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Erotic Cover Art

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Topic: Erotic Cover Art
Posted By: Harlequin
Subject: Erotic Cover Art
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 09:36

Having reached the heady heights of Groupie in this forum Its about time I posted my first thread. And speaking of Groupies......I bought the Greasy Truckers Live at Dingwalls album last week which has a very erotic cover.

It started me thinking of other such covers in my prog collection. Those that came to mind are:

Yes :: Time and a Word


and Yesterdays

Pink Floyd:: the inner sleeve from WYWH


I know Roxy Music have some sexy album art but not sure where they fit in the prog collection.


Any other such album covers you can think of?

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Posted By: AngelRat
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 09:45


Posted By: gabbel ratchett
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 12:26
How about the front cover of "Artifacts Of Passion" by St. Elmo's Fire or "Bump & Grind" by Jackson Heights.

Posted By: Passionist
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 12:49
In my opinion? I find an erotic message in Caravan's "For girls who grow plump in the night"... A great album by the way

Posted By: Radioactive Toy
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 12:53

not really that erotic.. but you'll get the point!


Reed's failed joke counter:
R.I.P. You could have reached infinity....

Posted By: Gentle Ronnie
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 14:12

Don't forget Roger Waters' solo album - The Pros and Cons of Hitch-Hiking. It has a naked girl on the cover.

Posted By: plodder
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 14:17
Be-Bop Deluxe.

Sunburst Finish

Posted By: frenchie
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 14:36
guns n roses - appetite for destruction (original cover)

dwarves - blood, guts and pussy

blind faith

manic street preachers - lifeblood (thats actually a nude woman covered in blood)

manics again - the holy bible

pink floyd - a nice pair

pink floyd - shine on

roxy music - country life

biffy clyro - the vertigo of bliss

The Worthless Recluse

Posted By: Cygnus X-2
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 14:59

I think you're all forgetting one album cover:



Posted By: nacho
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 15:16

This was considered pornographic in some USA States (I reserve my opinion though):

But my favourites come from outside the prog world:

And this is a real classic:

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 15:20

Posted By: alan_pfeifer
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 15:31

The cover of Jane's Addiction's 1st album, Nothing's Shocking (cuz what's exier than naked flaming siamese twins?

Posted By: Syzygy
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 16:13
Originally posted by Gentle Ronnie Gentle Ronnie wrote:

Don't forget Roger Waters' solo album - The Pros and Cons of Hitch-Hiking. It has a naked girl on the cover.

Apparently the girl in question is Linzi Drew, top bongo mag model in the early 1980s (so I'm told, never actually seen such smut myself you understand). She's now married to w*nk channel favourite Ben Dover, or so I'm told.

Incidentally, if you ever come across a copy of Greasy Truckers live at Dingwalls with the initials CG on the label of disc 1 it was mine, nicked along with 450 other mostly irreplaceable albums about 15 years ago.

'Like so many of you
I've got my doubts about how much to contribute
to the already rich among us...'

Robert Wyatt, Gloria Gloom

Posted By: Prog_Bassist
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 16:20
Toiling in the Reeperbahn">

-------------" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: James Lee
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 17:29


Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 17:31
Originally posted by James Lee James Lee wrote:

James is there something you'd like to reveal to the group?Shocked



Posted By: James Lee
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 17:35


Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 17:42

Oh,now I see!Embarrassed

Childish post of the week and It's only Sunday!LOL



Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 17:52


Posted By: James Lee
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 17:53
LOL, this thread should have a warning label for's loading pretty slow for me and I have broadband.


Posted By: Harlequin
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 17:57

yep. generating a lot of support thanks.

anyone have a link to the WYWH inner sleeve photograph?

Information is not knowledge
Knowledge is not wisdom
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Truth is not beauty
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Music is the best...

