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Help with something on fruity loops 4!!

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Topic: Help with something on fruity loops 4!!
Posted By: Prog_Bassist
Subject: Help with something on fruity loops 4!!
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 16:06
Hey, I didn't know what forum to put this in, so move it please if it doesn't belong here.

I'm composing songs in fruity loops 4, and I've figured most of it out, except for one problem.

When I make a new channel, it plays at the same time as the channel that was already there, but I don't want that to happen, I want the guitar part and the synth part seperate, so I can place them where ever I want seperately. How do I get a channel to be seperate from the other channel?

I can't find this in the help menu, so pllleeeaaasseee someone help me if you know!!

And if you don't understand the question, tell me, cuz I had a hard time thinking of how to explain it.


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Posted By: bluetailfly
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 16:13
I really want to help you, but the truth is, I have no idea what you're talking about.

Posted By: Prog_Bassist
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 16:33
Well you see,

There's one channel that I start off with right, and it's the guitar part, now, I have that done, but now, I want to make a keyboard intro to the song. So, I make another channel for the keyboard part, and I make the keyboard thingy that I want on that new channel.

Now, When I put channel one down on the sampler board (the thing where you place all the parts you made onto) and play it, the guitar and the keyboard both play at the same time, and I didnt even put the keyboard channel down yet. I just want it to play the guitar, and then put the keyboard part down at a different time.

How do I make seperate Channels? That don't play at the same time as the other channels?

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Posted By: Certif1ed
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 16:36


Try this forum... -

Posted By: Harlequin
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 16:46

Doesnt floops have a sequencer (step editor) that allows you to place the loop at the right part  in the song? So long since I used it so cant remember. You may have more luck in the FL forums or at - .


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Posted By: Soulman
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 16:54
Stop using irrelevant programs. Get Reason!

Posted By: Prog_Bassist
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 17:17
Originally posted by Harlequin Harlequin wrote:

Doesnt floops have a sequencer (step editor) that allows you to place the loop at the right part  in the song? So long since I used it so cant remember. You may have more luck in the FL forums or at - .


Yeah, the step sequencer is the thing, I still can't put channels wherever I want. See, the channels still all play at the same time when I put a channel down on a step sequencer.

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Posted By: Harlequin
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 17:24

not sure i understand. surely the channels will all play at the same time?

can you mail a screen shot of what you are trying to do?

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Posted By: Prog_Bassist
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 18:09
Mabye so.... I will in a little while then I guess.

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Posted By: Harlequin
Date Posted: March 24 2005 at 14:13

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