid posting when I return home later..............I dont suppose I could apologise in advance?Embarrassed

Do they serve good pints in Sao Tome and Principe?

 I hope no Guiness, not suited for tropical weather.

Apologize three days later, that's what I did!!

Did I really say that to Turd Impression/Karnevil9 ?

Paraphrasing Churchill to boot...

I really must get pissed more often!Wink


Posted By: Captain Fudge
Date Posted: March 22 2005 at 10:06



Teenage sucks hard -- Emo sucks even harder
Epic. Simply epic.

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