Posted By: nacho
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 18:00

Some more:

I found a gold mine with this band. Anyway, let's not forget that for some members of the forum the real turn on comes with this:

Whilst others (few) will really appreciate this one:

OMG, what have I done? Did I start another one of those??? NO, PLEASE!!! -

Posted By: James Lee
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 18:02

unsurprisingly, one of my favorite "cover artists":


Posted By: Alucard
Date Posted: March 21 2005 at 04:36">

Posted By: Pixel Pirate
Date Posted: March 21 2005 at 06:18

A lot of the time what is called erotic is simply a picture of a naked woman. Pictures of naked women are seldom erotic,they are just pictures of naked women. The naked human body is not in itself erotic,it needs to be put into an erotic context to become erotic. I remember my friends drooling over the cover for "Pros And Cons...",I think that was the first time it started to dawn on me that most men are idiots. I was ashamed to be associated with such primitive lifeforms that has all their intellectual faculties put on hold simply by the photographic rendering of a naked woman's back. She doesn't do anything even remotely interesting,and certainly nothing erotic,she's just standing there for god's sake! I realised that if that was all it took to titilate the male of the species,then they were a sorry lot indeed. The most erotic photos are the ones where the woman doesn't show any flesh at all,or only a tiny amount. The more clothes she sheds,the more boring and less erotic it becomes. A pair of covered breasts will always be more erotic than a pair of completely exposed ones,the former is eroticism,the latter pornography. I'm perfectly aware that we are talking about a genetic imperative here,but we have had,for want of a better word,civilization for 5000 years and that should also carry some weight.

And the cover for the Scorpions album "Animal Magnetism" is disgusting and an insult to women everywhere. 

Odi profanum vulgus et arceo.

Posted By: nacho
Date Posted: March 21 2005 at 06:54

Pixel Pirate:

I agree with you in some of your statements, specially those differentiating nakedness and erotism. I however can't see why you have to fight your genetic-driven interest for female naked bodies. Of course you don't jump on the first exposed skin you find around, as our hominid ancestors would. And just a couple of things:

Originally posted by Pixel Pirate Pixel Pirate wrote:

A pair of covered breasts will always be more erotic than a pair of completely exposed ones,the former is eroticism,the latter pornography.

Are you sure you are Norwegian? Do you really consider a pair of exposed breasts as pornography? C'mon! They are only breasts! So you think you can see lots of pornography in beaches these days?

Originally posted by Pixel Pirate Pixel Pirate wrote:

And the cover for the Scorpions album "Animal Magnetism" is disgusting and an insult to women everywhere. 

I beg to differ. I guess then you consider, for identical reasons, disgusting and an insult to men everywhere the cover for "Bad for Good, The Best of Scorpions". Anyway, if any of the women in the forum consider that they are offended by that, please state it here and I'll gladly edit my post, remove that cover and present my sincere apologies...

Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: March 21 2005 at 07:20
All three Flash covers but the original Electric Ladyland cover (banned) and the original Virgin Killer from Scorpions (also banned)

let's just stay above the moral melee
prefer the sink to the gutter
keep our sand-castle virtues
content to be a doer
as well as a thinker,
prefer lifting our pen
rather than un-sheath our sword

Posted By: Fitzcarraldo
Date Posted: March 21 2005 at 07:30
Originally posted by Pixel Pirate Pixel Pirate wrote:

A lot of the time what is called erotic is simply a picture of a naked woman. Pictures of naked women are seldom erotic,they are just pictures of naked women. The naked human body is not in itself erotic,it needs to be put into an erotic context to become erotic. I remember my friends drooling over the cover for "Pros And Cons...",I think that was the first time it started to dawn on me that most men are idiots. I was ashamed to be associated with such primitive lifeforms that has all their intellectual faculties put on hold simply by the photographic rendering of a naked woman's back. She doesn't do anything even remotely interesting,and certainly nothing erotic,she's just standing there for god's sake! I realised that if that was all it took to titilate the male of the species,then they were a sorry lot indeed. The most erotic photos are the ones where the woman doesn't show any flesh at all,or only a tiny amount. The more clothes she sheds,the more boring and less erotic it becomes. A pair of covered breasts will always be more erotic than a pair of completely exposed ones,the former is eroticism,the latter pornography. I'm perfectly aware that we are talking about a genetic imperative here,but we have had,for want of a better word,civilization for 5000 years and that should also carry some weight.

And the cover for the Scorpions album "Animal Magnetism" is disgusting and an insult to women everywhere. 

I agree with you. The more subtle, the more erotic. I dislike the "Animal Magnetism" cover but I find the "Lovedrive" cover even more distasteful.


Posted By: Pixel Pirate
Date Posted: March 21 2005 at 07:41
Originally posted by nacho nacho wrote:

Pixel Pirate:

I agree with you in some of your statements, specially those differentiating nakedness and erotism. I however can't see why you have to fight your genetic-driven interest for female naked bodies. Of course you don't jump on the first exposed skin you find around, as our hominid ancestors would. And just a couple of things:

Originally posted by Pixel Pirate Pixel Pirate wrote:

A pair of covered breasts will always be more erotic than a pair of completely exposed ones,the former is eroticism,the latter pornography.

Are you sure you are Norwegian? Do you really consider a pair of exposed breasts as pornography? C'mon! They are only breasts! So you think you can see lots of pornography in beaches these days?

Originally posted by Pixel Pirate Pixel Pirate wrote:

And the cover for the Scorpions album "Animal Magnetism" is disgusting and an insult to women everywhere. 

I beg to differ. I guess then you consider, for identical reasons, disgusting and an insult to men everywhere the cover for "Bad for Good, The Best of Scorpions". Anyway, if any of the women in the forum consider that they are offended by that, please state it here and I'll gladly edit my post, remove that cover and present my sincere apologies...

No,I'm not actually Norwegian,I'm from the planet Zippotron. I'm not really,it only feels that way. No,of course I don't mean that naked breasts are porn in real life (but it is rather vulgar,though!),I meant in photographs.

Odi profanum vulgus et arceo.

Posted By: Pixel Pirate
Date Posted: March 21 2005 at 07:50

And I'm not a prude (just to clear that up!),I just have a problem with all the vulgarity in the world,plenty of examples of which are to be found in this thread.


Odi profanum vulgus et arceo.

Posted By: Radioactive Toy
Date Posted: March 21 2005 at 11:58

Originally posted by threefates threefates wrote:

shoot me..


Reed's failed joke counter:
R.I.P. You could have reached infinity....

Posted By: nacho
Date Posted: March 21 2005 at 12:19
Originally posted by Pixel Pirate Pixel Pirate wrote:

And I'm not a prude (just to clear that up!),I just have a problem with all the vulgarity in the world,plenty of examples of which are to be found in this thread.


So I thought because of your signature. But please note that:

Odi profanum vulgus: that's what you've said, sorry about your hate

Et arceo: that's what you are not doing...

But you know, vulgarity has always been among us:

OK, I'll better stop it here. Good luck with your batlle against vulgarity...


Posted By: Pixel Pirate
Date Posted: March 21 2005 at 13:22
Originally posted by nacho nacho wrote:

Originally posted by Pixel Pirate Pixel Pirate wrote:

And I'm not a prude (just to clear that up!),I just have a problem with all the vulgarity in the world,plenty of examples of which are to be found in this thread.


So I thought because of your signature. But please note that:

Odi profanum vulgus: that's what you've said, sorry about your hate

Et arceo: that's what you are not doing...

But you know, vulgarity has always been among us:

OK, I'll better stop it here. Good luck with your batlle against vulgarity...


The emperor Tiberius was very fond of porn so vulgarity has certainly been with us for some time,that's true enough. And I'm aware of the contradiction between my signature/motto and internet activity, but I have not been able to resolve it yet. Some day maybe...

Odi profanum vulgus et arceo.

Posted By: James Lee
Date Posted: March 21 2005 at 15:45

Just as erotic art is very seldom arousing, porn is seldom artistic.

We really are animals, you know...removing the baser instincts from the artistic realm contributes to the rarefied and artificial separation of "high art" from normal human existence. If there wasn't so much hypocrisy and shame attached to our social attitude towards sexuality, art itself might not be the segregated province of pretentious posers and upper-class dilettantes that it is today.

By the way:


Posted By: Cygnus X-2
Date Posted: March 22 2005 at 00:42

I don't see what's erotic about this, but I felt that it should be mentioned:

The Original...


Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: March 22 2005 at 01:32
Originally posted by Radioactive Toy Radioactive Toy wrote:

Originally posted by threefates threefates wrote:

shoot me..

Consider yourself shot!!


Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: March 22 2005 at 01:37

That is ELP... and so is this:


Posted By: James Lee
Date Posted: March 22 2005 at 04:41

why, that reminds me of:




Posted By: Alucard
Date Posted: March 22 2005 at 07:35

I love the record John Greaves: The Caretaker, not realy a good reproduction, it is a face drawn or tattoed.

BTW Pixel in most societies primary and secondary sex markers are Taboo and therefore erotically charged.A representation of a naked body is never just a "body". Now if it does not correspond to your esthetic values  that is another question.I hope you like this one nevertheless.


Posted By: Alucard
Date Posted: March 22 2005 at 07:42


Offensive Last Supper Ad Banned by Churches in France

Posted: Saturday, March 12 , 2005, 13:41 (GMT)


Offensive Last Supper Ad Banned by Churches in France
"The Last Supper" of Leonardo Da Vinci. (
Offensive Last Supper Ad Banned by Churches in France
Photo made available Friday March 11, 2005, by French fashion designer Marithe Francois Girbaud, shows the advertising poster inspired by 'the Last Supper' of Leonardo Da Vinci which was banned by the Paris court, Thursday March 10, 2005. (AP Photo/Brigitte Neidermair)

The Catholic Church in France has won a ruling in the Court yesterday to ban an "offensive" advertising poster, which is based on Leonardo da Vinci's famous painting of Christ's Last Supper. This is the second time the poster has been banned in Europe after the Italian city of Milan in February rejected to use it as a parody of a key event in Christian history.

The advertisement from the leading French fashion house, Marithe and Francois Girbaud, shows women in chic casual clothes seated at the table of the Last Supper in postures. To the right of the Christ figure in the poster, a woman embraces a shirtless man in jeans.

Reuters reported that an association called Beliefs and Freedoms, which was created by the French bishops' conference in 1996, complained against the poster. In a statement, it stated that the poster did "great injury to Catholics because it represents the Last Supper in denigrating conditions."

The representative lawyer of the Catholic association, Thierry Massis told the court the advertisement was deeply hurtful to Catholics.

"When you trivialise the founding acts of a religion, when you touch on sacred things, you create an unbearable moral violence which is a danger to our children. Tomorrow Christ on the cross will be selling socks," he said.

Judge Jean-Claude Magendie ruled yesterday that display of the ad posters in public was "a gratuitous and aggressive act of intrusion on people's innermost beliefs", quoted by the Australian newspaper.

"The offence done to Catholics far outweighs the desired commercial goal," he added, despite the fashion company arguing that the poster was just a photograph based on a painting, not on the bible and that caused no harm to Catholic religion.

Currently, the Paris Court have ordered the French fashion house to take down the posters within three days.

Da Vinci's famous painting - the Last Supper - depicts Christ's farewell to his disciples as recorded in the Gospel. In 1495, Leonardo Da Vinci began painting the Last Supper on the wall of the refectory (dining hall) of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan, Italy, and completed it in 1498. This church has now become a very famous tourist point.

Controversy over the clash between the increasingly secularised society and historical religious traditions was raised by the defence lawyer in the case. Reuters reported that the lawyer asked why the Church took legal action against the painting which is not designed to attack the Catholic faith at all, while doing nothing against the best-selling novel The Da Vinci Code by US author Dan Brown.

The international best-seller, argues against Christian teaching, and incorporates controversial and sensitive issues, such as that Jesus was married to his follower Mary Magdelene and that the Church had conspired for centuries to hide this.

In recent years, many similar cases of alleged blasphemy against religions were seen in Europe. The Australia newspaper cited that the Catholic Church reacted with anger to a poster for the film Amen by Constantin Costa-Gavras, which showed a cross whose branches turned into Nazi swastikas three years ago.

Posted By: James Lee
Date Posted: March 22 2005 at 14:04
I for one would never base my sock purchase on Jesus' recommendation. That's like buying shampoo from Kojak.


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